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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > > Nothing is coming, next patchday is august14th

    > >

    > > Exactly, to remove the festival and then do _absolutely nothing else_ until at least the 28th (please!) :#


    > Probably gem store stuff and if lucky some bug fixes. If even more lucky maybe a new current event to bridge to the next LS episode


    Hadn’t thought of that. New CE would be small and fun. Just got a little trip from the 22nd-26th, so (selfishly) don’t want to miss out on anything big. :)

  2. Yeah it's weird. I never had performance issues with the TP before, and moving up to the new resolution, everything else seems to run fine, but every time I open the TP and start selling things, it's a little chunky slow, even moving the mouse around. It's very weird.


    I suppose what I also need to do is see if it's not necessarily resolution related, by kicking my PC res back down and then starting the game in the matching resolution (I like to play in fullscreen borderless window mode because I'm a frantic win/alt-tabber) to see if it's still chunky. Maybe something else happened not related to me moving to a new resolution that is causing it to be slow.


    Would you happen to know if it uses some sort of 'in game' control to view the web pages, or if it leverages your default browser to render pages?

  3. I just started playing around with 4K settings (3840x2160), as I just got a new monitor (TV) that supports it, and everything seems to run great, or at least as it used to, without any (much?) noticeable difference except one thing: the Trade Post.


    It's oddly laggy, and it never was when I was playing 1920x1080. I was wondering what it is about it that makes that the one thing that is noticeable? Why would that one window be laggy at a higher resolution?

  4. > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

    > > @"Kelly.7019" said:

    > > they need to put dive, pullup, on the ui and maybe other things and not leave it to the person to figure out there are special keys. Sadly i only discovered in Kourna that Holding the space bar while diving gave you a super speed dive and i wasn't the only one that found this out for the first time. I know its the space bar mechanic for all the mounts. but for all the mounts this has been a discovery process. If they had been listed on the ui it would have been much easier.

    > Yeah, this, the griffon's controls need to be unified so there's one dive button and one pull up button and both are on the skill bar, instead of having the engage attack (which _also_ makes you dive!) on the skill bar and the rest undocumented. It makes the whole thing _way_ more confusing than it needs to be.


    I agree with the original sentiment and the follow up here. I have the most difficulty having to find key commands to use for the special actions, and I see this big, empty bar on my screen, and wonder why it's not there.

  5. The irony of phrases like "what WoW did" and "we'll never have full flight" is that it all just seems completely backwards to me.


    What we have in our game is far closer to real, 'full' flight than what WoW did (at least when I played, many years ago, if they completely overhauled it, then please elaborate). WoW's flight, when I played, was 'swimming in the sky'. It was more akin to watching live streams that [person at other company] used to do for [another game] when they would put their GM mode tools on and they would just run around the sky.


    I think what we got is far more fun and interesting. This coming from someone that, honestly, was largely indifferent, but slightly opposed, to mounts in this game to begin with.

  6. I like 'trying' to do them. If I get to frustrated, I like there is an option for ports or burning a 'teleport to friend' to do it, for an achievement. I don't like when they make them part of the meta achievement, where you 'have' to do it. I'd much prefer they have titles, skins, other nice things for pulling it off, but not part of a zone or lw zone meta. When they are part of the meta, that's when I start breaking out TtFs and/or paying for Mesmer ports. If they aren't part of the meta, I'm more inclined to try them until I get frustrated and stop, not achieving the reward and letting the people that can do that sort of thing have it.


    And I certainly wouldn't want them to 'stop' making them. Lots of people really enjoy them. :)

  7. > @"Khailyn.6248" said:

    > Member when you could store gold in your bank for safe keeping instead of needing to put it on the trading post or converting it into a material currency?


    I don't member why my gold isn't safe now? :/

  8. I rarely tag up, especially when people are just doing it to be annoying. I've used mine 'occasionally' to kinda pseudo-commander just because there is no one else, and we needed something on the screen for everyone to know where something was happening.


    If I lost my tag, I wouldn't be terribly unhappy if I got all my money back.


    Maybe they could implement some sort of system where [and some of these are probably really bad, but just some ideas to get the wheels turning for better ideas]:

    1. You can't tag, either commander or mentor, if you are in a raid and there is another commander tagged.

    2. If you tag up, you are automatically tagged down in 5 minutes if you don't have a raid of at least 5 people.

    3. Only 5 mentors can be tagged up in an instance at one time, first come, first serve.


    Some way to help remove the clutter.

  9. One: Use some sort of mouse testing software to make sure you mouse switch isn't dying on the right side. It's one of the first things to go for me. I use something like https://unixpapa.com/js/testmouse.html and then hit F12 and resize that little green image so it's big and I can hold the right mouse button down and drag around. If you see intermittent mouse up events while you are holding it down and dragging it around, that switch is going bad.


    Two: If you are running in 'Full Screen' mode, that is going to happen. You can try running in a 'windows full screen borderless' mode, and that will make win-tab and alt-tab real smooth. If your system is a little older or underpowered, you might take a little performance hit. I've been doing windowed full screen borderless for a long time and prefer it. I find the difference negligible.

  10. I haven't done it since it came back (but remember I wasn't super fond of it back in the day, which is okay, not everything is for everyone). Seeing as today, I can get a guaranteed ticket for beating one, I was wondering if there was one that was easier than the others? :)

  11. It would be nice to have them back as part of an extended effort to introduce more animations to buy or achieve and allow us to enable/ disable as many as we own on a per character basis. It would be nice to have an option to toggle animations off during story conversations.


    Had a better post in last thread. Hope I wasn’t the reason your post got closed. I get the impression they don’t like me much, so I’m trying not to ruffle any feathers. :/

  12. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > There is a small group of Ogres in the corner of the White Mantle arena. They are veterans and summon pets, they have a ton of HP and they deal a lot of damage. I was killed on my warrior pretty much instantly, so bring a few people there.


    Thank you, found them up on a rock in the NE corner that you get to on the outer ring. Few people showed up to help. :)

  13. If this has already been posted, please feel free to move, or at the very least, point me in the direction of where this is talked about.


    For 'Master of the Four Winds', it looks like you have to do 'everything' it says, as you need to complete 25 things, and there are 25 listed (unless I counted wrong).


    One of the 25 is Ogres, but weren't the Ogres removed in favor of something else? How would we get the meta achievement done? Is there another place Ogres will be?


    Edit: Sorry! It's like...'3' ogres...'for old time sake'. So I just have to find 3 secret ogres. Got it! :)

  14. I don't really understand what is wrong with the follower list. I like mine. I don't really do anything where people would stalk me, so I assume they have followed me because they had a good experience playing near me, or something? I guess I get why some people might not like it. If I had a stalker, or was concerned people were tracking me in WvW or something like that, I'd like the ability to have it behave differently.


    At any rate, if they do make some sort of change, I hope it's an opt-in sort of thing, where they add functionality without removing existing functionality. Perhaps allowing the followee (?) the ability to one-off click on people following them and not allow it, or to 'disable' followers globally, which then turns into a situation where anyone wanting to follow you must ask to be your friend mutually. That way, if Person A is playing as it is today, and Person B turns their Follower list off, then when you try to follow someone, it let's you know you have to ask to be their friend to follow them, or something like that.


    Also, it would be a neat idea to make it behave such that you can turn the follower list on/off on the fly. Maybe you are okay with it in general, but don't want followers to see you when you are going to WvW. Toggling it on/off would be useful for someone like that.


    I think they could make a change such that it provides tools for people who really don't like how it is now, without...disrupting how it is now. :3)

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