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Posts posted by LetoII.3782

  1. > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > Lol the delusion is SO real.


    > Don't you guys know that the only people who cared about this game all this time were on BG? Don't you realize they're all magically gone now for some reason that has absolutely nothing to do with not dominating t1? Don't you know that we're the only ones who care about winning but also we don't care about winning at all??


    > Don't you guys on other servers realize that if you just care enough players will magically appear on your server to play your weak timezones??


    > I thought everyone knew this stuff. Just clap your hands three times and say "COVERAGE, COVERAGE, COVERAGE" and whatever you need will just appear. Easy guys anyone can have t1 coverage.


    > When we're beating you just know that it's because we're the only ones who care about this game and we're the only ones with the will to fight hard and keep fighting forever but if we're losing it's because we don't actually care about winning and we just play to have fun and get bags and our population isn't that great when we're losing so clearly we never actually have coverage so it was all in your imagination and you guys just didn't try as hard as we always do because we're the best but also open BG because this game isn't fair.........................................................................



  2. > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

    > Isn't mag the one ktraining against linked servers down there this week because the linked server can't field the numbers to remotely compete against them>?


    This isn't about Mag or JQ

    Important bit bolded for your pleasure

    > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

    > Also why is Maguuma and FA still locked? JQ without a link shouldn't be locked **and BG the same.** Base population on population. Not playtime. A person from Maguuma shouldn't have to play 3-4 times more than players from other servers just to be competitive.



  3. > @"Turk.5460" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > @"Turk.5460" said:

    > > > I'll never understand why some people try to present FPS and Single-Player games as competition for an MMO like GW2. They're not.

    > >

    > > So if I uninstall gw2 to make room on my SSD for the fall lineup, Anett shouldn't be worried?


    > 1) You're not going to.

    I will and have, multiple times. Gw2 is a fallback. CU (beta in 6 weeks!) may well be the last uninstall. I've no time for multiple mmo's

    > 2) Upgrade your PC?

    Have you looked at memory prices lately?

    250g is adequate for three big games. Playing more simultaneously is impractical and steam doesn't charge per gigabit.


    So yeah, GW2 is directly competing for my time and money with other game genre's.



  4. > @"coglin.1496" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > You seem to have referenced my server and I multiple times here...


    > Could you quote the section on any post I made in which I, personally, mentioned your sever specifically? I do not see where I have mentioned any servers specifically at all.





    Check your own work.

  5. > @"Zefrost.3425" said:

    > Surprised no one has "got" this yet. Downstate does not correlate to outnumbered fights - target cap does.


    .. No one? lol

    No, it's a horse so dead and beaten we just don't talk about it any more.

    Both are legs of the blob tripod, the third is combat speed.

    But downstate and combat speed are addressable, the AoE cap has a reason to exist


    > @"Kraljevo.2801" said:

    > technical limitations. At least that's what they said when they introduced the target cap.



  6. > @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:


    > by the way:

    > I am quite confident that there is a window when OCX/SEA is already going to sleep and the primetime NA is still not playing (in work/school/sleeping whatever) I bet that would be very nice moment to recap and reset those t3s.....



    .. You mean EU?

    You'd suggest EU players abandon their own server cluster to come nightcap on NA?

    Or maybe everyone that can't fit on BG or JQ should go nightcap EU's servers?


    Personally, I wish Anet had borrowed some space on CCP's servers in Iceland and the two were combined.





    > @"coglin.1496" said:

    > I do not know what you're talking about in reference to MAG being a focal point of anything. Could you quote the exact section of my post in which I mentioned Magumma in any way shape or form please. As well could you show me the election results in which you were elected you speak for the entirety of Magumma?


    > @"coglin.1496" said:

    >Nothing is stopping anybody on your server from playing within that time. Yourself and every player on your server makes a conscious decision not to participate in play time in off peak hours in which you could literally combat those you are complaining about.

    You seem to have referenced my server and I multiple times here... Maybe you're confused about the meaning of the words "you" and "your"


    > @"coglin.1496" said:

    > It appears you do not understand what the term strawman means when referring to an argument.




    This argument isn't about me or my server. It's about a small minority of players dominating matchups.

    Your logical fallacy I.E. the _strawman argument_ is ignoring the existence of primetime hours, when the majority of Arenanet's customers play. Instead you've attempted to frame this issue as a matter of personal choice. Yes, theoretically we can all play the game as many hours as we like. But in the real world each server has a peak playtime which is a small part of the day. Weighting primetime equally to hours when participation is much lower is not equality. It places much more power to effect matches in the hands of offprime players.

    And when a system is supposedly based on equality of contribution, but ends up controlled by a small minority, that is minority rule.

  8. > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > they're mostly not NA players, they're predominantly Australians and Chinese and Koreans etc playing on NA servers and they've been distorting the results of matches since launch.

    > > That's an understatement.

    > > They're DECIDING NA matches.

    > > This isn't a case of minority oppression, It is a case of minority _rule_. Certainly offpeak players should be able to contribute, but not control the majority's experience.

    > >


    > Indeed you're right. I do not see a way to let them contribute without letting them decide the matches though.


    Graduate score contribution based on how much of the overall match slots are populated.

    Penalize high per-side disparities further


    > @"coglin.1496" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > This isn't a case of minority oppression, It is a case of minority _rule_. Certainly offpeak players should be able to contribute, but not control the majority's experience.

    > >


    > You seem to be using phrases in completely inappropriate and incorrect ways here. There is no minority rule or minority oppression here. No one is stopping you from playing during those hours to compete against those you feel are oppressing you. Nothing is stopping anybody on your server from playing within that time. You are in no way being oppressed, You're simply trying to claim victim status as a means to demand a change that doesn't need to exist. Yourself and every player on your server makes a conscious decision not to participate in play time in off peak hours in which you could literally combat those you are complaining about.


    Another strawman.

    Mag isn't really a focal point of this discussion. If anything Magumma's population is _less_ concerned with points and winning than many people affected by this issue.




  9. > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > they're mostly not NA players, they're predominantly Australians and Chinese and Koreans etc playing on NA servers and they've been distorting the results of matches since launch.

    That's an understatement.

    They're DECIDING NA matches.

    This isn't a case of minority oppression, It is a case of minority _rule_. Certainly offpeak players should be able to contribute, but not control the majority's experience.


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