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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. They need some new camera modes.


    First, I'd like to be able to set the vertical camera height for sitting 'independent' of when I'm standing.


    Second, we might either need a separate 'adjust camera to character height' for sitting (I don't like it on when standing), or on the sit camera, the ability to set it much lower.


    The new setting(s) should also work when you are doing an emote that makes you not stand (sitting, lying down, kneeling, etc).

  2. > @"Ashamir.9574" said:

    > > @"Adzekul.3104" said:

    > > Yeah, 1200 gems for the mount I want (3x the price of the random option)? No way! Won't buy any! If it was 600, I would have a different opinion.


    > > @"Calafalass.3486" said:

    > > Yea GJ 1200 gems for skin u want? gj anet it's like kitten in our face :)


    > If they would make the direct buy only 2x as expensive as the rng one the only people who'd buy normal would be ones who want all skins anyway. Of course they want you to you gamble, so 3x the orginal price isn't something unexpected. At least you _can_ buy those skins individually.


    > My personal problem is that the Istan skins look like kitten ... but then again I only liked 3 or so of the original Mount Adoption skins.


    We can't buy any of the old pack skins by just paying 1200?

  3. 10. One for each class and a 45th level 'bag opener' who opens and salvages bags I make from converted ascended materials using that continuum transfunctioner.


    Recently, I created two new characters to loiter around the map with. I'll probably play them and delete them from time to time and start over.

  4. Open your map and check the legend. You can mouse over each type of thing and it will highlight them on the map for you, for the areas you have exposed.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/vZ9kviz.jpg "")



    Also, to get the title (it's name escapes me), you have to uncover every 'area' in every map, even if there is no POI or other thing to interact with. In that case, open your map when you are in the area and compare it to the map for zone on the wiki. The map for each zone is over on the right, and you can click on it a second time to really zoom in and move around.


    A great example of an easy area to miss is 'Tail of the Serpent' in '[Timberline Falls](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/d/df/Timberline_Falls_map.jpg "Timberline Falls")'. There are no POIs or anything like that in the area, and it hugs the lower right side of the map. I missed it the first time.


    Update 2:

    Also, you can get a birds eye view of any map to see whether you have completed it by zooming the map 'way' out so you see more of the world, and then move over to where that zone is and put your cursor over the zone name. It will show you how far along you are (not counting the issue brought up in my first update).


    Update 3:

    Doesn't look like the maps have the mastery points on them. But the wiki should also help identify how many of those are in each of the zones. Hopefully those entries were updated to include the MPs they added to the original game as well.

  5. > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > **Auric Basin** is a second favourite of mine: I'm always swimming in map currency because I like to do the meta daily, and the cost per token is cheaper in terms of Karma than buying them for raw Karma at the Orr temple.


    Hadn't thought of that, I'm in the same boat. Who sells them there? The big guy outside the hole?

  6. I think you are missing an option or two.


    I like hearts. I think they should be repeatable, but take half the work. I think the vendor should remain open after the first unlock, but not for map specific currency items. And only then, the LW maps. I don’t think there is any reason to be hiding anything on PoF heart vendors. But something like Lake Doric, where you might likely only be doing the heart for extra currency to buy a necklace or something, why not? Especially, as I stated earlier, if they only require half the work on subsequent clears.


    As a final thought, I think every DE should be tied towards clearing some heart. There are many DEs in the world that are orphaned from hearts they are near, and I see a lot of people say they are fine with DEs but hate hearts. If there were always a connection, you could clear hearts by doing nothing but related DEs, if you so choose, having no general interest in the plight of the nearby farmer.

  7. I personally like the idea of the hearts being repeatable, but where I shake out on whether you have access to the vendor is this:


    Items that cost, in part or in full, any expansion/zone currency, then they should be locked behind completion. All other items and the sell and buyback tabs should be available all the time. So something like buying volatile magic tools, which only cost karma, should be available all the time.


    Oh, and the experience required to repeat the hearts should be halved.


    Having said that, those being my personal wishes for change, I would not be opposed if they changed it to 'completely' keeping the heart vendors unlocked, and repeating them for fun, karma, other rewards is optional.

  8. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > While it doesn't affect me, I've never been able to get my head around _why_ they do it this way. If you come along and buy HoT or PoF, you should immediately have access to any of the LW released during as it's companions.

    > >

    > > It's like the _reverse_ situation of the people that feel punished for buying the game or expanions at release price when they are discounted later. As, like all things in life are. I mean, I can pick from any of hundreds of thousands of real world examples to explain why that makes sense. I can't think of anything else that works the way they make you pay for LW months/years later? Like, if I buy an older model TV 3 years later at 40% of the list price, I then have to pay for it to work when I plug it in, because I didn't buy the TV back when...uh...I have no idea what that would be. Would love to have that one explained. :)

    > >

    > > Anyway, doesn't effect me. I would think that would be a huge barrier to ever getting friends to play down the road. I've never priced it, how much do those things cost if you didn't happen to login during it's release window?


    > The Living Story is DLC in all but name. In any other game it would be called DLC, everyone would have to buy it when it came out and apparently most people would be fine with that.


    > If they were to change the system at all it would most likely be making it so everyone has to buy it, like other games do. The only reason it's free for people who log in during the release period is because of the old system where Living Story releases were free temporary updates like festivals - they were available to everyone but only for 2-4 weeks, then they were removed from the game forever and no one could play them. Players didn't like that and kept asking for it to be permanent but I don't imagine it would have been well received if Anet had said "ok, it will be permanent, but you'll have to pay for it" - so this was a kind of middle ground to ease the transition.


    > Having said that I do think Anet should sell some kind of bundle pack of the base game, HoT, PoF and all the Living World releases together. Even if it cost the same price as buying them separately I think it would help get over the resentment some people have when the buy the game or return after a break and find there's paid content they've missed.


    Okay, that makes at least some sense. I never considered to think of it as DLC. Mostly because I don't really play games that have DLC like that. Or, I guess that's not entirely true. My experience with it has always been through friends I used to play with, and the defacto leader of the group would tell us what to click on and how much it was all going to cost, and that was that. Never really stopped to think of what it all was before. :)


    I guess the alternative is the expansions would be more expensive? I wonder how much money they get from people that have to buy LW content because they are new or inactive? I suppose at this point, keeping the expansion cost low and making people who stick with them feel good about sticking with them goes further in continued shop sales than the potential lost sales of new players confronted with a pay wall.


    How visible is that DLC to people, though? I mean, when you are in Steam and looking at a game, it's pretty easy to see to tell what everything is and what it's going to cost you. As a new GW2 player, when/where do you see the LW (DLC) content presented to you?

  9. While it doesn't affect me, I've never been able to get my head around _why_ they do it this way. If you come along and buy HoT or PoF, you should immediately have access to any of the LW released during as it's companions.


    It's like the _reverse_ situation of the people that feel punished for buying the game or expanions at release price when they are discounted later. As, like all things in life are. I mean, I can pick from any of hundreds of thousands of real world examples to explain why that makes sense. I can't think of anything else that works the way they make you pay for LW months/years later? Like, if I buy an older model TV 3 years later at 40% of the list price, I then have to pay for it to work when I plug it in, because I didn't buy the TV back when...uh...I have no idea what that would be. Would love to have that one explained. :)


    Anyway, doesn't effect me. I would think that would be a huge barrier to ever getting friends to play down the road. I've never priced it, how much do those things cost if you didn't happen to login during it's release window?

  10. I have _no_ idea what prompted this, but I'm glad there is at least one other soul left on the planet that feels Jeff Lynne is genius. Let's not forget his producing work, which includes the best Petty solo and Heartbreaker albums. Plus Wilburys. Out of the Blue is still one of the greatest things to listen to with the headset on. Side 3.


    >! Except Discovery. We'll pretend that never happened. :angry:

  11. > @"yann.1946" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > I can never figured out how to fish from dry land. I snagged one once, and then I had a ... fish kite? But then I could figure out how to get my fish kite down.

    > >

    > > I always have to go underwater and stab one to death, and 'barely' make it back to drop off my one fish before the timer expires on the event.


    > the kite comes down automatically. A white circle will spawn on the dock and if you stand in it and wait the fish will drop in you're hands.


    > I hope this helps.


    Oh! Didn't know about the white circle. Thanks!

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