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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. If you use any sort of portal device or book from a shared inventory slot, upon arrival, if you open your inventory, the shared bag should be collapsed if (assuming you are in 'show individual bags' mode, I suppose).


    This actually works for some items, or maybe just 'sometimes', but not all items. An item it doesn't work for, that stands out, is the [spearmarshal's Plea]. An example of one that 'works' is probably the [Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey].

  2. Haven't opened up the collections and things yet. The map is fun. I enjoy the hunting of animals and the events and rifts are great (pretty sure I played that game though :wink: ) and lots of great achievements to do (though, I'm a bit concerned there are going to be too many story ones required of me and I won't get to complete the meta for the staff :anguished: ). Of course, the big Shatterer 2: The Second One event is great. It's a neat map and a great story.


    The story hit me in the feels. Just finished it. Thinking about taking a break the rest of the day and picking up tomorrow. :cry:

  3. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > Out of curiousity, what is going to happen when Season 5 comes out? 3 books?

    > >

    > > Could we get like a Great Encyclopedia of Teleportation that has 'all' the books and devices, including like the Mists thing and the Captains Ship and any device that teleports you anywhere goes in that one, big book?


    > There are lots of teleportation scrolls:

    > * Boss Timer (although this has other functions, too)

    > * Home Portal

    > * (Forged only) City Portal Scrolls (6, the five racial cities plus one for LA).

    > * VIP area scrolls

    > * LS3

    > * LS4

    > * LS5? tbd

    > * Spearmarshal's Plea (also with other functions)

    > * Hall of Monuments Portal Stone


    > I don't expect ANet to try to solve every inventory management problem, but perhaps this is something that should be moved to a different part of the UI. Instead of using gizmos to generate the dialogue, there could be a "teleportation wardrobe." Less convenient would be to add teleportation hubs to the Hall of Monuments or Sun's Refuge.


    Or maybe something like the group/raid finder (not logged in the game right now, the name escapes me)? All the things you are listing would be the major categories and spin them open and pick a place and click a 'Go' button.

  4. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Those who did receive the codes via email, was it the email you used to create your KFT account? If so, was that email different from your social media email account? I don't remember what email account is associated with my social media account, as that social media account is quite old.


    The email I used to sign up with them and the email that goes with the social media account I used are the same, so I can't help you out there. But look at your PMs.

  5. My main uses the halo all the time. It last an hour. I have to recast it if I zone or die/downed. It's become second nature, but I keep it up all the time, except when I'm in Mistlock Sanctuary, or when I pop into WvW to try to get a few dailies done there without getting caught.


    I like that it works with other things, and would be upset if I had added it to the novelty wardrobe, knowing I couldn't use it and say, a kite, at the same time.


    But, I guess I'm just one person, and that's fine. I threw it out there in case anyone was like me and didn't know what would happen and would rather keep it in their bag and 'not' in the wardrobe, in the event ANet never changes how they function. We still have an option to not put it in the wardrobe and keep it's functionality, so there's that. For the few people that care, this was for them. :)

  6. > @"Funky.4861" said:

    > As we know, if you repeatedly do the same activity for a period of time, DR kicks in and you start to lose rewards (apart from gathering iirc). It seems that certain events with no reward were being counted towards your characters' tally in the DR tag. Tbh tho, i can't think of any 'events with no rewards' outside of some story instances, otherwise what is the incentive for doing the event?


    Okay, so hopefully this has 'nothing' to do with my little problem, and they didn't introduce something that makes my situation even worse...like having to walk a few miles away and kill 15 bogs between every boss each of my alts is camped at.


    Thanks for the input!

  7. > @"Greener.6204" said:

    > > @"Absconditus.6804" said:

    > > Kingston blames it being US & Canada only on the General Data Protection Regulation in tweets, which is cute, since the GDPR is there to protect your privacy and your right to have your data forgotten should you request it. I don't quite see why that should make it harder to hold a global giveaway, but I guess they need excuses when they can't own your private data and do with it as they please?


    > Companies around the world are still adjusting to GDPR in Europe, and it can be an expensive endeavour. Not only do you need to acquire legal expertise on the subject, but you must ensure that your practices and processes, along with your technology, is able to meet the requirements. Even after acquiring such legal and tech support, you may need to retain them for the duration that the GDPR demands, furthering the expense.


    > The cost/benefit analysis for companies outside of Europe may not pan out (re: contests which exclude Quebec).


    I don't know. I don't think it's navigating legal expertise. I think the bottom line is all of these things are entirely about making money on using your information for nefarious purposes. I'm sure part of the GDPR is disclosing 'all' the ways they want to use and sell your information, so you can have a virtual t-shirt and shorts. And some more character slots. As someone covered by GDPR, you'd have full knowledge of the entirety of the scope of how evil it all is, and at 'that' point, get to make an informed decision about whether it's worth it to you to get a few non-tangible things in return.


    Now, if they do that, and ya'll tell us in The States all the things they revealed to you, even though we don't have GDPR, we get to say "Wot Da Kitten!" and not do it.


    So it would be far better for Whitley and Whitney Whitman, LLC (as an example) to not deal with anyone covered by GDPR for no other reason than to keep the cat in the bag. Just in time for Halloween. :#

  8. In looking at the lack of changes to the novelty interface, and testing whether I can, say, ride a magic carpet 'and' fly a kite (which I can't, even though they are in two different categories), I'm assuming if I put my selfless potion in the novelty wardrobe, I'll lose the ability to use it while I'm using, say, a kite?


    I guess I need to decide whether to add them or keep them out, lest we lose some functionality we currently enjoy?

  9. > Fixed an issue in which events with no rewards counted against diminishing returns.


    Could anyone expand on what this is and/or why this is? With an example of before/after patch?


    The vague things:

    1) 'against diminishing returns' - is that a double-negative? DR is a 'negative' thing, so something that counts 'against' that is a 'positive' thing? Or is it 'counted towards diminishing returns'?

    2) 'no rewards' - is a reward in this context a bag, or just a bronze-gold w/ karma/xp?


    It's a bit vague, and any time I see something about DR, I get worried. I have an issue with DR in a few places where I park alts to do WBs each day. If I don't do 'something else' too many days in a row before that boss, I stop getting rewarded.


    Three examples of things I can do to make sure I don't get stung by it:

    1) Jungle Wurm: do one of the 3 things in the first wave and/or help kill the 3 things that pop after that (and get DE credit of some kind: bronze-gold) before the wurm comes.

    2) SB: do one of the 3 pres, or (what I like to do) participate in the first wave of portals before SB, which is a separate event with it's own bronze-gold reward.

    3) Shatterer (sadly the abbreviation is kitten): do one of the two pres before he shows.


    If I do 'not' do that at least once like every 3 days (I try to do it every day, and if I miss one day, it seems okay) and just do the boss, I get stiffed on rewards. I've always felt that to be completely silly, but I digress.


    Is this patch note related to some/any of that? If so, which direction, and more importantly...why?

  10. Woops, sorry! I didn't get any notifications, so didn't think anyone was responding. Glad I stopped by!


    No, it doesn't say collectible. I see other rings with other stat combos that don't sell anywhere near as much as this one. Was wondering if maybe it was some sort of nice item and I should hang on to it in case I want to play whatever class build uses it.


    Now I gotta go look at my notification settings. :confused:

  11. > @"brenda.9723" said:

    > It is nice to use.

    > I have it and i really like it.

    > The only downside that i found, is that for a lot of big bosses (like tt or teq), you have to be sooner in the map.

    > It does not work for TT or Teq, but it works fine for general world bosses


    It’s especially nasty at Teq because that way point is always contested, and it’s annoying, and one of the things I was looking forward to avoiding.


    It needs another option to just let you go to any boss regardless of time, if they can’t figure a way to let you go an hour before.

  12. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > It was certainly a small step back in terms of showing off whats to come. We saw some of Sun's Refuge, Branded Awakened looking menacingly in our direction but nothing of the armor set, legendary or raid. Small look into the map at the last 10 seconds. The first trailer this season was awful and showed nothing, second one was amazing and showed everything, third one showed the cool things and this one went back to not showing anything, but on the quality level of the previous two.


    Yeah, I wanted to pre-panic for a week regarding the armor for sure. : :3

  13. It needs to cover events a little further out, like any within the next hour.


    Alternatively, an option at the bottom to select any world boss location on the rotation and go there whenever we want.


    As it stands now, it's not super useful for Teq, if you like to get there early in a specific instance before it fills up. Which, is one of the most important places for it to work, since that fu..uh..riendly (?) WP is always contested. :#

  14. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

    > > > @"Vegeta.2563" said:

    > > > This is now coming soon :)

    > >

    > > Check out the new "World Boss Portal Device" in the GS today. Waiting to see how it works, but it sounds promising!!


    > Dulfy made a (



    Never mind my cost question. Watched this video and (thankfully) she had a before/after shot of her bag open (with current gold) and there was no charge when she ported.

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