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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. Depends on the port. If someone is sitting on a place that's clearly easy and it's a quick lazy fee then I'll tip just 1. Standard for me is 5g, to any place I'm trying to clear on an alt and someone is giving me a ride. If it's a JP I've tried a few times over the course of 2-3 hours and just give up, I might go upwards of 10g (one off achievement kinda things), but usually 5g.


    The one exception was the "Not So Secret We Grandfathered Everyone Else But You Ha Ha Ha We Think That's Funny Dive...I SAID DIVE!!: Extreme Hyperbole Edition". I tipped that person 20g. It was a monkey on my back and was happy to be rid of it. Plus, the effort for them is quite a bit more, they have to use a few mesmers, and I died 3 times until I finally got the right angle. And they were super patient. :)


    But I never pay to do a daily, and therefore don't take them, as that would be 'hugely' counter-productive to me getting 2g. Just take one-off achievement rides.

  2. > @DuskyInsanePoet.4218 said:

    > > @notebene.3190 said:

    > > I'm not understanding Aerial Prowess at all. No matter what I do, I don't go fast up, I just end up losing a lot of altitude. :(

    > >

    > > When I use what I've bound to 'mount ability 2', I come out of a dive and just go straight. It doesn't 'carry my momentum _upward_', it 'pulls out of a dive and carries my momentum _forward_'.

    > >

    > > And for what it's worth, other than the space bar, I don't use the default mount keys for anything. I had to rebind them all. My ability 2 is 'Shift-2', for example.


    > Could you tell me all the key-bindings you put for your mount? I'd like to test it out.


    Okay. First, I **don't** use "Disable Conditional Mount Movement Ability Input"


    V - Mount/Dismount

    Shift-1 - Ability 1

    Shift-2 - Ability 2

    Ctrl-1 - Raptor

    Ctrl-2 - Springer

    Ctrl-3 - Skimmer

    Ctrl-4/Ctrl-Q - Jackal

    Ctrl-5/Ctrl-E - Griffon


    C is my character sheet and X is my 'about face'.


    I usually keep 'double tap to evade' on, though sometimes will disable for a trickier puzzle jump, but it's not often. I know everyone (?) disables that, but it makes sense to me. If I have to hold down ctrl-shift-enter-alt-windows key-cmd-apple-tilde-D (<-hyperbole) to dodge, I end up dodging late or not.

  3. I'm not understanding Aerial Prowess at all. No matter what I do, I don't go fast up, I just end up losing a lot of altitude. :(


    When I use what I've bound to 'mount ability 2', I come out of a dive and just go straight. It doesn't 'carry my momentum _upward_', it 'pulls out of a dive and carries my momentum _forward_'.


    And for what it's worth, other than the space bar, I don't use the default mount keys for anything. I had to rebind them all. My ability 2 is 'Shift-2', for example.

  4. I still like doing old WBs. I like achievements and collections, and they often take me places I might have not bothered to try or experience. I have 8 alts, one for each class, and like doing map clears with them, as well as trying out some their new specs. I like knocking out a daily or two here or there in some of the LW3 maps, as well as taking an alt through a piece of the story related to a map and doing a map clear here and there in those. I'll still poke my head in and do an AB or DS meta, those are still fun. I never learned how to do TD properly, should probably do that.

  5. You need to let it loop around, there are three parts to it, that I feel. It starts off with music we associate with being in a middle eastern desert, that Lawrence of Arabia vibe. It then kinda blends into a very Western main theme, which it does really well. Then it breaks down into this ethereal music, like you'd hear in some meditation or New Age music (if they still call it that). Then it starts over.


    I think it works rather well.

  6. > @Ojimaru.8970 said:

    > Yes, it is currently disabled. For what reason, we won't know. If you're desperate for inventory slots, you can sell it off for the time being; Mayor Kabir, the Renown Vendor in Destiny's Gorge sells the item at the same price.


    Does he 'buy' the books as well? As the OP stated, and I experienced as well, you get the 'temporarily disabled' message when you try to sell them.

  7. I'm probably in the group that was the target demographic for how they did mounts. I didn't really want them just to ride around and go faster. I liked running around just fine, and usually run speed runes or passive abilities to make me go fast. I still don't use them too much in the old world, unless I'm 'chasing' people calling out events for a "get 4 done here" daily. I'd rather just run around with my camera zoomed closer (vs super-zoomed out for mounts).


    They way they did them was great. They are more of a skill than a mount in the normal sense. I mean, when I used to play WoW (100 years ago), each character had a favorite flying and land mount that went with the character. Beyond a 'speed boost' and ignoring content using 'swim flying' with total control of your XYZ access, it was a cosmetic thing. Here, they are more of a skill, thinking about where you are going, where you think you'll have moments to get out of combat to change pets, and executing. That's ... kinda cool. :)


    I don't think of the mounts cosmetically at all, I think of them as the best utility for the situation. Which is better than I play my character sometimes! :#


    And that you get pummeled by mobs and often dismounted as you move around, and that you can't mount in combat, there are a lot of handicaps to them to not make them a get out of jail free card.


    So after not really wanting to see them, that we inevitably got them, they did a really nice job of thinking through how they were going to implement them, I think, and make them something special. Too often we see hype videos before a launch, and I can remember the one where they were talking about the mounts, and frankly, I felt what they said about them was pretty spot on. Here's what we did, here's why we did it, we think you're going to enjoy them. Didn't want them, but yes I do enjoy them. :)

  8. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > @notebene.3190 said:

    > > I see the pass is for sale for 7 days. Before I buy it, just to be clear, they **removed** the ability to return to where you were? Is that true? If that's true, there is no reason to get it for me, and honestly don't see why all the pass keys don't have this feature. But there is always WvW, I guess.

    > >

    > > [Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistlock_Sanctuary_Passkey "Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey")

    > >

    > > > This is the only pass in the game that allows players to choose to return to the location where they used their pass.


    > I bought one today and used it. Double click to get to the Sanctuary then double click again and returned to where I was. Or you can use the portal. One of its options is to return to your map.


    Excellent, thank you!

  9. I see the pass is for sale for 7 days. Before I buy it, just to be clear, they **removed** the ability to return to where you were? Is that true? If that's true, there is no reason to get it for me, and honestly don't see why all the pass keys don't have this feature. But there is always WvW, I guess.


    [Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistlock_Sanctuary_Passkey "Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey")


    > This is the only pass in the game that allows players to choose to return to the location where they used their pass.

  10. I see the pass is for sale for 7 days. Before I buy it, just to be clear, they **removed** the ability to return to where you were? Is that true? If that's true, there is no reason to get it for me, and honestly don't see why all the pass keys don't have this feature. But there is always WvW, I guess.


    [Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistlock_Sanctuary_Passkey "Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey")


    > This is the only pass in the game that allows players to choose to return to the location where they used their pass.

  11. One other thing, sound. Specifically, dialog. Using 'DTS Interactive' optical audio into a receiver. All the vocals should be strong out of the center speaker when you are talking to a specific person, or a group of people as part of the story line, in or outside of an instance. It all seems to be based on how far the character is from the speaker, and the direction they are facing, which is great for ambient sounds and NPCs speaking (behind and to the left, for example, walking through a town, if that is where they are), but when you are in a story, 'reality' needs to be fudged and the voices need to be heard strong in that center channel.

  12. Lot's of little things, here and there, that are such a nice touch.


    Just noticed how the light changes when you are standing inside the Temple of Kormir looking outside, or outside looking in. Outside looks really bright when I'm inside, as my eyes have adjusted to the light inside. It's a nice touch. :)

  13. I don't feel I should say even 'why' I'm asking, because it might slightly spoil what happens, so I'm going to put the why inside spoilers, and if you've completed it, click away!


    >! Does what happens change based on what you've actually completed, or is it the same for everyone? What if you haven't done any LW3? Or HoT? Or LW2? Or (and this was awesome) LW1?


    Hmm, didn't preview the spoiler. Hope that worked.

  14. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > I started using it when they added it to the game. This game broke keys on my mouse before then from having to hold them down to move.


    > > @notebene.3190 said:

    > > Where do you look to see if you have 'action camera' on?


    > It's in [options](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Action_Camera_Mode_options_menu.jpg). You'll need to assign a key to toggle it on and off.



    Oh, that. Okay thank you, I remember what that is now.

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