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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > > @"Lolivia.3219" said:

    > > "A majority of runes and sigils are also changing to create greater variety and versatility and to promote more active gameplay."

    > >

    > >

    > > Anet employee 1: lets change every 60% to 100% and all 10% damage to x-species to 7%to x-species + 3% overall and just call it a day

    > > Anet employee 2: sold, lets make tyria great again

    > > what a joke


    > So, you don't like the changes. I get that, and you're entitled to your opinion. But "what a joke" and a snarky pretend conversation don't really make for meaningful feedback. Don't like it? Explain why. Have a better idea? let's hear it.


    Regarding your later response thread, I also really appreciated the before/after tables. I don't remember most of what my 9 characters have to that level of detail, and usually just shrug and carry on until a moa in Queensdale face rolls me and I have to figure out why!


    Regarding this specifically, I can't speak for who you were responding to, but I like the offer and encouragement to offer a better idea. I'm looking at like the flanking changes to some of the sigils, two of which I was using on my Renegade's short bow, and it left me kinda bummed. I can see why they might be useful for a Ranger (Hunter? I can never remember what that base class is called in this game, every game has something different), as they have a pet that can get attention and the chance to flank (when fighting alone) is much better, and moving at that. My Renegade doesn't have that (unless the Legendary Demons do, and I just don't know it?), so my Purity and Ice sigils (the latter providing a chance to chill, which then works with the Abyssal Chill trait nicely) in my short bow might not work so well any more when I'm alone. Granted, when I'm alone my short bow is mostly for pulling, and I find myself swapping to my mace/axe pretty quick. Any sustained short bow is 'usually' when I'm in some sort of zerg or small group situation in the open world anyways...so maybe my concern is marginal at best?


    To offer a 'better idea', I suppose my suggestion would have been to have both? Use the new rules for flanking , but keep the original rules when not, perhaps reducing the chance on hit(crit)? Having said that, it is kinda hard to offer a better idea without understanding the reason behind the change to begin with? Was it an over powered thing? Was it an effort to make maybe some other sigils seem more interesting, and if so, which ones? Maybe I'm not getting what they are hoping I might try instead?


    Is there any sort of dev blog that talks about the reasoning behind them, and I just missed it? Doesn't have to be one by one, but it seems like most of them can be 'grouped', and were all changed for similar reasons (like the 10% to 7x3).


    Speaking of that one, while I don't use them, I can't understand why the change on those is bad at all. I mean, don't you still get your 10% on 'the thing' that you got it for before? Now you get 3% on 'everything else', right? /shrug


    Update: Looking at your table some more, things for me to try, maybe they were thinking Cleansing or Generosity for my situation...as a replacement for Purity? Hmm, not bad. :)

  2. If you look at what you linked, you need .m3u 'playlist' files that point to where your .mp3 files are located. I believe when I set mine up and tried it for awhile (I've been enjoying the standard music for the last few years), I created my playlists in iTunes and exported them from there. The play list names should match, don't recall if they are case sensitive off hand, but no harm in assuming so. :)

  3. I know that [this](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Server_reset#Weekly_reset "this") shows you the reset times in your time (or your computer's time zone, more accurately, I suppose), and if you mouse over each, it tells you what time it is UTC.


    It still works. I just did it Saturday. I've been doing it every week for awhile now. I got twisted around a few times, not remembering I had done it, or thinking reset happened and it hadn't. Mine reset is at 12:30 am Monday morning, so I have a reminder to do it every Wednesday (day after we might get a new chest that week), and try to do it then, but no later than Sunday. Since I've stuck to that, I haven't missed one.

  4. I miss them. What they do now is fine too, except for sound. With a 5.1 setup, they keep voices relative to this invisible microphone that’s a few feet in front of your face, and directional. If you look away from who’s talking, it falls off the center channel, which is realistic, but do you notice how they don’t really do that when you are watching TV or a movie? What people are saying is important. They need to force all story conversations in the center channel and crank it up a few notches.

  5. I think it has to do with everyone running the Lab and selling bags for cash. There's a lot less bags being opened from the regular farms, so supply is down. Ectos got a little boost (thankfully) the past few weeks as well.


    Conversely, as I don't get terribly excited about doing Lab 'that' much, my overall gold flow is down, as some of regular activities I join up for have dried up during this same period. Crossing my fingers the old regulars start dragging themselves back after getting some sleep after their perpetual Lab runs. :#

  6. I was just thinking about this very thing! I’ve got a PvP one that is like 9 short of 250 kills and it won’t go away. I don’t PvP, but used to WvW more 3 years ago. I either got them there, or possibly they were counting them in some of the activity or holiday games? But I think I’ve since helped kill a few people in WvW, but those don’t seem to count.


    It’s never going to go away, and I’d love nothing more than to remove it from that list. Maybe like a reverse watch flag? Don’t include in “something something “.

  7. I hope people go back to do the casino after the holidays. I just started going after never really participating in it much after they introduced the new wardrobe for them. Now I want all the potions and kites and toys. I did it once seemingly alone, when the first wave resets, barely getting like 20 at a time. That wasn’t nearly as fun as when there’s more people.

  8. Are the annual ones the only ones reset each year? I have some repeatable ones that aren't complete, and I can't tell if I just decided to 'not' push really hard last year, and just do one level of them (for AP) and save repeats for future years, or if I had done all the repeats and they reset them?


    Example: Carving Across Tyria. I see I'm at 192/200 right now, and 5/25 (so I did it once already). Now, I'm pretty certain I didn't already carve 400 pumpkins this year, or did I?

  9. > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

    > > > @"theory.3580" said:

    > > >

    > > > Instead of removing difficult achievements in the future, can they please just be made non-required for their respective meta-achievements? That way everyone wins and no one suffers. People who are having trouble and want a relaxed fun experience can just skip the achievements that are too hard for them, and people who enjoy a challenge have an optional and enjoyable extra achievement to work towards.

    > >

    > > This.

    > >

    > > It's remarkable that ANet so loves their content that they want _all_ players (or as many as would do it at all) to do all content, rather than offering choice, so that there can be some challenging things out there without making it so that general goals depend on being both a completionist and a challenge lover.


    > It already was not required since it only required you to do 9 out of 10 achievements


    While you are technically correct, for a lot of us, it's 9/9.

  10. > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > You dont even need to do the „Under 60 seconds“ AP !!!! For the big 50 AP. You only need 9/10. Why are people complaining about something they dont even need to do???


    Well, Drift or Tower. Haven't tried Drift yet, hopefully I can pull that off. Tower? Never. Yes, that 5 year old is awesome. Not going to happen for me. :)

  11. > @"Cynder.2509" said:

    > Hmm strange because I remember that I could only complete a certain achievement linked to the Joko invasion with only one character. The one that actually did the first invasion events and the one who crafted the device. I don't know exactly what it was but I believe oit was a scavenger hunt with inquest stuff.


    No, you were right, and that was a 'really' ugly implementation. I hope they never do that again.

  12. I've been playing since release, with a 15th month-ish break around HoT until the following December, but I was still logging in every day for that reward. I'm only at 285% natural MF, so I 'still' like that reward. Though, I like the other person's idea in another thread of maybe making them something you can use to craft luck potions or buy luck potions from a vendor? Or something like that, I skimmed it.

  13. I had a short stack of [a stackable thing] in one bag and dragged and dropped it on another bag that had a short stack of [a stackable thing] and it wouldn't combine. Did a test dragging a short stack in one bag to a short stack in another bag, and that other bag had open slots, and instead of combining, it just dropped the short stack from bag 1 into an empty space. Seems like those should auto combine, no?

  14. > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

    > Autocombine is a little flaky. Drag them right onto the other stack and tell us what happens.


    Yeah, that's interesting. Just tried it with a couple small stacks of copper ore and it does the same thing. I just always assumed if you took a stack and dragged it and dropped it on a bag (at left) it would go on a short stack before taking a new space.


    Thanks. Well, off to the QoL thread! :blush:

  15. I had a short stack of quartz crystals in one bag and dragged and dropped it on another bag that had a short stack of quartz crystals and it wouldn't combine. Did a test dragging a short stack in one bag to a short stack in another bag, and that other bag had open slots, and instead of combining, it just dropped the short stack from bag 1 into an empty space. Seems like those should auto combine, no?

  16. Personally not my speed, but it seems like it would be fun for some, and maybe a neat way to get more people interested. They could start using the two WvW maps maybe? Or three, I guess it is.


    If it caught on, they could make copies of other world maps to compete in. Not to dismiss the amount of work involved, just if would be easier to use copies of existing areas. Plus it would add a flavor of wondering what it would be like to PvP in the open world.


    After mounts, I’m trying to be better at dismissing ideas like this out of hand. ArenaNet seems to have a knack for taking existing concepts and putting interesting and fun twists in them. ?

  17. Wanted to circle back around to this briefly. I hung on to that thing, thinking I was going to stumble across this great answer to the universe, and now the ask is like 62s and I missed out on my 5+ gold.


    Of course, if I did sell it for 5+ gold, I would have found out that was stupid because it as the best thing ever and worth far more. So probably wouldn't win either way. :)

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