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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. > @Danikat.8537 said:

    > I think the first bit changes depending on your race - since it's a reference to the very early stages of the game. But I think the rest is the same.


    > Anet have previously said that for simplicity the story will assume you've played all previous releases in order.


    Ah, I wasn't aware they said that. As I was playing it, it made me wonder how it would play out if you hadn't.

  2. > @Seera.5916 said:

    > > @notebene.3190 said:

    > > I don't feel I should say even 'why' I'm asking, because it might slightly spoil what happens, so I'm going to put the why inside spoilers, and if you've completed it, click away!

    > >

    > > >! Does what happens change based on what you've actually completed, or is it the same for everyone? What if you haven't done any LW3? Or HoT? Or LW2? Or (and this was awesome) LW1?

    > >

    > > Hmm, didn't preview the spoiler. Hope that worked.


    > I've got an answer since I've not done everything.


    > >! I didn't do much of LS1 and it showed me clips of LS1. Nor really any of LS3 as it was a bit too difficult for me to solo and I came back right on top of PoF's launch.


    Interesting, thank you (just seeing this now). :)

  3. > @Weindrasi.3805 said:

    > You say that all normal, non-pretentious names are taken and that the only options are fancy crap like "Marigoth Elentviel". I disagree, and I am curious what your definition of a "normal name" is. All this debate is pretty well pointless unless you define what you mean when you say normal name. I guess, if you're trying to name your character Bob, or Mary, or Carol... you're going to have an issue, yes. I concur with other people who suggest using a last name. You may have to search around a bit, but there are so many "normal" first names and "normal" last names that you're sure to find a combo that isn't taken. Go down a list of last names in the phone book... you're bound to find an un-taken "Joe Smith" name equivalent for your character


    I just think they meant that everyone who has a character with a first and last name obviously tried just the first name, and it was taken, so they put a last name on as a consolation prize. Marigoth Elentviel is not the 'real' Marigoth. The person who named their character Marigoth is the real one.


    In my case, I realized in beta we could name characters with two names, and was pretty excited about it, as it was something I always wanted in a naming system for a game to be able to purposefully add a surname to my 'family' of characters so I just wouldn't have to deal with having taken names. Which ... is exactly what I did on launch day way back when. I never tried to name any of my characters without their family name.


    I think it's weird to assume anyone with a last name was some sort of loser in a 'name off'. I think it's weird to think of naming a character as a competition. I guess that's Free Market NASCAR, or something.

  4. Okay, fair enough. Just seemed odd to me. It didn't show that my barrage like 'missed' in it's placement. I suppose it would make more sense if I were blinded, and targeted my barrage, the effect would be that there was a high chance the actual target area was different than intended, missing entirely or partially. Once arrows are falling from the sky, if anything is in the target area, it doesn't make sense that they would miss them because _I'm_ blind though. Unless I was telepathically directing my arrows based on what I could see.

  5. Is there a good way to tell what you've already learned before buying them?


    I think I've purchased maybe 2/3 of the recipes, but I can't remember which ones I've learned. Each recipe has the ability to pick one of the three armor disciplines to learn, but the "You already know this recipe" text, like you see on the individual weapon recipes, doesn't 'bubble up' to the top, if you know all 3 of the recipes inside that recipe 'bundle' already.


    I tried looking through the Inventory stuff at GW2Timer, but it doesn't really let you search on a word to return a whole set of things and then easily see in the results which I know and which I don't. At least that I could see. Looking at GW2Efficiency, and it's eluding me as to how to do it there either.


    Is there a way to tell short of logging in/out characters and taking notes?

  6. So I was (all stories destined to go off the rails begin with "so I was") doing a heart completion at Choya-town with my second character through PoF, my Ranger, and fighting a few Scarabs, I think they were, and they blinded me. That's fine, I'll just swap to my bow and throw a barrage out there. Miss miss miss miss miss.


    So when you are blinded, any attack you launch that is, oh I don't know, bound by physics, gravity, trajectories, "things of such nature" (thank you, Arnold), "gravitivity and polarity" (thank you, 'Hollywood Shuffle') is also blinded? Blinded by association? :/

  7. If your name is taken, put 'Smith' on the end. Or 'From Accounting'. Or a fantasy surname. Or the name you tried to use twice (like Duran Duran, or Mr. Mister).


    You can use the names of objects in the game. Go to the Wiki and click 'Random Page' until you see something interesting. I just rolled 'Champion Wurm Loot Box'. I get that would work (if it's not more than, what is it, 15 characters?). Rolled a few more times until I got 'Bowl of Eggplant Stirfry'. I think Eggplant Stirfy is a great name. Or maybe make it 'Eckland Surefire'? Inspiration from all sorts of places. :)


    I just use some of my favorite single names I used to use for many years and pair it with a last name. That worked out well for me. My weekly key runner is named 'Matrix Cube Key'. Still think I ought to go to a Fire Elemental event so when someone inevitably asks, I can say: "Matrix Cube Key: Yeah, we're good to go." :#

  8. I killed one of the big black ghost things? I forget what they are called, it's one of the first ones on one of the spines that comes up to the middle. I killed just that one (I think I had to clear 2-3 mobs before killing it), then I'd leave the instance, and come right back in, and it would be respawned. Repeated that until I got all the keys, then went to all the chests. I didn't have any issues with elites too close to chests. I think I had to clear out a few normals here or there to make it to a chest or two.


    I used my Zerker Weaver and used a Earth Elemental pet to help tank for me. The trick was unloading and getting it killed before the pet died. There were a few times I had to run away and reset the fight. Always waited for the big guy to be ready before I tried again each time. :)

  9. I thought there was a DPS Meter out there that worked on an 'opt in' basis, where it could only basically give a break down of how well you did, to someone else, if you had this same meter installed, and they somehow shared information?


    I was at a world boss today, and someone gave a 'break down' of the top 3 people and their DPS against the boss after the fight. Were they just...making a joke (weird joke?), or is there now a DPS meter out there that let's other people see what you are doing even 'without' you using any sort of compatible software?


    If it's allowed, there isn't anything I can do about it, and my feelings about it are, evidently, moot. I was just curious as to whether something like that now existed.

  10. > @Djinn.9245 said:

    > > @notebene.3190 said:

    > > I had a Divinity Reach 2 week pass about a month before PoF hit. That was the first time I ever had a pass (have the Lily and the Mists one, best one, now). That one was in the city, and took you to the city, and you could walk right outside...into the city. Lily feels to me like if the DR pass took you to where the grave yard was outside DR, and you had to run in.


    > Exactly my point :)


    Wellll that's why I gave you a thumbs up, and then posted. I was helping! :#

  11. Was wondering if anyone has figured out if it exists? I know you can type in a colon and then find some hidden ones if you can figure out the text that goes with it. :thinking: doesn't exist, but maybe they used a different word?


    Until then, I guess :cookie: will have to suffice. :#

  12. I had a Divinity Reach 2 week pass about a month before PoF hit. That was the first time I ever had a pass (have the Lily and the Mists one, best one, now). That one was in the city, and took you to the city, and you could walk right outside...into the city. Lily feels to me like if the DR pass took you to where the grave yard was outside DR, and you had to run in.


    But honestly, I just use it as a quick way to get to the new lands so when I then use a WP from there, it's not 72 silver, plus 20 silver for each additional bag I want to check.


    I use that "Take Me To The Griffon Guy ... Thing" to go to that zone so I can fly over to get my daily grape because, yeah, I'm stingy and 'really' don't like paying 3s for a WP if I can help it. :cookie:

  13. I guess that was true of HoT masteries as well. The Gliding line was immensely useful in core tyria, even though not 'all' of it's abilities translated (like updrafts and ley lines). Now, those were in LW3, but then the same thing may end up happening for jackals in LW4.


    But getting back to HoT, we also had poison resistance and bouncy mushrooms, which had 'no' representation in core tyria.


    I guess the problem comes down to the fact that the mounts are 'kinda' two things, and that's why you (we?) might be having some issue with it. On the one hand, they are a mount, and have utility as a mount. But at their core, they are just skills, and specifically a mastery skills, which are closely related to dealing with the expansion they were introduced with. The difference with HoT is that we had 'one' line that was 'kinda' like a mount, gliding. The others had no other non-skill-like properties about them, so they were easy to dismiss outside of HoT, and we had no tendency to equate gliding with mushroom bouncing, nor wanted to see them have equal representation in usefulness outside of HoT.

  14. I think that's part of the problem. There are lots of LFGs on the maps, but they are all for very specific things, and they end up on maps that aren't the default map when you zone in. If they are on that map, they are all clustered together doing that thing the LFG formed for.


    When you want to do that specific thing, it's awesome, but when you are just loitering around and map killing and doing some DEs, it's kinda rough. I have no idea what the solution is.

  15. > @Narrrz.7532 said:

    > Totally in favour of bringing back original idles as well as a toggle to prevent your characters performing them.


    > Also in favour of new gemstore anims - we have dance manual, why not other anims too?


    Suggested something similar a few years back in the old forums. Bring them back. Provide a UI on the character sheet, like gliders or minis, except each has a 'check box' where you enable/disable any that you want active/inactive. Create and sell more for gems.


    A bonus, if this is really all about emoting in the story, would be to create a proximity disable when you are within x meters of an NPC who is currently 'acting', as in a story step. Bonus-bonus: Add the ability to enable/disable that (if you'd rather have your character looking bored while someone is talking).

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