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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. > @"Zavve.8205" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > > @"Zavve.8205" said:

    > > > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > > > I'd just like someone to give me a spoiler and explain

    > > > >

    > > > > >! the first trial.

    > > > >

    > > > > I can't figure it out, and I can't get anyone to help me, and sadly WP's stream was 'not' helpful, as he was just standing off in a corner and his friends did it for him. :/

    > > > >

    > > > > I was hoping to at least get to the new zone and piddle around there before I get two wisdom teeth yanked out tomorrow, but I guess I'll have to wait for Dulfy again.

    > > >

    > > >

    Stand in the circle with aurene until her meter fills up. You might have to heal a few times and just survive.


    > >

    > > I tried that...

    > >

    > > >! it just bounces me out and the bar never starts filling. I can't figure out if I'm supposed to step in where the 2 cones are or not the two cones or what.


    > Not sure if I still need a spoiler tag still but I will just to be safe


    You might need stability. I personally just tanked the damage and dodge rolled a ton. I also avoided the cones as I think they were the major damage dealers in the circle. I was on reaper so I just tanked damage as I constantly ran/dodge rolled towards the middle of the circle where Aurene was. I was very sloppy but it worked for me perfectly.



    On my staff elementalist. I don't really have anything like that the way I run. Guess I'll have to find something.

  2. > @"Zavve.8205" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > I'd just like someone to give me a spoiler and explain

    > >

    > > >! the first trial.

    > >

    > > I can't figure it out, and I can't get anyone to help me, and sadly WP's stream was 'not' helpful, as he was just standing off in a corner and his friends did it for him. :/

    > >

    > > I was hoping to at least get to the new zone and piddle around there before I get two wisdom teeth yanked out tomorrow, but I guess I'll have to wait for Dulfy again.



    Stand in the circle with aurene until her meter fills up. You might have to heal a few times and just survive.



    I tried that...


    >! it just bounces me out and the bar never starts filling. I can't figure out if I'm supposed to step in where the 2 cones are or not the two cones or what.

  3. I'd just like someone to give me a spoiler and explain


    >! the first trial.


    I can't figure it out, and I can't get anyone to help me, and sadly WP's stream was 'not' helpful, as he was just standing off in a corner and his friends did it for him. :/


    I was hoping to at least get to the new zone and piddle around there before I get two wisdom teeth yanked out tomorrow, but I guess I'll have to wait for Dulfy again.

  4. > @"Melizande.7230" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > Recommend uses:

    > > > * Fine or less: copper-fed/basic

    > > > * Masterwork: runecrafter's _or_ silver-fed if you don't have rc

    > > > * Rares: silver-fed, mystic, or masterwork

    > > >

    > > > All three infinite-use items from the gem shop are convenience items that you **should not** buy to save money; you should only by for the convenience in not having to stack multiple kits, as they will never pay for themselves (at least not for "typical" players).

    > > >

    > > > FYI to recover upgrades, there's the endless upgrade extractor that drops from the TP, for ~2600-3600 gold, which is equivalent to 1300-1500 gems total outlay (with 0 cost per use). A poor deal for most people; probably a good deal for the likes of snowcrows of which each member probably changes upgrades more often than my entire guild changes wardrobe.

    > >

    > > I wish there was a way to bookmark responses in a thread and not just the entire thread itself. I mean, within the forum itself. Obviously I could bookmark responses using tools outside the forum engine itself. :3


    > I think that if you're looking to own all three and want to minmax how you use them, this is a brilliant reply.

    > I suspect more players are trying to decide whether they should be using Runecrafters exclusively in place of Silver-Fed, or in my case whether or not to buy this one, or wait for Silver-Fed to come back around.

    > I think a small number of players are looking to decide which of the three they can use for absolutely all loot drops from here on out.


    > I think it's fair to suggest Black Lion kits to the minmaxer, but I suspect that many players who buy either this or the Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic, are looking for a device to salvage Rare and possibly even Exotic items with, so they never have to make/buy Mystic-level kits again.


    I'm in the boat of having a silver-fed, but not realizing that maybe I should only use my copper for fine and lower, and let my silver-fed sneak down to masterwork. That had not occurred to me. I think this says that my silver-fed is probably fine as is, and maybe there isn't real reason for me to get the RC. I save all my Black Lion kits for exotic items that can't pull a pretty penny on the AH (either b/c of the item itself or it's rune/sigil).

  5. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > Recommend uses:

    > * Fine or less: copper-fed/basic

    > * Masterwork: runecrafter's _or_ silver-fed if you don't have rc

    > * Rares: silver-fed, mystic, or masterwork


    > All three infinite-use items from the gem shop are convenience items that you **should not** buy to save money; you should only by for the convenience in not having to stack multiple kits, as they will never pay for themselves (at least not for "typical" players).


    > FYI to recover upgrades, there's the endless upgrade extractor that drops from the TP, for ~2600-3600 gold, which is equivalent to 1300-1500 gems total outlay (with 0 cost per use). A poor deal for most people; probably a good deal for the likes of snowcrows of which each member probably changes upgrades more often than my entire guild changes wardrobe.


    I wish there was a way to bookmark responses in a thread and not just the entire thread itself. I mean, within the forum itself. Obviously I could bookmark responses using tools outside the forum engine itself. :3

  6. > @"Zin Dau.1749" said:

    > Dolyak masteries:

    > 1. Can't be damaged while riding dolyak.

    > 2. Dolyak attack knockback AoE.

    > 3. Can seat additional player.

    > 4. Permanent +3 shared inventory slots.


    I kinda like all those actually. It should not be a fast mount, though, especially since you can't be damaged. Maybe 25%, like Travelers ruins?

  7. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > Here are some thoughts from one of the developers:


    > Here are some things we'd like to know:

    > * If this happening on **instant sell** order or on **custom orders**?

    > * Have you had an item immediately removed from inventory (sold) but then experienced a substantial lag between the removal and payment? If so, can you tell us approximately how long it took to get paid? Would you be able to make a short video of the lag?

    > * Did you sell something, have it removed from inventory, but not get the coin at all? (I don't think I've seen any such cases, but we naturally want to know about that, if it has happened.)

    > * Did you see a red error on attempts to sell? If so, could you please post a screenshot or video?


    > Thanks for helping us narrow down these situations!


    1. That was one of the first things I thought to look at, and it doesn't seem to make a difference whether you are selling at an existing buy/sell price, creating your own, selling full/partial of your own stack. It just seems to be every 5-6 things, which 'might' correspond to time directly, if you are someone that sells en masse in a rhythm of sorts?

    2. I think the item immediately goes away, my delivery bird comes and goes, if it's an immediate sell, I believe I get the money immediately...the 'stall' is the UI 'recovering' and giving me the buttons back so I can continue and sell my next thing. This is where it stalls out for 5-8 seconds for me. ** Correction: Money stalls out as well. When selling on asking price, the money comes in as the UI recovers, both 'after' the stall.

    3. Have not experienced this at all.

    4. No, and actually, the red 'slow down' message has all but gone away, presumably because these intermittent slow downs never let me get to that (though, it was rare for me that I'd hit that wall personally, but I do get them from time to time).


    I saw your questions and decided to answer them, but actually came here to note something interesting.


    The past two Saturdays (before Christmas and today before New Year's) during my usual play time (about 5:30 to 9:30 am ... uh ... 'Arizona' time ... we don't understand your mysteries of time zones here! ... I think we're an hour later than the west coast right now, so what are we, Mountain right now?) it has been 'flawless'. It will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow, but last Sunday was back to the (new) normal shenanigans.


    So I'm wondering, knowing it's the holidays and your workforce there is smaller, are there some new diagnostics, logging, metrics, reporting, maintenance procedures, etc that might have been put in that might have coincided with what we are experiencing and causing the slow downs? Maybe something that isn't running on Saturday mornings, or the past few Saturday mornings?



    1. Correction on 2 (above).

    2. Sunday (12/30) morning during my play time it's back to the problematic ways (after a good morning play session yesterday morning).

  8. There is a class that pulses a protection on people in an area, and it makes an annoying sound every single pulse.




    Can 'whoever' that is get the treatment Mermers got several months ago to cut down the amount of sounds and talking on that one signet skill they have that puts a random boon up? And if there are any more classes that do that, do the same thing? Or, get a special audio slider to just cut down the frequency of annoying, repeatable things by adding a classification to annoying, repeatable sounds called ARS?


    Thank god! Whoever that was walked away!


    Remember: We don't want players to be unhappy to see other players! =)

  9. I did not get a reward for completing the event, by waiting in the zone until the race timer finished (and completing the race before the timer expires, of course).


    I did get it in Gendarran earlier, just like every other non-beetle style race offers, as they are events.


    Update: I also got the event reward in Mount Maelstrom (besides the daily). Just no event reward for Brisban.


    Update 2: For what it's worth, ran Brisban again today and waited and no event reward. So far all the other races give you an event reward.


    Solved: I waited for the timer to count down, and there is an event reward, there's just no chest (for whatever reason) in that zone.

  10. I find the reverse to be true, but everyone views things with different eyes.


    I'm curious as to whether this issue is solely about not being able to find _anything_ to wear at all, or if there is an issue with _seeing_ people wear things they choose to wear that you would rather not see? Would a feature to be able to 'ignore how someone looks', like the 'block' feature, but it replaces them with a low-res look, allowing you to 'visually block' people on case-by-case basis, help? Or, would there still be an issue because you know that it's all still out there, even though you aren't seeing it yourself now?

  11. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > I'm hoping to see a full Norn Santa this year with the full white beard and the big guitar (bass?) instrument called "Santana Clause". :#


    > While the Santana reference gave me a big smile ( :+1: ), I am not sure I want any more stuff in this game that breaks the immersion. The newly added roller beetle races are already bad enough in that regard as they have blemished the respective maps forever - you will never be able again to roam them without running into Mario Kart racers.


    Okay, fair enough. :blush:

  12. I'd like to see a 'novelty' treatment for idle animations.


    1. Wardrobe for animations you learn/know.

    2. Select none to many idle animations to have 'active'.

    3. Frequency of animation slider.

    4. Bonus: Select a 'weighted frequency' for each selected animation to occur.


    Then bring back the old idle animations. People can choose which they like and don't like for themselves to active.


    New: Introduce new idle animations as rewards for things, and yes, the gem store (to help pay for the above).

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