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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. Is there a reason at this point why we couldn't let the Blood Ruby and Petrified Wood, from LW3.1 and 3.2, have a 'Use' option that allows us to convert it to unbound magic if we have nothing else to spend it on? I believe all the other LW3 currencies (at least, those that I've maxed saving in my storage at this point), have the option to convert them. Seems like the only option with the first two is to vendor them.


    Side question: Is there any sort of low(ish) cost, useful consumable that I'm maybe missing that I could buy with Blood Ruby and Petrified Wood rather than just vendoring it (since there is no UM conversion option)?

  2. I like that there are lots of levels of achievements and types of content. There are some types of content I don't do at all. Some I used to do a lot, now just do a little. Some achievements I stayed clear of because I never thought I'd be able to do them, and then months or years later went back to them and was able to do them, not realizing how far I'd come. Still, quite a lot out there that I've tried and failed at and others that just seem to ominous to attempt. And that's great, because I'm not super awesome, but realize that people who are way more awesome than me still have things to shoot for. :)

  3. > @"Ariurotl.3718" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > I guess that says something. :/


    > Which is what, exactly? The number of QoL improvements over the past couple of years has been remarkably high.


    I'm not unhappy with the game at all (aside for some personal 'it would be awesomes if'), didn't mean it like that. Just meant that maybe there was some sort of cost/benefit to receiving suggestions in that manner that didn't warrant them wanting to make a sticky again. Or maybe the people that gather suggestions are more apt to get them through other channels, like Reddit or some other avenue.

  4. Got one just 5 min ago in Timberline Falls. Haven't seen this since the first year or two of release, guess they are back using that hack again. Happened to be in a concentrated area with 3-4 nodes. Saw them south of me at a node, they gathered and insta blinked up to my node, gathered, and blinked north of me to gather and blink out. No, it's not lag, I can tell the difference, as anyone that has seen this can see the difference. Surprised there are some risking this again. I remember when it first started, there were so many of them, I was literally making spreadsheets of names while I played, and submitting them in bulk of 10-20 names at a time to support before it finally died down.


    Well, reported this person, and moved on. To those risking the world teleport gathering hack again, good luck to you! o7

  5. I was thinking about how much I love to use the gliding combat abilities in Bloodstone Fen (and still do 3-4 of the dailies there, just because I like flying around the upper right side of that place and using flying abilities on UG and Hab) and was thinking it would be neat to have abilities we can purchase for mounts and use in the zone that map to your 1-5, much like the gliding abilities were for that zone. 1 is still the dismount, but maybe a shared 2-3 (maybe 2 is something that would work auto?) for all mounts and custom 4-5 depending on the mount? Maybe one mount has a single target CC, another an area CC. DoTs, HoTs. Just thinking out loud. I think it would be fun to have some sort of mount related LW4 zone like Bloodstone Fen gave to gliding.

  6. I bought a garden, so I have a launch pad, which is awfully close to the dead bird which is sometimes left for me as a 'present' from one of my flat mates. When I interacted with the dead bird to remove it, it sadly (yes, sadly) did not explode into a mess of feathers. Nothing happened when it was removed. I suspect maybe it has something to do with it's proximity to the new garden launchpad?

  7. > @"CharterforGw.3149" said:

    > Is there some way to get the old town clothes back? I deleted them to clear my bank, before actually converting them, I didn't know you could convert them.


    There are quite a few of those tonics for sale on the TP for cheap. I'd double check at the vendor that turns the tonic into clothing on the name, but iirc, it's the 'Endless Common Clothing Tonic' that is the old town clothes? But don't blindly buy based on that, double check w/ the conversion vendor. On the TP for 2s99c. You just need one, then take to the converting fellow at the TP in LA and you have a new piece of clothing all your characters can wear. :)

  8. Would be neat if things like this also gave a daily collection you could do for...something? Wouldn't even have to be a big reward, just a fun to-do, if you feel like it. "Go out into the world and get me x of these 10 plants and return to me and I'll give you (thing)". Make it so the count(s) for the daily collections come directly from the harvests, kinda like the seeds, so we can't just buy the stuff from the TP, or take it out of our own inventory collection. Oh, and maybe the plants are always things we grow, and only 4 of a thing, so we could, in theory, choose to grow them for that day rather than go find them in the world? Or grow whatever we want, and go gather the quest requirements in the world? Or...ignore the daily quest entirely b/c it takes too much time and is bothersome, and the reward isn't that great (wouldn't want it to be crazy awesome, maybe a handful of crops or something).

  9. I noticed when I got a starter seed from the vendor, as long as I didn't unequip the seed sack, I could use it to plant everything, and then unequip it when I was done. I don't know if that was mentioned or not. I figured I'd have to get one seed for each planting, even if I wanted 4 of the same thing.

  10. > @"Tasida.4085" said:

    > The champs in both GH and palawa still make it a viable and profitable run. So many of the players can't run their alts through,no big loss. There do seem to be a few less chests than before though. It's easy magic and T6 mats so I'll stay farming it. And there are still full maps@event time.


    Our instance an hour ago was empty. We got as far as getting 1/3 boats before we failed and had to escape. There were no other advertised raids up at the time. It's still really fun, just sorry the Gordon Gekkos all had to leave.

  11. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > Hey all,


    > I just heard from Joe, one of our designers, and he told me that there is *indeed* a problem with the Joko portal event, as mentioned above. Upon closer examination, what's happening is the champion mobs currently do not count towards event participation. Clearly, that's a bug, and the team already is developing a fix. It's likely that a correction for this will go out tomorrow or as soon thereafter as possible. We'll include a mention in the update notes so you'll see when it's corrected.


    > Thanks for pointing this out to us. We got your back!


    It's possible it might be more than this. I just had my first 'no credit' scenario, and I 'easily' put a lot of damage into every champion boss during the scenario when it was up, but didn't get credit.

  12. Once you've passed the step that requires the Particle Collector (or in my case, the Particle Collector (Filled)), can you just destroy that item? Is it needed for crafting the ascended weapons for that area or anything like that?


    I searched the forum, and there was just a mention in a patch note of the item that they temporarily disabled being able to sell it to a vendor.

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