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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. It took me about 3 business days to get resolved. Seemed longer, as it stretched over a weekend. It also took a 3rd level of person. But...I am not resolved! So please hang in there. Don't panic if you get a 'how was your experience' response, your ticket is still open. Sadly, I responded a bit snippy to that, thinking my ticket was closed, but apologized for being a spoiled brat and hopefully that smoothed things over. :#

  2. <- Note: This is not a 'buy a new character slot instead' question. Plenty of those in one of these two directions. But thanks! ->


    I see they are on sale, and bought one of each. They showed up in my mail, like everything else, so after acquiring them, I 'used' them (like I would anything that has some sort of 'use' option), expecting them to be added to my character. I see my 4th Build Template open, but when I go to equipment, my 4th Build Storage tab did not open. When I click on it, it thinks for a second, then says "would you like to buy one for 375?"


    I already had 3, was it supposed to unlock the 4th when I used the item, like it did with the Template one, or am I missing something, and should submit a ticket about it?

  3. > @"Schattentanz.7953" said:

    > Does anyone know if there is a precedent for giving the sale price after the sale has ended in cases like these? It feels super unfair, especially as I have a feeling that the only reason my account is having these issues is because I introduced a friend to the game and purchased the game for him!


    There has been mention of precedent for it, so all hope is not lost. Was mostly hoping to get a turtle myself, and just restock on gems for the next 6-12 months for other things that pop up. :)

  4. > @"Hesione.9412" said:

    > I use PayPal. Do any of you have a PayPal and, if so, does the problem remain?


    I can't buy gems with PayPal. Also tried with a credit card, and it does not work. I have an outstanding ticket (I think, it's not clear to me how to tell if a ticket is open or closed - the last response I got from them was 'they are working on it still'), but haven't heard anything since maybe Friday morning?

  5. Like Vayne said, I didn't really think of this until I had about 25% left, but went to Dragonfall yesterday to finish up with some dailies there. The first 75% I did in Vabbi, with a character who hadn't completed the map yet, and there happened to be a champ train starting, and I still needed a lot there, so I rode the champ train for quite awhile. I was a little stressed about it, but it mostly just worked out doing things I like to do. Oh, also did a Casino and big Cactus man at the end.

  6. Selfless Potion


    TLDR: I have one, but don't want to add it to my novelties, as I'm concerned I won't be able to use it the same way or in combination with some other things as I can when I use it from the item, but would like to add the Selfless Potion to my wardrobe of novelty items so my other characters have access to it (or my main, should I choose to use it as the novelty sometimes, forgoing the features it seems to still possess when being used as an item).

  7. I managed to 'ninja' screenshot it. The red message says: "Unfortunately an error has occurred. Please try again later!"


    I'm having the same issue. I have a ticket in, and two different people said 'they did something to my account, and to please try again and let them know if I was still having issues", and neither thing worked. Both of those responses were fairly quick: the first within a day of submitting and the second within a day after my first response. I'm still waiting on a third response, been a few days. Hope they don't give up on me.

  8. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > It's supposed to be working, but there's been problems with the Trading Post recently. If the button literally doesn't do anything try waiting a while to make sure the gem store has fully loaded before clicking it, or try going to a less busy map. I don't know if that actually helps but I feel like I've been hit with the TP freezing issues less often when I'm not in a town or busy map.


    > If you're getting through to the end of the process and then getting a message that something went wrong you'll need to contact Support and ask them to fix it. I'm not sure what exactly is going on but they seem to be having issues with the payment processor blocking some transactions. It happened to me for the first time last weekend and took about 32 hours from when I submitted the ticket to get it sorted so I was able to buy gems.


    Thanks, I guess I'll have to drop a support ticket. I tried both my PayPal and a credit card, and there is an error message at the top of the screen that goes by 'really' fast and I can't make it out, then drops me back at the beginning.

  9. I'm still having a great time. My only half-gripe is making it a 'login just to do the daily' game for about 13 months after HoT came out. Only half a gripe because when I did come back, I had a 'lot' of content to catch up on and was constantly busy.


    The past month or so has been pretty crazy too, between pushing really hard to get the last few hundred points I needed for 30K, both Drizzlewoods, the past two events, and monster rush week, I haven't had much of a chance to breath. I don't remember when the last time I logged in and couldn't think of something to do that was fun for me.

  10. I like the amulet, though haven't seen what the infusion looks like yet. I have characters that can use it. I just got my last 5 otters today, so I'm for sure using that on my main. Though I'm still trying to figure out why someone laughed at me for saying I was down to my last 5, and then started a tirade about the gift one in chat. Guess I apologize for triggering that outburst. ?

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