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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > So I got 'Lost Invasion' and 'Reawakening Threat' done. I completed 'Survey on Subjects' before that. I see 'no' debris where people say there is debris, and I don't have any new achievements to do ('Lost in Transit' or 'Awakened Aftereffects').

    > >

    > > So how do I fix that?


    > You need to go talk to Ninn in your Home Instance to be able to interact with the debris.


    I did that, and he doesn't say anything about debris. He has some dialog about wanting some ingots and stuff.


    Someone said I have to use the same character I used last time? How am I supposed to remember that? I always use my main, or usually, but since it doesn't work for her, then I guess maybe I used someone else? Was there a reason we had to use a specific class to get things done quicker last time maybe? That is the only reason I can think of that I wouldn't use my main.


    They shouldn't code things like this. It's completely ludicrous to expect us to remember what character we did something with.


    Thank you for the help.

  2. Current Events: We should not be made to remember which character we did what with when we did a thing that time that it's not our responsibility to remember.


    When you write a current event, if any of your characters did a pre-requisite for something, then you should be able to move forward with any character.


    That's it.



    Irwin M. Fletcher

    P.S. Have a nice day.

  3. It's not working and I'm really frustrated and map chat isn't helping. If I'm bugged, that's fine, I'll report it and Anet won't answer that and that's fine. I just need some help figuring out what I'm doing wrong.


    And for the record, it just didn't need to be made this hard. Whoever coded this.

  4. I actually enjoyed working on and creating a 2nd 32 slot bag. I had a feeling if I didn't get it done sooner rather than later, it wouldn't get done. I mean, I suppose I could start on a third one and just 'nibble' around some of the beginning events to that chain over a long period of time, but that would seem kinda painful.


    Surprised there aren't more people interested in making the bags that way. I found it relatively easy and pretty cheap. Though, I haven't tried to make a 32 slot bag before this. Maybe there are easier or cheaper ways?


    Edit: It was brought to my attention that this method of making more 32 slot bags is more expensive than the original ones from PoF. So I just need to go learn how to make those. :)

  5. As others have mentioned, don't be so quick to dismiss the WvWs. 1-2 each day that are usually pretty easy. If someone does happen to jump me and I'm alone, /sleep usually gets me out of it pretty quick, then I pick a way point (and if someone else on my team is around, then I will try my best, don't like to let people down). :) Once you accumulate some badges doing some of those, then you'll even be able to do 'Big Spender' when it comes up, which is the easiest.


    Having said that, I do wish they'd bust out more options in each category each day. And I miss some of the old, odd ones. Rezzer (or Claw of Jormag P2), ambient creatures, underwater creatures (ambients count here as well, I recall?). Those were all fun, and missed.


    More choices and options. More flags, more fun.

  6. After the last patch, while we got a lot of little QoL fixes, the Logging Pulse animation 'still' forces you to unsheathe your weapons when you use it. It's really annoying.


    Way back when these first came out, all 3 tools in the set did this. Maybe a month after release, you fixed the sickle and pick, but the axe (logging pulse) remains broken.


    It would 'really' be nice to get that fixed.

  7. It would be nice to have 5 min to retract a TP sale if I made a mistake.


    They would still be immediately for sale, if someone buys it, it's gone.


    The problem I have is I get in a fast rhythm when I'm selling certain types of things, usually mats, and sometimes one of the mats that like 95% of the time sells for a rock bottom price nudges up a copper or two, before falling back down for about 20 years (<-hyperbole) and then that little stack of ... whatever ... is just going to sit out there and taunt me in 'My Transactions' for all eternity (<-more hyperbole).


    I usually recognize it right as I click the button and get the 'OK' confirmation. So even 60 seconds would be great.

  8. I put a new 32 up top in place of the starter. Created a second 32 from the new map and that is my second bag. All for loot. All the rest are 20s. The next two I keep closed some food and tools and toys. Room for more loot. Next after that is also closed, my gather bag. Last two are invisible, with weapons, 2nd armor set up top and conversion tools. Last one has some toys and food and a few other things. I don’t see the bed last row of my last bag without scrolling (when the other bags I mentioned are closed, including the shared which I keep closed).

  9. > @"artemis.6781" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > I'm not liking the fact that the home instance in Divinity's Reach is different from the other home instances. :/


    > You can go to the other homes. I find rata to be the smoothest in node layout, tho I personally enjoy Hoelbrak. I avoid Divinity Reach like the plague.


    Yeah I know, I just really like my home home. Sure be nice if they could change that.

  10. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > @"Fallesafe.5932" said:

    > > > @"Last Crysis.1934" said:

    > > > Well the point is, if A-Net wanted us to have it they will give it to us.

    > >

    > > Thanks for sharing your personal opinion. It's still not arcDPS.

    > >

    > >


    > That was year ago, Arc had multiple updates since then and deltaconnected himself admitted Anet doesn't actively check his updates for this tool.


    That's my concern with the system, or lack thereof, is we occasionally get loose thumbs up from people at the company on certain items, but then seemingly there's no continued communication beyond that point, and if we continue to update mods that were once tolerated, they could easily be updated to cross a line.


    I would 'hope' if it were any of those tools that they clearly know many of us use, that they'd have to either publicly (or perhaps privately) let us know we have something that is no longer acceptable before suspending us without appeal.

  11. > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

    > I'm now even further convinced to never use third party software with this game...ever.


    I just have one that I started using shortly after PoF came out, that mount wheel one, where it gives you a radial and when you select it, it fires the related key bind you have associated with that mount. That seems very 1-to-1 to me. Technically, I'm doing 'two' actions to get a single action accomplished. I sure hope that is okay. I've never updated it since I originally downloaded it, so if it was okay originally but then is changed so it's illegal, I wouldn't have that piece. :/

  12. I went the path of saving up for a 2nd (the first being free) 32 slot bandolier bag by [walking it up](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Simple_Olmakhan_Bandolier "walking it up"), doing it all in one shot, and ended with an account bound bag, never stopping to use the bags on the way up. I found that to be pretty good way to approach it. I was surprised how easy it was to do, except, some of the mats were pricey (but I also have a lot of them and keep in them myself). Some of the mats I thought would be expensive were surprising cheap. Plus it gave me a reason to join anyone doing the storm meta or pres which is enjoyable to do.

  13. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > You can also move the functionality to any gathering tool. So if you want sprockets, but you farm leather, you can move the glyph to your axes. Even if you use limited ones, the glyph auto-drops to inventory, so you can reapply it (no cost for moving the glyph).

    > >

    > > I must be doing something wrong, it won't let me put a glyph on any of the volatile magic limited use tools I have. Is it because you can't put them on something that already has an ability, even if that ability isn't a glyph?

    > >

    > >


    > Exactly. You can only have one "bonus" per tool.


    Ah okay, thanks!

  14. I haven't used the Chop-It-All in a long time. I got the unbound magic set as soon as they were available and used those until volatile magic was a thing, now I buy those with karma every day on a few key characters (but still share the UM tools with everyone else).


    Since I got a free 50% faster, I thought I'd try it with that old axe and something happened which I 'know' it never used to do.


    First, I get these stacks of ((877677)). They last for 60 seconds. One time I got 3 stacks. Another time 6 stacks. What is that all about?


    Second, it puts a big static bubble around me for that duration? I don't want to be in a bubble. I really don't like things that obfuscate my character for very long...like, the duration of a short thing, maybe 3-5 seconds. Certainly not something I want to have to stare at for another minute running around.


    So what happened to my old chop-it-all axe? :/

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