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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. Also, don't 'over spend' in your raptor mastery. There are some posts in here (somewhere) that will explain it better, maybe search on 'mount guide' or something like that, but there are some methods of spending points in the masteries and a certain order to spend them in, that are better than others. Some of the mastery points you need to progress are in places where you need certain of the 4 mount masteries to be at certain levels. I know sometimes people get a little 'stuck' as they are proceeding.


    I think as a short term rule, I wouldn't spend above 3 in any of the 4 base mounts, iirc, at first? And there 'might' be a most efficient order to open the 3s for each mount even. Wish I could remember off hand to be more helpful.

  2. > Sunspear Outfit: Made improvements to this outfit to address some visual issues.


    I see how it has changed, and have my own thoughts on it, but am wondering if we can have some more detail on this? I'm admittedly not very good at searching, but I don't see any threads discussing any specific issues with the outfit? Where/how were the issues identified/reported?


    Are there any more items with issues needing improvement scheduled for the coming months? Any possibility of getting a heads up before hand?

  3. My question is _similar_ [to this one](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/61674/varying-sound-levels-eg-in-purifying-orr#latest "to this one"), but I have actual 5.1 hardware, receiver, optical audio using DTS Interactive. All is well and good on that front. Unless you tell me it won't work with DTS Interactive, at which point I'll have to finally throw in the towel and go buy a receiver that isn't so old and actually has all the HDMI inputs on it. :)


    I would like to say, the sound design is great in the game! I've got conversations and voices and random sounds happening all around me. Wonderful!


    This is more specifically a comment about how hearing conversations properly has changed since Living World story telling moved away from the original story cut scenes to open world conversations (whether in the actual open world or instances).


    It seems like our 'mic' is a few feet in front of our head, and directional. When conversations are happening and people are standing all around us, if we don't position ourselves to face as many people as possible, we have to constantly shift so we can hear what they are saying. Even on TV and in movies, when people are having a conversation on screen (other than Interstellar, of course, where the sound was horrible, I don't care how Nolan feels about it), it's generally in the center channel, with few exceptions. In the game, it just seems to obey the laws of where they are standing in relation to you, and while that's realistic, it doesn't lend itself to hearing the story well.


    Would it just be possible to change the dialog in those story moments such that they disobey those laws, and for lack of a better way to phrase it, just happen in our head, so we hear everything just as loud as when we're using our new Pet Dog Whistles and telling him what a good boy he is (which I picked because it's one the the loudest and clearest vocals in the game)?


    Having said that, I 'do' feel that as the LW has gone on, it seems to have gotten better. I don't find myself having to twist around and face people or find the best place to stand in PoF and LW4 as much as I did in HoT and LW3. Is that just an illusion, or have there been some active changes in that regard as time has gone on?


    Thank you all very much for all the hard work and wonderful game!

  4. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > For the past 2 weeks, I've been having issues with performance on the Trade Post. I just tried powering my entire home network down, and then powering it all back up again after a minute or more, starting with my cable modem, and then working through my router, switch, and wap on the end of the chain (just in case), and that didn't seem to solve the problem.

    > >

    > > It's sporadically 'hitchy'. Every 4th or 5th item I'm trying to sell, it goes from taking 1.5 seconds to like 5-8 seconds to sell a thing. It can start with the first or second or third item as well. It's possible it's just on a rolling time interval and it only 'feels' like every 4th or 5th item, based on the timing.

    > >

    > > Was curious as to whether anyone else was experiencing this?

    > >

    > > Is there anything else I can do to test what's doing on? Is there an IP address(es) for the TP that I can maybe setup a recurring pingplotter against to see if I'm intermittently dropping packets to it?

    > >

    > > The rest of the game seems fine, nothing of note in that respect.

    > >

    > > TIA


    > There's been several posts about this issue.


    Thanks. I’ll try to do a better job of searching. Didn’t recall seeing anything in the past few weeks.

  5. For the past 2 weeks, I've been having issues with performance on the Trade Post. I just tried powering my entire home network down, and then powering it all back up again after a minute or more, starting with my cable modem, and then working through my router, switch, and wap on the end of the chain (just in case), and that didn't seem to solve the problem.


    It's sporadically 'hitchy'. Every 4th or 5th item I'm trying to sell, it goes from taking 1.5 seconds to like 5-8 seconds to sell a thing. It can start with the first or second or third item as well. It's possible it's just on a rolling time interval and it only 'feels' like every 4th or 5th item, based on the timing.


    Was curious as to whether anyone else was experiencing this?


    Is there anything else I can do to test what's doing on? Is there an IP address(es) for the TP that I can maybe setup a recurring pingplotter against to see if I'm intermittently dropping packets to it?


    The rest of the game seems fine, nothing of note in that respect.



  6. I started playing through GW1 for the first time the last time everything was on sale. I started trying to follow one of the many guides to Hall of Monuments, building a certain type of character and playing a certain type of story, but for some reason it felt stressful focusing on that.


    So I created a base game (Prophecy?) Ranger (Hunter? Bow+Pet Person? Not good with remembering every games names for things) and started playing and was having a good time. I was going pretty good for a few months, but then stopped a few months ago, and haven't got back into it, but keep thinking about it. Mostly a time thing for me, as I play this game a lot, and maybe an hour or so in another game.


    It's fun when I get to play. Remains to be seen if I'll get any HoM stuff done, but I'm enjoying the lore and the story and the zones and crafting armor and weapon upgrades and such. It's a very fun and playable game still! Not (really) having played it before.

  7. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > Is this something you can save those scrap things (?) to buy, or is it 100% random still?


    > Even if you extact said rune with a 100% chance there is still a rng if you get a symbol from the then salvaged rune.

    > Both extractor and salvager have to pay a fee if the extracter want the material aswell they pay dubble salvage cost since its for the rune and then for said item.




    I’m sorry, my question was, I guess, a little off topic.


    I was wondering how you acquire the item itself. I know they don’t sell it, it’s in the boxes. I wasn’t sure if you could save up the scraps from the chests to get one (eventually) or if it wasn’t one of the items you can “save” for, and it’s purely a random cheat reward?

  8. > @"evilsofa.7296" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > Finally thought of one that is truly petty for me (and not something I'd like changed)!

    > >

    > > Break Bars.

    > > Break Bars are green.

    > > Break Bars are _not_ blue.


    > No, the unlocked and unbroken [defiance bar](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defiance_bar "defiance bar") is [teal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teal "teal"). Go to the wiki page, save the .png of the teal defiance bar, upload it to [imageColorPicker](https://imagecolorpicker.com/ "ImageColorPicker") (or check the values with your favorite photo editor) and you'll find areas that range from equal to very nearly equal amounts of green and blue. How green or blue it appears to each player depends on their monitor calibration (which can be way, way off) and their eyes.


    I actually did it once, and the color it comes upon with (the name escapes me at the moment, it’s not teal) is part of the green family.


    Edit: Verdigris ?



  9. > @"perilisk.1874" said:

    > > @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

    > > > @"Turk.5460" said:

    > > > > @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

    > > > > > @"Turk.5460" said:

    > > > > > Upon entering combat = if *still in combat* and cooldown is up, automatically applied again?

    > > > >

    > > > > Should be easy enough to test, shouldnt it?

    > > > > A bit hard right now with the constant DC's, but I hear a hotfix is in the works.

    > > >

    > > > Not for another 6 hours 15 minutes for me

    > >

    > > I tested Superior Runes of the Pack _"Grants Swiftness, Fury and Might for 10 seconds on a 20 sec CD upon entering combat."_

    > >

    > > The boons did not re-apply after the initial engagement, even after 20+ seconds. Curiously though, they do apply once you exit combat.

    > > I tested this running around a wyvern enemy for a minute or more just letting it attack me.


    > ... isn't that what the tooltip says? Entering combat is what causes it to trigger, but it can't trigger more than once every 20s even if you were to enter and exit combat more than once in that timeframe. Things that continue to be active in combat, like the summons, are described as "while in combat", in contrast.


    I think you are right, and I think I don't like the change on that set very much either. I get they might feel 'on hit' is over powered, but we need some other way to re-apply them outside the cool down period while still in combat. Either use the 'while in combat' flag, or let them be re-applied when you do something like dodge, or ... something.

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