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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. Thank you! Sadly, I'm looking for something for a light armor wearer, and really wanted something close to a cowboy hat that's part of that outlaw outfit (broken out as a single item). Even more specifically, something 'hipster' you'd see someone wearing at Coachella. Have an idea for an outfit. The swashbuckler would be better than nothing, if they brought it back. The rubicon 'might' have worked. I'll see if I can do a 'force' preview combination with that hat on a light wearer and the items I was thinking of putting together to see if it would work (though, ultimately wouldn't, as I'm a light wearer).


    Edit: Also now realizing what I want is 'just' the hat from the outlaw, without the mask part. I can see now why you posted what you did.

  2. > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > > Did somebody said expansion é_é I start liking a lot their new communication, I'm happy they are telling us all those stuffs now. If the expansion is tied to that artwork which looks kind of chinese, it's maybe cantha, peeps asking for cantha should be happy.

    > >

    > > I have a big hopes to see SAB w3 and w4 coming finally.


    > Yes, now you can get bored with content *before* it launches!


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/FEXaB0c.png "")


  3. I may be the only person, and if so, I concede, but I have various alts (9 serious ones, one for each class, and some extra duplicate classes of other races I fool with from time to time), and I actually enjoy the 1-80 path the most, including the full old world completion. I still have 2 insta-80 devices, and will never use them.


    If I'm in the minority and the majority favors your approach, then of course, I concede, but I'd be sad to see that sort of progression go. I suppose if there was some way to track the progress as if I was leveling, like an 'old world completion experience bar' where I could see the number of areas completed (that would be my levels), and a percentage complete for the current area I'm in, that would mimic levels and work for me.


    Maybe sad, but I like progress bars. :3

  4. When I preview the Raven Ceremonial Garb in the Wardrobe, it forces the preview of the legs to be the Raven Ceremonial Gown, and you can't preview any other legs - ONLY on a MEDIUM armor wearer.


    I can preview all the other armor slots as a medium armor wearer as normal, just the legs are forced to preview the RCGown when previewing the RCGarb.


    Previewing on a LIGHT or HEAVY armor class character seems fine.

  5. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > I doubt they were all that worried about veteran players when designing achievements to teach brand new players the absolute basics of the game.


    > But you only need to complete 10 of the tutorial achievements to get the meta-achievement, and there are 16 in total, so you can skip those two, plus 4 others and still get it. All you'll miss out on are the rewards from those specific achievements - an armour booster and a level 10 weapon, both of which are fairly useless.


    This was helpful, I didn't realize that. I'm getting dangerously close to 10 and the boot box hasn't dropped yet. Now that I know I just need 10, it would seem I'll actually get the meta when I hit level 10.


    Edit: Although, that 'Beginner Experience' one is worth 10 points. :/

  6. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > Well, a new player wouldn't necessarily have the drive or even idea to finish map completion. Especially now that every story step is locked behind the next 10 levels.


    I actually specifically remember this was something very important to me when I first started playing. Still something fun for me to do (working on 'the new 9' mix of Asura, Sylvari and Norn). My friends are most definitely regretting getting me interested in games like Destiny 2 and Division 2 as well.


    Friend: What does everyone want to do today?

    Me: I see we have 5 side missions we haven't done yet?

    Friend: They don't have any mods I want.

    Me: But there are 5 blue icons, right there, on the map.

    Friend: ?


    On another note, and speaking of friends, I'm trying to put myself in their shoes (if I could ever get them to try this again), and there is no introduction to 'what' an achievement is. Yes, messages pop on the screen, and I know I can click on them and it opens the achievement, and there are ways to navigate from there into the list of achievements the one achievement came from, but I don't know how intuitive it all is. One friend in particular is really bad at noticing and reacting to pop-up messages.


    What about highlighting it with the exclamation points the same way you do when you get your first trait points to spend? Highlight the 'Hero Panel', and then the 'Achievements' tab? Along with some of the old style pop-up helps that explain why you're showing us those things? Like those first pop-ups you get when you first make a character. I think one is about WASD and I forget what the second one is.

  7. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > Why, then, would you even need a title? If you don't care about what others think, then you don't need to display a title for this.


    That was the heart of what I was trying to get at, but it was given such a non-response, I decided to cut my losses and run. But thank you for keeping up the fight! :3

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