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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. The last one in the Mad King series is a translucent looking book. I have a character that uses that and some mist (?) weapons and a ghost cat. Looks great. At least I think I got that book in the last MK collection that was added? Maybe it came from some place else?


    Though that is only one example, so you have s point. Just wasn’t sure you knew of the inviso-book. ?


    A talking book would be cool. Like whatever that robot voice thing is that some people have (“where were you hiding that?).

  2. If you look at the bottom of this:




    They tell you to contact 'info@popdeem.com' for help. If you contact them, they say they escalated your request to 'Social Rewards'. Then, they send you an email asking how your support experience was. I notice 'Social Rewards' is the name of the company associated with my Instagram account. So 'Social Rewards' is a 'third' company involved? So much so 'PopDeem' (now...is that KFT, or a 'fourth' company?) says they are the only ones who can answer question regarding problems not seeing the GW2 social promo (realizing, of course, that KFT says on that same link that it's down, I was just curious to see what would happen if I contacted that email with an issue)?

  3. To play devil's advocate, I guess, haven't most or all of the promotions ANet does been US only? Having something to do with variations in laws and things of value, [latin phrases], et tu Brute? I don't remember all the specifics. I can't remember a time when they had a promotion that wasn't US only, no? Not that it's still not a big bummer for many, just wondering if we're focusing on something that's always been this way?


    Side Note: As someone else stated up stream, at this point, the app just crashes when I try to even click on the rewards. Not sure if that is a sign that they are working on things or not, but it's at least something different.

  4. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"Wakthor Thorwak.2819" said:

    > > i got my reward to show up but not the 1 i wanted (the outfit) :/


    > Unless they've changed it both codes are in the same message. The Heroic Edition code is right at the top of the section marked Body, then there's a long block of text explaining what that code does, then the Dragon Outfit code right at the bottom.


    I think they might be referring to the fact that the "drink + hastag = drawing entry for something else" reward shows up in the list, but the other reward, where you get the "codes for the outfit and heroic edition", no longer does.

  5. > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > My concern about putting the halo in it is that they’ll have to change how it works, which would be a bummer. I can wear the halo now and do a lot of other things, like fight, mount, and use some other novelties with it. I would not want to lose that. I would also not want it to become a helmet skin, for obvious reasons.


    > If they do revamp it, maybe they will fix the bug....I never bothered to get it because I read in the wiki that for some reason it does not show up on Asura.


    Well, while I'd love for it to show up on all races and classes so everyone can enjoy it, I'm not sure I'd want that at the expense of 'normalizing' how it works compared to other things of the same type...kinda thing...which would end up killing some of the flexibility in the way it currently works: in combat, used with other things, etc.

  6. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

    > > Finally got it to accept that I had an account linked to it - the instagram one I made just for this (all my other accounts I got locked out of). No rewards though.


    > Once I got my accounts linked I had to keep refreshing the rewards page to get them to show up. But that was yesterday and some people have been saying it's disabled today. I haven't had time to check so I'm not sure, but if there's no rewards at all you definitely need to keep refreshing it until they show up.


    Yeah, so far today, the reward for the outfit doesn't show up. :/

  7. My concern about putting the halo in it is that they’ll have to change how it works, which would be a bummer. I can wear the halo now and do a lot of other things, like fight, mount, and use some other novelties with it. I would not want to lose that. I would also not want it to become a helmet skin, for obvious reasons.

  8. > @"Haishao.6851" said:

    > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > @"Haishao.6851" said:

    > > > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

    > > > > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > > > > When the reward list finally comes up, I don’t see the one for the outfit any more. Just the deluxe giveaway entry and the three $1 ones now. :/

    > > > >

    > > > > Same

    > > >

    > > > When the promo don't show in the reward page anymore it's because they're sending it to you. Don't logoff or unlink your account and keep looking in the message inbox in the profile page.

    > > > Some people say eventually there's a small (1) notice on the message, but mine didn't show that, I just kept checking the inbox every few minutes, and eventually(about 3 or 4 hours later) it was there.

    > >

    > > How can they send something to me when I havent seen the reward icon to click on to begin with?`

    > > Was nothing untill 15 mins ago and then its only the deluxe edition photo req one.


    > They said it doesn't show "any more", so I assumed it showed before and they clicked on it.



    In my particular case, I linked this account “before” looking for any deals. After the link “took”, I went to the rewards and continually closed and opened until they showed up. When they do, there is the GW2 buy drink one, the three $1 options, but not the one to get the two codes just for linking.

  9. > @"Ana.2415" said:

    > I can see the GW2 rewards finally, but my fb got unlinked :/ I'm trying to link it again but I keep getting "An error occurred while registering. Please try again" all the time :(


    When you see the rewards, don't leave the program at that point! Click on the GW2 reward that offers the one-time linking reward codes, and then it should ask you to link again. At that point, keep trying to link, even through the errors, until it finally takes. That's what eventually worked for me. I happen to use a temporary Instagram I set up in my main characters name to get it linked. When the link didn't work, it just kept taking me back to the same screen, which for me, was a pop-up I'd get when tapping on the GW2 promo that said I could get $1 off my first order if I linked to a social media account. I'd click on the Instagram, login, and then it would just bounce back to that pop up, where I'd try again. Eventually it just 'took' after many, many attempts, and the pop up was gone 'and' that GW2 promo was gone from the list. When I went over to 'Profile', I could see my little fake Instagram picture there, and the Instagram toggle was still enabled. After another 15 minutes or so of checking my messages in that same screen, eventually the message with my 2 codes showed up.

  10. > @"AkiMakura.6754" said:

    > Seems like a missed opportunity to not have the promo have a Kung Fu Tea Outfit instead. They could have just retextured the GW2 shirt Outfit with a Kung Fu Tea logo, or a picture of a character drinking bubble tea or something. Would have made the promotion rewards more iconic and representative of the company actually doing the promotion.


    This would have been kinda neat, and an easy item to change for future things like that, just change the T-Shirt logo. Kinda like all the variety of Ts they have in (T)SW(L).


    Edit: I didn't particularly 'want' the dragon emblem on my T-Shirt, I just wanted something with my shorts that wasn't Kramer's pirate shirt! :lol: Sadly, the boots are still a bit big for my taste. Was hoping for something smaller. Plus, the shorts were always a bit busy in places.


    There are lots of fun things they could do with clothing that will never happen. And that's fine. I've accepted my today voice. :no_mouth:

  11. > @"Ana.2415" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > > @"Ana.2415" said:

    > > > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > > > Success!

    > > > >

    > > > > I tried the deleting the app, powering down, re-installing and 'not' logging in with a KFT login I created earlier (thanks for that suggestion, @"hugo.4705"!), but waited until I could finally get the reward options to come up, picked the one, then kept trying to login with Instagram from that "$1 off" pop-up until it finally took.

    > > > >

    > > > > Took maybe another 10-15 min after that to get my in-app message with my codes.

    > > >

    > > > what do u mean with "and 'not' logging in with a KFT login I created earlier"? make a new account?

    > >

    > > No, my first time through, I created a KFT account by just using an email and password. Then tried all the linking while logged into the app. The second time around, after I deleted and re-installed it, I didn't bother to login to the app, I just went straight for the social rewards sections, and kept backing out and going back in until you get that sorta unfinished icon looking think, and waited there until it eventually populated all the rewards, including the GW2 linking one. I clicked on that, and was prompted with a "$1 off first drink" pop-up for linking message. At that point, I kept trying to link to my Instagram account from there over and over again until it finally 'took'. I knew it took when one time it went into a longer 'thinking' mode, and put the phone down, and when I picked it up again 5-10 min later, the GW2 linking coupon was gone, and when I went to look at 'Profile', it showed the picture from my linked Instagram account. At that point, I waited maybe 15 minutes and when I went to check the 'Messages' in the 'Profile' section, I had my new message with codes.

    > >

    > > I have no idea if starting from a place of 'not' having logged in with an unlinked KFT account, and effectively logging in with my Instagram account by linking it, mattered or not, but that was the path that finally worked for me.


    > Well I don't know how to get rid of the "get started" thingy... it forces me to to press it and log :/


    Maybe what @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said was right. Maybe I was still logged in from before and just didn't realize it. I guess at the end of it all, it's about trying over and over again until you get in. Eventually you 'do' get an indication that it worked, as I finally saw and others stated before. I think that was the most confusing part for me was not understanding if I'd ever see anything that for sure indicated I successfully hooked it up. For me, when I could leave the Social-Profile screen and come back and see my Instagram on/off switch was still toggled on, and it showed my Instagram profile picture at the top, that's when I finally knew it worked.

  12. > @"Ana.2415" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > Success!

    > >

    > > I tried the deleting the app, powering down, re-installing and 'not' logging in with a KFT login I created earlier (thanks for that suggestion, @"hugo.4705"!), but waited until I could finally get the reward options to come up, picked the one, then kept trying to login with Instagram from that "$1 off" pop-up until it finally took.

    > >

    > > Took maybe another 10-15 min after that to get my in-app message with my codes.


    > what do u mean with "and 'not' logging in with a KFT login I created earlier"? make a new account?


    No, my first time through, I created a KFT account by just using an email and password. Then tried all the linking while logged into the app. The second time around, after I deleted and re-installed it, I didn't bother to login to the app, I just went straight for the social rewards sections, and kept backing out and going back in until you get that sorta unfinished icon looking think, and waited there until it eventually populated all the rewards, including the GW2 linking one. I clicked on that, and was prompted with a "$1 off first drink" pop-up for linking message. At that point, I kept trying to link to my Instagram account from there over and over again until it finally 'took'. I knew it took when one time it went into a longer 'thinking' mode, and put the phone down, and when I picked it up again 5-10 min later, the GW2 linking coupon was gone, and when I went to look at 'Profile', it showed the picture from my linked Instagram account. At that point, I waited maybe 15 minutes and when I went to check the 'Messages' in the 'Profile' section, I had my new message with codes.


    I have no idea if starting from a place of 'not' having logged in with an unlinked KFT account, and effectively logging in with my Instagram account by linking it, mattered or not, but that was the path that finally worked for me.

  13. Success!


    I tried the deleting the app, powering down, re-installing and 'not' logging in with a KFT login I created earlier (thanks for that suggestion, @"hugo.4705"!), but waited until I could finally get the reward options to come up, picked the one, then kept trying to login with Instagram from that "$1 off" pop-up until it finally took.


    Took maybe another 10-15 min after that to get my in-app message with my codes.

  14. Well, I tried making a dummy facebook account for my character, but now I can't log back into facebook without submitting a photo...of my character (I guess?), and I tried uploading another screenshot of my character, with the face clearly visible, and no other characters on the screen, but they won't accept my 'photo'.


    So that whole approach is a simulation hypothesis spinning out of control. :/


    Hopefully it will take my character's new Instagram account eventually.


    I super-deleted my Facebook account a few months back, and wouldn't agree to give it if it was still active. I have an Instagram account, to follow my family and keep up with their awesomeness and be supportive and what not, but I'm not about to offer that up for sale either.


    So hopefully ANet will respond to my support ticket and just give me two codes I can use to get my free things. I think I put the work in at this point. :3

  15. > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

    > > > I tried (and failed) multiple times at getting Facebook to connect to the app. It finally connected properly about 10 minutes ago. So, we'll see if the reward ever pops up. :p

    > >

    > > After each failure, did you have to go to Facebook and de-authorize 'Social Rewards' before trying again? Or, did you just leave that there and keep trying to connect in the app itself? At one point when trying to connect to the app did it seem to work? Does that radio button show 'on' for you now?


    > I "de-authorized" it twice but then gave up on that. So, my next 10 or so attempts were just repeat spam attempts, without going into Facebook to remove the permissions from the last attempt. On my unsuccessful attempts, the radio button would show On until I left the Connect Social Media Accounts tab; once I left that tab and came back, the button would show Off. After the successful attempt, it now shows my FB profile picture and name at the top of the Connect Social Media Accounts tab, and the Facebook button stays On, even after fully restarting the app.


    Thank you!


    So it sounds like before I even need to worry about the reward list, I need to keep trying to connect my Instagram until it 'sticks', and 'then' try to get the right rewards to show up and pick it.


    Something new to go on, thanks again!

  16. > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

    > I tried (and failed) multiple times at getting Facebook to connect to the app. It finally connected properly about 10 minutes ago. So, we'll see if the reward ever pops up. :p


    After each failure, did you have to go to Facebook and de-authorize 'Social Rewards' before trying again? Or, did you just leave that there and keep trying to connect in the app itself? At one point when trying to connect to the app did it seem to work? Does that radio button show 'on' for you now?

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