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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. Why not created a 'Sticky Forum', put all stickies in it (maybe with sub-categories related to each main forum)? Then you can have 'one' sticky at the top of each forum that points to the sub-sticky forum related to that forum. Except important notices that are largely temporary, or maybe some important Anet ones.


    There are stickies we don't have any more from the old forum (like, ironically, or not, 'Suggestions: QoL"), and other stickies that could be made that are started by players that aren't because there just isn't room. It would be a place to keep important things without cluttering the top of the forum, and allow you to expand on it without worrying about space.

  2. [Corrupted Facet Elegy Mosaic](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/?search=Corrupted+Facet+Elegy+Mosaic "Corrupted Facet Elegy Mosaic") (<-passive aggressive url) (or any Mosaic) from the 'Triumph of Conquests' collection?


    Are they currently (future?) being used in anything? Decorations for home or guild hall?


    Still baffled why there are 'so' many types of collection items:

    1. Items that you can click on for currency

    2. Items you need to save to be used in making other items (but it doesn't say)

    3. Items you can destroy (it tells you)

    4. Items you can destroy (but it doesn't tell you)

    5. Items you shouldn't destroy (but it doesn't tell you)

    6. Items you can sell (has a value), but you shouldn't, or destroy it (but tells you, or doesn't tell you, because it might be used in making armor, weapons, or used as a currency with a vendor, which is as of yet undiscovered)


    [would be nice to have a giant thread of 'do i need this' items somewhere, which makes me think of another suggestion...]

  3. I'd like to see them change the UI that comes up that shows all the items that will be salvaged based on the tool you are using such that each item has a little check box, and they are all checked by default. You could then 'uncheck' items you do not wish salvaged, and then click 'OK' (or whatever that button says).


    As an additional help, they should have some sorting options for items in that UI, the most useful being to sort by type (i.e., Unidentified Gear, Weapons, Armor, Trinkets). Or, if not a sort, the ability to filter out types of items (and have it retain the setting between uses until changed).


    The reason being, I don't want to salvage Unids when I use my Copper Fed, and no Unids or 'Weapons' when I use my Silver Fed. I sell weapons. After I free up space, then I start opening Unids and salvaging those, because I get a fair amount of Rare and Exotics from those items. Enough to not want me to straight salvage them.


    Until they make us a UI like that, the Inviso-bag trick kinda works, but then it ends up something like this.


  4. Where do you get them? Or the recipes for them? Some people were epeen-linking recipes in chat in Desert Highlands yesterday and I asked and one of them said they got there's from a "secret room near Derelict Delve", presumably from a chest, but I haven't figured out where that is. I found a hidden passage in the lava room that goes south to the water fall, but no secret rooms anywhere. :(

  5. If you are a bit of a map clearing + insight retentive person, like me, do you get more mileage out of Jackal 3 or Skimmer 3 with respect to getting to insights and map clearing objects, at least through the first 3 zones?


    I ask because I was looking at Dulfy's Desert Highlands insight guide, and was surprised to see some Jackal 3 in there, and only some 'basic skimmer' in the first two zones.

  6. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > > > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > > Have you ticked the checkbox in the settings separating mount special ability from spacebar? Suuuper unclear text on it, but one of the bottommost options in the first page of settings.

    > >

    > > I'll take a look, but doesn't that mean spacebar is no longer how you use those abilities?


    > Exactly. That "frees up" the spacebar to function as a regular jump.


    So I tried this, and now I jump with the mount instead of using it's special ability, but then what key do you use to use the special ability? I don't see a key bind for it? I see special ability 1 and 2 keybinds, but nothing for the ability that the spacebar used to fire off?


    Edit: I figured it out, it would be the 'ability 1' hot key. Which, would be hard for me to do since I'm using shift-1 for that, which would be hard for me to do while also holding down W (in the case of the raptor for long jumps), and can't think of a good single key to use for that.

  7. No big QoL suggestion sticky yet, so I guess we make these and they just roll off into obscurity. :)


    Take something like the [Trailblazer's Armor Recipe Book](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trailblazer%27s_Armor_Recipe_Book "Trailblazer's Armor Recipe Book"). It would be nice if there was a 'roll up' indicator at the top level that says "You already know these recipes!" if you know everything inside. I can't remember them all, and while the jewelry ones are easy enough to check, the armor ones (18 items) are a bit of a pain.

  8. I see these vertical swirly circles of sand around. Like little sand Stargates, if you will. They look like they might teleport you around, but they don't seem to do anything for me. I asked someone once that was standing by one, and they said they didn't know.


    What are those things? :)

  9. I like that idea.


    I see there is a hot key for each mount, but I'd also the option of having my default mount switch to the last mount used, if that makes sense? Have it be a toggle for people that want it or don't. If I switch to a rabbit for a bit (using the hot key I assigned), it's more often the case that I might need the rabbit for awhile, and would rather it just be my default mount until I use a different hot key to summon a different mount.


    For me, I've bound mount/dismount to a mouse button, and if I pull a rabbit (watch me pull a rabbit out of my bag!) out, and get knocked off in combat before doing what I was trying to do with the rabbit, I'd rather be able to quickly hit my mouse button to get back on that rabbit. What happens is it fires up a raptor, and thinking I'm on my rabbit, I end up launching myself off a cliff. :(

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