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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > You can also move the functionality to any gathering tool. So if you want sprockets, but you farm leather, you can move the glyph to your axes. Even if you use limited ones, the glyph auto-drops to inventory, so you can reapply it (no cost for moving the glyph).


    I must be doing something wrong, it won't let me put a glyph on any of the volatile magic limited use tools I have. Is it because you can't put them on something that already has an ability, even if that ability isn't a glyph?



  2. > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

    > > @"StinVec.3621" said:

    > > I noticed this as well and had to update my dark forum theme (sig) to hide the one at the bottom of the page and shift the one at the top up 50 pixels.

    > >

    > > I thought it was an aspect of my theme that caused it and didn't realize it was a bug in the default forum due to their changing something. Glad to know now that I may need to undo my 50px shift when they correct the position of the buttons to fix this issue on the default forums.

    > >

    > > If anyone just wants to shift the button back up and is using a theme for the forums, add this to your stylish/stylus/other theme extension script:

    > >

    > > .BoxButtons.BoxNewDiscussion

    > > {

    > > transform: translateY(-50px);

    > > }

    > >

    > > .PageControls.Bottom .BoxButtons.BoxNewDiscussion

    > > {

    > > display: none;

    > > }

    > >

    > > It will shift the top discussion button up 50px and hide the bottom button. Or instead of hiding the bottom button, duplicate the transform from the top button and alter it by 50px instead of -50px to move it below the page buttons.


    > It was such an easy fix for you, why hasn't anet fixed it yet xD


    Thank you so much! Didn't know you could even do this on the fly. Downloaded Stylish for Chrome and made a variant of yours.




    transform: translateX(-60px);

    position: relative;



    .PageControls.Bottom .BoxButtons.BoxNewDiscussion


    display: none;



    .BoxNewDiscussion .ButtonGroup .Button


    height: 35px;

    padding-top: 8px;



    .BoxNewDiscussion .Button.Primary.Handle


    height: 35px;

    padding-top: 8px;



  3. For any 'thing' in the world that you can equip or 'be' that changes your abilities, remember what I set auto-attack to when I use/be that thing again. An example, the armor in AB, I always set 2 to Auto, because why not. I have to reset it each time I use it.


    In that case, maybe not a huge deal, but an example of where it's a hideous pain: gliding abilities in Bloodstone Fen. Every time I drop gliding to lose altitude quick and open my glider again, I have to reset 1 as my auto.

  4. I’ll look at wooden, now that I know it was about 3 years ago. Thanks for the reminder on the partial lines, we used to no use the last one in a lot of cases, and grabbed 1 or 2 from other lines, and could use a little from each. Totally makes sense thinking about the specializations.


    I knew it was different, just couldn’t remember how. Thanks.

  5. I remember the old trait system, but I don't remember exactly why it was changed to what we have today. And, maybe it happened in a few steps? I've been trying to find something on YouTube that maybe discusses the new system and why it happened, but I can't seem to find anything.


    I was just thinking about it today and was curious. No nefarious purpose beyond a trip down memory lane. :)

  6. > @"KiraZ.1934" said:

    > I have received two mails from anet with 5 Recording Devices in each mail. I already finished the event the first week. :D Anyone need my spares?


    > I should have deleted the two mails as now I have 10 non stacked recording devices that I have to type the name of each to destroy them :(


    Thank you for the heads up! I'm in the same situation, completed first week, but thankfully haven't detached the items yet. You are a rock star. :)

  7. > @"Abraxxus.8971" said:

    > In City of Heroes, there was the $target command where if you typed out something using $target with a player or npc targeted, it would replace $target with the name of that player or NPC. So if you type "Hello, $target" with Zojja targetted, your character would say "Hello, Zojja"


    Well, we have '@' that works with some of the built in commands, like '/wave @'. They don't work in /em though, I don't think. And I'm almost positive not in any other way in chat. Though, it would be neat.


    My few ideas fall more into a 'new features out of old things' type category, so not appropriate for here. One thing I can think of is to adjust what default values are selected when you go to list things on the TP. Like if someone has a buy list below the minimum value, it should default to the lowest sell offer, or minimum listing price if that is absent. Things like that.


    Oh, I would like the "Adjust Camera to Character Height" setting to honor sitting in chairs 'and' any emote that puts you on the ground (/sit, /sleep, /kneel, etc).

  8. Since there are now things like the Yoko Ono incursion now, and in Queensdale there are the bandits, it would be nice to have those be Elites, and they probably should have been demoted to that instead of veterans to begin with. The train still would have dispersed if they were elites, and they'd be fun to try with some lowbies. :)

  9. > @"Deimos.4263" said:

    > I just want to catch all the fish I can! I didn't even know it was for a collection, i just saw a lot of threads about it and it sounded cool.



    It's pretty fun, I was looking for it's return just to do it as well. I still haven't figured out how to actually do it right though. I jump in the water and get them that way. :3

  10. > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > This event is great, but the rewards are lackluster for the time and effort required


    I succeed at it once, tried maybe 3 times total. It would succeed a lot more if more people would come do it on a fairly regular basis, and the only way to make that happen is to provide more loot. Even if it was just a bunch of big, shiny boxes to open and melt, like AB or some of the other metas, you might get more people to show up.


    When it worked, it was a lot of fun. As you said, there just isn't a lot of reason for people to repeat it.

  11. Patch 3/27

    The sharks are too much. I get sharks during races trying to knock you off. But one of the great things about the zone was all the water to ride around on your Stingray. I was trying to go from the Hero board past IG around the corner to the heart, and it was shark...shark...shark...shark. Yet, I can not mount on my stringray and swim with no issues. That's funny. Not liking the flying sharks outside of races at all. Like the rain, that seems new (don't recall it raining quite like that before).

  12. This has always been an issue. Using emotes like /sit and /sleep. And now, we need this for chairs too.


    1. We need a separate 'adjust camera to character height' for emotes that put us on the ground and sitting in chairs.

    2. We need a separate set of 'vertical position near/far' settings.


    Or, perhaps what would solve it is one vertical scrollbar for /sit type emotes and sitting that drops the camera all the way to the floor, as low as possible, so you can do the max zoom in (without first person) and still see your entire character, or not. Have it cover an entire set of ranges that would even cover needing a separate 'adjust to height' just for sitting. That way, we could set the camera really low for sitting in a chair or /sleep, as we see fit.


    As it is now, you can't do an extreme close up of your character sitting in a chair, /sleeping, etc.

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