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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. > @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

    > In the open world though, you're often going to kill targets before the phantasms convert to clones. This means you won't shatter as much, but there's no actual problem with that since you're killing things anyway.


    I used to be able to spin up 3 clones really quick to get Continuum Split out, drop a bunch of wells, and then the rewind would refresh all my wells. It was a lot of fun. It didn't take a really big monster or group to do that either.


    > @"RabbitUp.8294" said:

    > Shatters are not amazing damage, though, a full F1 does less damage than a phantasm, but it's another cooldown to use.


    > What I do is use Signet of Illusions in pve. Some might not like it, because there are times that a clone will pop just as you are about to exit combat, which will attack something and put you back into combat, but it's another clone generator. Also, use your weapons' clone skills, instead of waiting for phantasms to die. Sword 3 is easy enough, use sword 4 instead of dodging.


    Yeah, not so much damage, but as a Chrono, being able to do Continuum Split early in a fight at full clones and (if I'm fast) get a full set of wells out, or at least 3 of them, then have them refreshed in a few seconds to be able to use them all again., that was great.



    What's funny is the changes 'seemed' to read like I was going to have a 'lot' more clones, and lose on phantom power, since they wouldn't hang out and fight any more and would convert to clones. I guess what got lost in translation for me was a reduction of clone generation somewhere else maybe?


    I mean, I was Sw/Sw + Sw/Sh. I could start in Sw/Sw and do a 3 and 5, which was a clone, possibly 2 before. Then flip to Sw/Sh and usually time a block and I was at 3, hit my CS, drop wells, maybe that shield 5 skill in there, I think, and then my wells were refreshed and I was rewound and drop some more wells out. While that all happened, I was back at 3 clones, and could bank them for my next CS or get another shatter in while CS was on cool down.


    So, I guess it's a little confusing to me why I lost my clone generating ability in that big patch, when it sounded like what was going to happen was I was going to lose my phantasms loitering, and have a 'lot' more clones and I'd be popping shatters and my CS to my hearts content. What actually ended up happening, I haven't gotten my head around.


    Update: Rereading @Pyroatheist.9031, I guess that really does explain it. Did Chronophantasm not used to do that? Does that explain 'all' the clone loss?

  2. This is still a thing. In particular, I log the 3 trees I planted in Dry Top every morning, and each morning I have to check to see how many Volatile axes I have on my character. If it's less than 9, I need to swap it out before starting to chop a tree with less than 3 axes left, otherwise I only get the number of chops left. Those trees collapse 'on the first hit', and if you run out of axes before your 3 chops, tough luck.


    Interesting, the one in the home instance does not behave this way. It collapses as 'all' other trees in the world do: when it's exhausted.

  3. What’s funny is if I open my map, I can hear them.


    It’s one reason I don’t like the “live action “ story vs the old side scroller story. I’ve posted it before as a suggestion. They need to not have important dialog based on positional sound (character location, facing, camera, etc).


    For me, I bet it’s worse with my surrround sound system. Having sound shaped based on where people are talking relative to your character is interesting and all, and fine for ambient conversation. But if you are addressing an npc directly or in story, it should be sharp, center and loud.

  4. This is more of a general suggestion, I suppose, but with the introduction of yet another currency, would it be possible to add currency to the wallet that are in our collection? All those LW3&4 items? I always find myself somewhere and wondering if I have enough of something to afford to buy some item (yet), and the only way to tell is to go over to the vendor, possibly wasting a trip. I'd use gw2timer to tell me, but there's always several days before the new slot is added to the collection, and it doesn't exactly update real time. :)

  5. > @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > > @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

    > > > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > > > Ok, [this](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhEQRAsc8encfClfi9fCGoBEgilnjCdx+gG4sACgEr+PT0FF-e "this") is what I look like.

    > > >

    > > > Ok so for clone production I would drop Inspiration or Inspiration and either pick up Dom for GS trait to get two zerkers(requires a different weapon set than you currently run) or pick up dueling for despectice evasion so you have clone on dodge.

    > > > If it’s just open world content you don’t need Inspiration and two zerkers will plow through mobs. If it’s fractals/raids then unless your support you really still don’t need Inspiration so it’s best candidate to drop.

    > > > The thing is with traited GS or non traited staff you can output more phantasms than with your current setup. More phantasms means more clones.

    > >

    > > I actually had Dom pre-patch and swapped it for Illusions. I guess I should keep Dom and Illusions and lose Inspiration? I like my sword, and 'kinda' like the 2 swords (mostly for aesthetic reasons, I suppose). I think before I made the Chrono, I was sword/sword and sword/pistol. Before that I did a 'lot' of GS, as a lot of other people did. I guess I could go back to that. I recall doing a little wand at some point? Not sure how excited I am to do GS again, but I guess that would be fine. Or staff. What would you pair with the GW or Staff then? One of my swords and the shield are ascended, so I suppose based on that alone, it would make the most sense to do sword/shield, but I do really like those 2 swords.

    > >

    > > Does it make sense for me to be Chrono and not use a shield somewhere? I guess my Weaver uses a staff, doesn't bother with a sword.


    > Mhmm. You should have enough condi clear with the well for PvE so you don’t really need Inspiration.

    > You can run Sw/Sh if you wanted. From a PvP perspective I see quite a bit of people run Sw/Sh Gs for damage or Staff for a more bunker oriented spec.

    > You can run the set you have now, you just won’t summon as many clones as I could with a separate weapon set. Levetty can steer you further in the right direction as he’s more knowledgeable than I in PvE. @"Pyroatheist.9031" can as well. I’m pvp WvW oriented myself.


    Thank you. I'm going to try Sw/Sh + GS for awhile with Inspiration swapped for Domination w/ 'Imagined Burden' and see how that works for awhile. I'll have to rummage around and see if I don't have an ascended GS I'm not using on another character, or see about crafting a new one. :)

  6. > @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > Ok, [this](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhEQRAsc8encfClfi9fCGoBEgilnjCdx+gG4sACgEr+PT0FF-e "this") is what I look like.


    > Ok so for clone production I would drop Inspiration or Inspiration and either pick up Dom for GS trait to get two zerkers(requires a different weapon set than you currently run) or pick up dueling for despectice evasion so you have clone on dodge.

    > If it’s just open world content you don’t need Inspiration and two zerkers will plow through mobs. If it’s fractals/raids then unless your support you really still don’t need Inspiration so it’s best candidate to drop.

    > The thing is with traited GS or non traited staff you can output more phantasms than with your current setup. More phantasms means more clones.


    I actually had Dom pre-patch and swapped it for Illusions. I guess I should keep Dom and Illusions and lose Inspiration? I like my sword, and 'kinda' like the 2 swords (mostly for aesthetic reasons, I suppose). I think before I made the Chrono, I was sword/sword and sword/pistol. Before that I did a 'lot' of GS, as a lot of other people did. I guess I could go back to that. I recall doing a little wand at some point? Not sure how excited I am to do GS again, but I guess that would be fine. Or staff. What would you pair with the GW or Staff then? One of my swords and the shield are ascended, so I suppose based on that alone, it would make the most sense to do sword/shield, but I do really like those 2 swords.


    Does it make sense for me to be Chrono and not use a shield somewhere? I guess my Weaver uses a staff, doesn't bother with a sword.

  7. What is the easiest way to post my build? I see it shows my character builds at gw2timer, which must be pulling them from the API, but I don't see a way to link to it, or 'pass' that information to some other builder. Is there a builder where you can put your API code in and pick a character and voila?


    I'm Sword/Sword and Sword/Board. I got pretty used to that, but sometimes would use a wand if I needed some range. I have a GS and Staff laying around, but haven't used them in a long time. Was hoping not to switch that part up too much, as one of my swords and the board are ascended at this point.


    > @"Levetty.1279" said:

    > Are you using Chronophantasma?


    Ah! As a matter of fact, I am. Which should I use in place of that?

  8. Since the big Mesmer update, something happened to me that I was really expecting after reading the changes to Phantasms. I was expecting to 'lose' them more frequently, as they do their attack then turn into Clones. Which was actually fine for me, as the build I selected for my Chrono seems to want to shatter a lot, at least to cycle in Continuum Split, but I probably wasn't doing a good job of keeping up with that, and probably needed to twist in some more shatters when that was on cool down.


    Before the patch, I had plenty of clones, but really my abilities seemed split between Phantasms and Clones. So they were coming from somewhere? I figured the Phantasms would do their move, and then go away and I'd be constantly peaked at 3 clones and needing to shatter more.


    What I'm finding is that I'm having a 'really' hard time generating any clones. I usually have only one. Sometimes I can get 2. What I can't seem to do is roll up to 3 quickly. I'm not really sure what I did. The only big change I made in my build is I dropped Dom for Illusions (keeping Inspiration and Chrono). I don't see anything in Dom that says "have lots of clones" or anything to that effect.


    So any thoughts as to why I'm having a hard time generating clones?

  9. > @"Tiny Doom.4380" said:

    > This thread is full of people basically saying "I don't want this so it's useless". Not everything is meant to be for everyone. People have different priorities, habits and tastes. Personally, I have always found Invisible bags to be extremely useful. I carry at least one on every character and more than one on several. Also I do carry multiple sets of gear and I like them to stay where I put them. Ditto the many little fun items I carry. I would have preferred this bag to remain Invisible - it would have replaced two existing Invisible bags on one character, freeing up a slot for another type of bag. However, I will happily take any kind of free, easy to get 32 slot bag.


    I agree with the initial sentiment, but it would have been nice if they offered a way to either pick what kind you want once. Or, better yet, give us a mystic forge recipe to change the bag type on the fly.


    I personally 'love' invisible bags, have many. I also love the one craftsman bag I put on each character. Sure, they usually fill up and spill into other bags while I'm farming. That's my queue to do a 'deposit all', or some salvaging and selling. :)


    This bag is a bit off. I was hoping to use it as the first bag under my main as the second bag that fills up with phat l3wt, but as I'm gathering in my house this morning, and watching it fill up, it just feels 'off'. I'd love to change it to a normal bag. Other than this bag, I have all 20s, so it's not really big enough to replace 2 bags. Otherwise, I'd replace two of my invisible bags down below with it, with gear and tonics and such, and then not worry about how it fills up or why it is the way it is...which...I may have to figure out a way to do. If I can cut my two 20 invisi-bags down to from 40 to 32, then I can push all the bags down, and have two big fill up bags under the main bag up top.


    The short point is, it would have been nice for something like a bag that you get from an achievement if there was a way to pick the type, either once or repeatedly in the forge. Think of like the achievement back item. You get to pick the stats. If the ascended back item in the collection was Cleric and that was all you got, that might be a bummer for many people, but interesting to just a few.

  10. > @"Torqiseknite.1380" said:

    > I've heard from map chat that it drops from the simulacrum bosses at the end of the Specimen Chamber event, however the drop seems to be somewhat rng if so since many people have done the meta multiple times without getting it.


    > Edit: Dulfy's guide suggests that it's the champs in the pre-event, so I guess the best thing to do would just be to run the entire event sequence repeatedly and hope it drops at some point


    Are the Simulacrum Bosses the ones 'in' the chamber? Is that what you mean? Where you get a couple random bosses and then the pair?


    As far as that Dulfy guide, that is what I've been trying, and I'm starting to not believe it. Or, they put a really 'nasty' RNG on an item that is needed for a time-gated collection, which would be horrible. I've killed 'many' champ bosses during that pre.


    In fact, before the last one, I put all the items I've collected so far in the bank, so I could free up some space to do that event (I actually have to salvage a few times while I'm trying to fight), and I got 3 duplicate pieces in one pass: Holographic Display Unit, Golem Left Arm, Gravitic Repulsion Unit.


    No Integrated Circuitry :(


    Update: It dropped finally! At the end of the big fight in the room. Not from a random Champ outside in the event before.

  11. LW4.2 Collection: "Repairing IG-6417"


    I have everything else, and they all dropped really quick (for the pieces that were random), but I can't seem to get this piece. It's presumably from champs during the 50 wave meta before the Specimen Chamber? :'(

  12. > @"dontlook.1823" said:

    > Fantastic. I am blown away. Everything about it was just epic. This LW stuff is turning into an Oscar award-winning ensemble. I have zero gripes whatsoever. Only things that aren't being carried over anymore: dungeons :[. But yeah, kudos keep up the good work. I'm literally eating my words from part of my 1st ep. comment: "Awakened attacks needs more follow-up outside of Istan." :+1:


    This was kinda my thoughts so far. Love the area, the story was great (though I might have some problems with some achievements, but that is okay). The collections, metas and bounties are great. Not 'super' excited about the fake bounties, but maybe those can just be dialed back?

  13. There are a few others. The Sunspear was a good simple, heavy look. Few of the converted tonics are okay (though I'd like them to make me a hybrid of individual clothing pieces I used to wear as a single outfit, but I digress). Nature's Oath is fun. Monk's is another.


    Having said that, there are some great outfits NPCs have. I'd like the dark overalls with the white short sleeved shirt some of the human female blacksmiths wear in Queensdale, I think it was.

  14. Before today's update, did the keys cost karma 'and' contracts? I thought it was just karma. Was that in the patch notes and I just glanced over it? :frown:


    (Sorry, at the Astrallarium (sp) heart in Istan)


    The new volatile magic gathering tool icons through me for a loop for a half a second when I opened my bags. Looked like the Candy Man got a hold of them. :3

  15. I'm in the 'sometimes' camp as well.


    What would be interesting is if each repeatable heart vendor had it's own 'perma onlock' item that gets registered in an achievement (one for each PoF zone, one for each LW chapter zone). Then you could, if you chose to, save up some resource to perma onlock the vendor on the heart, still leave the heart repeatable (if you choose), and go towards an achievement that maybe handed out another 5 AP, since a lot of people seem to like AP.


    For that matter, they could do something like making a zone full of hearts give out 5 AP each time you complete a set, up to a max of 25, like some of the repeatable holiday/event quests? Since they don't reset each day, you wouldn't have to do them in one sitting.

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