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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. Can someone explain what that is and how it works? I think I see people doing it in the Drizzlewood map, as they are able to get to those cache bosses pretty quickly after the meta, and I'm trudging along flying (though I managed to get the achievement done for all finally). Is it something I need to buy from someone?

  2. I think it's more about the new LW drop locust swarm (no ill will for the play style, I just liked that term when I heard it, happy to drop if offensive). Prices, on the whole, seemed largely fine through mid-May. I felt the drop start in the week before the LW hit. I don't think there was one for Eye of the North because it was a bit of an 'in between' episode. Not that it didn't have great content, it just didn't add a lot of economy affecting components.


    A lot of people swing through GW2 for 1-2 weeks when the story drops and play it really hard, get done what they want to, and leave until the next time. It seems like prices take a hit before as people speculate in what will be required. Some folks start dumping things they've saved up, as they know the prices will start dropping, so they start dropping ahead of time.


    Now we've got a lot more people in the game for this 1-2 week burst, flooding the economy, and prices drop. I bet we start to see it recover in a week or two, and stabilize for a few months before the next one drops. I used to think that over time, the economy was still tending downward through these up and down cycles, but before this drop ectos (one of my personal measuring tools) were actually up quite a bit from some of their worst lows maybe 6-12 months prior, so something happened to help them back up again (even though they are down a bit right now).

  3. Under that it shows another mastery point though? Or am I reading that wrong? Like look at the meta, there's no mastery reward at any of the tiers, but you get a mastery for completing it, and it shows a mastery point at the end as a reward. Isn't that the same thing I see at the end of the weapon collection?

  4. I'm looking at the achievement, and it 'seems' like it's supposed to award one for T2 and one for T5. I got the one at T2, that just shows up and bounces around in the lower right like one usually does, with chests, and you have to click on it to get it. At T5, I opened a box and inside was a blue dot that looked like it was going to be another mastery point, but I didn't get one, and I'm not really sure where the blue dot went (and, sadly, I didn't slow down and read exactly what that blue mastery dot looking thing was).


    So does it reward one or two? If not, what was the blue dot I got in a box for finishing?

  5. I would have no use for the thing myself, but was just wondering if there wasn't a way they could leverage some existing mechanics in game to do it with relatively low cost? Maybe drinks or food (cooking!) that apply random or specific debuffs to you periodically that effectively suppress specific (or random) boons? Last a period of time, and a drink/food to clear them.

  6. > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > 5/25 - IP: DH instance was good the first 45 min (5-5:45 am P[s/D]T), but by 6 am (now), it started getting really laggy, and the pets just hid. One raid with 1/10 people in it. So either we packed DH with a bunch of solo players, or the DH instances have lower limits set on them, or there are lots of secret, hidden commanders with big bunches of people roaming around. Which then begs the question: What is going on in DH, I thought PoF (if you read the general forums) is dead? ?

    > >

    > > But more importantly: Why DH so laggy? ?


    > Ok, so you get lag sometimes... Things get laggy sometimes... And for a multitude of different reasons, not just on Anet's end. Could be an issue with your pc, your ISP, lots of traffic, server issues...


    I actually started posting because it wasn't only me. Everyone was commenting on it. It's actually been happening a lot lately, in a lot of different places. Not like 'low FPS', but really big pauses and 'catch up' animations, or generally bad skill lag. When it happens, it's never just me. I'd never post if I didn't see anyone else commenting on it (and usually wait until someone else brings it up, not at me asking).


    Just thought I'd post the IPs when it happens, in the event it's useful to them. If it's not useful to them, they can tell me. Wasn't looking to confrontational. ?

  7. 5/25 - IP: DH instance was good the first 45 min (5-5:45 am P[s/D]T), but by 6 am (now), it started getting really laggy, and the pets just hid. One raid with 1/10 people in it. So either we packed DH with a bunch of solo players, or the DH instances have lower limits set on them, or there are lots of secret, hidden commanders with big bunches of people roaming around. Which then begs the question: What is going on in DH, I thought PoF (if you read the general forums) is dead? ?


    But more importantly: Why DH so laggy? ?

  8. Sometimes, people go bowling just to throw a big ball right down the middle (hopefully), then eat some nachos and laugh with their friends. Even some bowling leagues have drastically different types of bowlers on and between teams. Some folks are really interested in how you throw a finger tip ball and use the dots and arrows and play the oil to hook it into the pocket. Others could care less. And they're all there to bowl in a league. And I haven't even mentioned Cosmic Bowling yet. :lol:


  9. In the event it helps to document lag spikes at specific times in specific instances on specific IPs to help drag down the problem, we're getting them now in a Desert Highlands instance on right now.


    Update: Logged out for a few minutes to take care of something IRL and returning to DH, I'm in an instance on and it's working great so far.

  10. > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > I think underwater could be cool if they found a way to make the normal above ground physics work. I.e. making you walk on sea level and ground targeted abilities. Or just have the zones be set in some sprawling infested Largos city that's encapsulated by somekind of forcefield that keeps the water out. That could be cool too, and then you could have the surrounding area covered by swimming fish or pitch black with the deep sea dragon's eyes peering at you.


    I think a zone that was a giant underwater city, with different places you had to swim between big areas (at least until you opened waypoints, or maybe the waypoints are contested during certain times or events) would work great. Combination of swimming elements as well as huge underwater structures where the sky or ceiling in places was essentially domes and above that was the sea. You could also make it really claustrophobic in places, maybe making it feel like Mines of Moria, or at least how I remember it feeling when I played it years ago. Those were all huge, underground zones, but they were also quite open in places.

  11. I like them both, and like that they are very different. HoT is much more claustrophobic, great verticality, and has the better group metas (opion). PoF has the repeating hearts, open spaces, different agro range considerations, and I play much more solo (but will often jump in to help with champs or people wanting to do a hothouse (sp?) run or what not).


    And because they are very different, I can have great adventures depending on my mood, or what character I feel like playing and what sort of content they are better at.

  12. Is there a dye for every character creation color? I ask because I see I used 'Blonde' as a hair color, but when I search my dyes for that, it doesn't exist (not even locked).


    Is there not a dye for every character creation color? Maybe another question is: Is there a 'character creation -to - dye' conversion table anyone every put together to help you come close enough, in some cases?


    Edit: I ask because I just bought a Swaggering Hat and noticed one of the four channels is your hair, but I don't have a dye, nor does it look like I could obtain a dye, that is the same as my actual hair color choice (Blonde).

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