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Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497

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Posts posted by Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497

  1. Cast time should stay where it is. Deadeye is pretty nasty in bursty builds, and the cast time reduces the havoc they can unleash. While at the same time, not provoking Anet to do anything worse to us than they have been for the past years.

  2. > @"fluidmonolith.3584" said:

    > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

    > > Raid boss only steals are lazy and leave thief feeling kitten in non-raid PvE as far as utility is concerned.

    > >

    > > Deadeye having nearly zero AOE feels really awful in any non-raid situation(you know, the other 99% part of the game).

    > >

    > > D/D Deadeye being a zero utility(all pure power dps bring CC) pure single target spec and doing less single target damage than other specs, ESPECIALLY firebrand, a spec that craps AOE everywhere, feels downright awful.

    > >

    > > Thief having no bruisery/sustainy specs. General open world feels really bad on thief compared to my DH or ele even as daredevil - I lack evades, blocks, and sustain to stay in melee range compared to other melee specs with their numerous ways to avoid and sustain through damage. I have to try harder to kill things on thief than I do as my DH or ele due to this and still lack the tools on certain things forcing me into range or character swapping.

    > >

    > > Staff 3 and 4 being nearly useless. Give staff a heal and block. Remove the evade off vault, high damage burst shouldn't come with evade frames.

    > >

    > > Deadeye being a meme perma stealth 1 shot spec in pvp is bad for us and the people we fight. It's lame.

    > >

    > > Running two signets for optimal damage is boring, give precision a more interesting active or nerf, nerf the crit rate, or buff our other utility choices.

    > >

    > > Speaking of utilities, we have more useless utilities than multiple classes combined at this point. The entire trap line row is useless, most of the tricks are useless, mots of the venoms are only useful as a build that's incredibly niche outside of a few(one?) boss. Even our elite utilities are pretty underwhelming.

    > >

    > >

    > > Daggerstorm evade needs to go. It dumbs down our class as a whole and encourages bad play habbits in PvP by low skilled players.

    > >

    > >


    > I like the removal of evade from Vault. But to balance it, i think some other changes would need to be made, such as:

    > -reduce aftercast on Vault, and reduce cost to 5 ini in pvp.

    > -increase responsiveness of Debilitating Arc, and maybe increase distance travelled. It could be a mini Withdraw.


    > I think Dust Strike is actually ok, but could perhaps use a reduction in cast time to 0.5 seconds.




    They removed the evade from vault?

  3. > @"Kageseigi.2150" said:

    > So I'm trying to figure out exactly what the purpose of the Thief is in PvP and why certain weapon sets are currently favored.


    > If it's true that the Thief's viability is solely about decapping and +1, then why build for anything other than those specifically?


    > --------------------------------------


    > **DECAP:**

    > It's all about speed, speed, and more speed. At least, for the physical build (not taking map awareness/decision making into account). Power and defense matters absolutely zilch in this, technically. Swiftness, movement speed boosts, free-aim shadowsteps. Misdirection (Stealth) can also aid in this.


    > **+1:**

    > Once more, this is about speed. But it's also about power and control. The goal is to jump the target and get the kill as quickly as possible, or to set your teammate up for the quick kill by disabling the target.


    > -------------------------------


    > So if the above is accurate, then what does each traitline/weapon set bring to make the Thief the most efficient and effective in each/both "roles?"


    > Shortbow is, of course, the king of mobility, and virtually required for both, especially decapping.

    > But what do the other weapon sets bring to the table?

    > Mainhand Dagger and Pistol/Pistol used to bring damage for the +1, but what about now?

    > What does Sword/X bring specifically to decapping or +1?

    > The Staff and Rifle?


    > Deadly Arts brings some damage.

    > Critical Strikes brings damage.

    > Shadow Arts does have a movement speed boost, but not much else.

    > Acrobatics brings Swiftness.

    > Trickery brings damage and initiative for Shortbow.

    > Daredevil brings mobility.

    > Deadeye brings damage.


    > Berserker amulet brings the most damage.

    > Scholar's runes bring a lot of damage.

    > Lynx runes bring damage and faster movement speed.


    > Why build any other way than pure "Glass Lightening"?

    > You're literally supposed to go from empty point to empty point, and from an empty point to smash a half-dead squishy back to an empty point.


    > Anything that takes away from mobility degrades your primary purpose. Anything that takes away from your damage output degrades your secondary purpose.


    > Sure, you can attempt to build for other purposes (dueling, side-node capping/bunkering, team-fighting, etc.), but you're not going to be nearly as effective as other professions.


    Thief's role is to Decap and +1, but no thief likes doing this every friggen game. Its boring and unfulfilling. Worse, repeat nonsensical nerfs and absolutely LAUGHABLE buffs that do absolutely nothing for the profession, makes the profession one of the WORST in pvp. I'm guessing this is due to Thief's ability to run away from a bad fight, which is a non thief complaint, without actually considering the classes inherent flaws and weaknesses that creates this behavior. And instead of encouraging the thief to stay and fight, they try to force the thief while taking away his weapons and replace them with sock-em-boopers in a fighting ring where everyone else has a fully automatic rifle, iron-man suits, and a riot shield. (The day I see thief get some actual tender love and care, is the day I will contemplate respecting the balance team).


    Anyways, the largest problem here, is a lot of people misunderstand how big of a target you have on your back when you play a thief. YOU ARE NOT IGNORED. And everyone knows how much easier it is to kill a thief, than an elementalist, guardian, mesmer, or what ever else is not a thief. If you run through a fight, and someone sees you, they will turn on you immediately. If someone see's a thief running by, and nothing is taking their immediate attention, you will be chased. If you run into another thief, that thief will come after you.


    You can outrun them with shortbow and Unhindered Combatant, sure. But anyone with a brain can figure out what your next move will be. Misdirection helps.... but if they have good map awareness and knowledge, they can figure out what your target is, and can meet you there before the damage is done.


    Decapping does nothing, if you are chased off the point immediately before you can flip it into an uncontested state. It does very little if you DID decap it, and it's immediately flipped over, as the lasp in point generation is very very small. And even worse, if you die - then you've basically lost a lot of time and got nothing done. And as a glassy thief, you will die. A LOT.


    If you +1 as a thief. A newer player will either ignore you, or panic. A more experience or higher ranked player will immediately turn on you and destroy you as quickly as possible. Why is this?


    Thief is the only profession without reliable access to any means to sustain themselves outside of dodge and stealth. You have no blocks, unless you are a DD which you have ONE. You rarely have healing power, since so little of your kit actually benefits from stat selections that features it. You rarely have defenses, because your damage values are garbage if you start taking tanky stats. If you miss your burst, you can't just swap weapons and be on the defensive - and continued harassment will leave you stuck in the mud. And you're knocked over pretty easily with an Auto. Your current utilities are easily guessed, as only three are commonly selected and worth anything to thief mains. And what ever playstyle Anet is trying to force us into, is also punishing us for playing into that playstyle.


    What reason would someone have to prioritize you over the one that's currently half health? Simple... Reduce a 2v1 back to a 1v1. That extra body is extra damage. You don't have a high damage output. And your burst varies from weapon to weapon. But you are an extra body, and frail. You can even be safely bled, as you are not as dangerous as a Necro on your back, nor are you as hard to track down as an Ele or Mesmer. And the common strategy is to eliminate the weaker enemies first before you hit the stronger ones. Because you're trying to reduce the incoming damage.


    We're stuck in a +1 role because it quite literally takes us too long to kill anyone. Which is weird, because we're the ones with the ability called BACKSTAB, and moveset designed for bursts. In fact, you'll be hard pressed to kill anyone on your own now, because it's a battle of attrition. And you don't have the proper tools to deal with half the crap they have. Either by just general lack of ability, unresolved and unnecessary limitations caused by a slot being eatten up by trickery, boon strips on timer or resource intensive. Or certain tools that could do it, are woefully underpowered and a death trap to use.


    That being said... unless you are a god, and even if you are one... you will need more than godly ability to stay alive as a thief in PvP in full glass.

  4. > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > I can confirm that choosing any head piece will unlock all three skins, like phs says.


    > @"phs.6089" said:

    > I believe those skins if you pick one unlock every weight skins of the set. So, if you chose medium, game will go ahead and unlock skins of heavy and light as well.

    > At least it was the case for any skin from LW3 map achievements.


    Thanks, you guys were right.

  5. I do like Vision's collection. As everything seems to be going back to you ( in the first collection anyways), rather than turning into a frivolous grind for 7050 elderwood, or 1.2mil mithiril just to extend the price without actually making the journey feel legendary or going into the legendary. I also do enjoy that it's making me do the achievements, even if it's a lot of em. Some of em are pretty nasty, which is what I did ask for previously "I'd rather do something extraordinarily difficult than something rediculously time consuming for no reason". But there is one bit that concerns me. Has anyone checked to see if you're not FORCED to select the heavy corsair helmet from the reward to get this?


    It seems a bit ridiculous that we are required to choose a very specific piece of armor out of doing these long lines of achievements. Especially when I don't exactly have characters that actually use heavy armor.


    Even if it gives you a recipe, it's still the problem of I have to then level up armor smithing to 400, when I previously had no reason to do so.


    It seems even more strange when the one for dragonfall simply required you to complete a class of mistborn armor. Not grab a specific set.

  6. > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

    > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

    > > > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > > > There is plenty of armor in the game that look *exactly* like in your pic.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Why do you call it juvenile though? If your high end armorers had the capability of basicly making wearable Chobham armor 0.2 inches thick along with literal magical forcefields protecting any "bare midriff" and absorbing kinetic energy would not warriors **want** something as skintight and mobile as possible? Its like... Level 10 blue is Iron Man 1 level of armor. Level 80 Exotic and higher is Infinity War Iron Man.

    > > > >

    > > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/iN9Mssw.png "")

    > > > >

    > > > > This kitten here is unforgivable.

    > > >

    > > > It's unforgivable alright. Where's my bare thigh male phalanxes with mohawk styled helmets?

    > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/giqxfrh.png "")

    > > >

    > > > Oh right, it's the female that has that exact armour description...

    > >

    > > You're missing the point in that because of the gender differences between the armor sets means that female characters can never use skins that look like the male phalanx skin set. At least stuff like Elonian Elementalist armor has the decency to be consistent between both genders.

    > >

    > > Guild wars 2 should approach it's armor like the Dark Souls and Bloodborne series do.

    > >


    > I didn't miss the point. Your point was wrong to begin with because you're trying to make it sound like the female armour was ridiculous when it was following the theme of a Phalanx on point when the male armour was nowhere near it.


    > As for your current point, they already did that with Charr and Asura and to be honest, I think it's terrible. It just kills uniqueness. Charr Male and Female look exactly the same when wearing the same armourset and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference at first glance. Same goes for Asura. At least Human, Norn and Sylvari actually feel unique when you choose male or female armour. And in terms of the whole "why can't female look like male", that's a question that goes both ways as per my example; Why does the female Phalanx armour look like a Phalanx but the male armour doesn't? Male armour is literally anything BUT Phalanx.


    The difference is noticed with some outfits. As the female charr will have the Female version of the outfit on. And it looks extremely weird to see a charr with a compression bra.

    > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > > @"VDAC.2137" said:

    > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > > > > @"AzzyBelle.3791" said:

    > > > > 'Some women are empowered by modest clothing, others are empowered by wearing more revealing clothing, **both are valid** and *neither* has *any* right to criticize the other. '

    > > > >

    > > > > >! (The same applies for anyone wearing any kind of clothing, but this discussion was brought forward with female's armor specifically.)

    > > >

    > > > That is where we disagree. See, **both** have **every** right to criticize the other. Fashion choices and design aesthetics are not sacrosanct, nor are they mysterious beyond comprehension. You can apply logic and, dare I say, science to it. If a person disagrees with your choices, they'll have reasons why. If you don't hash out those reason and retreat into your own shell, then the whole thing breaks down into a thankless sectarian conflict where both sides vie for influence instead of being reasonable. If the design aesthetics of this game are bringing harm to people, then it is a greater disrespect to _not_ say something than it is to speak up. Then, you disagree with their conclusion and their reasoning, and not on their willingness to speak or think on the matter. The tl;dr of all this is: Never trust anyone who tells you not to think.

    > > >

    > > > -----------------------------------------------------------

    > > >

    > > > However I digress. Whenever one of these threads comes up, it is all a proxy conversation for the real reason behind this thread. Somebody has decided that they don't want sexy armors in this game, but they don't directly say it. Instead, we see passive-aggressive complaints about how it is hard to dress their characters, or how it isn't fair that the armor isn't identical between the sexes, or how it breaks RP, or something else along those line. This shifts the debate from the logical domain to the emotional one, where the eggshell plaintiffs hold the power. Instead of presenting their case, they just presume it true and shift the subject into how badly they're hurt by the unstated premises, hoping nobody notices.

    > > >

    > > > This whole song and dance played out [the last thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/760417/#Comment_760417 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/760417/#Comment_760417") that this debate showed up in.

    > >

    > > Not at all! I’m all for people having a variety of sexy or revealing outfits for their characters! For me at least, the problem can be summed up: Why are male and female armors completely different, as in the egregious example shown? How are those even considered the same armors??? Both options should be available to either gender. There are many times I will like how an armor looks only to be disappointed by the version available to my character. Sometimes I do think a particular female armor looks ridiculous (human female assassin armor) and would like the in this case more practical male version. I’m all for other players’ characters showing as much boob as they want but it wasn’t what I wanted for my assassin. Likewise, I am annoyed that there aren’t more sexy options for male characters. There are a few revealing options but more than that I would like to see some fitted options that don’t make them look like flat shapeless boxes. Right now for guys it’s either butt cape or totally flat rear. :anguished:

    > >

    > > I support more options for all! :+1:


    > That's easy to explain. Men and women have different ideals in beauty. We have different physiology, and the human brain perceives men and women differently. I.E. women are seen as a set of different parts while men are seen as the sum of their whole, we specifically look for the hourglass shape in women and for strength in men, and we have different social roles based on our biology. Because of this, we have different expectations in aesthetics between the sexes.


    > Because of this, making the armor sets between men and women the same is neither ideal, nor is it practical. First, it would take a lot of effort to double the number of skins on the norn, human, and sylvari models. Second, it wouldn't be fair for the Asura and Charr models, which aren't different between the sexes. These two races would only get half the skins of the other ones. Third, all of this effort will produce absolutely nothing. There would be no further income for GW2 garnered by this addition. All of the players who are happy with the differences in armors (I.E. most of them) won't change their sets or buy gems. All of the players who aren't happy but are still here have already chosen their "practical options" and won't do much to tweak their sets, let alone buy gems. All of the players who don't play GW2... probably aren't going to come and play the game just because of some armor parity decision.


    > I've seen this issue play out in Runescape. In its early days, there was very little differences between men and women in the game, especially in plate mail. There were a lot of complaints about this. Turns out, most players make a woman character because they want to play a woman character, and not a smaller man with a higher pitch voice. We want to see the feminine figure, both in shape and in motion. This is the fourth point: only a select few people actually demand the removal of dimorphic armor, or full parity of armor between the sexes. Everyone else is not only content with women and men looking different, but are glad that they do. It takes an outside, motivated ideology to make such demands of the game.


    A small correction.


    The Shape of beauty for Men is an upside down traingle shape for their torso. Where they have much braoder shoulders while it slims down to their waist. Which is a much harder appearance to achieve as most men have a natural rectanglular shape. Trying to fix that, and you might go into a feminine shape.

  7. You're never going to have a story where the character isn't some sort of Mary/Gary sue. This is because the story -HAS- to bend over backwards for you in some way or form for there to even be a story. Otherwise, you basically got the story of some average joe in an office. And that's the rest of the book.


    Mary sue's aren't something that should be avoided. As it is a tool. The main reason why it is a trope with such a bad name, is the origionator of the trope's story was so horrid that the entire fanfic broke all forms of logic, physics, and character personality to revolve around that character.

  8. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > Looking at sword/dagger you have weapon skill 3 which goes [Flanking Strike](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Flanking_Strike "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Flanking_Strike") chains to [Larcenous Strike](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Larcenous_Strike "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Larcenous_Strike")


    > Then with pistol/dagger you get [shadow Strike](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_Strike "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_Strike") which flips to [Repeater](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Repeater "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Repeater") , and of course that is relatively new.


    > Personally, I think repeater should be a chain skill instead of flip, you get the time to use and when you do it goes back to shadow strike.


    > I don't know how it could work with every weapon kit, but ....


    > I thought that Staff 3 [Debilitating Arc](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Debilitating_Arc "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Debilitating_Arc") could chain into a recoiling thrust that pushes or knocks back foes.






    Well... You have a gap closer in the crappy swipe skill.

  9. > @"TorQ.7041" said:

    > > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

    > > > @"TorQ.7041" said:

    > > EH

    > > Thief class + Anet doing at least anything about it = DUUHH


    > Much toxicness. No wonder ppl hate thief players.


    The community and Anet made us into this from years of abuse :U. You wrought this monstrosity yourself.

  10. > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > @"foste.3098" said:

    > > None of the above, swipe is meant to be a trade-off and as such serve a different purpose to steal. It is suppose to be a close range unpreventable steal that, in conjunction with traits, allows the daredevil to break through the enemies defense (blocking) setting up the daredevil for continued offense where without it he would have had to stop.

    > >

    > > What actually needs to change are the daredevil traits, and especially staff to enable this play style in spvp/wvw. Anet clearly wants the daredevil to be a bruiser or a duelist judging by the heap of damage reduction traits we got, however it was not enough. I am confident that we will get more buffs until daredevil becomes good enough in this regard, but overbufing swipe is not the way to do it.

    > >


    > Whats the point of an unblockable steal when the skill is instant. If you steal into a block its your own fault.


    > And the cases where a block isn't aegis, they are so friggin rare.


    > But to me,.none of the options are all that good in this poll


    > Hell, they could keep the 600 range change if thief is given a reason to stay so close to everything that can kill them so quickly.


    > Maybe a counter attack. Maybe a round house kick that restores ini if successfully landed.


    Now that I think about it... why stop with the round house kick? They could have made it a friggen hurricane kick that goes to 600 in range granting might on each hit. And if the Last hit lands, toggle the ability Into a crescent kick that knocks down and shatters their defenses (applys vulnerability or a unique debuff.) There were so many things they could have done to give DD a unique playstyle, and they did this.



    > @"Kolly.9872" said:

    > > @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

    > > They Dont know how to fix thief without breaking it in the other direction. Or at the very least, they fear breaking it in the other direction.


    > In the while they know how to break everything else in the other direction.

    > Thief was only broken at the release, after that It was only nerfed due to complains of people that refuse to improve because crying on the forum is easier.

    > And finally we are nowadays and if you ask me, even of Anet would revert thief nerfs to vanilla thief, the class would still underperform vs many specs.


    Like how ele has necromancer levels of self healing, while being able to do insane damage.

    Or Mirage is still allowed to do bonkers damage with a brain dead rotation.

    Or how Guardian has broken traps.

    Or how Revenant is basically a better thief with actual armor and damage.

    Or how Engineer can be nearly indestructible.


    [How it feels to read patch notes as a thief...](https://www.nerfnow.com/img/1386/2220.png "How it feels to read patch notes as a thief...")


  11. 1. Thief's playstyles in pvp are progressively being reduced to rely heavily on certain tools. Anet usually nerfs the tools that thieves mostly flock to. But it doesn't seem like they understand that a thief's viable options tend to be greatly limited by their doings, and other professions built in functionality. Dagger/Pistol was often selected because it offered a good deal of bang per buck. Thief's damage doesn't come from their skills as they can't afford to rotate them like other classes for bursts. D/Ps was dropped like a hot potato due to the Auto Attack nerf making the weapon nearly unmanageable in PvP unless you can get a repeated backstabs..

    2. Thief in launch revolved a lot around the idea of pressuring your enemies. Your Mobility, and stickyness made you difficult to fight. Your damage and ability to interrupt, and evade attacks made you incredibly dangerous in 1 on 1s just as they had been advertised. But the consequences were that you were incredibly vulnerable to fuck ups. You had the bare minimum to keep yourself alive. And stealth which is supposed to protect you from channeled attacks, help you escape bursts, or reposition safely. Years later, other classes have so much sustains, self buffs, and other do-dads. But thief has yet to have been updated to help them deal. Rather, it looks like ANET intends for them to stay as a class that can no longer 1v1 safely. Which unfortunately bleeds into any other plans they have for them.

    3. The introduction of Raids also greatly changed how classes were balanced. This is probably the most infuriating for me. As the current implementation of Raids do not feel like guild wars to me. A profession's performance in Raids now seems to hold a great factor in how the game is balanced. If Raids were designed to be different from stacking up in some bosses face, we might see better balancing for thief.

    4. Utilities. Thief's utilities are pretty lack luster. There's only a few that are used frequently due to how general purpose they are. But the rest are underused for good reasons, and there has been no real attempts at making them better. Caltrops are slow to use, and applies cripple which is very easy for someone to shake off these days. Smoke Screen's uses are pretty limited, it's really only good for projectile destruction. Unless you are running a DD with Bounding Dodger (Which the way DD has been dumpstered... unlikely). Scorpion Wire is buggy. And most of thief's traps are absolutely worthless for more than the area they cover.

    5. Initiative and Skills. Initiative feels like it has been balanced as if thief will always be taking Trickery. Which makes the dependency for Trickery even worse and a much bigger problem. For the past couple of years, Thief players have been asking for a few things from trickery to be made baseline. Or for a complete overhaul on the initiative system. As it stands, Initiative recharges way too slowly for you to go without the trait line. And a lot of skills are not very efficient in their initiative costs. For instance... Headshot from Pistol offhand is a key defensive skill that is useful for dueling. While the damage is low, the most important part of it is the split second daze which allows us to interrupt attacks. Not only is the skill slow, but it costs 4 initiative to use. Using it once, to force an opening and punish someone severely hampers what you can do. So... it's used for healing skills... except it's still not even worth it for that. Black powder is another huge offender. An insane initiative cost to drop a smoke field at your feet. The smoke skill is very useful... to combo with other things. but the high cost means it will deplete nearly HALF of your availiable initiative pool.

    6. Initiative Regain: what methods you have to regain initiative is pretty damn pitiful. You have the 1 point on dodge with a cool down. You have the 1 point every 10 seconds from a signet(worthless). And a few other with stingy allotments. If thief is supposed to be high risk, high reward then make it reflect that. Reward the theif for doing high skilled plays so he can actually punish someone.

  12. > @"foste.3098" said:

    > None of the above, swipe is meant to be a trade-off and as such serve a different purpose to steal. It is suppose to be a close range unpreventable steal that, in conjunction with traits, allows the daredevil to break through the enemies defense (blocking) setting up the daredevil for continued offense where without it he would have had to stop.


    > What actually needs to change are the daredevil traits, and especially staff to enable this play style in spvp/wvw. Anet clearly wants the daredevil to be a bruiser or a duelist judging by the heap of damage reduction traits we got, however it was not enough. I am confident that we will get more buffs until daredevil becomes good enough in this regard, but overbufing swipe is not the way to do it.



    Whats the point of an unblockable steal when the skill is instant. If you steal into a block its your own fault.


    And the cases where a block isn't aegis, they are so friggin rare.


    But to me,.none of the options are all that good in this poll


    Hell, they could keep the 600 range change if thief is given a reason to stay so close to everything that can kill them so quickly.


    Maybe a counter attack. Maybe a round house kick that restores ini if successfully landed.

  13. > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > > > no, stop that

    > > >

    > > > What if you teleport a targeted creature towards you? :B

    > >

    > > Can you imagine the amount of salt this would cause?

    > >

    > > I can't. I can't, using my imagination, get even remotely close to what would be the real amount of the salt.

    > >

    > > It would so glorious, soul-selling worth.


    > the new DrD meta: tether somebody, then jump into a death pit


    Tether someone with a conga line of DrD

  14. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

    > > > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > > or make the dodges better

    > >

    > > I personally think the dodges are fine, but we need more in the way of sustain. I think that is where the mark was missed.


    > and yet i feel like they are more likely to 'fix' the ability to jump staff 3.


    I hope not

  15. > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

    > > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

    > > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

    > >

    > > > That's what the e-spec would add, heavy burst damage. Maybe have an "execution" ability replaces the steal that gets stacks per ini spent (if that skill damages the enemy). The execution damage could go up like 10% per stack to something like a max of 200% damage then if you're target is below 50% health it goes up by another 100%. Then when you execute it clears the stacks. GS abilities would revolve around blinds, CC, and blocks to keep you alive while you build stacks and whittle down your enemy.

    > > >

    > > > Just some GS ideas since everyone seems to think it's the worst thing every. Not really dedicated to any of them:

    > > > 1. 3 move auto chain that applies 1s AoE blind on last swing on up to 5 targets

    > > > 2. Hold the blade in front of you and block 3 attacks. If three are blocked, release a shadow eruption and knock down 3 targets. If fully channeled, gain 3 seconds of stealth

    > > > 3. Slam your sword in the ground and cause a shadow sword to erupt at the target location knocking enemies back. Activate again to shadow step to the sword.

    > > > 4. Swing the sword in an overhead arc, summoning hidden blades from above. The AoE has three pulses, first cripple, then slow, then immobilize. If all three hit, the target is also dazed for 1/2 second. 3 targets.

    > > > 5. Channeled skill: Cost-2 ini/sec. Gain quickness every second. All GS attacks steal 1 boon.

    > >

    > > Man you realize that just one Elite traitline will not fix our whole DPS in competetive modes right

    > > If it even is goign to fix it ppl are going to make such cheesy builds out of it combining it with our most powerful triats we already have that Anet will have to nerf it under the ground OR they do it like they did it with DE by nerfing anything and everything else. That is just not what we can afford atm.

    > > I mean cool Executioner yea sure nice. But mate that will not happen surely not now with this unbalanced state of game.

    > > Specualting over new especs atm is completely useless. nice idea but not now


    > I'll come up with fun ideas whenever I please, thank you very much. I don't see the correlation between starting a discussion with "Hey, I think this would be a cool idea" and game balance. I'm not even sure thief has that major of a DPS problem as we shouldn't have super high dps. At the most we should have a _fairly_ strong burst. Thief is suppose to rely on mobility and it's ability to control the fight. We don't need more 1 shot power houses. For the most part though I think the issues is that other professions are now able to do what a thief can do but better all across the board. It's also the amount of sustain now that makes thief seem like it's lacking in damage. All we have left is our slightly superior mobility (which is falling behind by the update) and easier access to stealth. I'm not denying thief needs to see some changes but I don't think **its** damage is the major issue, it's other professions growing amount of sustain. Anyway, I came here to comment on and brainstorm cool ideas, not argue about balance.


    What ability to control the fight? They have not done much to enhance our abilities to do shit. We can run I guess. Our best duel set currently co.es from pistol interrupts. Yet they haven't done anything to encourage the use.


  16. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @Turk.5460 said:

    > > F4: Grand Theft

    > > Shadowstep behind your target disarm them. Their weapons are transferred to your inventory until your target opens a support ticket reporting the theft. Once reported, the weapons are discarded from your inventory and you gain 2.5 seconds of Swiftness.


    > i do think the swiftness would be too OP especially with dont stop.


    What about permanently applying a slow to CS gets to them later

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