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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. **Roughly What I Got...**

    I used to buy $10/mo in gems. I think all the way up until I took a break when HoT came out (for 15 months, and then came back, and have really been enjoying my time since about a year ago and wish I hadn't taken that long break). Now, I just buy in $20 increments when I need something.


    I bought some character slot expansions originally, so I could have one of each class. I got about 1/3 of those characters a few extra bag spaces, the rest just 1 maybe? I have 4-5 bank expansions. I have all the shared spaces I can get.


    I got the home nodes set when they were on sale sometime in the past year. Wood, ore, cloth, gathering. I got the bulletin board thing. I got all the rest of the things you can earn in game as well, cats, other LW3-4 nodes and such.


    I have some outfits. Pirate, Jungle, Nature's Oath (Granola...I mean, it does sound like a cereal :p), Sunspear, Monk. I bought a 'lot' of town clothing back in the day, but exchanged it all for gems when they offered that service and got rid of town clothing. Town clothing was awesome. I bought back a town clothing and the khaki short clothing (even though I don't care for the shirt and boots they paired with it, it's livable for now) from the TP and converted them.


    I bought a few gliders. I bought 2 sets of 'everlasting gobstopper' tools (one normal, one for the LW3 currency). I got a few minis along the way. Got the new holiday mount pack.


    Bought a weapon skin or two.


    Oh, and bought some of the full armor sets! Some of those are awesome, and more importantly, there are three I can think of that if you take a piece of each, it makes a great medium armor set! :)


    I buy all the 0 price items! :#


    **What I Would/Wouldn't Get...**

    I don't buy gamble keys, and wouldn't. I'm happy with the rare drops and the free-one-a-week method.


    I'm very picky about outfits. I don't like things that are way too busy, and my character gets lost in them.



    I'd buy more shared slots for sure, there isn't enough.


    I wouldn't buy the gamble mounts. I'd like to buy individual mount skins that I like, and would rather not buy them in an entire pack (excluding things like holiday packs, which kinda make sense as a bundle, and especially offering them all for 1600, which I think is a good price).


    If they built a system of 'character idle animations' where you could activate/de-activate idle animations, bought back the old ones, and started adding new ones that you could buy in the shop, I'd buy them.


    I'd buy new emotes.


    I'd buy armor sets, especially if they had pieces I was interested in that I could mix and match with other things.

  2. I don't really have any sort of vested interest one way or the other, so long as if I enjoy one platform, there is at least a 'one stop shop' where I can peruse dev posts. I was shown [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/gw2devtrack/new/ "this"), and that works great. The reverse is also true, I believe.


    I do take a slight exception to the idea that down voting is a useful thing. It's a useful thing in a perfect world, but in my experience, it ends up being abused. Using it as a tool to say you disagree with a sentiment or an idea is one thing (though, I think if you do down vote something like that, you do the poster the courtesy of explaining 'why, but I digress). It's another thing entirely when it becomes a tool to bully people. I've been downvoted on Reddit (in other subs, not this one) for simply asking a question about something I don't understand. How does one disagree with a question? Then I ask that, 'How does one disagree with a question?", and of course, that is downvoted. Then, invariably, for the next week, because that person(s) got a rise out of me, they follow me around and down vote anything I say. That's hardly useful or helpful.


    Conversely, without a thumbs down, the thumbs up can be used in exactly the same way as a thumbs down, without quite the same level of abuse. Rather then comparing ups and downs, you just compare bigger ups and downs across the discussion. If an OP makes a statement and hardly anyone agrees with it, it will have few thumbs up compared to the responses explaining why that would be a bad idea. If you want to express you don't agree with the OP, up vote the people who are responding the reverse, and you've accomplished the same thing.



  3. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > It would be handy if there were like a Reddit Dev Tracker in this forum. I'm not super familiar with Reddit, do they have any sort of view like that over there?


    > Sort of. You can see the threads and can click on them to see what was posted


    > [Reddit Dev Tracker](https://www.reddit.com/r/gw2devtrack/new/)


    > Why ANet doesn’t have a thread with a cross reference of posts from (Reddit/Twitter/wherever) to this forum is one of those little mysteries.


    That's pretty good, thanks.

  4. Unlimited UI list with scroll bar that allows us to either right-click on a WP on the map or mini, or enter the wiki code (on the UI) to register favorite waypoints. Option to create a manual ordering, in addition to a sort column for 'general area' and 'zone', maybe? Something like that.


    Edit: Maybe a way to tag our favorite waypoints, one or more tags (as one WP could be in multiple sets), so we can filter waypoints by a 'set'. 'WB' or 'Character Daily' or whatever. A set of common waypoints we use for a certain task, character, etc.

  5. If a post starts like...


    > How is this thing now?

    > 1. It sucked before.

    > 2. This thing sucked.

    > 3. I remember this other thing that was super-sucky.

    > 4. Suxor McSuckington

    > Should I play again?


    ...then the answer is probably 'No', if the person is really asking a question. If the person is making a statement in the guise of a question, then, 'Okay?'.


  6. > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > > @"RandomWolf.3986" said:

    > > > @circuitnerd.5863 said:

    > > > > @Alga.6498 said:

    > > > > Yes, I agree! While they are at it, bring back human female running anim, because our currently one is horrible! She looks like a Robot while she runs! If you compare to her old onee..

    > > >

    > > > Running animations are different? I hadn't noticed anything. Only thought it was the idle animations.

    > > >

    > > > Looking at running animation right now and it looks the same back in 2012.

    > >

    > > There you go:

    > > https://youtu.be/Xyv7HUltYQI


    > I will guess I'm horrible, but I really having trouble seeing the difference between the two.

    > What was changed? The head I guess looks like it was lowered down a little? The posture?


    It's mostly where the arms are. Close to the body vs further apart. I think they did it so they could move where the weapons were sheathed out a little bit, so they didn't clip with most (many more?) bottom armor, but then moving that out caused the arms to (maybe?) swing through sheathed weapons? Honestly, I've never understood all the fuss about clipping. I mean, there are some hideous ones, but some complaints just start getting nitpicky.


    I used to think they had changed how the legs moved, but that video doesn't show what I had envisioned, so I guess I had misremembered. (<- not a word, I guess, but better than the recommended 'dismembered'). I thought there was more of a spring in the step, with a higher knee on the forward leg and a straighter leg (no knee bend) on the back leg. But, looking at around 1:05, I don't see it. What is interesting is I have some screen shots around where I captured that 'step' I'm thinking of, but that video doesn't seem to show it, so it makes me wonder if it happened in stages?

  7. > @"Reverze.7180" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > How do those work? There's like 10 of them. If you got them all, would you have to carry 10 bag/bank spaces for them? Or, do you use them, and it stores the new choice with the snowball so when you use it, you then pick the color before you get in it? Something like that? Or do you really have 10s of things in bank/bag space for every color?


    > you buy the white snowball once for 10 diamonds and then buy all the color variants for one diamond each, when u use the snowball you wil see a color added


    What if you bought 10 colors?

  8. How do those work? There's like 10 of them. If you got them all, would you have to carry 10 bag/bank spaces for them? Or, do you use them, and it stores the new choice with the snowball so when you use it, you then pick the color before you get in it? Something like that? Or do you really have 10s of things in bank/bag space for every color?

  9. There are lots of things they could do for the map. Personal pins. Send pins to others.


    I had a weird need the other day, and it's mostly because of the Ley-Line fight, but Branstones are a thing too, and that's the ability to toggle chat on the map, as well as a place to put whatever clock time you have selected.

  10. This is really frustrating. I don't know if it's changed, but it's impossible to get the part I want in the bell ringing thing. I've always done the middle part. It's the only one I can do well. This year, the interface is really weird. As soon as you can get the dialog, other people are clicking faster than me, I guess, but the whole dialog closes when someone picks something, so I have to talk to him again? And then, all that's left is the upper part. There is also no option to go to another stage in between songs if a part is open on the stage you are at.


    I don't know what happen, and maybe I didn't play last year, or there is some bug that no one is reporting and 'everyone' is taking that middle part this year, but it's really frustrating, and I don't know how to get it, and don't expect anyone to do anything, but needed to pound on my keyboard and yell at the screen! :angry:


    And thank you for listening. :)

  11. To me, your first two picks are the same thing. Large scale, non-instanced DEs and metas are solo-friendly. For me. Can't speak for anybody else. It's a way for me to participate in big events, but still be largely autonomous and introverted. And they don't have to be easy, they can be more complex things like Triple Trouble, which I also find 'solo-friendly'.


    Maybe that's a weird way to look at it, but the way they designed the game open, without 'tagging', in the old sense, all those DEs, big or small, give me a way to play with a lot of people, but also largely alone.


    So I pick the first two things. :)

  12. Thank you for the Tonic-to-Outfits!


    I'd like to suggest making an outfit similar to this, made existing old pieces of town clothes. The top is one of the hoodies, I don't 'think' it's the leather one, but that seems to be it's closest look. The Khakis. And the boots are from the witches outfit, which used to be separate pieces. I like those boots because they are a deal smaller than boots you currently have with the khaki outfit.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/CCFa7ON.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/AVfz61C.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/OQmLwFt.jpg "")


  13. I love that they did this, and really hope they are open to piecing together some of the old tops and bottoms (each of which became two separate tonics already), along with a third piece that used to be part of a set of separate pieces, and eventually just became a whole outfit (witches) into one outfit. Three pieces I used to like to wear around.


    >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/CCFa7ON.jpg "")

    >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/AVfz61C.jpg "")

    >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/OQmLwFt.jpg "")


    Not super happy with the frumpy pirate shirt and big boots they paired with the khakis, but I guess I'll make do. And as others have stated, they need an overhaul on how they do color channels on outfits.


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