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Posts posted by LetoII.3782

  1. Every time this argument comes up we pretend like there's not a massive population disparity between NA primetime population and NA offhours

    Offprime times are offprime times because far far far far less people are present during off prime hours.


    Maybe your daytime IS offhours. It's still offhours and actions during the least populated hours are too impactful compared to the amount of people contributing.

  2. Really, Anet needs to offer all the legendaries as selectable options with game purchase.

    I'd really rather not have to play the game, I just want shinies. I bought the game, just give me all the achievements because effort is hard..

  3. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > Zergs will QQ about the impending pin sniping. Kinda looking forward to doing it and watching the chaos it creates as people try to figure out what to do without their commander.




    A lot of people have spent the whole game safely nestled deep in a zerg following their pin.


    The thought of having no commander and running alone from spawn must be mortifying.

  4. > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > Still better than having 2012 era textured trees and white green ground with nothing else on them. You can easily auto walk over more than half the map, if you get stuck you're not trying.


    > I'm playing wvw not a park simulator, fighting other players not the environment, I'd go to pve if I wanted that.





    Ah, but a sizable chunk of the remaining player base DOES like flipping empty stuff on unpopulated maps.

    I'm fairly sure if we closed up the tiers enough to populate all maps these people would quickly disappear.

  5. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > > @"morrolan.9608" said:

    > > > > > @"Lynnie.7213" said:

    > > > > > No downed state: best change ever! Please make this permanent.

    > > > >

    > > > > I suspect this is a test to look at making it permanent with alliances.

    > > >

    > > > Not likely: all the finishers that are only useful in PvP or WvW... No gen sales for those. And the ones on the trading post would become extremely de-valued.

    > >

    > > I hardly browse the gemstore recently as they've gone full foo-foo in the art department.imo... But when did you last see a new cool finisher released?

    > >

    > > Airships is the most recent I can recall and that was in HoT


    > Unicorn, avatar of death.. but yeah..not many.


    > I am looking forward to the no downstate, I just don't think Anet will take away a core mechnic permanently that would also impact gem sales or TP sales.



    That's my point, they've essentially given up on stomp revenue already.

    Been a long time since pve needed to finish someone. Aetherblades were.. 2014?

  6. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"morrolan.9608" said:

    > > > @"Lynnie.7213" said:

    > > > No downed state: best change ever! Please make this permanent.

    > >

    > > I suspect this is a test to look at making it permanent with alliances.


    > Not likely: all the finishers that are only useful in PvP or WvW... No gen sales for those. And the ones on the trading post would become extremely de-valued.


    I hardly browse the gemstore recently as they've gone full foo-foo in the art department.imo... But when did you last see a new cool finisher released?


    Airships is the most recent I can recall and that was in HoT

  7. > @"godofcows.2451" said:

    > a year ago or two, a proposal by anet to reduce the points garnered at offpeak times was mentioned. idk what happened to this.


    It was supposed to be part of skirmishes.

    They chickened out on off-prime nerfs.

    So off prime still controls placement andthe skirmishes were a waste of effort.


    Annoy 30,000 for 300

  8. > @"Supernatural Dawn.3194" said:

    > > @"Krustydog.3072" said:

    > > I will miss server pride.

    > >


    > For many of us server pride is already dead. Bring on the guild pride.


    Make guild wars about guilds?



  9. > @"Zero.3871" said:


    > what is with endure pain? signet of Stone? Obsidian flesh or mist form? elixir s? renewal Focus? or tonnes of dodges or blocks or Stealth no necro has Access to those stuff. every other class has. you are compleining About the only real defense scourges have while this defense is way less worth than every other defense in the game.

    None of the other class skills you mentioned are paired with a lake of instant doom to stand in.

    Which is a pretty nifty defense all by itself

  10. > @"Threather.9354" said:

    > - There is no existing gliding/claiming territories.

    > - There is no existing upgrade system in EotM thus no reason to defend objectives.

    > - EotM green side is completely overpowered because you can access those devices that reveal enemies with easiest keep to scout while walking out of spawn.

    > - The objectives are too scattered for them to matter, they would have to move the towers to where the current Statuary, Belltower and That airship thingy ( I think these are the names) are so servers would actually be able to defend them.

    > - The spawn waypoints are too inconvenient and slow to walk out of, defending your side will be impossible.

    > - Blue side can get Kodans and facerub gates down in 20 seconds at Forge. Forge buff and blue side slow buff are op and inbalanced in general.

    > - Cliffs Cliffs Cliffs, and rangers hiding behind walls, good luck running back from spawn as a new player.


    > Good idea but EotM doesn't fit the current WvW maps, it is completely inbalanced. Also EotM won't get support as long as WvW population is in the decline.


    I can agree I don't want to see EoTM getting a year of Dev time being tweaked into shape like DBL required.

    But as far as side imbalances go, so long as green gets a rough go and red gets a boost, that's ok. True faction balance isn't a WvW reality nor will it be.

  11. > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

    > > > I wonder if it has to do with the rate at which Europeans buy games versus US (or China). Like if tariff mark ups cause new game purchases to be less often due to the higher cost. Maybe influencing people to stick to a game longer.

    > >

    > > You tryna sau Euro plebs are too poor?

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > > Cuz I was totally gonna suggest Spain's unemployment rate may explain BB's nightcapping success xD


    > Lol. No. I mean like in Brazil there is a high mark up so peeps don't buy video games as often. Thus stuck with the same game for longer than Muricans. Who might not have a tariff mark up so they can buy every iteration of Call of Booty or w.e.


    Brits pay less than 'muricans for games O.O

    And U.S. teenagers get.cod every year for Christmas because it's an easy score for parents. Comes out every November, just in time.

    Thank you, Activision


    I'd venture Brazil sees a markup because of it's developing nation status and all the studios being in first world's.. But that's just a guess.

  12. > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

    > I wonder if it has to do with the rate at which Europeans buy games versus US (or China). Like if tariff mark ups cause new game purchases to be less often due to the higher cost. Maybe influencing people to stick to a game longer.


    You tryna sau Euro plebs are too poor?




    Cuz I was totally gonna suggest Spain's unemployment rate may explain BB's nightcapping success xD

  13. > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > > @"Oogabooga.3812" said:

    > > When the desert bl was first introduced, it had a huge gathering quest in the middle of the map that when won, lightning cannons would strike all enemy doors. People complained that it was too much: too powerful, too long, too bothersome, too frequent, and so Anet took it out.


    > You didn't list the more frequent and important complaint, too much lag.




    It was fun, should of been a huge deal for the mode.. But it was released broken and got removed rather than fixed. What's worse is all the capture nodes got pushed to the side in order for this area to exist.

    End result was a massive double fail.. No thanks to a repeat of that.

  14. > @"Dayra.7405" said:

    > > @"Threather.9354" said:

    > > Nothing wrong with BB, their guilds play too early to play in NA (NA prime is like 3 hours after they end) thus they're spanish and too late in EU to face anything much.

    > >

    > This would fit Argentinia which is (like Brazil) GMT-3, while USA is mostly GMT-5 till GMT-8




    Argentina is fully in -4

    Only half of Brazil (which isn't a spanish speaking nation) is -3

    50% of US population lives in -5, it goes up to 80% when you add -6


    That's not much of a gap

  15. > @"Garrus.7403" said:

    > > @"Rezzet.3614" said:

    > > > @"Traveller.7496" said:

    > > > I'm starting to see squads with 80-90% scourges. Not even a real good organized team of similar size can take them down because of the sheer number of AoE and condi.

    > > >

    > > > Something needs to be done - it should be either damage or barriers/support, not both at the same time.

    > >

    > > also should only trigger 1 shade effect , its ridiculous to have so much aoe coverage and ontop of it with a 10 player target limit , 5 necros alone hit up to 50 targets for those who dont realize how big that little detail is


    > You rarely hit 10 targets with scourge.

    You rarely share your barrier with 10 players?


  16. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

    > > Just wondering: Why does BB play late at night en masse?


    > because NA does not have a spanish server.




    Yet we have many guilds on NA speaking Spanish, Portugese and French.

    Not to mention Korean, Japanese, Cantonese, German etc. etc.


    They shouldn't have segregated EU by language tbh.

  17. Also play FB have a loot issue as well, I keep getting crippled from overburden.


    I don't know what to say other than maybe you're healing people who aren't killing much or are too far away from the downs.


    I mean srsly I have 500 slot mat banks and even those overspill on good night's.

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