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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. I do the 'free key a week' run with a character each week. That character can do map completion of each of the main cities after that (some time during the week before you delete the character and start again) and get another 5 transmutes for the week.


    Granted, that is not something you can do 'out of the gate', and requires keeping a free character slot open to do it, but you can eventually get to the point where that is pretty self-sustaining, besides all the ones you get that others have mentioned (including what I just mentioned, if someone already mentioned it, and I'm just repeating).

  2. > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > > @notebene.3190 said:

    > > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > > > Everything I agree except the mystic coin and the spirit shards.

    > > > Keep your mangy Spirit Shards as I can get them easily whether in PoF or Central (will probably never get enough points in HoT to ever get the last 2 masteries I need).

    > > > I have no other way to get mystic coins so no. No no no.

    > >

    > > It seems like the whole point of the post was to take mystic coins from people though. Those are the red changes. So if you don't agree with the mystic coin changes, then presumably, you do not agree with the idea? Unless I read that wrong?

    > >

    > > I personally don't like it at all. What, exactly, is wrong with getting mystic coins? :/


    > The dungeon currency I was fine with. Seems at times hard to get people for those and I need them for certain items/armour I want.


    Ah, I see. He also replaced the 'bag of materials' with dungeon mats. My bad. :)

  3. > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > Everything I agree except the mystic coin and the spirit shards.

    > Keep your mangy Spirit Shards as I can get them easily whether in PoF or Central (will probably never get enough points in HoT to ever get the last 2 masteries I need).

    > I have no other way to get mystic coins so no. No no no.


    It seems like the whole point of the post was to take mystic coins from people though. Those are the red changes. So if you don't agree with the mystic coin changes, then presumably, you do not agree with the idea? Unless I read that wrong?


    I personally don't like it at all. What, exactly, is wrong with getting mystic coins? :/

  4. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > > @Myrdreth.6829 said:

    > > They are back :)


    > Good catch, and thanks for posting in case the OP missed the news.


    > Oh, and if anyone has suggestions about items they'd like to see added to or made available again through the Gem Store, feel free to post in [this thread.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/suggestions-gemstore-items "this thread.")


    You know, those 3 tools had a bug a while back where it put you into a mode where you had your weapons unsheathed, even if you had them sheathed before you started gathering. They fixed the plant one and the mining one, but the wood one still forces your weapons out.


    In the event that the person who worked on fixing it the first time is within shouting distance. :)

  5. I like the idea for a different sound per different type of sound. Additionally, it would be nice to have the ability to enable/disable each type of sound notification, as I'd mostly just be interested in 'tells' myself. And as far as /squad goes, it would further be a good idea to get a sound if the 'commander' is talking vs someone else.

  6. I have Path of Fire, and I still find myself spending quite a bit of time in the base game, HoT, and LWS3. I went through LW2 just a few times, but I guess I 'do' still pop into Dry Top and Silverwastes to do things in those zones that aren't related to LW2 specifically (which, I guess is the case with my mentioning 'LW3' as well), so even that I still do in some way. In HoT, I'm mostly there to do the AB event, but I'll often stay if I hear people asking for help with HPs or some other event, and next thing I know, I've spent an additional 30-60 minutes there. Or maybe I'm hopping into VB to get some Flax, and there's a lot of DE or Meta 'chatter' and it sounds like fun, I stay and go wherever people are screaming needs more people. Or I'm doing some old WBs.


    Other than WBs, and seasonal things, I don't spend a 'lot' of time in the old world, sadly. A little each week for my free key. I have one of each class, all grown up, and don't see much reason in having more than 1 of each class, but have often thought of just making a character so I can play through the old lands and level up (which is sadistically still one of my favorite things to do, and sadly all my 80s are 100% map completion as well). Maybe play with some sort of self-imposed rules, like if I die, then I'm deleted and I start again, perhaps with a different race, or at the very least, use a different starting area and follow a different path. See how far I can get. :)


    But yeah, I still find all sorts of great fun everywhere. It's one of my favorite things about how this game is designed, that I can go anywhere and still walk away with useful things.

  7. > @"jia li ng.8415" said:


    > This introduces is a balance to the game, level 80 characters would no longer be required their daily achievements in zones lower than 35.


    > The population would move accordingly to appropriate level zones where they can enjoy their unstifled freedom to play Guild Wars 2 how they wish.


    Taking options away from people doesn't give them more opportunity to play how they wish. They need to add more options so if you don't want to play in a zone lower than 35 you don't have to. If you'd like to do your 4 Wayfarer dailies because you are going to be on the WB train anways and what an easy way to knock one out, why should that be taken away from us?


    The auto-adjusting of level to the content is one of the strongest things about this game. I can't for the life of me figure out why 'discouraging' people to not use all the wonderful content would be a good thing? I think of SWL and how absolutely maddening it is that I can't go do dailies in more zones, like the very first zone, as a maxed out character and fight mobs more appropriate to my level. No, they don't have any sort of auto-leveling tech, but they could just make a copy of the area and repopulate it and they won't even do that.


    Giving us a lot more choices and options would have some impact on what you want anyways, as more people might be inclined to do some things in other areas instead of just the 4 DEs in a newbie zone.


    And instead of a specific zone, why not make it "4 DEs in a region"? Like how all the gathering ones work?

  8. > @Zaraki.5784 said:

    > > @notebene.3190 said:

    > > > @TexZero.7910 said:

    > > > That's not a raid. That's an open world boss event.

    > > >

    > > > Also, it may be contentious but let them waypoint.

    > >

    > > It's not a raid, but it's a raid. I'm in a raid, I'm just not in a raid. It's not my fault they chose one word to talk about the same thing. :)


    > It's your fault for willingly choosing a misleading word in discussion's title...


    No, I got confused, sorry. :(

  9. > @TexZero.7910 said:

    > That's not a raid. That's an open world boss event.


    > Also, it may be contentious but let them waypoint.


    ~~It's not a raid, but it's a raid. I'm in a raid, I'm just not in a raid. It's not my fault they chose one word to talk about the same thing. :)~~


    But even after a fight, it's hard to see them to run around and help them up before moving on to the next place. Just something I noticed. Usually don't bother joining raids for world events, but started to recently, and I noticed I couldn't see the dead folks easily to know where to run after the fight to rez them.

  10. If the idea is to remove the mount ability damage (but keep utility, doesn't that help everyone?), or tone it down, that's fine, but I think there's some great utility in their riding (flying, jumping, leaping, teleporting) abilities that have 'nothing' to do with people that don't have them, and are quite useful for those of us who do. I actually don't ride mine all that much in lower level zones. I happen to rather enjoy meandering along a road or a countryside enjoying my characters. But when I get a Daily Lumber in Metrica Province, and the formula for the tree nodes looks something like (pseudo) "if today is zone gather day, then the closest gather node is 3,572 miles away from the zones world boss, and node proximity coefficient is plus 400 miles", then you can bet I'm going to mount up and find those nodes ASAP before I dismount and get back to enjoying myself (because honestly, if I had written the code, I would make the world boss say, "My only regret is never having become an arborist!", then they plant 4 trees quickly, and die). And no, I'm not going to go to the home instance in Rata Sum to do it because: a) I'm stubborn, b) I like my home instance in Divinity's Reach and c) I'm stubborn.


    On a side note, I've never seen a world boss when people's mounts have shut out people without them. They don't even make that much of a difference in pres? I keep seeing people use them on the 3 guys off to the side of Maw that come out before that boss guy is attackable and other than pulling them all in (which is great for my axe warrior!), they hardly do any damage to them at all, and certainly don't 'own' that event.


    Now, if someone is terrorizing you with their mount, following you around and killing all the mobs before you get there while you are trying to have fun in an event or do a heart, by all means, I think you should get to report them, and would hope they would punish them.

  11. The choices are such that what you pick reflects whether you look at this as a 'glass half full' or 'glass half empty' situation. Two people could pick what would seem like very different answers, and have the exact same reasoning behind their answer. Just, an observation. :)


    I think the answer was good, insofar as they heard us yelling, and are saying they won't do that again.


    It's a bummer, because there are 2-3 skins in there that I kinda wouldn't mind having, but I'll never get, because they don't want to "invalidate the investment players have made". I'm trying to unpack exactly what that means. Does it mean the pack has investment value to people with a lot of disposable income, compared to people that don't, and if you were to refund their money, they have lost a "I have more disposable income than you" investment? They could refund everyone's money, and start over again with the presentation, couldn't they? Is that not physically possible? It just seemed like a weird, buried throw away line that flew by, rather than standing out as one of their bullet points. I was curious.

  12. Thanks. It finally showed up. I must have just missed a previous race before I started waiting, but it was over 30 minutes before another one started. I came back later with another character and kept missing them because it seemed like they were happening much more often than 30 minutes. So not really sure what happened, or if there was another event that blocked it for a bit or what, but I eventually got it all done.

  13. Ok, for what it's worth, here's [what I did](https://i.imgur.com/b8ktCf8.jpg "what I did").


    Rather than waiting for the Receiving Attendant to be aware of the DE starting (which totally starts without him), and having him tell me where it's located, and wasting a lot of time and casket health running there, I perched myself at the blue circle (on top of a little peak in the hills there) so I could keep an eye on both of the areas indicated in red, which are two of the possible locations it might start (I think I heard there are upwards of 5?). Then did what I described above. If I had caught it at the very beginning and hadn't looked away, the ending wouldn't have been quite as stressful. :)


    They really need to change that quest.

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