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Posts posted by LetoII.3782

  1. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > > > @"Shining One.1635" said:

    > > > > >Why not split up so you can fight each other? Wouldn't you get the constant NA fights you want that way?

    > > > >

    > > > > I don't like fighting my friends. I like to fight people that I hate and I hate pretty much every other server.

    > > >

    > > > But yet, there is no one left to fight because no other server fights?

    > >

    > > More like the culture on every other server has become so objective oriented that most fights are predicated on an objective being on the line instead of just kinda running into each other over and over in an open area. There are plenty of people to fight and plenty of people who know how to fight but more and more they'll only fight if some kind of objective is on the line. That's what I really hate about most other servers on NA. It's not that they're all that bad at the game it's that they consistently make choices on the field that I absolutely despise and I refuse to be a part of.

    > >

    > > Take BG for example. Lot of very experienced pugs, some great commanders, can easily just focus on fighting whenever they want to, frequently choose to play the ppt siege turtle game instead. Why? Because too many people got obsessed with the idea of being the server that wins matchups instead of being the server that just wins fights. I remember when BG server culture wasn't so different from how Mag is now. I loved BG back then somewhere along the way it just got corrupted with this obsession with winning the stupid matchups.


    > And if it's truly 'every other server' why does Mag bother then? By that definition, there is no one to fight.


    Mag isn't

    People are calling it quits. Hence t4


    Keep debating whether I should wait for CU or get some fortnight while it's hot myself.

  2. > @"Karnasis.6892" said:

    > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:


    > > Only reason we won any matches was because Xushin went HAM and k trained everyday for 7-8 hours. No one can keep that pace up and even when he did that we went to T3 tops lol. Maguuma has no PPTers is all.


    > Except your server has been doing this for the last 6 months, tanking to t4. And historically the last week before new linking is when MAG hibernates in an effort to gain a link server.


    We're unlinked, massive hole in conspiracy


    > @"LetoII.3782" said:


    > > You were literally triggering the outmanned buff... Yet still entirely convinced of being put upon.

    > > The embodiment of what's wrong with siege ATM, why fight when there's unmanned mortars and AC's to build?


    > Yes, Mag being outnumbered is because of hibernation before re links.

    We're unlinked, massive hole in conspiracy


    > I keep having to spell it out for people.


    I don't think you're spelling what you think you're spelling





  3. > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > AC's would be cool if there was some actual skill. I mean, those guys that hit you with a treb shop from a long distance have some sort of skill but when you just slam 1 over and over again it becomes mindless. if they changed how AC's were used to promote more skillful play i would be down with them being OP.


    Agreed, everything should be manual aim

    Ballistae in particular are less for using tab lock.

    Personally I'd also like to see friendly fire.

  4. > @"Karnasis.6892" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:


    > > Mag had the outmanned buff most of the time I was on this week. While you might feel like "those 7 defenders" in the tower that just flipped should be able to hold, if half of you got off the siege in every structure on the map, you'd have a substantial offensive force.


    > Except Mag is intentionally tanking. 2 weeks ago they were in first and when they came back to t4 they are deliberately not winning. Also, look at Mag's KDR, it's all they care about so they want "easy wins".


    > Siege is necessary and should be powerful, however it should also encourage strategy. For example, if an AC is causing you problems, build out of it's range. If Balli's are a problem, shield gen or counter-balli. If having more problems, build a treb way out of range and force people to come to you. I don't see issues with siege. I see it as strategy, something many of the t1 servers don't have since they just blob, and they are the ones upset by "OP siege"


    > Also, most of the time I see defense happening in times that aren't NA Primetime. 7 people defending that tower is all that's on the map. How can we mount a good fighting force exactly when there are bigger groups on our maps? There are times my server doesn't have a tag at all (which recently has been a lot more of the time).


    You were literally triggering the outmanned buff... Yet still entirely convinced of being put upon.

    The embodiment of what's wrong with siege ATM, why fight when there's unmanned mortars and AC's to build?

  5. > @"Karnasis.6892" said:

    > I'm waiting to see, but currently I'm not keen on the sounds of AC's being nerfed. Does it suck in t1-t2 to be stuck fighting people who constantly hide behind siege, sure. But at lower tiers, (especially with Mag sandbagging) the nerfs to AC's are awful. On top of that we now have really no good way to deal with point blank catas. Most good commanders take down defensive siege (cannons, oils) and that usually means the only defensive siege we have are AC's (you can counter cata I suppose if you have a good angle) but balli's are near useless in this situation. Unless we are playing against total squish characters I doubt we'll have a chance to kill a zerg with AC's (or at least reduced effectiveness), or be able to defend if we're on a low pop server or time zone.


    > I get that folks should be able to pressure keeps and towers no matter what tier, but t3 defenses should be hard to break into, and take tactics beyond "Rush wall, build 7 catas and win", and now ac's potentially won't be able to stop that from happening. As for fights, I'm really sure that 50 man zerg really wants to "fight" those 7 defenders (only for loot, not because it'll be fun).


    > I hope this doesn't cause the game in the lower tiers to be less fun than it currently is (someone convince Mag they want to go to t2/t1 again XD)



    Mag had the outmanned buff most of the time I was on this week. While you might feel like "those 7 defenders" in the tower that just flipped should be able to hold, if half of you got off the siege in every structure on the map, you'd have a substantial offensive force.

  6. > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > @"BlueMelody.6398" said:


    > > I saw *tons* more gank squads than normal. They were by far a greater proportion of players that week than usual, because no-down state encourages one-shot gank-and-run tactics.


    > Well I saw most guilds running full melee ball comp and running people over so maybe you play for a bad server?


    > I saw more people playing in general that week but I didn't notice any extra gank comps but if they were out there good. I like gank comps they keep people on their toes.


    Having to run back from spawn more frequently than normal would indeed result in seeing more "gank squads". Some players have spent the whole game safely nestled in the blob.

  7. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > > @ReaverKane.7598, i can imagine some server guilds, tell all players to move to other bl cause they cant be rezed :)

    > >

    > > They'd still have a massive numerical disadvantage to overcome.


    > Indeed theres still the disavantage of the aoe spambility :\ due numbers, maybe to balance fights more towards skill and teamwork Anet needs also to reduce the aoe a bit form all classes, players spam more even guild groups play that way, w/o neeed to know what they are hitting, tthey just need to hit something and get numbers.


    I should have elaborated further..


    Nobody would intentionally abandon a map to create (no downstate) outmanned conditions, because no downstate isn't preferable to having a matching or superior sized force.

  8. > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

    > > @"Aiga.3075" said:

    > > > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

    > > > Meanwhile Fa is outblobbing bg in t2.

    > >

    > > BG is tanking. They are doing just enough ppt to stay in t2.


    > BG is not tanking. FA has very strong OCX/SEA/EU guilds and BG loses everything inculding their EBG keep because nobody is on for BG at that time.


    Did you think tanking involved having all your normal bases covered?


  9. > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > It's weird how the borders of SMC tend to expand outwards all the way to spawn under certain conditions

    > >

    > >


    > It's almost like when you guys have a bigger blob you control more territory, weird concept huh?


    No server doesn't queue EB during prime

    Barring of course the week they're fighting Mag.


  10. > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > > @"Kaiser.9873" said:

    > > It seems like Mag kinda stops showing up after Monday as well. This week SBI is out in force, but Mag has been hit and miss off of EB. The weekend was amazing, but yesterday it was slooooow.


    > Mag playing on alts on sbi/kain!


    Total Warhammer here o/

    Gotta build up some bloodlust blueballs in anticipation of a certain beta in 3 weeks.

  11. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > > I find it strange that Mag players historically completely ignore everything but SMC and their home garri and then pop on forums talking about how they want fights.

    > > > Then they complain that the people who took their towers/camps were "PPT" or Ktraining.

    > > > The fights are there. Mag players have historically actively avoided them and then pointed to the KDR as if they should have won.

    > > >

    > > > You want fights? Go stop someone from taking Hills on your Home BL instead of avoiding battle.

    > >

    > > Any map with a significant Mag population is guaranteed to become the one with no opponents.

    > > So why not at least rub SMC in all your faces?

    > >


    > Enjoy t4


    Doesn't matter.

    That's the joke

  12. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > I find it strange that Mag players historically completely ignore everything but SMC and their home garri and then pop on forums talking about how they want fights.

    > Then they complain that the people who took their towers/camps were "PPT" or Ktraining.

    > The fights are there. Mag players have historically actively avoided them and then pointed to the KDR as if they should have won.


    > You want fights? Go stop someone from taking Hills on your Home BL instead of avoiding battle.


    Any map with a significant Mag population is guaranteed to become the one with no opponents.

    So why not at least rub SMC in all your faces?


  13. > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > one active timezone generally has more actual fighting in it than all the timezones on NA combined.


    That's the shameful truth of NA.

    What purpose, to flip empty towers so you can match against other servers doing the same?


    There's actually entertaining things to do elsewhere.

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