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Posts posted by Dante.1508

  1. Its why this games mechanics are in need of an over haul and why making content where you need a team is bad over time.. especially in GW2.


    The games not DEAD, its just customers no longer want to do older content daily so newer customers or those returning are screwed.. Its just badly designed and needs to scale off one customer.

  2. Its not just Anet its gaming developers in general.. Customers have been burned so many times here and in other games customers expect the worst..


    Just look at how much GW2 has degraded and changed over the last seven years, Customers on all sides have complained asked for changes and fixes and still nothing but nerfs grinds and microtransactions.. GW2 is not transparent at all.. Forums are very overbearing and we cannot even get what many ask for.



    > @"finkle.9513" said:

    > I dont get some of these threads... if there is negativity, then people are not happy... dont complain about negativity... fix the cause, listen to peoples issues... Anet is not great at listening and is very stubborn, they are now reaping that stubbornness ..

    > I dont understand why other players have a issue with players not being happy.. there is obviously reasons!!


    Very much agree with this.

    > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > "Everything is on the table" Is what we will get, thats all we've ever gotten.

    > >

    > > Im pretty sure from here on we won't get anything outside of the living world episode, and strikes. Expecting anything more at this stage of the game is simply hopeful ignorance because its very clear to me and a lot of others that they only wish to make this content. Raids, WvW, PvP, Fractals even E-specs, classes, Races, mounts , legendary gen 3 are all things we will not see. It's done. And the damage is irreparable unless they decided its something worth putting resources into, but clearly they deem it as meaningless and "Not worth the effort".

    > >

    > > This is telling because for years people stated "Id rather then dedicate resources elsewhere" and now they are, to the modes they consider the most fruitful. And this is and will be guild wars from here on out. Lower your expectations and give up hope; Let them do as they do and play the game as the intend for you to play which is if you have the goals you wanted to meet met... come back every two or so months. I've become so casual with my time now because its like I just don't care enough anymore, I loved the theme and story and even the map of the new episode. But im almost done with the collections and all the acheivo's and then I won't be back more than likely till the next release which is what is intended.

    > >

    > > Faith, belief and hope are all things that take energy... more energy than Im allowing myself to spend or dedicate to a game and company who clearly doesn't care or wish to give me as the customer what I desire or ask for. (Of which im willing to pay for.)


    > You know what? I think you're absolutely right. We're done.

    > One of your comments in a different thread wasn't a real eye-opener for me but let's say a little bit more than the tip of the iceberg to finally accept that this game won't deliver the content I like to play and therefore I can make my peace with it. It's totally fine and healthy. I will show up here and there, maybe play for some days or not and taste the story content when it arrives and I'm in the mood for it.

    > Time to play some other games and shrink my pile of shame. It's about kitten time.


    Smart decision, i'm not sure how long i'll continue myself, i have zero interest in PvP, WvW, Fractal and Raids its not why i play mmorpgs.. And its why i took a four year break. I don't think i'll be here much after Christmas at current game and developer quality.

  3. > @"Its Nerfing Time.1495" said:

    > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

    > > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

    > > > > > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

    > > > > >Give me an example of a story where the cast keeps changing.

    > > > >

    > > > > Doctor Who?

    > > >

    > > > That has also become inane as of the last two doctors.

    > >

    > > Nah. Capaldi's final season was the best Nu Who ever got. Though I will concede that Whittaker's first season was rather workman-like.


    > Offtopic - capalda and whittaker have been garbage and the main reason dw has gone downhill faster than kralkatorrik fell out of the mists. Best ever gotten? Matt smith alone blows them both out of the water, and Tennant has always been the best hands down. Whittakers only in the series *because women* and nothing else.


    > on topic - kill off taimi, braham, rox was *ok* at best, canach and rytlock are great.


    Again off topic but totally agree christopher eccleston was by far the best, and David Tennant was a close second i have not watched it after the first Capaldi season or since.


    On topic please leave Taimi Zojja and Canach, the rest honestly are window dressing.. I very much detest The charr characters..

  4. Totally agree its just dumb and annoying.. I avoid the map for now.. Give customers a toggle to remove the abomination. When will devs learn not to put crap all over customers screens..


    Its not immersive its annoying and obnoxious.. Repeat icing up a computer monitor is not immersive at all, it literally breaks immersion as we are suppose to be the character not watching them through a video..

  5. > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:


    > >

    > > Thats because the rest are all window dressing and honestly just useless... Especially Braham.. and Rox.. its just sickening.

    > >

    > > They should just dump all this excess baggage and just have our player character, we are always on our own anyway between stories.. At least they killed off Trahearne.


    > I liked Trahearne. Hate Taimi. Yay opinions! :D


    > And the issue is bad writing, and bad acting. Braham and Rox both have suffered terribly because of both. Same with Trahearne. The characters(lore and story) themselves are really good, but the writing(How they act etc) and acting(good god the voices) they get ruins the characters for many people.


    > Canach has been the only real true compelling character in the entire HoT Story aside from Rytlock and they leave him abandoned for whatever reason. I dont know what happened to the team that made the Heroes from GW1, but they need to get some new writers(IMO) for some of these characters.


    I don't mind Canach, hes at least an interesting salad.. Other than that i'm not a huge fan of the writing or acting as well.. I agree as the poster above says its like they are aiming at 12yr olds.


    I still as characters go prefer Zojja and Taimi as characters because they actually have emotion and play their characters decently. The rest as i said really do not interest me in the slightest.. that even goes for the rest of destinys edge.


    I've actually enjoy more bit parts than the main actors.

    > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

    > > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

    > >Give me an example of a story where the cast keeps changing.


    > Doctor Who?


    That has also become inane as of the last two doctors.

  6. > @"tomaxamot.2683" said:

    > we need more Kas-smear n Marg-ery n their girl on girl stuff :) that will make everyone happy :) n add in a Can-notch here n there for some vegetable dietary fibers :) cause u know u need to have some Vitameatavegamin to become regular n to help u from being tired, run down, n listless n not poop out at parties :) lol


    Yeah no.. They are all so over acted its just painful to listen to.. And the dramas..

    > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > I dunno why so many hate Taimi... Shes the only one of the group worth my time.. Honestly if the rest died i'd not even notice but taimi would be my loss..


    > Because she solves just about -every- issue.


    > We get it, asura are smart, at this point they should apparently rule the world, since all the other races are to dumb to fix issues.


    Thats because the rest are all window dressing and honestly just useless... Especially Braham.. and Rox.. its just sickening.


    They should just dump all this excess baggage and just have our player character, we are always on our own anyway between stories.. At least they killed off Trahearne.

  7. > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

    > > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > just interested, the current topic creator have complete all achievements to 5000 blow kills whit all current weapons ? No ?

    > > So why worry and suggest more ?


    > Do I need all achievements in the game to enjoy the game?


    Man if they took achievements away tomorrow i wouldn't even notice or care.

    > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > I agree op but the whole WvW and pvpers go nuts everytime something new pops into existence.. Those two modes really limit the games creativity.


    > Man thanks for blaming everything on us. Cause you know, it's not like PVErs fundamentally changed the game in any way.


    > Looks at the dungeon speedrunners

    > Looks at the raiders

    > Looks at the hardcore fractal players.


    > Yea uh huh, allllll our fault.


    Honestly when it comes to forums complaints its usually pvpers and wvw.. But i agree raiders are up there as well ruining the game a little at a time.

  8. > @"Donari.5237" said:

    > > @"Xhalvia.5029" said:

    > > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > > > @"Xhalvia.5029" said:

    > > > > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > > > > Totally unnecessary...what do you have to hide that you need to use a false identifier.

    > > > >

    > > > > You are missing the point, Players like to change their account names.

    > > > > And it's a matter of convenience for things like Guild chat when players have multiple characters all with different names and it names it difficult to differentiate who is who.

    > > >

    > > > > @"Xhalvia.5029" said:

    > > > > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > > > > Totally unnecessary...what do you have to hide that you need to use a false identifier.

    > > > >

    > > > > You are missing the point, Players like to change their account names.

    > > > > And it's a matter of convenience for things like Guild chat when players have multiple characters all with different names and it names it difficult to differentiate who is who.

    > > >

    > > > Interesting...because when looking at the Guild Roster, not only does it show the character the person is playing, but it shows your account name right along side of it...I think it's only a problem if...I honestly can't think of one, I prefer to know the person by their account name and not their character names and I get that information from both the friends list and guild roster.

    > >

    > > You are missing the point.

    > > Not only have you clearly not understood my extensive explanation, you have clearly overlooked parts of it... willingly or not.

    > >

    > > Furthermore you are being quite selfish in your approach. It is not fair to assume that because it does not effect you then it should not effect other people.

    > >

    > > I have stated that this suggestion I have presented could be completely optional.

    > >

    > > I have also stated that one of the issues that could be solved is the issue that the current Display name is not used in the text box to help identify players when multiple characters are considered.

    > > You have conveniently ignored this point despite me clarifying this multiple times over the course of the thread.

    > > Regardless, even if you do not like this feature I have suggested my alternative as optional.

    > >

    > > Some players are not particularly happy with the display name they originally desired with.

    > > All other games/programs allows their users to change their display name after a period of time.

    > > What I have suggested is not something out of the ordinary.

    > >

    > > My suggestion **DOES NOT SUGGEST** a removal of the current Display Name and acknowledges the reasoning behind why ANET does not allow for it to be changed unless under certain circumstances.

    > > I have outlined exactly that the function of the current Display name would continue as it currently is and could be accessible still if desired.

    > >

    > > My suggestion **OUTLINES** precisely that it would effectively be a nickname that you place on your **OWN** account.

    > > And only visable towards people in your own guilds or friends list.

    > > This is another aspect of my suggestion you have either overlooked or willingly ignoring.


    > Can't you hover over the character name in chat to see the display name? At least for group/guild/friendslist people? I also don't understand your statement of the problem as you see it or why all this coding is necessary to change how things are.


    > Now, if ANet could magically show me people's Discord nicknames -- ALL of them -- on hover over in-game names .... so I don't have to remember that "Mimisha.3334" is "JoyToAll" on Discord so I could track my guildies with altitis a little better despite my terrible memory for names ( *glares* at certain guildies, you know who you are even if -I- don't! ) ... then you'd be onto something :)


    > *made up names for purpose of example


    You can yes but a day or so later you've completely forgotten who that person you played with was, and when they go offline the friends list only shows their account names.

  9. > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

    > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > Yeah in many ways Gw1 had a far superior pet system than Gw2..

    > > At least in the areas of aquiring/unlocking pets.

    > It really, _*really*_ did not.


    > Pets not having to be leveled independently from you is the single best change Anet made for GW2.


    I disagree it gave people something to do.. And if it wasn't for you you could literally play ranger with no pets at all.

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