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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. If they change it drastically, they either need an 'old/new' setting, or if they do something interesting like adjusting the cone priority, a slider.


    Tab targetting doesn't always pick the closest enemy, at least it doesn't in most games I've played. It's usually some weighted priority based on where you are facing, allowing tab to pick a target that is more directly in front of you (and in range), even though it's not closer.

  2. Going back in the world to do events and such is pretty fun, but you have a huge scaling issue. The mobs die in seconds and if there are too many people there, you don't get credit. Like the Alpha in the SW. I'm there now, and people are trapping and just generally not being very nice. I'd wager a few are just sticking around and trapping it because seeing us all annoyed 'is' new content for them.

  3. I'm having this same problem, and the same sort of anger. I have things to blow up, and I can't figure out how to get to them, because the wall is totally up at this point. I can't seem to get high enough to glide in. I really don't want to have to start this over again, it is really, really long. I've been stuck now for 20 minutes, and don't know what to do either. :(


    Update: I was able to mount up and fly my gryphon over the wall to get to all the remaining items. My problem now is there is one last barricade, but nothing to set off the proximity bombs on it.

  4. I was able to get the 3pack and EotN, created a new GW1 account using same email and password. Added the 2 Steam keys into my new account.


    As soon as I did that and went back to look at my GW2 account, it was already linked for me, and I could go into the HoM tracker and see my whopping 3 points. ?


    Now I just have to figure out how to proceed, but I got a character up to 6, and a helpful person was offering to answer questions, so that was nice.

  5. I just got Guild Wars 1, and wanted to do whatever I needed to do to make sure I got it linked to my GW2 account?


    I haven't created a GW1 account yet, do I need to do that first?


    I bought it on Steam, is there anything about getting it there that changes how this works?


    Edit: I went ahead and created a new account and use the same login name and password and added the two keys (3-pack + EotN) and when I went back to my account information in GW2, it seemed like it auto-linked. :)

  6. > @"Chaba.5410" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > I was thinking about getting the original game, but not sure which to buy. Plus, the Steam store won't seem to open for me right now. I have the original-original GW1 game, didn't play it longer than a week back when it first came out. Didn't give it a fair shake. I see there are lots of different names for things, and was wondering if there was like a bundle that had 'all' the expansions in it, and if that was on sale, and I could just buy that one thing?


    > Get the Trilogy and EOTN for the original game and all expansions. It's about $25 for all of it. That's a lot of content to play during GW2 "content droughts". :)


    > Here's the GW reddit discussion about it:


    Thank you! And done.

  7. I was thinking about getting the original game, but not sure which to buy. Plus, the Steam store won't seem to open for me right now. I have the original-original GW1 game, didn't play it longer than a week back when it first came out. Didn't give it a fair shake. I see there are lots of different names for things, and was wondering if there was like a bundle that had 'all' the expansions in it, and if that was on sale, and I could just buy that one thing?

  8. I hope it's not something that requires doing a lot of the new/old content that requires lots of people and after the [i'm getting old, and 'lose' words, and today's lost word is the common thing we call people that come back and chew up new content in a week and then move on...it's not cockroaches or grasshoppers, but it's something to that effect, and sadly my brain just can't recall it today :anguished: ] move on, then those who aren't in a position to get on that train early are left with a hard time getting it.


    I'm in a position where I 'can', but I always feel bad doing it, and it's usually a stressful time.


    Hopefully it's just mastery, or maybe some added collection, but nothing too crazy. Like a mid-sized collection that doesn't require doing events that like no one does any more, and the people that chew up content come and do in a week or less and move on.

  9. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > My search for "mount" yields 100 pages of listings:

    > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/search?Search=mount


    > @"notebene.3190" can you post the URLs from one of your searches?


    > Might be worth trying it from a different browser, while logged out of the forums, and/or after clearing your browser's cache.


    I just did mount again, and now it's working. :/


    Using my same Chrome.


    So I don't know what's going on.


    I'll go try to search on what I was really trying to search on now, which was to try to find that original Gaile post telling us the different picture sites we can use to upload and show pictures, so I can upload my picture (since Imgur won't take it, for some weird reason), and then as the question I 'really' wanted to ask. :#

  10. I tried searching on something, and it came up with nothing, which was surprising. So I searched on 'mount'. Surely, someone posted 'mount' somewhere. Nothing. So I looked at the first page of this discussion, and saw 'world cup', so I searched on that, only to find the post isn't really there. Or the things I perceive as words are in fact, not words? :o


    Can anyone else search? Or are we back to site:http://blahblah please:true (r+m)/2 ? :s

  11. I doubt it? But I don't really know for sure.


    It's just something I noticed from time to time over the years, and didn't understand why those banners behave in two different ways.


    Like, in the morning, on my main, I usually stop into WvW to see if I can't do a daily or two there before going on with the rest of my day in the PvE world. Sometimes, there are 2-3 banners waiting right when you get in. Those banners 'never' (or almost never) give me a 'confirmation dialog'.


    Tonight, on another character, who gets banner buffs in a 'similar' fashion (usually once every 24 hours, so I assume they expired?), I login with a different character in Bloodstone Fen. I happen to enjoy doing the dailies there. Combat gliding. :) First thing I do is hit all the banners before looking for some magic to glide over. Those banners 'always' have the confirmation dialog box, which is kinda annoying, because you have to clear those before hitting 'F' on the next banner, and so on.


    It's almost like there are two different kinds of banners, some with and some without confirmation dialogs? Are the ones that are dropped in WvW different form the ones people usually drop in PvE?


    Or maybe it's like you say, but I would think that the situation would be reversed, as I tend to play my main that goes to WvW longer than the one in Bloodstone Fen, and the buffs are more likely to have worn off between uses.


    Appreciate the input.

  12. Why are some banners that people place easy to use, where you just click on one right after the other, without any fuss, and other banners come with a banner ad: "Hey, what you clicked on? That was me! I'm a banner" [OK][Close][stop][No]?


    Is there any reason why they all can't be converted to the first kind? So you can just hit 'F' and move onto the next one without having to clear a dialog box?

  13. > @"Fleabite.7528" said:

    > > @"Eragon Carnesir.2479" said:

    > > Someone has already answered correctly on page 2 or 3? After i followed it I found it to be correct. Each chest has a 10 day cool down. So just make sure to do your rounds according to the map rotation you did the first round and it will all be good.


    > That's not correct tho. I'm on the third round which is now bugged for me. For each previous round, I followed the exact order of the repeatable achievement - so each chest for me is by default 10 days apart. And they're not opening. And as above, my issue began with chest 27.


    This is interesting! I logged back in to check, and I too have completed 27 chests. The problem started for me now that I need my 28th. I need 2 more to complete round 3.


    Maybe it's DR! We need to go open some other types of chests before we come back to work on 27 more! :lol:

  14. I just got hit with this today myself. I do them in order each day, and have Timberline and Maelstrom left to do for this round. I couldn't interact with either, even after I got the key. They both appeared opened. I did not have the problem the day before, or any day leading up to this. I don't know off hand what 'round' I'm in, but can still get AP points for it.

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