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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. It's like there's an invisible wall there. Think of putting a lava font between Claw's mouth and left foot during phase 1. Or being able to target the ground with 'Vault' right under your feet while fighting the jungle wurm. If you are really close, you can't target directly under your feet so you jump up and land where you are. It forces the target behind you, outside of an invisible barrier.

  2. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > > > Recipes please! :#

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > Thank you!

    > >

    > > Does anyone know if the essences are random at each place, or do you have to farm specific bosses for specific essences?


    > The latter:

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Destabilized_Magic


    > I'm not stalking you ....promise. :grimace:


    Sure hope SB is an azure. :'(

  3. I picked normal, since it best fits your reasoning for asking. I've actually been doing Oasis, since it's something I had in my rotation for a little while, and I tried a few others (that were fun), but mostly just the added Oasis this time around. Not because I don't appreciate the event, just some added recent life time constraints.


    Also, still coming down from the last LW release, and barely had a chance to breathe. And...here comes another one! :o If this becomes the new norm, I'm going to have to take a step back and realize I don't have to participate in 'everything' all the time. :)


    Hmm, I think I picked the wrong one. Should have picked the orange one.

  4. > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > That is another possibility. Most attendees simply aren't announcing things at E3 anymore, because they can get more of their specific audience via their own media channels.


    Ah c'mon, "Diablo Samsung Smart Fridge" was a smash! :#

  5. Few things that would help us:


    1. Compendium of Teleportation (LW books, WB gadgets, Spearmarshal, LilyElonMusk, et al)

    2. Gadget Galacticus (Prototype Position Rewinder, Recharging Teleport to Friend [[933594]], et

    3. Bag-o-Level (Books, Writs, Level 80 Boosts, et al)

    4. Snack Pack (Consumables: Tele-Friend, Revive...maybe even food)

    5. Trophy Case ("Hey, can I delete _____?")


    Vertically, searchable scrolling containers ... and scroll and scroll and scroll. :)


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/vvOxjm2.jpg "")


  6. And it's more of an 'across the board' toggle of things.


    I'd like to be able to toggle the 'out of combat' effect of a lot of things, including something like Bifrost (I actually reskinned the one I built so I could find my character again). Being able to hide the in and out of combat effects on Aurora and Vision would allow me to move them to my main, where I could take advantage of stat swapping more.


    I'd like to be able to hide my sheathed weapons, in any sort of combination. All, right, left, set 1, set 2.



  7. I'd like to add a note about elegy mosaics. While I've completed the trinket, I've still been doing the Treasure Hunt in Desert Highlands (every 2 hours, '/wiki et') once a day and usually give up with 2-3 minutes left, depending on how far away the one I get is when there's that much time left, and I've been getting 13-14 boxes and like 10 or more elegy mosaics and I think 100-ish contracts, to replenish my supplies. That would generate 4-5 funerary's/day, if I were still needing to buy them.

  8. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > Isn’t the event open world?


    It is, but it's two weeks long, and the this part at the end:


    ``The weapons will always be available through the Key of Ahdashim raid after the event has ended. Happy collecting!


    It made me think they were saying, "don't worry if you don't get finished, you can always finish in the raid!" Which, will not be happening for me. But it then got me thinking, why make that statement if there wasn't a chance to finish everything you'd want to finish in the two weeks? Which then got me thinking, okay, so what 'are' the requirements to make shiny things in those two weeks, and are some of us just going to fall short, and only have the raid to finish?


    If I knew what my chances are up front, I could make a more informed decision as to whether I'd even start, and head off disappointment at the pass. :3

  9. Regarding the [event portion](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/meet-the-key-of-ahdashim-on-june-11/ "event portion") of the new raid release, it gives the impression that you can start on something, and if you don't finish, you can still complete it in the raid.


    I'd like to know ahead of time, what sort of realistic expectations someone who has no plans to raid would have of completing any of the skins available in the event within the 2 week window?


    While I didn't have a problem with the Skyscale myself, I guess I'm thinking of it in terms of people who felt the communication as to all the requirements was readily available? I know one of the answers to all that was, "Well, you didn't lose anything, because when you get the things you don't have, you can just pick up where you left off". And, while that's true in that case, in a sense, it is more true that I just won't be raiding. I have great sympathy for people who were confronted with walls like that.

  10. > @"Etria.3642" said:

    > Ahhh yeah you do get keys from the pilfered bag thing but I always always always get the amalgamated. I can buy keys. I mean. I have thousands of aurillium. No need to waste an amalgamated.


    > I think the only time I ever went for the bag thing was in Dragon stand when I REALLY needed crystalline ingots for Astralaria along with all the other currency so buying machetes wasn't a good plan.


    Yeah, I think I'm just going to change tactics altogether there and get the amalgamated and buy more keys after from here on out too.

  11. Not the chests themselves on the ground, but some of the reward bags we used to have in our inventory had a 'lot' of them. I always came out way ahead, and never had to actually buy keys, if all I did was:


    1. Spend 100 on a nice armor at West

    2. Do the west pre at the gate

    3. Bust the gate down

    4. Do Octo, come in around 190% or more for the entire thing

    5. Open the 19 chests I open


    After all that was done, and I opened all the reward chests (bouncing in the UI in the lower right hand corner) and opened all the special bags of loot in my inventory, I'd come out far ahead in keys.


    I suspect some of the special bags they got rid of in favor of lots more UNIDs had keys in them?


    Wait...I just did a little more research on the wiki. I know at least 'part' of the problem. I gook the Amalgamated Gemstone reward from the [Auric Basin: Hero's Choice Chest](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Auric_Basin:_Hero%27s_Choice_Chest "Auric Basin: Hero's Choice Chest") instead of the Pilfered Exalted Remnants bag I used to always get (because I just spent a lot of AGs on the Leg Trink), and I'm seeing there were keys in 'that' bag.


    So maybe that's it. :)

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