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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. I can't answer this, because my idea of rewarding is most likely not your idea of rewarding. If it's about getting D3-style loot drops, then I can't answer that, as that is not what is rewarding to me. To me, it's about 'am i enjoying my time with the game'. If it's that, then I would pick 'most of the time'. If it's the loot thing, I don't even know how to vote on that in D3 itself, much less a game that is not D3, as I don't understand how others see that as objectively rewarding.


    I had a friend or two I was hoping would come play GW2 with me, maybe 3-4 months after release, and one of them wouldn't play it because there weren't enough shiny things dropping, like in D3. Needless to say, no one wanted to play this with me, which has been quite a bummer for me, but oh well. It resonated with me. :)

  2. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > I can't say I don't wonder, too! I will speak to our awesome artist, Christy, to see if we might have a fine feline friend for possible addition in the future! ;)


    How about some nature things and objects? Tree? Hillside? Moon? Sun?

  3. > The old item, as well as the account-bound Brandspark Jewel and Sunset Jewel items, can be traded with some vendors in the Free City of Amnoon in exchange for the useful Black Diamond crafting material.


    I used this vendor shortly after the patch. They were out front next to a repair anvil, close to where the race starts. After I used them the one time, they haven't returned to that spot, and I can't see anywhere on the map in the city where there is a merchant (stack of coins icon).


    Where did this person move to?

  4. I think they both have a place. The outfits are nice, but admittedly, there are only 3-4 I use occasionally, and only 1 character 'always' uses 1 of 2 (depending on her spec). Everyone else uses mix-n-match armor. So I guess I should have said armor is more important, but I don't want to dis the outfits. :) I have one character that uses skins from Krytan, Viper and Magitech armor sets. They got me to buy 3 different armor sets because I just wanted one piece from each. Uhm...cha-ching?


    More importantly, what is missing is the old mix-n-match clothing. Ideally, I wish they would have added the concept of 'an outfit', but kept 'town clothing'. If you enabled an outfit, it would override the town clothing (I guess?), or maybe an outfit was just a collection of individual pieces that all went together, but then you could mix-n-match them with other town clothing? I like that too.


    But really it comes back to some of the great pieces we had before. I used to wear a sleeveless hoodie, gatherer shorts and witches boots, and that was a great outfit.


    And I really don't believe (certainly don't care) the explanations they were trying to float for why that couldn't happen, because...it was already happening, and they took it away.


    At the 'very' least, they should let us ask for outfits to be built out of some of the old mix-n-match pieces. That would be nice.

  5. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > I can't imagine ANet offering a subscription fee without killing the goose laying their golden eggs. As bad as some people think the RNG boxes are, that would be worse for more people. At worst, the current situation affects one set of skins; subscription would change the entire model of how the game works. I would no longer be a "play when you like" game.


    I guess I was kinda trying to say that, but failed. I think sub only has sailed, at least the way people are thinking about it. If we were to pay $15/mo and were entitled to 'everything', then 'everything' wouldn't be all of the things we have available today, because the $15/mo from active subscribers wouldn't support it. We wouldn't have 30 new mount skins, or new gliders all the time, outfits, fly carpet and broom gliders, 100s of minis and the variety of mining tools with different animations we have now. And possibly many other things I haven't thought of. We'd have some things, but not nearly the options we have now.


    Not to say I don't disagree with the RNG argument to a large extent. Thankfully, there isn't anything in there that is so important to me. If it were a pack of 30 outfits and there were 2-3 outfits in there I was 'really' excited about? I might be as angry as them? If they put a reasonable price-per-item on them, and started rolling a new one in the store each week, for 1 week, it wouldn't be so bad.


    Edit: I wasn't replying to you directly, so much as piggy-backing on your sentiment and adding some additional thoughts.

  6. Thank you everyone that tried to help me with this. I still think the wiki is completely wrong, and many of the other conditions just don't seem to be true.


    I did finally get it done, by changing to a character that was better suited to burn things down 'quickly' (my necro can be a little slow sometimes), using my Ranger, and secondly, I just waited up on a hill top 'between' the two spawn places in the north that I saw, and just kept an eye on the screen while I did other things. Seems to spawn just fine without anyone talking to him 'first', and that makes sense, because he has 'no orange circle' over his head when he's ready to talk. He's just a herald letting you know it started somewhere, and will show you where.


    I almost failed, as I didn't catch it until the casket was a 60% and was able to stabilize it at 50% before we started moving from the spawn point. Think I made it with 10% left.


    Parting thoughts:


    1) The thing shouldn't start until you get to the location and can interact with someone in that party protecting it. That's fine the herald acts as a hub, but it shouldn't just start somewhere.


    2) The casket should heal between encounters, even if slower than something like escorting a dolyak does.


    I'll try to remember to get a screen shot of where I waited on the map for it and where each spawn location was roughly. I gotta head out that way tomorrow so my next character can finish their weapon. :)

  7. Transmutation crystals, you can get 5 a week using your weekly free key person to explore each of the five main cities. Plus I think I get a bunch here and there each month from dailies? I think there are PvP ways to get them, but I don't PvP.


    I used to spend $10/mo on gems as a sort of 'self imposed' subscription, and was able to start buying more bag and bank space when the game launched, plus mix-n-match clothing (back in the day) as they came out and some minis. Try buying $15 each month in gems and use it just on things in the cash shop and see how that goes.

  8. Didn't see any patch notes today that would indicate they are aware of or put any sort of thought into making this more doable for one or a few people without having to wait around for hours for it to spawn and most likely not making it in time before the casket has already lost 75% of it's health and clearly won't survive the voyage from there. Sad.™ DO SOMETHING.™

  9. My favorite patch note:


    > Several items can no longer be used in combat, by level-1 characters, or in the tutorial instances, as they can block player progress through the personal story.


    I like how combat, level-1 character and tutorial (not even sure what that is) are all lumped together in the sentence, so they can say "oh, we're helping you not mess up your personal story", when really the "level-1 character" change is about how awesome and speedy it was where you could effectively 'skip' that first part of the story (as a seasoned professional, mind you) and move on with the 10th level story (after walking back out to finish it and insta-level to 2 and reading some writs) as fast as possible each week to get our free key and move along with our days. No need to mince words. That is why it was awesome. :)


    Favorite **missing** patch note:


    > We changed [safely escort the funeral procession to the Necropolis](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Safely_escort_the_funeral_procession_to_the_Necropolis "Safely escort the funeral procession to the Necropolis") quest so it, like, is actually doable without waiting around for hours and needing way more people than are willing to wait around for hours and having 75% of the casket health gone by the time you get there...to uh, help you not block your personal story! Yeah, that's the ticket! ;)

  10. > @Ubi.4136 said:

    > The event has 2 paths that it can take. The event also takes place at daybreak and nightfall (start) so can be done once per day and night cycle.


    > Here is the problem (and why the wiki says it is bugged):

    > The escort can spawn to the north or the south, it is random. If it spawns to the north (RNG) the event happens (as best I can tell, and where I got it done once). If it spawns to the south (also RNG, but seems to spawn south more than north) it is bugged and does NOT happen. I finally, after literally camping the NPC for 14 hours straight, got a north escort, mounted and saved it and got it on my main account. I am now trying to get it on 2 other accounts. Camping the NPC in 6-8 hour shifts with timers set and can't get it to spawn. I have over 30 hours just sitting at the NPC waiting for the appropriate time (of the cycles) for the event to pop, to no avail.


    This is just crazy. I finally saw it spawn an hour after I failed the first one. It was about 10 minutes after night time already started (not during dusk). The first one was roughly the same way, but 5-10 min into day time (not during dawn). It spawned in a different area (also to the north, where my first one was). This time I had someone helping me. We lost 75% of the health of it by the time we got there, and were unable to save it once we started moving and were jumped a 2nd time.


    So am I supposed to like get a group or raid of people, and have us all sit around for hours in the hills until we see it and complete it? This is just not doable.

  11. > @FrozenStarRo.7240 said:

    > The npc for it, Receiving Attendant, doesn't have an event icon above his head, so you simply walk up to him and try all conversation options. He's at the base of the stairs near the heart npc. When available the event will start on a hill west of the WP where a bunch of sand eels and jacarandas reside.


    > Side-note: Not sure if directly tied as pre-event or not, but I did the escort after completing the event up the stairs in the big hall with the ruling where you have to dispatch a few Joko instigators.


    > Hope this helps you find the event you are looking for.


    He has no conversation at all, much less 'conversation options'. You can't interact with him at all. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to even have a useless conversation with him, just to know he was working, like that Nippkit (sp) fellow at the farm in Dry Top that always gets in your way while your picking veggies.

  12. You can never speak to that person, he never has anything to say. At least not in any predictable manner. Any other NPC that's claimed to have a quest, you find them, and hang out with them, and 15-20 minutes later, they get a balloon over your head, you talk to them, and away you go. This person never says anything.


    The other part is it's entirely unclear as to whether there is any prerequisite DE for this quest, passing or failing, or if it happens during another quest, pass or fail. No agreement on that.


    Then there is the fact that it's starting place is random. Some information indicates one of two places. Someone else says it may be as many as 5. Some suggest the DE event spawns in one of those random locations, and then you can interact with the NPC and he tells you where it is, implying you could just wait at one of the places, and hopefully get lucky that it spawns, because the purpose of the NPC is to merely let you know that the even has shown up somewhere, and he helps tell you where that is. Others say no, you 'must' talk to him, and he actually triggers the event to show up (which, to me, doesn't seem right).


    Finally, it says "it starts at dawn and dusk", and then later it says, "it's bugged and never starts at dawn or dusk", and then in the discussion someone says, "dusk or dawn has nothing to do with it, at least not for me".


    Besides physically wait at him for long periods of time, and flying around a few places where it's supposed to start (and even then, I've seen one screen shot indicating one possible location...of the possible, up to, 5 locations?), I'm not really sure what else I'm supposed to do.

  13. My problem with the newer(ish) cut scenes just being 'in the game' is how they handle (or, completely mishandle) dealing with sound.


    I have a 5.1 DTS system, and the dialog will only be loud if I'm the proper distance from a character, and facing the character that is speaking. That's the only time it will come out the center channel. When you watch a movie, you might have all sorts of special effects happening in all the speakers, or 'ambient dialog' happening off in the other speakers, based on where they want to give you the illusion that the people mumbling are, relative to the action, but when people are talking, like, important people, who have their name in the credits, and at least one line of dialog. That dialog is sent to the center channel.


    In this game, even when important dialog is happening, they don't bother sending that to the center channel. They let it adhere (lazily) to this rule where there is one imaginary, directional microphone hanging a few feet in front of my head...and that's it.


    So on the one hand, the new way they do cut scenes provides some interesting depth that they don't get with the "two people side by side dialog" method. And largely, I guess I like it. I suppose I get why some people would like some of that skippable.


    But it would be 'really' nice to actually 'hear' what everyone is saying when they are talking to me. Without having to play a little mini game of "point your imaginary directional microphone in the right direction".

  14. Well this sucks, because I'm never going to get this done, because it's this odd thing that like 'no one' is doing on any sort of regular basis because it apparently can't be triggered often. You can't just advertise a group or raid and then start it when you are ready.


    I've done more than half the other ones so far, and they are pretty straight forward.


    This one is garbage, and I'm plenty unhappy about not being able to just 'go and do it' like everything else has been so far.

  15. Does anyone know anything about [this](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/5317/guide-for-the-forever-lost-major-bug "this") post regarding [this](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Safely_escort_the_funeral_procession_to_the_Necropolis "this") quest and how to make this thing go? I've been around when it says to a couple times, and nothing is happening. I haven't had any issues with finding or figuring out where an event was for the other specs collections I've done so far (a little over half), but this one just doesn't seem to exist. Or, the wiki is completely wrong. Or, it's been a bug for a month and they haven't bothered to fix it?

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