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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. Anyone willing to go 'non-Skrelli' for us and tell us what's up with gossamer? It was like 19c just a day ago, now it's 78c.


    I searched the wiki, but didn't find anything; is there some 'buy up' people are doing for the two events starting next week maybe? :/

  2. I play a lot, but I'm more casual in my style, I guess?


    I don't raid. I've maybe been to almost every dungeon once, in story mode (or maybe missing one there), and have only done a few non-story paths in a few dungeons over the years, but that's it there (side note: really enjoying WPs LP as he's including dungeons and it's interesting to see how much story is in there - he needs to stop messing around and get back to it!). While I used to do a little more WvW (before HoT), I participate now mostly to just get 1 or 2 dailies done. I avoid fights, and will /sleep or /sit if attacked 'unless' there's someone else around, and then I do my absolute best to fight with them and hopefully not let them down. I don't PvP.


    I get a lot done. I made one legendary - Bifrost (pre-HoT). It was a bit busy for my taste, especially running, so I re-skinned it. :) Haven't made another one.


    I do AB 2-3 times a week. I like to do many of the original world bosses. I do my dailies. I farm my home. I have a character that's usually in the latest zone collecting minis and currency mining tools for a few characters that use them and a little currency each day. My main does all the achievements, and I always try to get the meta reward for each zone (so far so good).


    I will push in the first week when the locusts show up to get as much done as possible. Love 'em or hate 'em, they make it go a lot easier and quicker! And then after they go within the first week, hopefully the easier stuff is left.


    My main has ascended armor, but all my characters (9 in total, mostly, one for each class) have ascended weapons and ascended accessories and such. They seem to do just fine in their exotic armor.


    I don't change my builds much. My main usually tries out the next specialization at some point. Like, I'm a weaver now, and was a tempest before that. But, only if I can find a build that works well (enough) with my staff, because while I've tried other weapons, I just don't like them as much. I'd say I'm half-n-half with my other characters. Half have moved into trying new builds, and of those, most are still using the HoT spec. I think besides my Weaver the only other character that has tried a PoF spec is my Revenant.


    I have like 5k gold, and another few hundred in the TP I haven't bothered to pick up. I could probably blow it all on bigger bags, but other than the few 32s my main has, most everyone else just has a bunch of 20s, with maybe 2/3 of my characters with 2 extra bag spaces, and the remainder just have 1.


    My collections are mostly all full, so I sell all my mats, with some small exceptions. Still haven't quite topped off my T6 mats (like claws, totems, etc), so I still do material promotion from T5 to T6 when they cap. I upgraded to 1,000 mat capacity.


    I do like the collections, and will work on those from time to time, but if I hit a wall with something that is stressful for me, like a fractal, then I stop pursuing that collection and move on to something else.


    So I don't know what that makes me. I think of myself as casual because I don't raid or pvp and I'm not much of a min/max from a combat perspective. I'm probably someone no one wants in their super-fun-time-l33t-d00dz-kek-pew-halo-fortnite-uh...pubg(sp?)-hipster runs, and that's fine. Don't have any friends, but pretty happy being 'people adjacent' when I play. :3

  3. Well, I'd like to see a dolphin. And not a creepy ugly dolphin, just...a dolphin.


    But before we finish working on the new story and collections and hard work to get our new dolphin, it would be neat if the skimmer was 'also' an underwater mount. Perhaps we get a '2' skill that is 'dive', and then we're underwater, without dismounting. And that new skill could be learned via the mastery system, provided they put enough points in the world for that and the new dolphin and any other appropriate new masteries that might exist, like some underwater combat, movement, teleporting, riding currents, and other things like that they dream up.


    And then maybe we can have a horse! :#



    Mr. Yeah-I-Used-To-Pick-On-People-In-The-Forum-That-Wanted-Mounts-But-Now-Like-Them-Was-That-Out-Loud?

  4. I thought of 'This is Spinal Tap', but I'm not going to bother digging up a clip for that. :3


    It's a great skin. I can't afford it these days, still saving for the slim possibility an outfit I like shows up some day, or character slots go on sale, but it's a great skin and I look forward to seeing a lot out there.


    I tend to enjoy things like that more when I don't have them (wanting v having, and all that).

  5. > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > > @"Airdive.2613" said:

    > > In my opinion, it *shouldn't* work in GW 2 if it is to maintain healthy population. It would both mark the game's decline and actually lead to it.

    > > Right now there are enough players in the game to team up with, so let's enjoy real buddies while we can.


    > Gw1 didn't die because of heros...in fact it's alive today because of them.


    Just started playing a 2-3 weeks ago myself. Took a week and a half off enjoy the latest LW episode. Got back to my level 8 R/Mo (I think that's the way they write it) yesterday. :)

  6. > @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:

    > When people say that gw3 is possible they forget the huge amounts of money that Anet needs to sink in to actually build the new open world from scratch on a better more stable and flexible system with the races, weapons, armor, styles, mounts(probably), a story, new specs, new metas and events, and more fresh content. A thing like this is possible but its like when Bethesda announced TES:6 now and it will release after a few more years from now just without the announcement and barely new content in gw2.


    > Doesn't sound like the best deal.


    Reminds me of a car I had, where every year, I had to decide whether I was paying more money to keep it running (in service charges that are beyond regular maintenance) than it might cost me to get a new car. For a long time, it just made more sense to fix my existing car.


    Well, it had a crazy, custom car stereo on it too, and I rather liked my entertainment system with an engine and 4 wheels, so there was that. :#

  7. I started playing like a week or more ago. I have a 7th level Ranger/Monk in I guess it's called pre-searing Ascalon? Not entirely sure what I'm doing, and have no bank and not sure where to get more bags, but I'm having a good time. Was playing a lot more before the last GW2 LW episode came out, but will probably get back to it again soon.


    I do remember one thing that bugged me about it when I tried it when it first came out, but it's not as big of a deal to me now. It is what it is. Game still looks great.

  8. So, who hasn't realized playing any game, that sometimes you can stand on the right rock or in the right place and attack a mob and they can't hit you back? And yes...it's frowned up, but you've at least 'seen' it before. And, you've probably seen over the years good attempts to correct this, by taking the NPC out of combat so they regen and you can't really hurt them, until you put yourself in a position where they fight back?


    Well...the Awakened Inquest, in the new area, are now cheaters like we used to be!


    I swear, I'll shoot at one with my bow, in range, they are perfectly capable of engaging me by closing to range, and they just walk away, stay out of combat, and regen. If you get close enough to 'their' range, like maybe 900 for their pistols, 'then' they engage. Or if you are lucky enough to have a pet, they engage when the pet gets there.


    In the words of Keenan Thompson: What's up with that? :#

  9. > @"Scud.5067" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > I'm not concerned about the whole 'taking away time from x' thing. I'm more concerned about whether it turns into a slippery slope scenario. "Well that Charr update went great! Let's do the other races!". And then they break more than they fix. I've already lost a few things over the past (nearly) 6 years that have pushed me towards less excited. I don't really need any more. Especially since one of the two already targeted my favorite race specifically.


    > I mean, it could also be seen as setting a precedent for continue to improve graphical assets. And with regards to Charr and Asura, there's a fair bit of love needed.


    > Not attempting to improve them due to a fear of failure? We'd never get anything improved.


    > Tbh, if they could sort out the hovering Asura backpacks, I'd be as happy as a pig in.. stuff.


    It's more of a: "Hey, while we're here doing this, we might as well _______?" And _______ is just an aesthetic difference of opinion between who created the models 6 years ago, and someone who might be working on them now. And in the end, I end up 'not' enjoying the vision of the new artist, and miss the vision of the original artist.


    That's my concern.


    But, the game isn't made 'just for me', and if that occurs and it makes me sad, then it's up to me to determine whether that change is enough to finally make me move on. More akin to not eating Papa Johns, or Bertolli pasta, or Chick-Fil-A. At some point, philosophically, I wouldn't be interested in supporting it.


    That's all I meant. :3

  10. I'm not concerned about the whole 'taking away time from x' thing. I'm more concerned about whether it turns into a slippery slope scenario. "Well that Charr update went great! Let's do the other races!". And then they break more than they fix. I've already lost a few things over the past (nearly) 6 years that have pushed me towards less excited. I don't really need any more. Especially since one of the two already targeted my favorite race specifically.

  11. I think a lot of outfits could stand to have more channels. Rather than one box that represents the entire outfit, they should have a box for each 'zone' of the outfit. There should be a chest, leg and foot zone, and maybe an 'other' zone for accessories (shoulders, stitching or ornaments used in various places across the outfit, accessories). Then each zone would have 1-4 channels as if it was it's own piece, depending on the complexity of the outfits zone.


    In the case of the khaki outfit.


    Chest (2 zones): base and lapel, cuffs

    Legs (1 zone)

    Feet (2, possibly 3): boot color (1/2, lacing and soul, though that could be put in the 'accessory' zone)

    Accessory (2-4 zones) : belt, laces, chest strap, leg accessory, etc

  12. While I can't argue with the general principle of getting fired for not behaving professionally when you are dealing with customers, even in a capacity where you aren't strictly on the clock, I can't help but feel in this one instance, you gave a victory to a mob of people who weaponized this very small thing, that was ultimately between a few people, to their own agenda.


    I'm not particularly sad jobs were lost, I do not know them. I'm sad at the hyperbolic crowd cheering, and all the thumbs up. I feel there was a lot more lost than a couple jobs today.

  13. > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

    > > @"Wintermist.2935" said:

    > > So I just got back to game and was immediately impressed with how much the game has improved while I wasn't playing. So much to do, and such a great community (like REALLY great people you meet in game.), but I've yet to figure out what gives Transmutation Charges...

    > >

    > > I noticed that map completion gives them, but apart from that? I've been doing events for days and not a single drop of them. When playing a level 80 it's not a problem but as you level up you get to a point where you can't keep your gear the way you designed your look.

    > >

    > > While I hope for some good replies about how to get them if events aren't giving them, I got a suggestion on how it could be updated to help leveling players a bit:

    > >

    > > * If we are using a skin for an item and we get another item of that kind, allow us to pay some in-game money to immediately skin the item, but also make it soulbound to that character to prevent abuse. This way we can keep our look and help the game with an extra money sink. At level 80 you could possibly even remove this feature, but don't really see an issue with having it.

    > >

    > > Transmutation Charges is really only the one thing I have an issue with, I'm very fond of making alts and this is really punishing for people like me :)


    > TC's should be phased out completely. It's one of the most redundant and out-dated parts of the game, regardless of how easy or difficult it is for any player. Either find a better, more profitable system for skin changing or focus more on the mount skins and less on this old system.


    I agree with this, if it turns out TCs are a really small part of what they make any money on. If most people save up and avoid straight up buying TCs altogether, and they make all their money these days on other things, they ought to just let us change out appearance any time we like without charges at this point.


    Edit: The flip side being if they really do still make a significant amount of money on it, well then, there's that. :3

  14. My only thought is, while we can try to reconstruct context using tweet or forum participation, it still doesn't provide an entire context for her experiences that led to her response.


    I also think it's being latched on to drive narratives or attack people or ideas by proxy. Like, convicting Al Capone on tax evasion. Like somehow this one tweet erases a greater reality. All of this just seems really overblown to me. Maybe a whataboutism that people on the wrong side of an argument are going to file away and pull it out later as some sort of proof that there really isn't a problem.

  15. > @"TheDivineMissC.7413" said:

    > I have ingots in my inventory, ALL the required items and it won't advance the dialogue, I have brought her the note on a previous day. Where to from here?


    Just to be clear, you are working from this list?: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Astral_Purification#Materials_cost


    Except where it says 140 ore, you have 70 ingots?


    Other than that, the only other thing I can think of is if you have to be using the same character that you used to bring the note to her the previous day? There have been a few current events where I got bit by that little oddity, though I don't know if this particular collections suffers from that same type of issue.

  16. :lol:


    The formula for the closest node (in miles, or AU, or parsecs?) and distance between nodes in any region, especially core tyria, looks something like (pseudo):


    Integer(isGatherDay) * 1,000,000


    Relative to anything interesting going on in that zone, be it a world boss or popular event or repeatable heart.


    Personally, on say, a logging day in Queensdale, I'd like to see SB monologue right before he dies:


    "My only regret is never having become a dendrologist...uuggghh..."

    *plants 4 trees quickly, then dies*

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