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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. I did the Octovine just now in AB, and while I haven't done it in many months (it used to be on a daily rotation for me), something seems off.


    I seem to recall I could get the very first armor at the West challenges (assuming I mashed 1 before anyone else), paying a full 100 exalted keys for the armor. Then, after doing the pre before west gate, breaking into west gate, and doing the octovine, coming in around 190-200%, and then going down below and opening all the big and medium (greater?) sized chests (I skip the smallest ones), I'd walk away with more keys than I'd need to open those chests and the 100 for the armor.


    Today, I waited to get the armor for 10 (no one was around like they used to be), did the whole thing, got 194%, opened my usual chests, and was 'down' maybe 20ish?


    I also seem to recall that one (some?) of the chests (lower right hand corner) you opened for completing things gave out a lot of keys, and maybe some of the bags we got as rewards gave out keys? I found myself having to go up top and buy a few stacks of keys afterwards, which I never used to have to do.


    TLDR: So my question is, did we lose a bunch of keys in the rewards as a side effect of the UNID Loot Redux? ? (<-he needs to get added to the forum emojis, btw)

  2. My only issue is this meta has some very specific things you have to do, you don't get to pick and choose which ones to complete like all the other chapters this season before it, or most. There have been other chapters in other seasons that suffer from this same design, and I'd be curious to know if it's the same team that likes to limit what you do for the meta, requiring you do do the story step achievements. When the meta gives you far more achievements to reach the meta than you need to do, I can usually skip the harder story achievements. While I enjoy the actual story, I often times get frustrated with the mechanics of them, and will rarely play any of them multiple times. I wouldn't mind revisiting stories in a spectator mode, but I guess that's what YouTube is for. :3


    In my case, I dabble, very lightly, in WvW (mostly because I find some of the dailies quick to do compared to PvE), so I'll eventually get the boots, but this chapter, I'm going to miss out on a few points and completing the meta, sadly (after completing all the metas this season up to this point).

  3. Working on mine now. Probably have a week or more of work to do on the "not-so-fun-eraries", but most everything else has been crafted and ready to go. Sad to hear it's not like 'lights' that will go with anything. My main is in yellow. :disappointed:


    But, I guess I'll put it on my Mesmer with Aurora. :3


    Update: Well, the Funeraries ended up being pretty easy. Didn't realize how many elegies you could get from doing the Treasure Hunt in DH, and I had quite a bit of contracts (and they added two new non-limited purchases that take each of those in the last patch). I thought I was going to be grinding hearts in DoV. :3


    And while I'd love to have those legendary items on my main, they do look good on my Mesmer, who is...very Mesmer-y.

  4. > @"AdamenTBell.8195" said:

    > You can buy them off the tp for pretty cheap


    Just came out to say "searching is your friend". Thank you though, and sorry about the dumb question! It's been asked and answered before. I bet that's what I did for Aurora too, and just forgot.

  5. I'm not really sure how to acquire these, as I don't PvP. I started on the new Legendary Trinket, having no idea I was going to need to PvP to get it (pretty sure I didn't have to for Aurora, unless I had some legacy items that were granted from things like keg brawl once upon a time?), and now I'm kinda feeling compelled to complete it, since I did the long journey to this point, and just bout 100 icy runestones.


    Is there any sort of pacifist way to obtain these at a reasonable rate each day? I see I need 250. Can I just join something and get one shot a few times for 5 minutes and get like 5, and maybe do that for like 50 days?


    Update: Weird, I'm looking at Aurora, and it seems I 'did' have to create that item? I have never PvP'd in my life, so I'm guessing I got enough from some legacy way? Like the same reason I'm 216/225 in the 'Slayer' achievement, but have never PvP'd before (except things like Keg Brawl)? I have like 6 now in my bank. :(

  6. > @"Rukario.1695" said:

    > If reporting for abuse / harassment ever did anything and toxic players felt they would even get a warning, then this would never happen. Even a "strike" system would help.


    Sadly, everything in business these days is about 'revenue streams', where you get money and don't have to add anything to get it, particularly labor, which is costly. They aren't going to pay for that kind of labor. It's why we lost a lot of the longer term people we knew, once Mr. Whistlebritches drew the attention of NCSoft with his grand ideas of "Guild Wars: Samsung Smart Fridge + Doorbell" (?) , they were the first to go because they were expensive labor.


    If they could staff it with labor like Uber or Lyft, 'gig-economy' type labor, where you don't even have to recognize them as employees (?), they might be able to staff an enforcement team like that.

  7. It's happened to me twice so far, both times were in Dragonfall. Something happens where I get in this place where I can't go backwards on a mount. Not sure what causes it. Only way I've seen to fix it so far is to relog (to character screen is fine). It hasn't happened to me since the patch in another zone (yet).


    It's kinda a bummer for some of the mounts, like the flyers, or the rabbit when you are trying to back up because you are hitting your head trying to make a jump.

  8. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > > Try a client repair.

    > >

    > > I could try that. Is the repair the one that deletes like all your settings, and you have to reset everything?


    > No, it does not. But you've already figured it out. :)


    > You obviously had corrupt files, so you did right to have them repaired with the _-repair_ launch parameter.



    I just tested it after the repair and it still happens. It looks like how a male dog looks when it is doing it's business at a tree. :(

  9. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > Try a client repair.


    I could try that. Is the repair the one that deletes like all your settings, and you have to reset everything? If it's that one, I don't want to do that one. If it's just about repairing files, missing assets, things like that - I'll do that. :)


    Edit: Nevermind, repairing. 'PrefReset' is the one I'm thinking of that blows away all your settings.

  10. Couldn't have said most of that better myself. Was looking for an official feedback thread, didn't see one, this will suffice. I'm on the last step (pretty sure) of the skyscale, haven't gotten to see the masteries yet, and have done the story and a fair amount of the map achievements, but still have lots of metas and mobs to kill yet, and have really enjoyed everything to this point.

  11. > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

    > The first three are ok. You’ll never get Luck to Laurels.

    > A suggestion that is always brought up is to add a recipe to craft a 1hr 50% Magic Find Booster, that doesn’t stack with the others preferably.


    I hadn't heard that before, and as someone that just hit 300, I like the idea of using on temporary boosters so it's a sink rather than direct conversions to currency.

  12. I have some items that are 'close' to Marauder, but they are a little different, and I can't find them on the 'Attribute Combinations' page in the wiki. It's possible I'm staring right at it, and just not seeing it.


    Marauder, the two majors (power, precision) are the same value, and the two minors (vitality, ferocity) the same value. The set I'm trying to find the name of has the same for stats, but the first 'major', power, is higher than the 2nd major, precision, and it appears to take it's increase from the 'third' minor, vitality, which is then lower than the forth minor, ferocity.


    What is the attribute combination name for that set?

  13. For those who might enjoy personal housing, and regardless of whether anyone thinks it's a realistic thing we'll get down the road, I like the idea of having a mastery associated with it. Maybe it helps you discover types of things in the world that can be used to craft certain types of items. Maybe another helps you recruit certain helpful types of NPCs or Vendors to come live in your neighborhood. Maybe there's a sort of mini-crafting profession that would come with housing, and one of the masteries works with it to unlock certain tiers at different levels. Sure, interesting idea. :)

  14. I do a lot of the other content from time to time, like some of the JPs when they come up as a daily. I go through periods, usually off-event and off-living world times, when besides dailies, I do the old boss runs (still) for a little extra cash. I like those things. So, a good deal of them I do already, I'm familiar with them, and do them on my own without any other incentive.


    So, I used all 21. And, partly because I have some life issues happening right now, but I probably still would have done easily half of them, just because I could, and 80g isn't all that much, and comes back rather quickly.


    I'd be more fascinated to know what ANet's data reveals about that step when all is said and done. I'm sure, on the one hand, it was a way to offer us a different way to get steps like that done, since many of us have expressed concerns over having things like that tied behind meta content that gets a bit thinned out once the locust have rushed through. On the other hand, it presents an interesting opportunity to then track that and see how many people take that route. Then, they could go an extra step to see of the people that just paid the 80 and moved on, how many of them post in the forum about costs of steps? Availability of the resources to craft the food? Having to have cooking at 300? Not to 'name and shame', just...because it would be interesting. Of course, that is easily obscured by the number of people that post comments like that under accounts not associated with their main characters, so there is that to consider. :)

  15. > @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > > @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

    > > > Here is an update from Reddit. Another collection, looks like some jumping puzzles, mini dungeons, and branded Ley Line Anomaly in Vabbi if what someone posted in the thread is accurate.

    > > >

    > > > https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/bqo0kx/more_collections_d/

    > >

    > > Is that the Serpent's Ire thing?


    > I've never done it but I'm guessing it's this:

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Champion_Branded_Ley-Line_Anomaly



    Oh. I've never done that before, that might be fun.

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