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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. I see a video on YT of someone doing it, and the gold timer is 3 minutes. I'm looking at it now, and it's 2 min. I can do it in 2:25.


    Is that a bug, or did they lower it on purpose?


    Are these activities something you can do in a party? Can I find someone to help me with it?


    Update: I ended up bringing my staff/pistols daredevil over (instead of my main) and was able to get it in 3-4 tries. Must have dodged a freeze or two that last time, as I was stuck at 2:04, but then won with a 1:55. :)

  2. I find most everything different and fun, and have developed much more of a respect for the HoT zones, especially when navigating them with only HoT masteries. When you get used to them, the mushrooms and updrafts and gliding are a lot of fun.


    So I'll circle back to Orr. Nothing in particular, they were just the first 'heartless' (did there, I see) areas, and the lighting makes my characters all look sad and pasty, and it will forever represent the LotR trope - where you start in sunny, grassy lands with relatively benign conflicts and slowly trudge your way across the world and the environment gets cold, and jagged, then the lighting goes all emo, and demons, and fire, yada yada.


    Thankfully, most of the LW content doesn't follow that. There are some, but then they also give us things like Lake Doric and part of Drizzlewood and the, uh, Charr party zone (forget the name). And even the snowy things they do aren't all drab, and when they are a harsh, they have a neat mechanic that goes with it.


    So for me, it's just the original Orr.

  3. While trying to get shards, I just tried in a few cracks that I wasn't sure I could get out of easily, and it was great. Not sure if I ever tried it landing in the bad ice, but I would think it would work.

  4. > @"thehipone.6812" said:

    > Did you buy the generic Charr Commendations? Or the legion specific ones, which are the cheaper option, but only go to one particular legion? Your issue suggests it might be the latter.

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/United_Legions_Quaestor



    Actually a stack of each. Guess I'll try to do some events with the achievements I'm working on to see if it starts going up that way.

  5. Thankfully, I am only missing two, but had to spend 17 gold buying enough charged lodestones to remake them. I had submitted a ticket early on in the last episode, after I caught my mistake, but they wouldn't restore them. That's okay, no harm no foul.


    I like the ideas people had upstream about making it tied to the achievement. Additionally, if they were not salvageable, then the idea of 'farming support for materials' kinda goes by the wayside. And of course, if they'd make them for sale on a vendor for karma and area mats, that would be great too.


    Update: now I’m reading I wasted 17g and mats making the two I was missing again. Nice. ?

  6. I'm getting stuck in a hallway between a couple things of good and I can't go forward and can't go back. How do you proceed? There some goo spilling out of stuff at both ends, but I don't have any tools or devices or anything to interact with it?


    I don't think any of that is spoilery. No key jokes or "the butler did it" info. :)


    Update: Did it again, and it appears as two things happened. 1. There is an item on the ground I could pick up which wasn't there the first time, or I saw something flash and disappear the first time and couldn't get it, and 2. one of the party members got stuck behind, who was kinda important at the next place, so I think it might have just bugged out on me.

  7. I've really been enjoying myself so far, as I have been since I came back from a hiatus I took shortly after HoT launched and shortly before (month?) Head of the Snake (if I named that right, S3E4, I think?). Yes, it's a bummer that the VA isn't there, and we all know why, and we adapt and move forward until we can get it back. Outside of that, I don't really get why some folks aren't happy with it.


    Piddling my way around the map for map completion while I work on a 'now go kill some things' story step.


    Now, maybe because I'm closing in on 30K, I'm excited about everything, but I was pretty happy before it dawned on me how close I was getting, so I'll say that's bunk.


    Can't wait to do the meta. I'm sure it'll be fun like the first half of the map was.

  8. Before the last few weeks I’d be tempted to say LW3, but not because there was anything special about it. It was when I came back after a 15 month hiatus and started with HoT (stopped playing regularly around then) and then had to catch up through the first 3, I think, episodes? The Lake Doric one released while I was back. I just had so much to do. HoT played a lot better for me. Good times. Then it rolled into PoF and on and on and I haven’t felt like breaking since.


    More recently - it’s everything. I’ve been trying to find every AP I can, closing in on 30K. I’ve been discovering all sorts of interesting things I never noticed, played metas I never got into before, playing through old story instances. Also working back through Icebrood from the beginning to pick up extra points I was missing, forgot how fun Grothmar is. Played through to quickly.


    So I can’t pick one. I still like making new characters and playing through the original world and doing map completion and the story.

  9. I'm willing to pay. I'm on a US server. Not entirely sure how to convey which server set without subjecting myself to trolls. I'm there with my Mesmer, and I've tried like 20 times and I just can't seem to 'stick' on the ledge. I hit something and bounce off and slide down into the water.


    I must have done it once, as I have both the yellow and blue catmander tags, but was revisiting them (completed yellow last week) to get 'Perfect Fit' done and wanted to pick up the cats for my home instance (have yellow, but he needs someone to play CvC with).


    I'm going to keep trying for awhile. Maybe send me a tell if you think you can help and I'll let you know what server group I'm in this week and see if it's a fit? Or, I guess you could then just come kill me in here and troll me. Suppose someone gets something out of it either way. Again, willing to pay.


    I'll update if I manage to make it. Seems like every time I post a help thing like this, I then turn around and immediately solve it, so maybe I just needed to make the post for that to happen. :#


    Update: Yeah that was it. Just needed to ask for help and got it in 5-10 more tries.

  10. That's probably mostly true. When I solve something on my own after posting, I swing back through and edit the title with a 'Solved:' in front, and then add an 'Update:' at the bottom of my original post. Another way to approach it.


    Well, if this becomes the official place of all things you solved yourself (it's already got a great title!), then I'll leave one I solved today for myself.


    I was having an issue with 'hitching' every so often while I was trying to play the last few days. Not really lag in the usual sense, but everything would freeze for half to a second and then recover. Turn out, I had played around with a new Windows theme and added in where you let the colors change with the pictures that change, and that was causing the issue. Turned that off, and everything returned to normal! :)

  11. > @"Mitsuruji.1796" said:

    > solved. ( cant delete post for some reason )


    As @"gousgou.5438" said, don't suppose you could re-edit so we can see what the original issue and solution was in case someone else has the same problem and could benefit from your solution? :)

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