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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. Didn't really realize that about DR. Thought it was just the thing from way back when I was first leveling my main up and trying to get crafting materials and eventually you'd stop getting those drops. :)


    I think tomorrow I'll try 'not' missing that portal event before he shows up and see if that helps. It's the only thing that has been different the past few days (other than being there early), and someone above said that maybe just doing some other event before the champ event is usually enough. And she's really been parked there forever. The last time she left the area was 'maybe' like 2 weeks ago to port to Mistsomething w/ that perma-scroll I have. Before that she did a small tour of PoF to get some things you can only get with each class, and I think all my toons cleared at least Oasis.


    Thanks everyone.

  2. Well, the character just logs in to do SB. I’ve been doing that forever. The only thing that has changed in the past few days is:


    1. Logging in 20-25 min before, rather than maybe 5-10 min before.

    2. Last few days I missed the portal pre before SB popped, alt tabbing back late.


    Not sure what DM would have to do with it. I’m not fighting anything while I’m sitting there or looting or receiving rewards that would need to be diminished.


    And we aren’t talking about like “oh, blood stopped dropping on regular mobs”, we’re talking about the (supposed) guaranteed chest reward you get each day from a world boss.

  3. If you are gliding in Bloodstone Fen, and use the '5' super speed skill (specifically holding it down for the really long blast, haven't really tried it with a short burst), and you are using 'W' or 'S' movements. Or...possibly even sometimes using those directions when you aren't using '5', or maybe just recently used it?...not sure, but the 'W' and/or 'S' will get stuck until you hit it again.


    Happens, like, 'all' the time. Nothing life threatening, just a little annoying.

  4. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > Now, even for high level players, lack of challenge is not fun.


    > So why do they bother playing in lvl 1-15 areas? Clearly challenge is not something they are looking for.


    I enjoy tooling around low areas from time to time, if nothing more than to do a world boss, and I often enjoy the 'do 4 events' dailies.


    One thing that would possibly help the situation is have the 'do 4 dailies in Queensdale', for example, be 'do 4 dailies in Kryta', Maguuma Jungle, etc.

  5. Well, isn't the way it works now is that if you have the default max per character of 2, and decided to learn something new, you have to pick one of the 2 you already know to drop? It doesn't forget any recipes or reset your progress, you just can't use it until you pick it up again and drop something else, no?


    So it's not like we want to forget everything. We just need to be able to turn off the 'i know this crafting profession right now' flag, but without replacing it with another profession. The code is already there to turn the one off, we just don't have something to 'talk' to for 'nothing'. Maybe an NPC called 'Chip the Lazy'?


    Chip: "What could I do for you today?"

    Me: "I'd like to learn to be lazy!"

    Chip: "Well, looks like you cook and make jewelry, you are far too ambitious to be lazy."

    Me: "How about I learn to be a 'little lazy'?"

    Chip: "Alright, what would you like to stop doing to be a little lazy?"

    Me: "Uhm...cooking!"

    Chip: "Done! You are now a little lazy!"


    Chip: "What could I do for you today?"

    Me: "I'd like to learn to be really lazy!"

    Chip: "Well, looks like you are already a little lazy, are you sure you would like to be really lazy?"

    Me: "Yes!"

    [selects the only non-lazy profession remaining and turns it off]

    Chip: "Done! You are now a really lazy!"


    And uh, we might need a few new titles. :#


    I have a few characters I went to a crafter to use the bank at and in my haste accidentally picked up a profession. Yes, it's OCD, but there you go.



  6. Well, to be clear, I guess you don't 'see' tools in your shared inventory slots when equipping through 'equipment' (or 'the paper doll', for those that favor that old parlance).


    I can, however, double-click on a tool in the shared inventory bag and it will swap with whatever I have equipped. Which for me, has always been how I do it. I even do that swapping weapons and gear and such, with some exceptions (usually involving fighting getting off hand weapons in the right place). I guess that way always made sense to me.


    Not to detract from the fact that it's a bug and apparently 'should' work that way. Just, there is another way to do it. :)

  7. I am not, but maybe it has to do with 'how' you do it?


    I can think of two ways to equip tools. From the 'equipment' tab on the character, or from the inventory.


    I'm in the habit of letting everyone carry around 'some' tools, wither Orichi/Mithril, or another unending set that doesn't have the 'best' upgrades in it, but they all carry something. Then I put the 3 tools in the shared bag. Every time I log a character in, I double-click on the each tool in the shared bag and it swaps it with what I have equipped. When I log out, I do the same thing, putting their tools back on and the good tools swap back into the shared bag.


    I do everything from the shared bag that way.


    Now, on a few characters, I'm using Volatile Magic tools, and not using my good tools. I have some extra sets on me, and when I run out, I 'do' equip those from the equipment tab. What I can't remember is: Do I even 'see' the tools in the shared inventory bag from that interface? I don't 'think' that I do?


    Might that be the issue?


    If not, no worries, just thought I'd do a drive-by, limited-knowledge, hopefully-not-misinformation, tried-to-help post. :)

  8. I used my first key to open the chest in Gendarren. I waited around to kill 10 krait to get the daily and another key. I tried to open that box again, and it wouldn't let me. I went to Bloodtide, and opened that one.


    Can you only open one chest at each location per day?


    I notice the daily says "kill krait in a 24 hour period". Is that also 'poor text', and it really resets with normal dailies, or did they actually add one of those 'real time' 22-24 hour clock items in the game? I thought we were trying to get rid of those? :confused:

  9. I don't know about 3 slots, but it would be nice if we just added glyphs to a collection and we applied them like a skin, but at no cost. Like changing our glider or current mini pet.


    I get confused when a new system that just ends up taking up inventory space, when on the other hand, they try to make attempts at stopping that. Like the LW book-o-teleporter was a good idea...until we got a second book.

  10. I like how powerful I am underwater, seems like most of my characters come out being more awesome underwater than on land.


    Knowing there are kinda two camps (three? more?) of "I hate UW", while I don't think whatever they are planning is going to help people that just spatially have issues fighting in the environment, I'm a bit nervous that big skill revamps and finding a way to let us use all of our utilities might also come with a 'balancing' that kills how awesome most/all my characters are under water.


    Guess it'll all be moot in a week. :)

  11. One other thing that happened to me. I tried to do it with my main character, and it turns out she wasn't the one that did the original one. I had used my Engineer to do the first round, because there was apparently something about using an Engineer that let you not have to wait a day (because Veruca Salt) or something and so that's what I did, but then my main couldn't see any debris, or get the appropriate conversation with Ninn in my housing instance (per JaFW above).


    Once I figured out which character had done the original set of quests, then everything finished up as it should.


    Hopefully they stop doing that in the future, because I'd like to get back on these with my main, and I'm _really _sorry I used my Engineer to do anything!

  12. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > There was:


    > _Return to Ninn with all the items and talk to him to hand them over. He will ask for a day to build the device for you (daily reset). (Note: If your character is an Engineer, an Asura, or a Charr with the Iron Legion biography selected, you will have the opportunity to help him build the device, in which case you receive it immediately instead of waiting for daily reset)._


    Oh yeah! I kinda remember that now.


    Well, they really need to stop making us use the same character in those situations. I can’t remember all that. ?

  13. I think I found which character it works on. Silly they do things like this. Hope I'll be able to get it done, it's not a strong character for me. Was there something special about using an Engineer last time? I would never have just picked this character to do anything like this on. I usually use my main, unless there is a compelling reason to use a different class for something (like some of the cats, I think).

  14. I think I found the character, and I got a debris and that achievement start. Though, the other achievement hasn't started.


    Was there a reason it was better to use an Engineer for the last CE? I have no idea why I would have picked this character, I'm not very good with it. She mostly just hangs out and does Shatterer from time to time. Was there something special about an Engineer last time?


    Oh well, hoping this lets me move forward. I'm going to go do something less stressful for awhile. :)


    Thank you!

  15. I don't get the two new achievements I'm supposed to. I'm supposed to get Lost in Something, and another achievement, after I finish the big event in the area and we win, and I don't have anything.


    People tell me to talk to Ninn at home, and I do that, but he doesn't say anything about debris. He just says he needs mithril and some other stuff for something? But no new achievements.

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