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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. I'm not sure I'm going to get them this time around. I've kept on top of my magic with karma tools for 2-3 of my characters that it makes sense for. Everyone else shares my old unbound tools with the speedy gathering glyphs (?) in them. I think I have around 120K volatile, double that in unbound. I bought the unbound ones and it really helped me because I started playing again right before Lake Doric, so I was pretty behind with unbound magic, and had to do quite a bit of grinding to catch up to buy everything I wanted. Volatile, so far, I don't really need the boost.


    Now, with my luck, the tools will go away, and 4.4 - 4.fin will have a huge jump in volatile magic requirements and I'll be sad, but I'm thinking about passing this time around just the same.


    I do like the animation on the base tools, though.

  2. I wasn’t realizing the way the menus worked, thanks.


    It also seems like people can come stand by you while you are trying to do it in such a way that you lose the fast F interface. So now a whole new type of griefing starts.


    You should be able to go into a private instance with him to work on it.


    Getting close, though. Ran out around my 8th round of level 2 upgrades. I’m probably doing more healing than is worthwhile. I think I’ll save up 1000 before I try to finish.

  3. If you use a Quaggan tonic as a Thief (extra endurance) and dodge around, you can be the original Roller Quaggan. Not a very fast mount sadly.


    Edit: I'd like a yellow ladybug. I'd link a picture, but I'm too lazy to upload it to imgur right now. Should be able to put any ol' image anywhere on the webbertubes.


  4. Another small suggestion. It would be nice to be able to complete a zone's meta with story completion and other zone things - 'without' having to do any 'special' story achievements. Like "Kill 40 things in 30 seconds hopping on one foot using a broom before Canach finishes his monologue after hanging your brother's clothes on the lower peg before writing your letter home". I'm going to 'just' be able to squeeze this one in, I think, but I'm doing it with one easy story (the trial one), and a few I just 'fluked' into. I got lucky...this time.

  5. So I followed some of the instructions here, and with the turret I was given, I was able to get through the entire first row of the main 201-407 line, 33%.


    I tried to configure again, and no progress was made in any of the new 7 achievements. So I stopped healing my turret and went to talk to Drazz, and he'll sell me a new deployment kit, but nothing about it indicates if I buy it that it will work for the new achievements.


    Is that what you do at this point, buy another one and that makes a new one of the right level to proceed?

  6. Different from the 'watch list' that lets you track one achievement at a time, 'Favorites' would let you tag an entire category of achievements.


    Right now, in mine, I'd like Daily Kourna, Story Kourna, Sunkey Treasurer Hunter, 1 or 2 Current Events.


    A quick way to get to categories that you (currently) care about the most. Maybe a limit of 10.


    Right about the 'Daily' category and below 'Watch List'.

  7. I like having new maps each time. I think this is a nice one. I like some of the new mechanics, like using the mount to stomp on bugs. I think there were some great mechanics in that really long story step (though, they could have broken that into two parts), even though I was a little frustrated with it at the time (but only because I wanted an oompa loompa and I wanted it now). I like the new, big DE event chain, and I think it should scale well for smaller amounts of people when the people that were going to move on regardless move on. The hearts are all fairly quick to clear, and I like the enormous amount of longer term collections.


    While it's to be expected the locusts will make their push and then pontificate in map chat and the forums why what they just rushed back to do in 3-5 days is terrible and then leave, I'm a little disappointed there aren't more people far more articulate than me in the "unfinished / no meta / no gold / no special currency / no good ascended / wtb good sword (?) / muh winterburries! / my pines! / lone pine mall" threads with any sort of voice of reason. That makes me a little sad.


    Or, maybe they're all just enjoying themselves playing?


    Guess I'll go back to doing the same (had a break between my morning world bosses :# ).

  8. Finished the story today (Ignatius :lol: ), and thought it was great. Really had a good time. Really enjoying the new map and mount. Like the hearts, moved a few characters there for the time being. Killing rats. Very meta.


    I'm not understanding all the hate, and I guess I don't really care, except that I hope it doesn't turn into a big u-turn. It's not just the forums, there are people pontificating in map chat in the zone now. I don't mind locusts, but locust-and-leave. Please don't use map chat as your soap box as to why it's all bad.


    1. Taima is great. Her head is not too big.

    2. I like having maps. Every time.

    3. Maybe the bombing story step was a little long, that could have been broken into two steps.

    4. The map looks complete to me (?), and it's interesting to move around in.

    5. The story was fun.


    Back to the new zone's dailies and some hearts and picking on achievements to work on for me.

  9. I'm not very good on it yet, and don't have all the abilities yet, but I used him on an alt earlier today to drive quickly to a zone next to the one I was in (because I'm WP stingy) with the rocket booster and it was pretty neat. I think it'll find it's place. It's a completely different mount than the other 5, which is great. I wonder if they'll run out of ideas? Maybe the next will be underwater? Maybe the next expansion has lots of underwater stuff, and the first little underwater revamp was the beginning of that! :o

  10. I bet if they did Current Events from time to time, like the treasure hunting, that let you do multiple rounds of some of those 'hard to get people for' events for AP, people would come.


    They've been playing with some 'bonus weekend' type ideas, maybe they could do something for some of those events to entice people to show up over a weekend? Tie specific events around the world to bonus rewards? Not increasing the rewards all the time, just something to encourage people to show up for a weekend.


    The key would be letting people know what the events were going to be ahead of time so those that have harder things to complete could plan for it.

  11. I managed to get all 5 done yesterday, but I sat around for 4 hours last night to do it. It reminded me a lot of how things used to be in EverQuest. Camping, waiting. There was a nostalgia factor, and it won't happen again (for a long time hopefully) so no worries. I got pretty lucky on a few of them, right place at the right time sorta thing.


    There were some that were odd, like I did Balthazar, and didn't get credit (most did), but went back later and purposely 'failed' the defense, and got it. 3-5 of the others worked on defense, and don't know about Melandru, b/c I happened to get it on an assault.

  12. If you see a raid with a 'join' button, and there are like 30/50 people in it, and you click 'join' and nothing happens, is that because they have it set to some sort of option where they have to approve you asking to join first?

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