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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. We have so many level boosting items we get in the game, that it wouldn't be hard to make an 80 pretty quick. What is left after that? Soulbound items? They could sell an item that converts a soulbound to 'account bound on acquire; soulbound on use', and the fact that you have it makes it account bound (so you couldn't then sell the item). Then you could just make a new character and move all the soulbound items. You'd have to do the personal story again (if you wanted), but even if Anet made their own mechanism, I bet they'd just reset your story to 0 anyways.


    So really to pull it off, you would just need an item to convert soulbound items to 'account bound on acquire; soulbound on use', no?

  2. I've always thought of MMOs more of a service than a box game. I decide how much a month I'm willing to spend on my hobby, and try to stick to that as closely as I can. If this were to die, I'd move on to something else, and still be spending 'a certain amount of money a month on my hobby'. Whether I play one or two MMOs and buy things from their cash shop, or am the type of person that buys $60 games at a pace of 1-2/mo and play through them in 10-15 days, I'm still setting aside money for my hobby.


    I spent a lot of money on Marvel Heroes, for the first few years, and really had a good time playing it. Things started shifting at the end of those 2 years, and friends were getting anxious to move on to something else, and I was a bit sad to leave my heroes behind (especially Squirrel Girl, because honestly, like 'no' other game I can think of had a character that had attack squirrels...and the voice acting, costumes were a lot of fun), but I don't regret a dime I spent playing it. I had a really good time. 2 years later, out of nowhere (though I suppose that is subjective), poof. I feel super bad for people that spent on anything in the last 6 months, and definitely for all the console players, who were more or less just starting out, but I still didn't retroactively regret the money I spent of the time I had.


    While my current circumstances are such that I'm probably not a good person to comment on the idea of whether I would be sad if this game closed down in 6 months, I can put my 'way back' hat on and think about all the other MMOs I've played, spent money on, whether in subscription or cash shops, and I've never looked back with any personal regret. Usually sadness for anyone that was still really enjoying a product.


    Though, I watched 'The Circle' last night, with my dad, and I totally regret that. 2 hours I'll never see again.

  3. > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > Remove hearts, especially repeatable ones.


    > I'd say repeatable hearts are a positive. The issue is that AFTER you map completed a heart and unlocked the vendor it SHOULD STAY UNLOCKED!!


    I like being able to repeat them as well, but I'd maybe like to see a split on the store. A basic tab that has most things and a locked tab that has things like being able to buy a short stack of resources for the area. So take something like Lake Doric. Once I unlock a heart, I should always be able to buy, say, a miniature ghost cat that is for sale from that heart, but if I want the stack of jades I can buy each day, I should have to complete the heart to access that.

  4. I think it's a nice idea, to start adding increased difficulty tracks to existing JPs for better rewards, for people that enjoy more challenging jumping. I'm not one of them, I love jumping puzzles, just easy/moderate ones I can do. But, I like to be supportive of ideas people have to improve areas of the game that don't necessarily appeal to me. :)


    Just so long as they figure out a way to not let Mesmer's port for the better rewards.

  5. At the risk of being Commander Buzzkill, it would appear that you can complete the sunspear cache daily on one cache by starting to open and then interrupting yourself on a single cache. At least, it seems I got 2 of them accidentally that way this morning, when I landed on my bird and started to open a cache, then ran forward a bit, because I thought I was too far away and started again. By the time I got to my 2nd cache (in my usual 3 cache run), I had completed the daily, which seemed odd to me.

  6. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > At the very least the OP needs to be able to post.


    > Other than that, if a thread is past a certain date then i think it can be closed. If someone wants to answer an old question they can message the person.


    I don't know. I think 'date' is kinda arbitrary. Sometimes someone is genuinely finding a conversation and continuing it because on the other end of the spectrum, if you don't add your thoughts to something that already exists that is talking about the same thing, then you get berated for not searching. We can't win.


    Especially with things like bugs, where they might be reported and then month after month goes by, and there's still no fix for it. I wish they had a real bug tracker, or at least some acknowledgement that things like that have at least made some sort of bug report.


    I suppose a compromise would be if you have posts that are necro'd (based on some arbitrary time constraint) were flagged for review, and part of the moderators job would be to review those to see if they are just silly necros, at which point they can de-bump them by deleting the bump comment, positioning the main thread back to being based on the last real comment, or leave it, as it ads some sort of continued value to the discussion.

  7. > @"Embered.5089" said:

    > It's just how all events work. You get the full event reward once the event ends, not before. It's the same as all events across all of Tyria.


    I know that, but in the case of the races, and in particular the one in LW4.1, if it ends up being the last thing you need to do, you end up getting stuck waiting for the entire thing to finish. It would be nice, at least for races, if they gave you the event completion as soon as you were done. Especially since they have a clear trigger for something happening at that point (as you are given your daily reward when you cross the finish line).

  8. Why (horn) do (horn) I (horn)

    Have (horn) to (horn) wait (horn)

    'till (horn) the (horn) end (horn)

    of (horn) the (horn) song (horn)

    tooo get myyy re-ward? (over longer horns)


    (la la laaaaaa!)

    (la la laaaaaa!)

    (la la laaaaaa!)

    (la la laaaaaa!)

    (la laaaaaa laaaa laaaa!)




    Can we get it when we finish the race, when it triggers the daily reward (if it's a daily)? Or maybe change the way DE rewards work so it tracks them even if we left the map and/or switched characters?

  9. When I kill Cairn, it seems like 'maybe' he counts towards the Daily Lake Doric Bosses one in four times.


    Why is that? Clearly he (she?) is listed as one of the 3 bosses that counts? There was no failure on the greater event?


    It's really the only reason I participate, as I have a character there these days that works the dailies, and the Boss, if one happens to be up. If it is 'maybe' not going to count each time, why should I bother trying?

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