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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. Let's say I bind Shift+1-5 to the novelties. In fact, we don't have to just say it, that's what I did. :)


    Now, if I hit Shift+2, it pulls out the torch, because that's what I assigned. If I hit Shift+2 again, it goes away. Same goes for the tonics on Shift+5. Transform; transform back.


    Shift+1, however, and chairs, doesn't work like that. Once you are on a chair, if you hit Shift+1 (or whatever you bound to that), you are stuck on the chair still. The only way to get off a chair - short of an NPC knocking you off or, I suppose, some other environmental condition, like a tornado ( :astonished: ), is to:


    1. Use the equip/unequip novelty, if you have it bound, and the chair you are sitting on is the thing that has 'focus' (if you will)

    2. Use the dismount key bind


    I think Shift+1 should work to put your chair away and get off it, just like every other novelty adheres to it's category keybind.

  2. > @"Nokomis.5076" said:

    > I have to say I haven't used Princess and the other ones lately, but weren't they changed so you can use them even when the materials are in your storage? Then you wouldn't need to keep them in your shared inventory slots


    No, it doesn't have anything to do with using those items. :)


    It has to do with how material, any material, stacks in shared inventory slots. I used those materials and those destructors merely as an example of the type of problem it can cause allowing it to stack the way it does.


    The new rule is:


    If you obtain an item that can be stacked with other like items, and we find that same item in your shared inventory, we will try to put that item in your shared inventory, _**even if we are going to start a new stack to do it**_.


    I think that is a bug. I don't think it should be starting new stacks in shared inventory slots. My proposed change is:


    If you obtain an item that can be stacked with other like items, and we find that same item in your shared inventory, we will try to put that item in your shared inventory, _**adding to an existing stack, unless the stack is full, at which point we will NOT start a new stack, reverting to pre-established rules of where to place the newly required item OUTSIDE the shared inventory**_.


    It's not about items using items from shared storage. Disregard the example. It's about starting new stacks. The rule should be disregarded if it's putting said item in an empty slot, starting a new stack. That's it.

  3. > When players receive a stackable item that is also in a Shared Inventory Slot, that item will now stack in the Shared Inventory Slot.


    I like this change, right up until the point where said item in said shared inventory slot is no longer 'stackable', meaning, it has reached it's maximum stack size. At that point, it should not create a 'new' stack in shared inventory, rather, revert to it's original behavior and stack in bags according to bag type.


    For me, this becomes a nuisance for things like bloodstone (?), dragon (yellow-stone?) and star (something something?). The three things we feed to munchers every day to make bags for our perpetual 45th level characters to open later. :)


    Nearly all my 80s do a little something every day that earn those. I keep them in my resource bag, where they go by default. As soon as I get to a stack of 250 on anyone, I move the 250 stack to a shared slot for my main to pick up (and munch down) later, leaving behind the 'short stack' in the resource bag, which then starts getting added to as I gain more.


    What happens now is, after I put that stack of 250 up in the shared slot, the 'very next' item of that type I get, rather than stacking in the short stack in my resource bag, starts a brand new stack in a new shared inventory slot (if it can). I think that behavior is weird, if not unintentional. I think the new rule should only apply "if there is a non-max stack in a shared slot to put the item".


    I debated whether I should put this in 'quality of life', but decided to put it here, because in my mind, it is a bug (intentional or not) that was introduced when this new change was put in place.

  4. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > @"Blanche Neige.7241" said:

    > > > > An easier solution : make what is forbidden to buy with real money in Belgium sellable/buyable on the trading post.

    > > >

    > > > This is one possibility that ANet might look into. Players would (probably) pay more for items but it would be accessible.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > (More of a direct reply to Blanche, but wanted to catch both of you with my question.) I'm pretty ignorant on the topic, so please forgive me if I say something completely off base, but isn't one of the reason a law like this exists to prevent companies from preying on people that are susceptible to gambling-type addictions? If that isn't the case, I digress, but it would seem if you put the forbidden items (those which can be purchased with real money and offer no guaranteed result) on the TP, then what is to stop someone from using all their gold to buy every last forbidden item, and then start spending real money to buy gems to then sell on the exchange for gold, and then use the gold to buy the forbidden items, until they are broke?


    > This law is an inordinate amount of handholding by the state that stops people who don’t have a problem from buying items with an RNG base. There are a lot of things in life that’s RNG. Even those little dispensers where a kid put a dime in and gets a random trinket out is technically forbidden. This stops people from even buying the RNG mount purchases or from buying Dye packs.


    Oh I wasn't debating the rightness or wrongness of the thing. I have my views on it, and they aren't pertinent. I was just asking (regarding the idea to put the items on the TP as a solution), given what the law is and what it's trying to do (to the best of my understanding), wouldn't putting the 'forbidden' items (for lack of better term, using the term offered) on the TP, because of the RM-Gem exchange, be the exact same problem the law (again, right or wrong) is attempting to avoid?

  5. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > @"Blanche Neige.7241" said:

    > > An easier solution : make what is forbidden to buy with real money in Belgium sellable/buyable on the trading post.


    > This is one possibility that ANet might look into. Players would (probably) pay more for items but it would be accessible.




    (More of a direct reply to Blanche, but wanted to catch both of you with my question.) I'm pretty ignorant on the topic, so please forgive me if I say something completely off base, but isn't one of the reason a law like this exists to prevent companies from preying on people that are susceptible to gambling-type addictions? If that isn't the case, I digress, but it would seem if you put the forbidden items (those which can be purchased with real money and offer no guaranteed result) on the TP, then what is to stop someone from using all their gold to buy every last forbidden item, and then start spending real money to buy gems to then sell on the exchange for gold, and then use the gold to buy the forbidden items, until they are broke?

  6. World Boss Portal Device - we either need 45 minutes, or the ability to pick an 'All' at the bottom and just go anywhere.


    As it stands now, it's just not useful for Tequila. Yes, you can still get there, "plenty of time", "less filling", "tastes great", but at the time I run, getting there, getting into the defense group I want to, then sitting there for 45 min before it starts while I work, etc, yada yada, is how I run it. It's not practical to change my approach. That WP is 'always' contested, and it's annoying, and it was the 'one' place I figured it was going to be the most useful to me, and that's the one place it just doesn't work.

  7. > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

    > It resets at 2:30 AM Monday morning for me here in Texas (which is 07:30 UTC).


    Ah! So the mouse over is the UTC time, and the time displayed is actually 'my' time, which I believe is 2 hours earlier than you, and it shows 00:30 for me! Thanks! Which...makes the wiki page pretty useful: it just shows your time.


    I ask because I normally run on Wed, day after Tue releases, in case the chest changes for the week. I forgot to run this week because of all the other new fun stuff to do, and if I was going to miss the cut off, then I was just going to wait till wednesday and skip this week. But if I can sneak it in before reset, then I'd do it. Which, it sounds like I can!

  8. Would be nice to maybe scrap all the items and scrolls and books and go with a full on UI for teleportations you learn. We could get a scroll when we learn it, but then it unlocks the teleport in the UI, and the item can be scrapped at that point.


    Maybe just hijack the UI for the LFG tool? Each category of thing could be the top category (like a Living World episode, or 'Passkeys', and possibly 'Other' for odds and ends like Spearmarshal's Plea). Each item under a category would be the port itself, and you click a 'go' button and/or double click to go. Maybe a 'right click' with a context menu that has options of 'Go' and 'Show Me' (which would show you where in the world the thing was going to take you).

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