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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. I can never figured out how to fish from dry land. I snagged one once, and then I had a ... fish kite? But then I could figure out how to get my fish kite down.


    I always have to go underwater and stab one to death, and 'barely' make it back to drop off my one fish before the timer expires on the event.

  2. I pushed mine all the way to the bottom and used it to replace 2 20s I kept things in that I didn't want to sell. I made some decisions for the 8 slots I lost, moved a few things around (not everything that was in there needed to be) and then pushed all my bags down so I got 2 new free 20s up top under my main bag for all the new goodies to drop into.


    My only concern now is there is a rumor that they might get rid of the 'invisible' part of the bag, which would really suck for me. I 'think' it's mostly all safe stuff. I'm not so much worried about accidentally selling as accidentally 'salvaging', and I need some place to store my 3 stacks of UNIDs (blues and greens I sell when I get a lot, yellows I open). I might have a few other stray things that 'might' get accidentally salvaged, but I don't think so, as all my gear is either exotic or ascended, and that never gets auto-salvaged.


    What I really hope is they add a mystic forge recipe that allows us to convert the bag to whatever type (or combo of types) we want.

  3. Hmm. Didn’t realize that was on the table. Undoing the invisible part. It’s the other attributes of how the bag worked that made me shrug and decide to push it way down and fill it up with gear. I don’t really like how it pushes bags and others things in it first.


    Probably still be okay. I’ve never needed to worry about my gear bag being not invisible. However, I might have my unids and a few other things in there that might get munched, so I’d have to address that.


    Is there’s way I can get a 32 slot bag that is invisible that doesn’t have the odd behavior this one does from a collection?


    Just give us a mystic forge recipe that burns some of the new currency to change it to what we want.

  4. > @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

    > It sounds like you're extremely fuzzy on how the mechanics work at all, so let me explain it for you.


    > Previously, clones and phantasms both counted as illusions. Illusions could be shattered. The effect of chronophantasma was to cause shattered phantasms to respawn once after being shattered.


    > With the rework, phantasms can no longer be shattered. Additionally, phantasms will only perform 1 attack and then turn into a clone. Chronophantasma causes phantasms to perform their attack twice before becoming a clone.


    > The effect of this is that where you could previously put down a phantasm and then rapidly shatter it, now you have to wait for the phantasm to complete its attack and turn into a clone before you can use it in a shatter.


    Appreciate that.


    What was confusing to me is how 'long' it takes to wait for a Phantasm to do their first attack, even without CP. I just assumed the way it worked before, a Phantasm would fight and keep fighting until it was killed or replaced, understanding I could instantly shatter and get one respawn with the old CP. While never really understanding why they didn't want a lot of Phantasms to stay around indefinitely, without shattering them, it never bothered me much, as I was always intending to shatter them, at the very least to do Continuum Split, but I usually shattered once I got 3 and CS was on cool down, or tried to.


    What I thought would happen with the change was the Phantasm would come out, do it's attack 'immediately, and then die and become a clone. Now, it was true I didn't understand the change to CP, and that was most of my problem for sure. Even with that, I'm surprised at how long the Phantasm stays around before it becomes a clone.


    But I (finally) learned how to go to the practice place in LA and make a golem that I can beat on and tried out a lot of your suggestions as well as some other suggestions upstream to see how I liked them, and it's making a lot more sense now, I think.



  5. > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > Just revisited the NPC to make sure about it. There is no way to turn in a 2nd.

    > Turned in one each on two days now.


    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/ZCNH5iS.jpg "")



    I did the same.


    I think what the person upstream is saying is if you talk to him, while he's complaining, keep clicking on him and do more conversations, and you can sneak another in? If I understand it correctly?


    I'm going to try it after reset tonight.

  6. > @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

    > So I can recommend various builds to use, but they're unlikely to fix the issue you're experiencing. This is a complaint that you're definitely not alone in making and there really isn't an effective way to avoid it.


    > The issue is this: due to the new mechanics, chronophantasma will cause your clone generation to be put on a delay of anywhere from 5 to 20 seconds.


    > This can be pretty awful. You *do* actually have fairly substantial clone generation, but they only actually get generated an incredibly long time after you use the phantasms. This time is not fixed and will change based on traits, boom duration, positioning, and enemy actions. This makes it extremely hard to actually count on having clones when you want them. I deal with this in one of two ways.


    > 1. When playing a raid buffing boon setup, I usually run chaos for BD. This means that I basically ignore how many clones I have and use every shatter off cooldown. In this case I don't really care about the clones because I'm always shattering.

    > 2. Take shatter storm. What this does is allow you to watch your clones and only shatter once you have 2 or more. The ammo mechanic allows you to rapidly shatter twice in a row if a bunch of clones happen to spawn at once from delayed phantasms, that way you won't waste clones.


    > In the open world though, you're often going to kill targets before the phantasms convert to clones. This means you won't shatter as much, but there's no actual problem with that since you're killing things anyway.


    Okay, I'm [trying this](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhEQRAsc8OW6Nq6RtVnVzA4CyI0bYIiBA-e "trying this") and back on my Sw/Sw and Sw/Sh, and it seems to be going fine. And then if I feel like playing with the GS, I'll swap Chaos for Dom maybe. Thanks for the help in understanding what was happening!

  7. > @"darksome.1697" said:

    > Same thing OP is describing happens if you yourself stop the chopping on the 1st "chop animation" - say for example you realized you had the wrong axe when the 1st chop hits, and wants to stop and switch to another axe. The node is no longer usable unless you go to another instance or go there with another character. It clearly "collapses" on the 1st chop, something no other node does.


    I haven't been back to Draconis Mons (sp?) in a long time, but something I never tested was if that happened with the original ones in that zone as well? My tests have always been with the 3 ones we planted, specifically in Dry Top. I know the home node does 'not' behave that way. It works like a normal tree. I don't recall if I ever tested the real trees.

  8. > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > It does not have any additional dialogue options for me after turning in something. Must be a bug some people experience.

    > It looks like this is intended to have a 7 day timegate, so if you found a way to speed it up it must be a bug.


    Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I guess I'll try to cheese the dialog tonight while he's still thinking and see if I can't get a lot turned in too to catch up.

  9. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > You should be able to but I’d personally wait. Based on Dulfy, it’s supposed to be once a day over seven days but we can do it twice a day.

    > >

    > > Oh wow, how do you do it twice a day?


    > Keep going through the dialogue options.


    I thought I did that, and after I did it each time, that was it. I guess I'll go back and look this morning, even though I did my 2nd day last night after reset (still today). See if he'll talk to me. :/

  10. I got the Passcode and all the items, and went back to the robot and did the first two days so far.


    On the first day, he took the module, complained about how hard it is going through life without any friends because he's an NPC involved in a time gated quest ( :# ), and then gave the module (MV-337) back to me.


    On the second day, he took the module, told me of his dreams to one day be involved in non time gated activities ( :p ), and 'kept' the module (GP-739).


    In both cases, doing the action each day added that module to my collection. The Passcode went into the collection as soon as I got it. It has a sell price, but I'm reluctant to get rid of it until the collection is done, or they take it from me at some point.


    Can I safely delete that first module that's already been added to the collection, even though the robot didn't take it from me like he did the second day? I figured it was a small bug, but wanted to be sure before deleting anything. I'd, of course, love to get rid of them when I can as they take up so much space.

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