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Everything posted by FrownyClown.8402

  1. What makes it op on DH but not on a ranger? Dunno just seems that the problem isn't the rune. A 10 ICD is a fair adjustment.
  2. Too much access to barrier. Too much untellable burning with sunspot and flame expulsion. Giving those an internal cd might help. Weaver has a rough range of 300 so staying outside that range severly reduces burn output. I think its a problem with their defences and not their offense since it can be played around.
  3. Core ele is possible in pvp. It just requires a ton of experience. I have been running core in ranked and am 2 wins from plat
  4. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said: > > @"FrownyClown.8402" said: > > If there is no balance patch next week I am flying up to Oregon and pooping at their front door. > > they're in washington Right. I knew that...
  5. If there is no balance patch next week I am flying up to Oregon and pooping at their front door.
  6. Yep. I used to get at least 1 ascended accessory a month playing casually.
  7. Core d/d used to rely alot on air auto attack for pressure. Between the damage nerfs and heal nerfs, the tradeoff isnt there. You can go full zerk and get the damage you need, but you lack sustain. Giving core double minor passives would do a lot
  8. Sw/d doesn't do enough damage with zerker stats imo. I'd rather go staff vs d/d too
  9. thief can support in different ways that dont require them to be in a squad. Just run medic daredevil with the physical finisher to secure a down
  10. Professions with less HP have more mechanics do deal with damage. Stat wise it it can limit builds
  11. I've managed to make sword work with might stacking traits and warhorn. Sw/wh and then axe/dagger. Build might with axe and Hunters gaze and swap weapons. Hunters call with hunters gaze stacks a good chunk of might. Pair it with sigil of courage and 20+ might stacks isnt hard to do. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POAFwE2ZUZBMPWHDjdiDri2JtEp3D-z5gXGZmC5XBaMA Just a baseline.
  12. They can break the door to the lord before the match starts and shoot you from ranged.
  13. Before HoT the devs stated that ele was supposed to be the jack of all trades. Still true to an extent. Can do a bit of everything. Core ele has recieved too many indirect nerfs, mostly in sustain and protection uptime because of its elite specs. They should be nerfing the tempest and weaver traits directly and giving core ele some of its old functionality.
  14. Prior to the move to solo and duo queue only, the game had various pvp guilds who would regularly jump in comms and 5-man in pvp. That is the time I enjoyed pvp the most personally. Problem with AT's is newer players and players who don't enjoy the toxic competitive environment shy away from it. I think a good middle-ground would be to change the unranked algorithm to put you in more competitive matches and separating queues in unranked only.
  15. > @"javier.9786" said: > So Im comming back for a leave of 2 yrs and I start as ele for the 1st time, and thought to my self "fire is condi, water healer, air power and earth tank, right??" Can a ele tank? :c would love to tank as elemental earth theme Yes, but camping earth is generally a bad idea
  16. > @"Ntastan.7509" said: > > @"FrownyClown.8402" said: > > The reason I hate pvp these days is toxic people in ranked. Playing meta is boring AF and anyone catching you not playing meta they go crazy and talk about how bad you are. I want to be competitive but feel like I am forced to play a certain way. > > "these days"? I was always like this in ranked in every game. And no most of the times it's not toxicity. Snowflakes that had their pride/ego offended (and the last few years it's not hard to offend someone) started calling it like that. > When you stay to double or even triple cap (yes, i've seen it in plat) while i play a bunker and you are a thief that can go fast for a +1 somewhere, then prepare for some of the so-called "toxicity". > When you keep wasting time trying to win a fight you outnumber enemy at far for like 3-4mins and you don't realize that your team gets outnumbered all this time cause you can't kill or rotate for help, then prepare for some of the so-called "toxicity". > When you run vs 2-3 alone and die instantly all the time, then prepare for some of the so-called "toxicity". > > You don't like meta? Fine, unranked is always there, you can try w/e you want there. Let me guess "ppl that play there troll or enemies are not good enough to test the build"? Ppl play ranked to increase their rating and most of the times they play what they know, expecting others to do the same and by testing new or "hipster" builds you don't. It makes them feel like it's 4v5 and some times it is. Don't expect ppl to say "Oh you have a build that doesn't even do half of others' dmg, bring zero boons, dies almost as fast as zerker but it's fun cause you spin around? Ye that's totally fine. No prob. You can take away my 15 rating". When you play ranked you basically play with other ppl's rating. And btw what do you mean by meta? The 3 builds that are meta atm in metabattle? If yes then i doubt ppl get mad about that. I play a build that is labeled as "good", not even "great", and i get no hate about that. What does poor rotations have to do with the build you play? And by meta i mean the best build for that profession. Playing ranked for the sake of climbing is all well and good but how is that fun? I used to enjoy it 5 years ago. Now it seems like a chore. If they actually paired you with people of your skill level in unranked then yeah i would never touch ranked. I guess i am salty. Salty that pvp is full of toxic solo players and not people trying to enjoy pvp with their friends. Eliminating competitive team queue solved unfair matchmaking but also ruined the longevity of pvp by discouraging people to play together.
  17. The reason I hate pvp these days is toxic people in ranked. Playing meta is boring AF and anyone catching you not playing meta they go crazy and talk about how bad you are. I want to be competitive but feel like I am forced to play a certain way.
  18. How is creating elite specs so time consuming that they cant even put any attention into pvp?
  19. Sword damage is decent with hunters call. Warhorn is just bad outside boonbeast builds. Quickness duration nerfs hurt the damage of sword too. Hornet string recharging monarchs leap is good. Its good for a get in and get out style play, but sword damage is way too little for that.
  20. Considering you could 3v1 as a tempest on point indefinately back then i wouldnt say it required more skill. Roles felt more defined for sure. Nerfing damage instead of reintroducing toughness amulets may have hurt the game in the long run.
  21. Even i will admit i am biased and often dont consider pvp as a whole when i suggest ele changes. I believe even the devs share similar bias. They need to look at the data if they want to remain as impartial as possible. Win rates and profession presence in ranked should absolutely be the basis for any balance. If anet took any of my suggestions to boost core ele we would probably be seeing op barrier/signet weavers. The problem has never been how anet balances, but how often they do it.
  22. The meta is stale because no one tries new builds when they are in plat. There is a counter for almost anything, but people pick the traits and utilities that offer the best chance of survival.
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