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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. I suppose it's hard to argue assertion. You can't really argue "It's B2P, not P2W", because those have never been mutually exclusive. A subscription could offer a shop that sells items that makes a game P2W. As can a B2P or a F2P. I suppose the term P2W leaves a bit of a nasty taste in my mouth, but it's just a label, and it is what it is, to varying degrees.


    But to the core argument: Does bottling new specializations, which in some cases aren't horizontal but rather vertical upgrades, in expansions provide a type of P2W scenario in PvP and WvW because there isn't a way for people who don't pay to remain competitive?




    Unless, there is a way for you to earn it in the game without directly paying money.


    I suppose there are two paths to correcting this, and maybe one of them already exists? I don't remember off hand, but can you buy the expansions in the BLTC? If you can, then there is a way to earn those specializations now. Gold to Gem conversion.


    If you can't buy the expansions for gems, then I suppose another option that might be less pay to win is to add the ability to earn specializations in PvP (and WvW?), locked to those modes. You wouldn't be able to use them in PvE.

  2. I can't recall off hand whether I finally got mine from Hab-n-Friends or if I got it from one of the ghosts during one of the night events on the floor. I do seem to recall that is one of the ones that didn't come nearly as fast as many of the other ones. :/

  3. > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > I am failing to see how this is really useful.. if your in a group, why are you interested in monitoring other LFG's.. you can only be in one at a time so what is the point of tracking multiple LFG's?


    Oh I'm not in a group yet. And the purpose of tracking multiples would be a nice way to see if anything organized starts to pop anywhere in the world that I might be interested in. Maybe a squad is starting up for that big thing in Vabbi. Maybe it's a HoT meta like Lexi said. Maybe someone has a VB squad going, pushing the level high, and that sounds fun. Maybe a Mentor throws a party up in Adventurer's Guild to offer to help anyone with anything (personal story, old event).


    It would be a way to monitor a few areas you might be interested in without having to stop and pop the LFG up periodically and look around and continue on. You could just track-n-forgot during a play session, and be notified as new squads and parties pop up in areas you are interested in.

  4. It would be nice to be able to 'track' one or more LFG groups, much like we flag dailies or achievements to track. Next to the name could be a count of the number of groups and squads (2 different numbers) in the LFG group being tracked. Clicking on the name, or some other little button, opens the section in the LFG so you can pick a group/squad to join.


    I just though it would be nice to be able to track a few things more easily and continue to play but still be able to watch groups in areas. Maybe the option to get a notification when a new group or squad shows up in a tracked LFG, and have it flash for a few seconds?

  5. I thought it would be neat to let me have a home 'inside' the home instance, where I could have a library that contains all those books we found/created over the years. Maybe let you pick up to 3 minis that you own to loiter around your house. Give us some crafting things we can make for our houses, paintings, furniture. Let us sit in your chairs. Maybe some of our NPC friends come visit us. I don't know. :)


    I don't think it has to be like a huge, separate thing like in LotRO or ESO. I think they could leverage the existing home instances to give us something. At least thinking of the human instance, there are lots of homes in there that would work. I think there are places they could carve out of the other racial instances, or expand them a little, to come up with homes.

  6. > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > I know this isn't a huge deal, but could you possibly remove repeatable hearts from the map completion pointer? It sort of defeats the purpose of having a feature that points you toward unfinished objectives when repeatable hearts that you've already completed take precedence over objectives you haven't completed.


    > Alternatively, give us some way of selecting an objective so that we can see where the nearest missing point is? For example, select points of interest and it points you toward the nearest one of those you're missing...instead of annoying repeatable hearts?


    I think the option to remove any object that is now on repeat from the content guide would be great. I think they should change the drop down to either a drop down where each option is a check (rather than trying to put together compound selections of options, like 'story and events'), or just a section where you check and uncheck items you don't want included in the guide.

  7. > @"artemis.6781" said:

    > Dolphin! I probably wouldn't mind UW combat if we could use mount skills.


    Only if it causes some crazy controversy, because you can't have a dolphin without #[dolphingate](http://massivelyop.com/2015/03/20/trion-makes-amends-for-archeages-dolphingate/ "#dolphingate"). :#


    A dolphin would be great, though. In the event I get to see it, I'm crossing my fingers for a LW4 map that has mount combat abilities kinda like Bloodstone Fen had gliding combat abilities.

  8. 1. Login my Mesmer at the air ship in Bloodstone Fen, and do the dailies there. Sometimes I get Hab, sometimes I don't. They are all really fast to do, and pick up a wee bit of karma. The 3 rifts you can fail to win, so all you really have to do is fly by and kill one thing and leave and you'll get credit when it fails (or, of course, is successful). I call them 'Failies'. I don't really need the map currency any more, so I salvage it. I do it because it's fast karma, and enjoyable, and I really like flying and using the air combat skills. :) And I get all the Flax on the flying rocks.

    2. I move her to TD at Jockal Itchy (sp?) WP and drop down for some more Flax.

    3. Port to Dry Top and hit the farm and my planted, uh, trees that give LW3.5 currency. Again, don't need the currency, but I mash into unbound magic. I use unbound magic to get 6 bags of goods from the utility thing that converts all that stuff to bags. I have a 45th level character that opens and salvages it all when I get 250 bags. Gotta keep in that mid-level materials!

    4. She heads over to AB a little after H:30 to get ready for the meta. If I have time, I'll work on things listed after this, and then finish after AB.

    5. My main (Elementalist) will do 1-2 WvW dailies. Those are usually pretty easy, even if I get killed. If I get camped, I go back later, or if there are enough other Daily things to do, I do those. I almost always do at least 1 WvW one.

    6. My main gathers in the housing district in DR. I have, I think, all the nodes you can get at this point, except awesome things from gamble boxes. I purchased all the ones I can buy, and earned all the rest, including cats. I bought only 1 of the new harvest farms, and enjoy that too.

    7. My Mesmer ports up to Mistlock Sanctuary and makes 10 food with a decent margin and sells on the TP to supplement my income.

    8. My Necro does some things around Istan. As many dailies as I feel like. I like the 5 delivery crate Adventure, the Race, 3 Stashes and Awakened killing. I'll do one round of GH and 'maybe' a Pala, but I don't do the latter much any more.

    9. At some point, I'll finish up the dailies, with whoever it makes sense to do it with (based on where they are parked, etc).

    10. I recently made a push to make sure all my characters had an Ascended weapon in each of their swap slots (my main has a few extra, like a wand, torch, knife), so I'm low in all those middle mats. I've been picking one of my other characters each day (not one mentioned above) and doing a 2-4 zone gathering spree. That's actually been pretty enjoyable. I haven't done it in awhile, and it's a way to loiter in the old zones again (I have map completion on all 9 of my characters). I'll sneak in some DEs along the way, help people when I can.

    11. I've been loitering around with one of my characters in PoF. She is on the 3rd zone. My Ranger is camped in Desert Highlands and sometimes I like to login and do treasure hunting up there.

    12. Edit: Forgot I've been trying to do Teq and a Gendarran Anamoly every day too.

  9. I seem to recall once a long, long time ago, in a completely different MMO forum, a question like this was asked and the response had to do with some legal issues with the difference between using an idea retrieved from a public context vs a private one. I sadly don't remember the exact context of the question, or if it's even a thing any more, but maybe that has something to do with it? :thinking:

  10. I wish we had a better way to get a player's name quickly. This is mostly with respect to the teleport-gather abusers (which I haven't seen in a long time, but have cropped up again in great numbers). I saw two today in Blazeridge. Sometimes I'm quick enough to target them and add them as a friend before they take off, but it's a pretty hard game of whack-a-mole.


    What would be nice is if we could either get a function that will add everyone in the immediate area as a friend or the targeted player, with an associated keybind. It would be easier to friend them before they take off again so we have their information to report them.


    I didn't get either of the two this morning. :(

  11. I haven't been using Mistlock Sanctuary 'really' long, in the grand scheme of things, but noticed it seems like every time my Necro goes there, she's immediately crippled. I have that signet ability up that transfers conditions to myself, and then allows me to transfer them away, so I'm sure that's why I'm picking it up. That means, however, that there is something or someone that just ... hangs out in the Sanctuary crippled? Is there something there that would cause that? Maybe some sort of combat dummy in a corner that cripples people? Or something that cripples you if you fly/fall/move out of bounds some how or something?


    I just found it odd and was curious as to what it was. :)

  12. So long as they always give us instructions on how to get back to what we had before, in the event implementing something like this makes them shift our current settings (which I also have a screenshot of just in case I have to do one of those fixes that wipes out my settings), I'm fine with it.


    Oh, and they must 'always' keep -useOldFoV for us old timers. :)

  13. Just had a field that was bugged, couldn't use skill 5 on it, or skill 1 to look for locations to dig up. IP 227, if you want to/are able to go take a look.


    One thing I noticed is I heard it fall, but Fatima didn't offer her usual, helpful notification.


    Saw a squad out so used it to move to IP 82. Hopefully I'll have some better luck there. Need 200 more powder for a sword for my Ranger! :3


    Update: 1 hour later - 82 has been great. She calls out the falls. Haven't come across a broken one yet. Unless you call the big rock one 'broken', which I do, because I don't really understand why it exists and what is so great about it. I always get less from that and seemingly have less control than the field variety.

  14. It probably would be for me if I completely switched gears and created only these new weapons to finish gearing my alts, but it's not so bad as a supplement to also creating them a more traditional way. I recently created a list of who of my alts didn't have at least one ascended in 'each' of their two weapon sets (my warrior only needs one, as the axe is shared between my sets, but my thief needs two, as I'm staff and p/p, for example), and as I found that I needed to make 5 more weapons, and I'm doing it 3 traditional and 2 stellar, to spread some of the types of material requirements around a little. I'm down to two more weapons.

  15. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

    > > ...they should just make all of them consumable, for uniformity's sake.


    > They _should_, but I'm not holding my breath because it's a low priority issue; there are other QoL concerns that take precedent.


    > Fortunately for myself, I find that I still have use for trinkets that can be bought for p-wood or b-rubies, so I just buy those whenever mat storage starts to get full.




    I ran out of trinkets to buy. My 9 characters have everything they need at this point, one of them having two sets for two different builds. If I start getting more serious about wanting secondary sets of armor for more characters, I'll probably buy more of those too.

  16. > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

    > The option with blood rubies and petrified wood is to *salvage* them into UM, as it says in its tool tip.

    > I’d much rather a consume still, but you do get UM from them.

    > Jade Shards are also salvageable instead of consumable.


    Interesting, I figured they realized it would be easier to just consume it once they hit berries. Jade is the last one I don't have at capacity in my collection. 13 more to go.

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