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Posts posted by Dante.1508

  1. > @"Duglaive.5236" said:

    > I'm pretty new, having created an account this past April, followed by becoming very ill with an almost month long hospital stay. I wasn't able to really start playing until around mid July or so. So while I've had time to get used to GW2 and how it works, I'm a long way from being anywhere near an expert and experienced. Despite that, I haven't found the fights, boss or otherwise, to be too difficult; though at times really tedious with the amount of hitpoints and the repetition involved in beating certain bosses. The occasional puzzling mechanic, or "What the hell do I do now?" moment can also slow me down. But nothing, and I mean nothing, has been worse for me than story content I just don't enjoy in any way.


    > For me, that's been LS Season 3 in pretty much its entirety thus far. From the story, to the seemingly inane collecting one is asked to do has just shut me down from finishing the game's story in order. I went ahead and finished the PoF story simply because I wanted the mounts having come from games in the past that had them. And for the most part really enjoyed it (oddly enough, I think I overall found PoF's story a little more difficult than HoT's, but preferred the story of HoT more). And now I feel "stuck" again as I want to get back to Season 3, and just can't make myself start again. So Seasons 4 & 5 remain untouched while I try to avoid spoilers.


    > This is all my own opinion of course, but long story short, I guess I wouldn't care if it were more difficult. Just give us content worth the challenge. Make it compelling enough that I welcome the chance to play it


    Exactly my experience as well.. Also if you thought Season 3 was tedious you should try season 4.. It blows 3 out of the water in annoying inane mechanics.. I was exactly at your point then decided to do 4... wow, just horrible gameplay.


    I finished it on one character never again.. what amazing content when customers do it once then never want to go back.

  2. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > You try taking down Scruffy with only spamming 1 key... so tired of this hyperbole.


    > You can beat Scruffy by only spamming 1 key, if it's gonna be fun though is a different story. Arenanet made it so when you revive boss health doesn't reset so technically you can auto attack Scruffy to death without dodging, as long as you land a single hit before you die each time you will eventually (in a few hours maybe) beat him. Not to mention Braham will revive you rather quickly if you stay close to him, his shield skill will block Scruffy's projectiles too, so it's a good idea to hug the big brute.


    > Is it doable? Yes. But probably not anything someone might call "fun". The alternative is to use one of the faceroll builds that can kill the boss without struggling, but I guess "using a good build" is out of the question in "story is too hard" threads.


    I hardly play now so it doesn't really matter, i login to use up my gems then i'll uninstall.. You guys can enjoy your hard Raid lite level content in stories..

  3. > @"DragonSlayer.1087" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > >

    > > Why out of combat, why not like all the other classes... boggles the mind...


    > Ele alone has 20 skills per weapon set... x2 = 40 skills that needs to be balanced for combat. That would be insane.



    But its a nightmare to try and use the class like that.. better off just using one or two elements in my opinion..

    > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

    > > @"totaloverride.3240" said:

    > > more scourge nerfing.................

    > > why don't you just remove the Scourge?!

    > > make it Battefly collector

    > >

    > >

    > > scourges after last nefr: can't be any worse than this...

    > > ANet team: hold my beer!


    > Scourge nerfs are deserved


    Why are they deserved in PvE?

  4. Agree with most people here the lack of immersion in this game is over 9000... Characters not knowing us, annoying character lines over and over.. Being called the commander has got zero meaning now.. Character races joining groups that never should have been allowed... Its just bad form.


    Dunno where it happened but somewhere along the road GW2 crashed into the trees, rolled over a few times and burst into flames story and mechanics wise.

  5. > @"Shikaru.7618" said:

    > > @"Murtos.5342" said:

    > > fun how some people think everyone does those mistakes when they complain about having problems with the content..... welp whatever people like generalizing all the time to justify their opinion.....

    > >

    > > oh and to the person that said gw1 content was challenging? gw1 content was easy compared to gw2 content.... you can compare most of the content to the first 40 levels of gw2 and the rest of the content to the content from lvl 41-50 dungeons ^^. The only things that have been really challenging back in gw1 where the "raids" like the underworld raid lol.... you could solo most of the content with support npc´s and your own heroes no matter how bad your build was.

    > >


    > Please enlighten us what types of mistakes you think you're making that makes story mode hard. Aside from one or two very egregious examples like white mantle caudecus, everything else can be done by spamming 1.


    You try taking down Scruffy with only spamming 1 key... so tired of this hyperbole.

  6. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > Honestly if i could get past this hardcore season 4 drain of tedium


    > "Hardcore"? :lol: It was a bit above average difficulty, not "hardcore." I suppose you've never done raids... _that's_ "hardcore."


    > If you don't want challenging fights, play a different game. GW has _always_ been about challenging battles, since its GW1 days. The fact that GW2's early fights are so easy now compared to, let's say, the Balthazar story fight in PoF is because of the equipment, elite specs etc we have these days. Or maybe a lot of long-time players have just gotten used to the game's fight mechanics by now and have grown more experienced as the fights have grown more challenging over the years.


    > Whatever the case, it is just not right to go from "challenging" back to "kindergarten" now.


    I did raids years ago in Runes of magic never again.. Raids do not interest me at all.

  7. > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > Its not fun for me to be challenged in gaming, to me challenge in gaming is like beyond pointless.. I do not feel complete after doing this stuff i just feel run down and uninterested..


    > Why are you playing games then and not interactive stories? I would say the majority wouldnt play a game that never challenges them. In another thread you said this game favours ranged combat a lot. You also said that vit is as important as power in pve. After all those years you still didn't understand the combat system. What armour are you using? Which traits?

    > Struggling with story is more of a terrible build problem. The only somewhat difficult story bosses were the ones in ls2 and maybe hearts and minds. Everything after that just dies. You have multiple seconds to walk out of a red circle. Thats far from requiring fast reflexes.



    I use this build because i found it the most durable and high damage on many enemies

    I also have this build on my second tab


    but i find longbow quite lackluster compared to shortbow and it kills trash way slower than the condi..


    Exotic versions i'm still building my Ascended..

    > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > Yeah but until you can empathize with others you don't really get to judge, not everyone has your skill levels or even wants it.. I'm here to enjoy a story and play a game casually after my real life, i'm not here to do raid lite just to see the next installment of what ever silly mechanics the devs think up next..

    > >

    > > Its not fun for me to be challenged in gaming, to me challenge in gaming is like beyond pointless.. I do not feel complete after doing this stuff i just feel run down and uninterested..


    > Then, by all means, please go play a different game. The GW franchise, which has always been about fight mechanics and challenges since its GW1 days, is not for players like you.


    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > Thats why t4 Fractals and Raids exist.. go enjoy them i will not be there ruining them for you.


    > No, you just want to ruin story mission fights for the rest of us. Seriously, go try Hard Mode for story missions in GW1, then come back complaining. You'll probably find Normal Mode already to be too difficult.


    > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > Yeah but until you can empathize with others you don't really get to judge, not everyone has your skill levels or even wants it.. I'm here to enjoy a story and play a game casually after my real life, i'm not here to do raid lite just to see the next installment of what ever silly mechanics the devs think up next..

    > >

    > > Its not fun for me to be challenged in gaming, to me challenge in gaming is like beyond pointless.. I do not feel complete after doing this stuff i just feel run down and uninterested..


    > Then, by all means, please go play a different game. The GW franchise, which has always been about fight mechanics and challenges since its GW1 days, is not for players like you.


    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > Thats why t4 Fractals and Raids exist.. go enjoy them i will not be there ruining them for you.


    > No, you just want to ruin story mission fights for the rest of us. Seriously, go try Hard Mode for story missions in GW1, then come back complaining. You'll probably find Normal Mode already to be too difficult.


    GW1 i played for 4 years and never once had any of the issues this game labors me with.. It is far harder than GW1 ever was.. and its completely different.. this is more twitch white knuckle stuff, GW1 was nothing like that. Guildwars 1 was far far superior game in every way than this.


    This has become WoW lite..

    > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > @"Ashantara.8731" Look, I get where you're coming from, even though I am a "filthy casual" as some may call me. What bothers me about this entire argument is that GW2 is really the only MMO out of the many in that market that I can play. I have enough stress with real life work and enough calls on my time with family, kids and other obligations that I enjoy the few hours each week that I am able to get online with the game and decompress. I don't want/need the level of difficulty in a game that you advocate -- I have enough stress already. If I wanted/needed that level of challenge, then there are plenty of other MMOs from which I could choose.


    > Both sides of this argument are passionate about the level of content that suits them. Unfortunately, it is difficult for any MMO to cater to them all. Those of us more casual players are fortunate to find one game out of many that we can manage.


    > I honestly wish that there were an alternative that would suit both sides. Raids should have been it, but even so I feel that ANet missed the mark there, or perhaps diverted resources away from that content because their metrics showed it to be less profitable? Again, without the insider facts, no one really knows.


    Totally agree 100%.

  8. Still totally bugged... completely broken quest wise, if you die near the dredge you are respawned in blocked off areas totally screwed, i tried stuck but it did nothing.. This mission and the flying Aurene mission are completely broken..


    While flying on Aurene my wasd keys were totally not working even though the game continually said to use wasd... Seriously totally screwed both my last season 4 missions.. Does this company not fix anything? Zaitan is still completely busted to this day with companions not helping so i guess these are toast a well.

  9. > @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:

    > > @"DutchRiders.2871" said:

    > > Gw2 is not worth comming back to. You get about 30 min of story every 2 months. The aggressive monitezation also is bad on your wallet.


    > I mean, angry as I am about the templates BS (and I am, very) this comment is simply not true.

    > There is a tremendous amount of content for returning players to enjoy, and the monetisation is only bad if you get your wallet out, which I won't now.


    It cost me almost 400g to make four Ascended pieces of armor yesterday.. That in my opinion has lost the plot. Game was a lot more forgiving and fun at core tyria times.

    > @"Anen.1742" said:

    > > @"JUN YANG.4328" said:

    > > thats true. specially with dungon. no one willing to do dungeon these days. if lucky you will find a team can do AC,CM will you in an hours. but is so rare to had people to run COF, TA, COE. and no one going to go with arch, SE , HOTW. (at lease i havent seen one)

    > >

    > > most players will only doing their own thing. :(


    > If you are not willing to create a lfg, then sure dungeons are dead. But if you create a lfg, it will pretty much always fill in minutes. I have finish Dungeoneer last month and had no trouble finding people for any of the dungeons. Be willing to explain to unexperienced people, and runs will mostly be smooth.


    > So yeah, if you wait passively then the game is not worth it. But if you are being active, this game is excellent.


    Depends on the server and time of day, also timezone you live in..

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