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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. I saw the sign up front offering to pay the first month of utilities to new renters. I've been living here for 5 years. Where is my free month of utilities?


    Though, I suppose you could leave and get a new apartment and get the free month of utilities?


    For that matter, you could stop playing your old account and make a brand new account and pay only $29 for PoF and play with your friends?


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/wwQB227.png "")


  2. > @"Taelac.7036" said:

    > TTS does the event pretty regularly at two different times of day. There was also a NA commander running the event at a half hour before reset every day for a while, who may still be at it.


    Would you happen to know what time they do it and which days? I had a lot of luck with them getting my 3-headed wurm and Shatterer done. :)

  3. > @"Zexall.6305" said:

    > now pof is a great expansion , its just so different than Hot


    For me, that is what is great about each and both. They are both very different and yet familiar. They are suitable for different things, and I gravitate towards one or the other at any given point depending on what I feel like doing at the time.


    I have a character that is slowly doing map completion in PoF now. I have 3 characters of my 9 who have completed it. HoT, on the other hand, I have 3 characters that have completed it, but don't really have a desire to do any more, save for maybe getting on some HP trains. My other 6 characters did trains in HoT until they had enough points to get the new elite specs before venturing off into PoF (though in many cases, I didn't or haven't tried the new specs out yet before proceeding into PoF with them). HoT is, of course, great for the metas. I still enjoy AB quite a bit, do it daily. VB is a great overall experience once you get used to the map. All of it's events and the night meta are all really interesting and fun. I struggled with TD, never learned the meta well. DS was a fun meta, and I don't know why I don't do it any more, to be honest. I also played a lot through all the LW3 maps, getting ascended stuff for everyone and then maxing out my 1000 high collections with all the currency from each zone. Still play Bloodstone Fen because I really like the gliding combat.


    I like doing the PoF treasure maps in Desert Highlands when the event is up. I enjoy picking away at the achievements in all the zones, and many of the events are fun. I always enjoy a good escort, and it seems like there's always one or two more people who join in along the way. I was working on my 100 Djinn kills in Elon and did it near an HP and helped out every time someone came by to do it.


    I do wish PoF had a little more incentive to organize for the metas that are there, as I don't think I'll ever finish that armor collection achievement.

  4. I wonder if they could hook into the Item Collection feature, and then rather than even using them normally, it just adds the count of the stack size to the count accumulated so far? Then you could pick Add to Item Collection?

  5. > @"thehipone.6812" said:

    > Definitely one bonus only. I would love a selector or something where you can pick:

    > 1. The Skin

    > 2. The Bonus (UBM, sprockets)


    > I want to use the cosmetics of my tireless gathering minions and bone pick, but as long as the unbound tools and watchwork picks exist in the current state, the minions are quite inferior.


    Now that I think about it, I guess my idea to mash 'all' bonuses is out of control. I like your idea of getting to pick the best you have of any 2 at a time. That makes more sense than my crazy idea. :)

  6. Yeah, I mean, we ought to be able to 'mush' all our tools together into one tool (per type: harvest, log, mine), with the resulting tool always having the 'best in slot' for the advantage type, whether it be unbound magic, volatile magic, speed, bonus mats, whatever. As we mush tools, the tool 'cosmetics' are all added to a tool wardrobe, and we pick the 'look' for our mushed tool.


    So if you had (understanding these don't exist, just an example):

    1. Axe with 10% increased gathering speed, unbound magic gathering

    2. Axe with 15% gathering speed, volatile magic gathering

    3. Axe with no bonuses, but the animation of a quaggan in a space suit


    You could mush them into an Axe that had 15% gathering speed, unbound magic gathering, volatile magic gathering, and select the quaggan space suit cosmetic.


    If you later purchased an Axe of LW5 Blahblah Magic Gathering with a cosmetic look of a monkey banging symbols together, you could then mash it into your collection and have:


    Axe that had 15% gathering speed, unbound magic gathering, volatile magic gathering, blahblah magic gathering and select the new symbol monkey skin (until you got tired of it and went back to the quaggan skin, because really, that's the best one).


    Update: Okay, my idea of having 'all' the bonuses at one time is too crazy. Maybe picking any 2 best-in-slot that you have at a time makes more sense, as others have said. :)

  7. > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > > These kinds of discussions.. really make me wish that GW2 never went F2P, and remained B2P, that way we would not be swarmed by people who want everything for nothing.

    > >

    > > In my mind, the game is still B2P. The base game costs $0. The expansions cost more than $0. Since you can earn the expansions (and therefore, the specializations) in game without spending a single real world dollar, it all seems rather moot anyways.


    > Wrong.. so wrong and so moot :)


    Yeah, someone pointed out to me you couldn’t earn the expansions in game that way. Sorry about that. ?

  8. > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > > These kinds of discussions.. really make me wish that GW2 never went F2P, and remained B2P, that way we would not be swarmed by people who want everything for nothing.

    > >

    > > In my mind, the game is still B2P. The base game costs $0. The expansions cost more than $0. Since you can earn the expansions (and therefore, the specializations) in game without spending a single real world dollar, it all seems rather moot anyways.


    > **You can’t buy the expansions ingame with gold>gem exchange.**

    > You have to buy with your credit/debit card, whether that’s through ingame link or the where ever. You can upgrade an account that you’ve bought the expansions on to deluxe with ingame currency.


    I found links to the HoT and PoF expansions for gems in the store in the wiki (posted upstream)? Were those only available for a short time? I assumed I didn't see them because I couldn't effectively buy any more of those. Oh well, guess I was wrong about that. Sorry. :)

  9. > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > These kinds of discussions.. really make me wish that GW2 never went F2P, and remained B2P, that way we would not be swarmed by people who want everything for nothing.


    In my mind, the game is still B2P. The base game costs $0. The expansions cost more than $0. Since you can earn the expansions (and therefore, the specializations) in game without spending a single real world dollar, it all seems rather moot anyways.

  10. It wouldn't because we already have the mega server system in PvE. Everyone you see running around with you in any zone now are people from many different servers. If you are in a guild now, they aren't all people from the same server, most likely. I suppose some really old guilds that have continued to play after mega server and never left and never accepted new people might be entirely from the same server, but I bet that would be rare.


    Do people still use that guest feature? I remember it, but I can't think of a reason why you would use it now?

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