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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. Is there a way to see what I selected at character creation for one of my existing characters? Like hair or skin color?


    Update: nm I figured it out. I can use full makeover and/or hair style kits to answer those questions. As you cycle through the options, what you currently are in each category is outlined.


    Update 2: But if there is a way to do it without using one of those, maybe the API on a site like gw2efficiency, that would be interesting to know.

  2. I really liked the "Ruler of the Skies" achievement. I think of them like Vistas. I'd like to see more things like this sprinkled around, and it would be a nice thing to include in dailies, like a Vista. Not as a replacement for what we already have, but I think we need one or two more choices in each area (5-6 to choose from rather than just 4), and this would be a good choice.

  3. I'm starting to do it for two reasons:


    1. Break away from my Humans (I have a ... lot of Humans).

    2. Experiment more with all the class variations, and has been outlined upstream: it's a lot cheaper.


    I just recently got an Asura Elementalist (Tempest; my first, and main, is a staff Weaver) and Norn Ranger (Druid; main is a classic Ranger) to 80 and did VB/AB HP runs with both to get into their specialization. Going to work on a Sylvari (Revenant) next (Chloe Orville! :lol: ). My intention is to have 3 Asura, Norn and Sylvari. Haven't decided what/when/if I'll do a 3rd 9 (as I'm barely starting with the 2nd), or what race combinations they will be.

  4. I'm experiencing some weird things logging into the game now on the US side, was wondering if it was just me.


    I have a character in Fireheart Rise (IP at 'Tuyere Command Post Waypoint' that was seeing some dynamic event mobs (orange crossed swords over their heads) coming on shore, killing NPCs, and I can kill them, but I get no heart progress, and the dynamic event itself isn't really showing like it's actually happening. I can rez the downed NPCs for heart progress.


    Also can't chat in map chat. I logged in another character of mine in Wayfarer (sp) and tried to talk in map chat and nothing happened. Didn't walk around to see if there was other weirdness afoot.


    Update: DEU, I think, at least on the chatting. I'm going to continue playing to see if there's other weirdness, but it seems like just me.

  5. It would be cool if they put their 'spin' on it too, like they did with mounts. Maybe something to encourage you to replay content? Perhaps if you do a certain number of things in a LW map, then those vendors come visit your home for a week, and you have access to their resources (like the 5/day mats), or other small bonuses. Maybe there are styles or decoration types or themes that you can keep your neighborhood setup with if you've completed those objectives.


    Not too much work, just some way to encourage replaying with maintaining changes to services or what not in your home/neighborhood? But ultimately, 'Yes', and I'd be really interested to see what their 'spin' on it (like mounts) would be.

  6. > @"WDBoldstar.7649" said:

    > FWIW, I've been doing Dynamics Asura the past few weeks for my key farm. The pattern matching challenge is a little annoying, but the storyline is a nice change of pace from the bandits, and I find it mostly easier to navigate Metrica than Queensdale, on the whole.


    That was awesome, just did that for my key this week. Never realized you got _more_ rewards:


    1. Black Lion Chest Key

    2. One hour extra at lunch tomorrow



  7. > @"Zionka.6897" said:

    > I'm terribly sorry then... My memory is embarasing. I could of sworn I was working toward them before HoT. I won't complain then, and just keep plugging along as I had planned. Was sort of looking forward to working on them, but I'll resign myself to the suffering doing without for a month or two.


    > False alarm vent! lol


    I wouldn't be sorry, all of our memories are terribly flawed. There are a lot of interesting articles out there on the subject. I recall watching an interesting documentary about some people in (midwest town?) who collectively have this experience where they were watching Twister at a drive-in theater when a tornado came through. Only problem was, it never happened. (And I bet I'm remembering the documentary wrong!) I think the 'rose-colored glasses' phrase, which I think was meant more of a slight to people wanting to remember things a certain way on purpose, really is more a bi-product of our terrible, human memories. :)

  8. I used to pay a sub for GW2.


    For the first few years or so (maybe up to around the time HoT came out?), I bought $10 worth of gems per month.


    Every so often, when I had enough money, I'd buy more character storage, bank storage, material storage, pets, outfits. On rare occasions, I bought more gems in a month because I couldn't afford everything I wanted. Usually time limited March sales for minis, I think it happened to March's in a row. But mostly, I was able to save up for everything I wanted.


    Now days, I'm a bit richer and have a steadier stream of gold, I buy gems with gold, but still probably throw $100/yr at them.


    So, I think we do have both. You can subscribe right now.


    My concern would be burying things in the subscription that aren't currently there, and you wouldn't be able to access them 'without' a sub, not even with gems. That would be a problem, because then you would not have 'both'.


    As far as 'unlimited material storage', I think it's 2,000 now (?), and I don't suspect you will see unlimited, just because of performance considerations. I have mine at 1,000 now, and I kinda like it. It's a nice balance between having enough for something big that needs them (maybe a new legendary trinket), but not so much that I don't then feel at least a 'little' bit of pressure to want to go out and replenish it all. After all these years, I still haven't managed to max out any of my T6 mats.

  9. Is there a 'quick list' anywhere of all the LW3-5 trinkets that sell for karma and the area's resource (or other mats) and that are stat customizable? Not like the vendor at Thunderhead Peak that sells a ring and some other things with pre-defined stats, but more like the 'blood ruby band' from Bloodstone Fen.


    Was going to just travel backwards through all the story missions and go the vendors, and while I just need one more ring, thought it might be an interesting resource to know about for the next character I need to do this with.


    Update: Actually, I guess [this](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Living_World) isn't bad.

  10. It seems like it has to do with swapping to a weapon that's hidden, I've been noticing this too lately. I'm sure it's always been there, but it's only been the past week or so that I've played characters besides my main in a long time. My main is a staff elementalist, so it doesn't seem to be a problem when you have just the one weapon. It also seems to happen if I'm attacked and my second weapon set is the active one and sheathed.

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