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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. > @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

    > > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > > Don't hesitate to restart app sometimes it solves the issue.


    > I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!! I have the Dragon Outfit!!!!!!! It took hours, patience, and much puzzlement!!!!!! So many times I was convinced I was doing it all wrong.


    > Whew.


    > I am so happy.


    > Hugo, thank you. Everyone thank You. Arenanet I love you.


    > Lisa.


    May I ask you some questions about your progress?


    When you kept trying to get the rewards to load to click on the right one, if you went over to 'Profile' in 'Social', does the app you chose to link show the radio button on?


    Did you choose Facebook or Instagram?


    When you clicked on the GW2 reward, did it pop up with a "$1 off" coupon pop up and ask you to login to instagram and/or facebook, and when you did, just came back to the same pop up?


    My Instagram account shows I've authorized something called 'Social Rewards', and if I unauthorize it and do the process again, it shows back up, so clearly that is the thing to be linked to Kung Fu, and it's working, but it's not clear to me the app understands I've linked it. And then I get in that "$1 off" loop that won't let me go anywhere. I'm curious as to whether you experienced the same sort of behavior before you finally got in, or if your experience was different.


    I'd rather not have to make a fake Facebook account, but if that is a better way to go, I suppose I can do that instead.


    Thank you.

  2. As misery loves company, I noticed when I go to my new, fake instragram account in a browser and look in the settings at 'Authorized Applications' (I don't see where to see this or control it in the iOS app), it shows 'Social Rewards' has some basic access to my info, which, I presume is what happened the first time I linked the account.


    What is interesting is in the Kung Fu Panda Fast As Lightning App, it doesn't show it's connected when I go to 'Social Rewards' - 'Profile' - 'Connect Social Media Accounts'. Unless, the use of the radio buttons on that screen is completely misplaced and misguided, as I would expect a setting of 'On' to indicate 'Yes, we see you've already connected.' But, maybe they are using it like a link to 'launch' the process of connecting the app, and it never shows 'on' once connected, which would be a really sad and confusing use of a UI element. Wouldn't you just use the caret there? As in, 'Hey, if you press this, we're going to take you some place else to let you do or see more things.'?


    I digress, I guess.


    At this point, I hope GW2 support just lets us submit a ticket that says, "Hey, we tried!", and gives us the codes we need for the 'no purchase necessary' part of the rewards. Because Codey McCodeFace failed.

  3. ugh! I had it, tapped it, it said to login with Instagram to get $1 off a drink. I closed that, because I didn't want that, and nothing happened. Tried again, got the same pop up, so logged into Instagram (again) and then nothing happened. Back to the same screen with the list of rewards. How do I get past the $1 screen? :s


    Edit: It doesn't seem to save the fact that I keep linking the app to Instagram. If I leave the app and go back and into my profile and social networks, Instagram is switched off. No, I don't want it to save my password in Safari. Angry panda. :angry:

  4. > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > Finally worked for me after a long nightmare, here is the right manner to proceed:

    > 1- With your phone, go on the app Store (google play or the other one) and search "Kung Fu Tea", download the app.

    > 2- When opening the app, they will ask if you want to link your account facebook, link it, if fail, continue to step 3.

    > 3- On the main screen with ads, click on the lines icon at the top-left, go in social, select social rewards.

    > 4- In social rewards panel, if you have a circle loading thingy wait around 2-3 min before the page charge with her promotions, click on the one with the gw2 icon with "No action required" under it. Link your social account, if fail, go to step 5.

    > 5- Go in social / category profile -> Connect social media accounts, retry to link.

    > 6- If okay, you will receive a message in Profile / messages category. you will also receive a message asking to redeem the reward.

    > 7- you will have 2 codes in the mail within kung fu tea app, the first for heroic chest (have to be used on the main gw2 website where you have your extensions https://account.arena.net/login, connect and then "use code"). For the gw2 t-shirt, go in-game, bl company, redeem code, special item code. Enter code.


    > Disclaimer: Got several bugs trying to perform the steps: successfully linked my facebook after the fifth try. No promotions, appeared after 3 relaunch of the app, same for the messages.


    I'm having trouble following your order, though I appreciate the information. What is not clear to me is whether I need to wait for some GW2 reward program to show up somewhere and then click on that and 'then' link to a social media account, or if I just go ahead and link it to my social media account and 'then' look for a GW2 reward program to click on?

  5. I installed the app, created an Instagram account (for my main character, as if she would know what such a thing was, why not) to get ready for the linking, but in the KFT app, when I go to social or click around on rewards or what not, I don't see anything about GW2 anywhere? Do you not see that until 'after' you link? :thinking: #whynothinking #trollfacebutnothinking

  6. I didn’t care for the boss fights in 2, but otherwise liked the story. I like some of the events in 1, but didn’t care for what happened to Kessex (and in 2). Some of the 3 zones were fun, but I feel it unfair to pick it over 4 as 4 isn’t over. There’s been a lot to do in 4. I like the big collections that send you out all over the world. I think the last 3 maps were great. Wait, what was the first map again? Are there only 3 in 4 so far? If so, I like them all. I still play the dailies in Bloodstone Fen with a character. Really liked the full set of gliding skills in that zone.

  7. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > Still, there's no rule about it. After all, what's the difference between having LS4 run 5 episodes and LS5 run 5, versus having LS4 run 10? I definitely prefer having a longer LS season to waiting for months after before there's an expansion.


    I'm thinking this too.

  8. > @"Archdevil.1748" said:

    > That got me really confused. Can we get a clarification on that? Is LS4 over with just 3 episodes? If yes - when is LS5 expected to begin? I was sooo hyped about the Sunspear sanctuary and that thing with LS sank my heart :(


    I suppose it could mean that LW4 and LW5 will each have fewer episodes, but distinctly different story lines, and together, more episodes than LW3, and maybe an expansion after that?


    Or, it could mean they are getting more ambitious with the LW concept, and rather than having one big expansion every so often, they'll introduce smaller things as part of LW releases, and just not do expansions any more?


    It just kinda floated out there and they moved on.


    Good video though. Putting faces with names and what not. I don't know the team really well. I should follow streams more.

  9. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > 2. tonics


    > "We didn’t forget about them! The number of tonics to be converted to the wardrobe was pretty daunting, but rest assured that work is well underway. As soon as we’ve made sure everything’s in working order, we’ll add a fifth slot for endless tonics."



    Yeah, R.I.F. on my part! I spoke too soon! Thank you!

  10. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > 1) there is a toy slot

    > 2) they are adding a tonic slot

    > 3 You can get a free chair if you have done the Chairs of the World Achievement.


    Two: I figured they get around to adding tonics and other things. Patience and what not. :)


    One: On the toy front, some of my toys don't seem to work. Maybe because they are 'brawler' toys? Like I have an Enchanted Broom that doesn't work. I also have a toy sword, which I think maybe came with the pirate outfit way back when?


    Three: Wait, I did that! Gotta find my chair. They need to let you search on 'novelty' to find anything in your bank that has that tag. My bank is a mess. :/

  11. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > This whole year has been pretty great. =)

    > >

    > > I can't decide what to get with my 0 gem novelty box. :'(


    > Same here. I'm tempted to get the harp because I like the idea of it, but I have no musical ability and I'm not sure I'd use it that much. But I already have two kites and a balloon and I'm not sure I'd use any of the other toys more than a harp.


    Harp, Lute and Flute are on my list too, but also no musical ability. I don't have the flowers. I have the new kites and an old red balloon. I could have sworn I had 'all' 3 original kites, but I don't. Also the magic carpet. The riding mirror maybe?


    Hopefully they add brawler toys and tonics (and halo!) to the types of novelty things. I have a ton of those.

  12. Thanks. That's where I happened to be when I noticed it, Vabbi. This character is human, though. Hasn't completed the HoT or PoF story lines.


    Reminds me of that bug they had once where we could all hear everyone else randomly saying things from anywhere across the zone. They knocked that out in a few days. It was what I imagined it would be like to suddenly be able to hear everyone's thoughts around you.. :lol:

  13. I guess I should have said the 'reason' why 10 was important. It was for a new character I wanted to create (pally) for my weekly 'key grab' instead of the usual character I create that had a certain look to go with my silly theme. Thus, level 10. :) Not sure I want to burn a few transmutations once a week for that, though. And it's a heavy person...but I guess I could make a 'light' armor person and just transmute it 'once' and bank the armor, just like I do for my level 10 heavy set?


    Hmm...actually, these are some great ideas. I didn't think armor would turn up any hits, but now I'm thinking that might be the way to go!

  14. I tried searching, but not finding anything specifically on this (though my search-fu is poor).


    For some reason, my Renegade keeps asking for help periodically, like she's in a downed state? I don't notice any of my other characters doing it. At first, I thought it was someone nearby, but didn't see 'the icon' you see. I then happened to have the camera swung around and noticed it was 'her' that was saying it!


    Is it possible the character got bugged? Anyone experience anything like this (before I make a ticket)?

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