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Posts posted by LetoII.3782

  1. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

    > > > @"archmagus.7249" said:

    > > > Yeah they gave every class revealed. Whenever you hit someone from stealth, they become revealed.

    > >

    > > Are you saying that a thief in stealth gets revealed when they do damage, or that if you hit an opponent in stealth they become revealed? Because the latter is not true.


    > They're both true actually.


    > You spam Auto Attack and when you chain starts to cycle through, you know you're hitting them. Simple trick that has been used since game release, does it not work anymore or something or are people asking for an even easier way to deal with it?


    Binding blade, rapid fire.. a zillion other skills that track stealth.

    It's amazing how many _just stand there_ when the teef is literally right next to them a bump from death.

  2. > @"Straegen.2938" said:

    > > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

    > > Lemme guess, OP mains warrior.


    > Any class but since warrior has the largest invuln up time sure. Invuln is a busted mechanic and every bit as annoying as high stealth builds.


    Nah invulnerability is worse than stealth.


    You can defeat invisible opponents. Invulnerable is a complete shut-out, please hold......

  3. > @"HandsomeGentleman.9576" said:

    > bubble boys don't count as real warriors.



    They're the ONLY ones that matter to the blob. That's part of the problem in these forums, most of the contributors are the squishy filling hiding behind.

    And worldly impact? Why not buff ranger, most of them off themselves. Obviously underperforming.

  4. > @"cobbah.3102" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > @"cobbah.3102" said:

    > > > I run full minstel guard not being overly skilled as I am a point and click (old hands)

    > >

    > > Old hands are all the more improved by a good 20button mouse.I switched at 40, took a few weeks to adjust, never looked back since.

    > >


    > Oh to be around the 40 mark and 20 buttons lol not that dexterous even


    It's way easier to use a thumbpad than you think. I ran air tools for a decade, I actually switched over wrist pain and I've felt like a fool for not switching sooner ever since.

  5. > @"Limodriver.4106" said:

    > > @"Celsith.2753" said:

    > > I'd rather see all wvw masteries scrapped entirely and the max benefit of each being the new standard for everyone. Why have a system to deter new players? Make the points buy access to something that doesn't give you a game play benefit like fancy skins or something.


    > where isthe new players? if there is new players WVW wouldnt be dying. u need carrot to keep ppl playing which is why u need special abilities. If they do it like the other games abilities u earn from wvw can also be used in pve u will see wvw map queue 24/7


    Considering so many of have thousands of unused points, it'd be instant carrot for us and yet more stick for any newbie.

  6. > @"cobbah.3102" said:

    > I run full minstel guard not being overly skilled as I am a point and click (old hands)


    Old hands are all the more improved by a good 20button mouse.I switched at 40, took a few weeks to adjust, never looked back since.


    > to old to be told what I can and cannot do.


    Some grow wise, some grow stubborn. There's benefits to surrendering a bit of personal autonomy in a team game.



  7. > @"Zedek.8932" said:

    > > @"Alfador.7649" said:

    > > PF's twitter had references to Anet on its description prior to the aforementioned "letting go" of two employees that everyone is reasonably assuming are Jessica and Peter. It's apparent in screenshots and archives of the tweets. Of course, even if he didn't, it's readily apparent from his actions that he was presenting as a member of the company.


    > I do not use Twitter (actually NO social media at all due to this) but the only thing I saw was literally:

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/W82brjY.jpg "")


    > I took that screenshot myself yesterday. No information visible for the regular user.


    > The other stuff must've been burried somewhere else and should not count towards it.

    > That's like digging up old pictures in a 1993 magazine and then pointing the finger on it, saying "SEE, IT'S YOU, YOU DID XYZ".



    > In Germany I'd dispute that and would probably get ruled in my favour. The company is not directly shown in these posts and my termination would probably be turned into a disciplinary warning. Not sure how poor the US law is.


    > By the way, Twitter now starts to hate on Mr. O'Brien...


    > Excelsior.


    It's a headscratcher.

    But I get the vague impression there's a (rest of the story) out there we may or may not see.


    We do know a bit about litigation in the provinces too. :)

  8. > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > > I've said it before, this is exactly why if I was a game developer, I would not interact with the community, I would hire PR people, and allow them to do their job.

    > >

    > > And if you were indeed that game developer, with the livelihood of 200ish people riding on one game....


    > The fact that I have no idea what you are even trying to say with this.. is yet another reason why I would not interact with the player base, and let PR handle things.


    Just trying to get you to imagine being Mike O'Brien, with all his responsibility, reading through that twitter history.

    I'd be hot too xD

  9. > @"Kolzi.5928" said:


    > I honestly think you have to be intentionally misrepresenting things to believe that what she said is supposed to be representative of the company as a whole


    Nope, not Arenanet as a whole. Just a worker mouthing off to the clients.

    Off campus that'll got you booted in a heartbeat.





  10. > @"Asudementio.8526" said:

    > > @"rockshock.6378" said:

    > > So, It's okey to celebrate someones death but not celebrate a person getting fired cause she's a woman? That's what i'm getting from the people defending JP.


    > It's more like, the celebration in certain circles arising from this person's firing reveals a large underlying motive that people are decrying.


    It's still utterly tactless.

    As is the shock-jockery, but the internet is the internet.

    People being sensationalist on the internet for views =/= Peter lost his job because misogyny.

  11. > @"morology.2507" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:


    > >Some people need to get cut loose a few times before they learn to act right.


    > Ah, she just needs to 'learn to act right.' Behave herself. Be humble and grateful and know her place, yeah?


    > Gator through and through. Shame on this community. Absolute shame.


    lol Gator?

    I'd never heard that before, that's what I love about academia! Always so sparkly and new ;D

    I say that as a person who's always felt awful when I had to look someone in the eye and say they're fired.


    The SHE is irrelevant, you shove the non-female aside. Beneath consideration?

  12. > @"Phosphorite.6192" said:


    > asshats


    Signed, the company you work for?

    No doubt _your_ boss is good with it like Mike O'brien should've been?


    > @"Phosphorite.6192" said:


    > O'Brien characterized not only JPs but PFs actions as "attacks against the community" and didn't lose one word about the incredibly toxic reactions they both had to face from certain despicable "community members". He threw both of them under the bus, even PF although all he did was defend JPs position in polite(!) words. If that's not pandering, tell me what is.


    > As CEO he has responsibility towards his employees, to back them up against unreasonable demands from "consumers" who don't get that they purchased a product, not the time and life of the people who worked on said product. He did an incredible disservice to JP and PFand couldn't have handled this whole thing worse.


    What you don't understand about the situation is, it's unlikely he was forced into this decision.

    Instead, it is simply a good business decision. Some people need to get cut loose a few times before they learn to act right.

  13. > @"Koen.1327" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > @"Rawalanche.3897" said:

    > >

    > > > Had they not done this, the relations between the community and the company could have been damaged for months to come.

    > >

    > > If someone did this at McDonalds, they wouldn't get to finish the shift.

    > > Universities should really have at least a weekend course on the realities of capitalism and prefessional decorum. Some people seem completely unaware there's MASSIVE no-no's involved with waving the company flag.


    > should rather be a course on classism and power structure in companies


    Fun Fact: McDonalds franchises have an in-house promotion system.

    Every store in my local area is franchised by an elderly African-American man who started in high school piloting a register.


    He's a riot to do karaoke with, no highborn by anyone's definition, and he didn't get there by telling customers about his bad day on the street sign out front.

  14. > @"Rawalanche.3897" said:


    > Had they not done this, the relations between the community and the company could have been damaged for months to come.


    If someone did this at McDonalds, they wouldn't get to finish the shift.

    Universities should really have at least a weekend course on the realities of capitalism and prefessional decorum. Some people seem completely unaware there's MASSIVE no-no's involved with waving the company flag.

  15. > @"Koen.1327" said:


    > cheering on a female losing her job is reactionary, regardless of her actions as it doesn't solve the problem (maybe for anet temporarily).


    > it's very misogynist as in this context the male managers have set the standards, so regardless of if it hits their male oriented business or does damage to it.


    Once again, male employee also affected.

    Can we wait a page between reruns?


    > also she is the one being targeted the most and not this peter, people have decided who should be bullied most when the consequences for them were the same before the hunt.


    I'd like to point out you've also trivialized his role. Hardly get's a mention at all except in relation to her plight.



    > I don't know all those games


    Odd, a moment ago you seemed quite informed about the state of the industry?


    > but tomb raider is extremely sexist as female representation.


    They were triangle boobs. <,< Still the hero of the story, no man to the rescue.

    Should she have had an overcoat on in the jungle?


    > a story that fits reactionary purposes is very political and is often more successful than not




    > (for games, music, movies, most of the entertainment industry actually, keeping it male dominated)


    That I'll give you. Facts are facts.






  16. > @"Kolzi.5928" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > >

    > > > @"Kolzi.5928" said:

    > >

    > > > The hooting masses win again. Clearly her actions were inappropriate but was it worth destroying the livelihoods of two people? Don't worry MO, I don't blame you, I blame the cretins who were swarming all over this calling for it.

    > >

    > > Do you work?

    > > Call up one of your employer's clients and give 'em a good piece of your mind..... Record and broadcast on a public venue.

    > >

    > >


    > That's not an accurate analogy for what happened her. She didn't call that person up, they came to her, and while her reaction was kitten it was also done on her own time as her own person not in her role as an employee at arenanet. Clearly inappropriate, also not really grounds to fire someone. Every single person on the planet has got into a fight or a tantrum or whatever at some point and it's not a good idea for the person who you were in a fight with to be able to then go to your employer and get you fired for it for obvious reasons.


    No, her Twitter account has two halves.

    One half is quite loudly and proudly Arenanet employee, the other is lots of incendiary opinion. In an extremely public setting.

    I do sympathize with Jessica, at a party on a holiday... Really should have left her phone in the car. Really, REALLY should have a personal twitter not so publicly tied to her place of employ. These people are minor celebrities, different rules apply in the public sphere.

  17. > @"Menoitios.8375" said:

    > > @"Koen.1327" said:

    > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > > > @"Koen.1327" said:

    > > > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > > > > > @"Koen.1327" said:

    > > > > > > oh yeah, and males dominate the work environment so they don't get told how to do their jobs better all the time, they are on top of the chain

    > > > > >

    > > > > > This is hilarious, you are saying that every male is equal on the top of chain? You are saying that in a workplace that has only male developers, nobody tells anyone else how to do their job "better"? You will be surprised but the reality is, not everyone can fit at the top of the chain. Males get told how to do their jobs "better" all the time.

    > > > >

    > > > > and why would a workplace have only male developers? how is this work environment not dominated by males? i'm referring to this as a problem.

    > > > >

    > > > > in reality males are on top of the chain, and they are fine with criticizing each other.

    > > >

    > > > Personal choice. And "male dominated" isn't a bad thing since that is a result of more men being interested in a field? Where are the female sewage workers?

    > > >

    > > > Your assumption that this is entirely based on prejudice is poor judgment.

    > >

    > > it's never personal, it's a structured problem.

    > > it's not only a result of men being more interested in a field (which is due gender discrimination to begin with), but also that females are bullied away like in this story.

    > >

    > > @ the rest who think that the top of the chain, the bosses, the shareholders, the money are not dominated by males and is totally equal (even that there should be such power structure); i will not even reply to this anymore


    > She isn't being bullied away, she is being held accountable for her actions. Had she handled the situation drastically different I am sure the outcome would have been quite different as well. She could have easily ignored the comment, walked away and cooled off, or even could have said why that wasn't possible (which the latter case is likely even true due to economic and time constraints). Any of those would have been infinitely better than how she chose to react.


    Let us not forget a male employee was also affected here.

    Was he also a victim of the patriarchy?

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