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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. Thanks for posting the tips. My particular problem ended up needing to disable AdBlock for the site. I had previously had similar issues with pictures and some other content not loading properly on the main 'guildwars2.com' site. Since these settings are all in the 'arena.net' domain, I had to do the same. After that, my update preferences button lit up like it was supposed to and stopped giving me errors.

  2. I bought the Wintersday pack, because I liked them all, and then one extra Griffon. The Griffon was a license where you could pick the one you wanted from a set, and it was on sale. That worked for me. There are 2, maybe 3, skins from the very first pack that I like that I'll never be able to buy how I got that single Griffon (sp) skin, and I get why that is, and while a little sad, it is what it is. I would never ask to have access to those unless they figured out a way to reimburse anyone who bought the entire pack just for the few skins they wanted. Wouldn't be fair to them.


    The WvW mount that looks like a cat looks interesting, but you can't buy that one alone either.


    I do wish they had a way to preview how you'd look riding them. I think they should create a stables instance where you can go ride any mount in the instance to check out how it looks and how it dyes, etc.

  3. There's some buff that someone can throw on people, I think (I guess?) and it's either a pulsing thing they have no control over, or, they realize the sound is super annoying, so they keep buffing everyone. You hear it a lot loitering around waiting for world bosses.








    But really, any noise that someone can make that is annoying, and they realize it's annoying, and that's why they are doing it. I guess in a game where a lot of the core design is to "not be unhappy to see another player" (shared loot, individual resource nodes, shared xp, no monster tagging, etc), for some people, getting their hands on a mechanic like this really brightens their day. :disappointed:

  4. I've seen this over the past year or so at Jungle Wurm in Caledon. Maybe every 1 in 10 times I go to the event. Someone has some sort of ability on themselves, or an ability that is shared with people that gives a lot of people a reflect, that causes a 'huge' reflection of damage back on the wurm when it does that uncoil move. It's like 5-7% of it's damage that gets wipe out in one shot.


    I was wondering if anyone might know what ability/trait/etc that is?

  5. This is great, thank you!


    I got my first Skirmish Chest reward, but not sure what the best thing to take from it is, so I'm just letting it sit there. Should I take the 6 heroics? Is that the most scarce thing? I seem to have plenty of Badges of Honor, from both the old days and I still do 1-2 WvW dailies for my dailies, as I find them pretty easy to do.

  6. I always thought they should just have a 'Sticky' sub forum, and put all the stickies in there. They could sub-sub forum that, if needed, into WvW, PvP, General, etc. One sticky at the top of a sub forum like this called 'Stickies' that directs people to the corresponding sub forums of stickies.


    Then this stays clean up top: one sticky that points to stickies, and the occasional temporary notice sticky, and the sticky forums have all the uh sticky things. :)

  7. Because I took off about 15 months shortly after HoT released, I spent a 'lot' of time at all of them before PoF hit. That was a crazy 10 months from about Dec to the following late Sept PoF release!


    The past years, since things have died down and I've (mostly) gotten every ascended accessory or other goody I want, one that stands out is Bloodstone Fen. I have a character parked there that does 3-4 (depending on if I happen to be there when Hab pops, and there are people doing it) dailies each day. I have way too many stacks of the resource, and nothing to do with them, but I 'really' enjoy the gliding in that zone and the gliding combat skills. It's still a lot of fun for me.


    I still need the last PoF resources, so I have one character that does a heart there each day. I really like the refuge, and the Shat event there, and will possibly put that back in my rotation if/when Thunderhead dies down, but I also really am enjoying the Thunderhead zone and metas and events and hearts and dailies, so who knows. :)

  8. I had purple today, and there might be some truth to "last person in gets the plate" theory. More often than not, I run in while it's being killed, while there are 1 or more people already in there, and I get the plate. One time when I had an issue, others came in after me.


    Seeing someone post this theory, I went in alone today, and someone came in during phase 1, so I ran out really quick (while they finished phase 1 and then did the critters for the in between phase and started phase 2) and ran back in and helped finish phase 2, and I got the plate. :)

  9. Hopefully they fix it today, or disable the purple room (today) from showing up in the rotation until they do fix it.


    I got the purple room as my last room today and was totally panicked! I went in as someone was leaving and fought it with someone else already in there and it dropped for me. The person that was there said it was his 5th kill with nothing. I felt really bad. I think if I could have given him my plate, I would have. :disappointed:

  10. As a side note, it just occurred to me (on my 3rd exotic) that there is 'no' reason to go back and buy the item to start the quests after creating the exotic (and advancing the achievement that's part of the meta) if you have no intention of creating the ascended version right away. I mean, I think the little quests are kinda fun, having to use the weapon type in question (which in my case means maybe using weapons with some classes I'm not used to using and having to figure it out), but then you get the vision reward (after spending a vision crystal), and then you have to bank it.


    So after stopping at 2, I decided not to do that any more, and just make the exotics and move on. Then I'll circle back and decide on whether to make any 'specific' ascendeds.


    And I now notice that after you make the 16 exotics, you get the book that holds the history you get when completing each ascended. I bought it. :(

  11. Some “daily” things reset at reset, other “daily” things reset in like 22 (?) hours, some “daily” things reset at like midnight (?) server time, or something, I know there is a third “daily” time. It should all be reset.


    Other then the home instance node version, that tree from the island, forget its name, where we got the “zippy pull” mastery, the versions we planted out in the world don’t behave like every other tree. A normal tree collapses “after” your 3 chops. These trees immediately collapse, but still give your 3 chops “only” if you have unlimited tools or 3 charges left. Less than 3 charges, you can’t finish, and get ripped off? Game breaking? Hardly. But this is about “consistency”! ;)

  12. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > Are you sure you need to buy a vision item? I get one when I complete the tale. Aren’t the ones to buy replacements, in case you decide not to bank the vision item for later?

    > Oh, actually I don't know. That probably explains why I couldn't 100% reconcile the wiki's details.


    > > I was going to buy a new bank space to hold all those vision items I’m getting from the tales. I thought that was the same item for sale?

    > That makes a lot of sense. Although, at that price, it sounds less like a 'replacement' item and more like a way of creating a second ascended (although why anyone would choose to do that, I have no idea).


    > I haven't started this myself; I put together the list so I could decide if I wanted to work on the collection "full time" or just work on it "back burner."

    > I am relying on the kindness of ~~strangers~~ forum posters to help verify the details.


    > If you can confirm that one only needs the vision item from the 'quests', I'll update accordingly (probably later today).


    > Thanks for the question.


    Looked at one of the ascended weapons, and you do, in fact, get your first item as a reward for completing the tale (it's showing the staff vision, which I have in my inventory). The purchasable ones would, I guess, be for creating additional weapons.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/81AkI3o.png "")


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