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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. Maybe there just needs to be a designated recovery point for certain, designated events that isn't a WP that doesn't put you so far away that you might lose your participation? It might not help with all situations, but for those that simply don't do it because they are concerned about losing their participation, and are the ones who aren't afk and were working as hard as they could up to that point, it would be a way to encourage them to get back in the fight.


    In some cases, like Shatterer, it is right there, and you don't lose progression. The recovery point would just be at that WP.


    Golem is probably close enough. Teq should be the WP that is 'always' contested (and don't get me started about contested WPs outside of WvW).


    You start getting into HoT and PoF, they totally need one. In PoF, especially for those bounties, as travelling can be nasty, and sometimes the closest waypoint is in Caratgena.

  2. I'm assuming [this](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended_weapon#Prefix_change "this") is the recipe to do it? Seems odd to be asking for an Exotic quality inscription, no?


    I want to make sure I can do what I want to do before doing it so I don't make any mistakes.


    I got my [Guerilla Arc](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guerrilla_Arc "Guerilla Arc") today, and see it doesn't have the stats I was hoping to pick. I'd like to have it be Vipers.


    1. Do I first need to select 'some' stat on it before putting it in the forge w/ the other ingredients?

    2. Do I create a [Viper's Ochi Inscription](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Viper%27s_Orichalcum_Imbued_Inscription "Viper's Ochi Inscription") to use as the inscription ingredient?


    Is that all there is to it?

  3. I really enjoy it. I seem to make pretty good money there when I'm playing, so I haven't figured out that argument yet. I repeat hearts with same/different characters. Still working on some specializations. I like doing map completion for all my alts. I jump in bounties from time to time, come to the call of people trying to do some DEs that count towards things they are working on (griffon, spec collections, et al). Besides all the UNIDs that turn into money, whether you salvage directly or open first, I get quite a few of the trash items that sell for good money. Had a few of those 1g items today. Handful of 50s ones.


    I 'kinda' get the meta argument, but I've come to realize it's more pyschological than anything. Rather than waiting 2 hours to do something in 15 minutes and then go open a lot of shiny chests. I get the same kind of rewards, or more, from all the UNIDs I get running around PoF on my own time, hooking up with people on and off. And those junk items that sell for a pretty penny. It's not as 'mentally' rewarding not getting to open big chests while hero music plays, I guess.


    But for me, the trick is that 'both' still exist: HoT and PoF. If I want to open big shiny chests, I do an AB (try to do one very day). Sometimes I like doing Dragon's Stand just because it's fun. It's still there. Or the day/night cycle of VB. Or sometimes I feel like doing lighter fair and DEs and racing and other activities, or repeatable hearts, or working on some achievements, and there's PoF, complete with zones specifically designed to use all the mount skills and masteries. And I still do a small WB tour every day in the old lands. I'd do map clears in the old world, but I don't have any newbie characters any more, and my '9' have all done map completion already.


    And I still spend some time in a few LW3 maps. I've come to 'really' enjoy 'Bloodstone Fen', of all places. I love the gliding combat skills, and that's the only place to do that.


    So, PoF is PoF. It's one set of many great things to do. I don't think of it as a competition. It's 'more of not-the-same'.

  4. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > First, don't feed the trolls. Whisper once, in case it's just someone who tagged up and didn't realize the issue, but otherwise ignore them. Trolls eventually go away if they think no one cares. On the whole, this isn't that big a deal for anyone with mounts, so it only affects a fraction of those in Siren's Landing.


    > That said, it would be great if ANet could make sure that tags don't block waypoints, either by changing the priority of the icons or making the shrine icons bigger (WP icons are already too big imo).


    Probably an oversight on their part. I think waypoints take priority over commander tags. I seem to recall trying to find a commander tag on a map more than once, only to realize they were standing on a waypoint, so I didn't see them.

  5. My big goal was getting the invis-o-book back piece for my Mesmer (oh shoot, THAT is what I forgot to do today! I need to add what I like to do with her each day to my Wunderlist), which involved getting all that armor (also crafted the boots, while not terrible at some jump puzzles, I'm not good at 'puzzles under pressure'). After that, I just do dailies to do 'Fright' so every 5 days I complete 'Eve' to get a goody. I managed to get all the 'Shadow'-chieves done, and 'Lunatic' (except, of course, the clock tower).


    I didn't do any heavy 'farming for the sake of farming'. I get burned out on things like that.

  6. > @Ojimaru.8970 said:

    > A caveat for people using qT builds: their builds are designed for tailored _raid_ scenarios, where individual survival is compensated for by two Druids and two Chronomancers. While they still make for a great baseline build in other less-structured scenarios, be ready to change your build or rotation to fit a given situation.


    > For example, a variant I sometimes use swaps out Destruction for Invocation with Cleansing Channel (Adept trait) for a low-cooldown stunbreak and condition cleanse, which are useful in many parts of HoT and PoF. This then allows you to pick up Demonic Defiance (Corruption Adept) and Maniacal Persistence (Corruption Grandmaster) for large bursts of Torment damage that will usually make short work of enemy groups.


    > Lastly, when channeling Kalla, I often find it more useful to use Darkrazor's Daring to interrupt enemies or break their Defiance bars.


    I'm trying out your suggestion, but not entirely sure what some of the 'rest' of my picks should be in that build. Right now, I've got Invocation, Corruption, Renegade - all 3 right across the middle. Took a guess at filling in the other non-mentioned areas. :)

  7. I think I caught it late in the animation, I wasn't ready for it when it happened. My camera is usually further out and generally behind when most of that animations happen, I'd just never seen it up close before. They do a lot of great detailed work.

  8. Thank you both very much.


    I decided to start with this one, including the gear (most of it, missing an accessory and my weapon sigils are maybe not all that great), and haven't found a reason to change anything just yet. Having a blast with it.

  9. As long as 3 from 'any' category counts towards the overall daily (2g), then I'm fine with it. As a way to increase more options across the board, with more options per category, and allow people who want to stay 'in' one lane more choices for daily completion.


    Personally, I'd just do more for more rewards and karma, as I enjoy doing quite a few of them. I'm not much of a WvW player any more (I used to do it a lot pre-HoT), but I find some of those dailies quite easy to do, and often do 1-3 of those each day regardless, so I'd like to see those still count towards the daily meta.


    I'd like to see more HoT and PoF options, especially maybe like 'complete any 2 hearts in Crystal Desert', as something else to do. Sometimes I like/need some easy ones, and sometimes I'll just do like the longer "4 events in a zone" ones just to throw something different at myself for the day.


    While 'maybe' some of the older ones were silly (10 rezzes, 10 ambient creatures), they at least gave us a 'lot' of options. While I wouldn't want to see anything like that return, I think having more options would be great!


    Oh, and for both HoT and PoF, throw in doing repeatable HPs. Maybe 1/2.

  10. Recently I've noticed when I hit V in game, I also get an E. I see it in chat a lot. I thought my keyboard was dying, but started to realize if I tabbed out and used notepad (or just hit the Windows key and then hit 'V' to start a search), I don't get the E. When I then alt-tab back to the game, I can press V (say, in chat) and not get the E. Invariably at some point it breaks down again, presumably if I alt-tab out of the game and do something and then come back.


    I don't have any keyboard macros. I do use the Logitech Gaming Software and haven't had any issues with it, other than it not 'taking' when I alt-tab back to the game sometimes, and I have to alt-tab or Win-tab, then select the game again, to get it to 'take' and recognize the custom buttons for the game.


    I am using that 3rd party software with the neat radial mount UI (that I saw on WP). Now, it so happens that 'V' was the key to mount/dismount before, and the software has you clear that in your settings and then set it up so it uses it. I do notice V is a command for some 'free camera' thing, which I don't believe I use (and assume only works when you turn free camera on)?


    At any rate, it's really weird, and was wondering if anyone had ever seen anything like that before, or could offer any suggestions on how to go about debugging it? I guess I should see about removing the cool (sad face) mount radial mount menu to start.


    Update: I guess it was that radial menu add-on doing it. Throwing out an erroneous 'E' after a 'V'. I'd say onKeyUp, but if I was fast, I could squeeze a letter or two in quick after typing a V sometimes before the E would show up. I removed the DLL and restarted, rebound my V key to mount/dismount (in either case, one of my Logitech's buttons is pressing V) and it seems to be OK, and I can type without inventing new words. Sad, really liked that mount radial menu addon.

  11. [First paragraph kinda sounds like I shouldn't post this here, but bear with me, or just skip it :)]


    I was hoping to try a condi (I guess that's what the short bow is, I really want to play around with the short bow) Renegade build, and make her some new weapons and armor to go with that. I've never done a condi build before, most of my other classes are some sort of Power variant, and most wear Zerker gear, with some exceptions. My Rev is currently a Herald that mostly heals (S/Shield+Staff) in Clerics gear. Served me well enough, but it's been a really long time since I've played with or enjoyed the short bow, and thought this would be a good opportunity to make someone who could do that again. My Ranger used one for awhile before the range was nerfed, and there was a period of time when I used one on my Thief, but that was a long time ago (pistols!).


    Now, while this starts like a 'go post this on the Rev forum', it got me thinking more in general terms that I just don't know how to 'find' builds. I go to gw2skills.net, but there isn't anything really 'saved' there that you just look up, like 'top builds' or what not. At least that I can figure out. It seems like unless someone posts it somewhere, you don't see it.


    When I go peruse a class forum, it's always like I'm coming into the middle of a conversation, and everyone on the planet (except me) knows the metas and the combinations and the moves and the rotations...and don't get me started on the acronyms and other short hand. [This is a great example of the type of threads](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/11994/my-renegade-expirience-so-far "This is a great example of the type of threads") I'm trying to pick through, hoping to find some links to some builds to try, and not finding any links, but a lot of people that just seem to know everything and they all just seem to take this stuff for granted, and I can't figure out how to get to that point to understand the conversation.


    I've had some luck in the past finally coming across builds that work for me, often times making sacrifices so I can use my existing weapons and armor (my main Elementalist is a great example, finding builds for HoT and PoF that worked with Zerker gear and a staff). Struggling to find a Renegade build with a short bow and (?/?), and it got me wondering where people hang out that they just 'know' all this stuff? Is there a site besides 'gw2skills.net' that I'm missing that has saved, rated builds?


    Also, I know people say "well in open world PvE, you can do whatever you want", but I'm pretty bad at picking things that go together, and need someting a 'little' more powerful than me with a blindfold on throwing darts at my screen to pick things to at least 'start' with, and then fine tune to my own play style later.



    I just re-read all that, and it's totally not clear as to what I'm looking for help with, and I apologize. I guess 'better direction and finding builds for specializations to try' in general?

  12. I picked the wrong thing, and don't see how to change my answer. I thought it meant the 3 beta weekends. But the second half of the pick applies, taking advantage of any open betas to see what a game might be like. I used to sign up for like every beta back in the day, and was often picked, so I could try it before hand.

  13. I can't stand to see things on the TP, so if it doesn't sell in a week, I pull it down and relist it. I used to leave mats that sold for like 11 copper with no buy orders forever, but now I just start vendoring mats like that. I know I lose money when it happens (which I try to keep to a minimum by selling far closer to buy orders, or just selling to the highest bidder), but I just can't stand seeing things get old out there. :(

  14. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > You can find instructions in the Knowledge Base accessed via the 'Support' link above/below and 'Search - Repair' and/or 'Search - Troubleshoot Trading Post'.


    > Good luck.


    Thanks. I did the repair and cleared the cache folder. I did 2 restarts, and it didn't clear it out. We'll see if it sticks.

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