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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. I have the Astral Purification collection open. I went to the bank and got all [the mats](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Astral_Purification "the mats"). I went back to the basement, and she's in a dialog loop.


    10 PRINT "I'd like you to craft a mirror for me."

    20 PRINT "First, what materials do you need."

    30 GOTO 10



    Tried logging out and back in. Is this also a time gated step? Do I only get one mirror a day?

  2. I was sad at seeing the PoF prices drop at first for things that I sell, but then I realized I was making far more money than before. Same seems to be true for LW4.1.


    I guess it raises the question: What, if any, items are seeing a drastic 'increase' in price on the AH? If we're getting richer, even though it would seem the day-to-day things we sell are selling for cheaper, something 'must' be selling for more? Precursors or other legendary mats jumping?

  3. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > No you cant and why would you want to?

    > Just dont join squad and tag along the commander.


    That's what I more or less did. The biggest place it's an issue is that new zerg meta with all the chests. They are really hard to see with all the blue dots. I just made sure I was in the squad when it started and then left after the gate opened.

  4. Do sub-groups in a squad each have their own 'call target' mark, or is it shared?


    Is there an ability to mark/recall a personal target when you are in a squad?


    Example: You are in a squad. You are at Shatterererer (resent having to spell that out, dumb filter). You are a glider. You want to keep tabs on his head as a target, see his break bar, make sure it's up before dropping bombs. Make sure you get two bombs in. First pass goes great, he's smashed. You lose the target, maybe attacking crystals, maybe protecting some canons. Time comes to hit 'T' to re-acquire his head...oh noes...Whitley Whitman III has target some random champion to let everyone know he found something that carries phat l3wts!1!one!eleven?2secondbreakfast!1?2


    So, if the raid has a target by group, I could ask my leader to put me in a glider group. Or, if that doesn't work, I could use a personal mark/recall option (or perhaps one could be added).

  5. > @Khisanth.2948 said:

    > You can actually finish chopping those by using a different character.


    That's interesting, thank you.


    It's still something that is bugged. When I started playing GW2, and logged a tree in Queensdale, if I ran out on chop 1 or 2, I could equip new tools and finish chopping that one node. I did not find myself asking about this in the (old) discussion forums, to be told "well, you just create a new character and can go out and finish chopping it". That's...absurd. :)

  6. The primordial orchid nodes, the ones we planted in the world, operate in a manner that is less beneficial to us than normal tree nodes, and the primordial node in our homes.


    Specifically, if you harvest the PO node in the home, it does not do the 'collapse' animation until you do the 3rd pull. If you started harvesting with 2 left on a limited supply of axes, it will stop, let you equip new axes, and finish the 3rd chop before collapsing.


    If you harvest the same PO nodes in, say, Dry Top, the node collapses on the 'first pull', but lets you continue with your 3 chops, if you have the axes, which is fine. If you only have 1 axe left in the equipped stack of limited axes, however, the tree collapses, you get the first pull, but it won't let you get the remaining 2 pulls once you equip new axes.

  7. > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > Seeing this topic is made, I would like to ask... can we get a version without heels? Everything else about it is perfect (minus headgear, but I can hide that).


    I'd make other changes myself. Another one I'm not interested in. Glad to see there are those that like it, though.

  8. > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > > @Galmac.4680 said:

    > > Please no special chars, I hate it so see people have names like "Name", "Nàme", "Náme", "Nâme", "Nāme", "Nãme", "Näme", "Nâme", "Namė", "Namé", "Namë", "Namè", "Namé", "Namê", "Námé", "Ñame", "Ńame", "Ñãmè" (I guess you'll get it now).


    > I like it because while I'm not full of myself (as I know I'm not great), I feel glad to know I can at least come up (for the most part) with an original name that I have never had it ever come up as taken except when I was making lame characters during PoF beta/demo weekends/days when I wanted to try out new classes out and their elites.


    > I was not surprised Relevant Revenant was taken.


    What about Irreverent Revenant?

  9. I guess I'd convert a lot to gems, getting all the bank and bag space expansions I could, and then buy mats to build 32 space bags for my 9 characters on top of that.


    I'd pay people to help my personal guild to help me get a guild hall, so I could learn to scribe and get things for my guild hall. But then you have to do like guild quests to get points to open up more things, as I understand it, so that would probably be a fools errand. I guess I wouldn't bother doing all that then.


    I'd pay someone to help me unlock what I need to do finish off my HoT masteries (raids) so getting HoT XP could start going towards spirit shards and not be wasted. I don't raid, so I don't 'need' the masteries, but it's apparently the only way to 'shift gears' and direct your XP to something more useful. I have all the other areas capped.


    That's it, I guess? Maybe buying dyes or gamble boxes for things? But that's more about completiting collections than actually getting anything I want. Same with outfits, I have everything that I find appealing at this point, which isn't much. I can think of a few other games where I'd go costume crazy for sure.


    I like doing collections, so I might start doing some legendary pre collections, and pay people to take me through fractals to get those steps done. It's really the only reason I don't work on legendary weapons now, I don't really want to do the fractal steps. The open world stuff all seems fine and fun. Though, I have a Bifrost from before HoT, made that, it was fun building it, but ultimately didn't care for all the glowy effects hiding my character, so reskinned it. Never take advantage of it's ability to become other things, as it seems kinda pointless without being able to change the sigils, so built another ascended staff to fit the role I wanted with the sigils I wanted and swap to that entire weapon when I need to.


    So I suppose after I got all the space and bags I wanted, after I got bored with buying minis and dyes and loot boxes, I'd probably just use it to "make other people's dreams come true".

  10. I’ve been thinking about this some more, and I’d like to see an interface like LFG, where each LW is a category, plus a “Super Fun Magic Places” category for everything else, and the ability to mark and sort any number of them as favorites that appear outside categories at the top. Lose the whole dialogue interface.

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