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Posts posted by Dante.1508

  1. > @"darbok.3752" said:

    > Is this suppose to be a solo fight? if it is either I missed something or I just suck because it took a lot of deaths and a lot of time.


    Yes i got my butt handed to me as well about 7-10 times... Some classes like warrior are just terrible in boss fights..

    we are not alone op.
  2. > @"RedBaron.6058" said:

    > ...usually means that it is unable of getting new players by itself and accepts sharing part of its meagre revenue with the gaming platform trying to remain alive. An old game getting into STEAM is usually the beginning of the end...


    > Thanks and best regards.


    While some mmorpgs (very few) have done very well if added right, most i agree have done terribly and with GW2 excluding existing accounts i feel GW2 will join the later sadly.

    What a lot of people don't understand is the Steam 30% goes down if a game does very well, big AAA games do not get charged 30% on steam.

    > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > Steam is the largest gaming platform in the World - it hads over 90 million active users as of 2019.

    > I don't trust statistics.


    > > That is not like any other site. Steam - for better or worse - is extremely popular with tens of thousands of games

    > there is no "thousands of games". There is 10-20 games. Others is one day game.


    > > indy games

    > who worried about then? not me


    You seem very very out of sync with gaming.


  3. After leveling all crafts to 500.. If i were a new customer today no way would i go through that again.. I pity these new Steam customers coming in at this economy point.


    And that daily ascended trash lol that never gets better.

    > @"Ultramex.1506" said:

    > > @"Tazer.2157" said:

    > > All the mats I got while leveling up went directly to my storage. And when my storage was full, I sold them on the tp or discarded them. This is not a good reward/drop system for new players. Rewards/drops needs to be something a player can use. Why kill a world boss or even complete map events in the core game when all you get is something you put in storage and forget about?

    > >


    > Wait wait wait what? So you sold them after being full for money but it's not rewarding? If they were bloodstone dust, the blue star fragment, round yellow thing then there are items that can eat them for loot bags, if they are wood log, ore, leather section you should refine them, and if they are vial of blood, totem, claw etc..etc.. believe me, you can't forget about these because sooner or later You will have use them for exotic, achievement, legendary crafting

    > And if they are mithril ore, elder wood log, blue T5 silk and T5 leather section, you can create a ascended mats per day for stuffs like grandmaster mark, crafting ascended armor or precursor crafting

    > You think crafting in gw2 was tedious and unfun? Wohoho, wait till you try Swtor

    > Yah.....crafting is very important if you want to get great stuff so i don't see how "the game doesn’t give it the attention it needs" Do you want the game to pester the player to make ascended gear every time they log in?


    If you just stick to exotics you can ignore crafting completely.. You aren't very good but you can ignore that grind.

  4. I totally agree op, you are suppose to dodge when you see the highlights on the ground but its really pointless these days, there are so many its like a mine field and with my server issues and 300-400 ping by the time i see them i am hit.. over and over till i'm downed, also these modern boss attacks are designed to chain you to death, you get hit it sets you up to be hit over and over.. Side note if you are even outside the edge of those blast radius you will get hit still which means the radius is not accurate, Not fun at all imo.


    I really miss the old tyria days and i seldom do living stories a second time no rewards are worth those boss hassles and minions are so over tooled its gotten no fun.


    I just hope they tone all this down before the steam release as those reviews wont be favorable.

  5. > @"Makuragee.3058" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > > @"Makuragee.3058" said:

    > > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > > > @"Makuragee.3058" said:

    > > > > > The golem does not spawn underwater, but he is clearly design to be able. If the player go underwater after the golem spawn on the ground, the said golem will follow without any trouble or glitch. He even have a full set of skill and underwater animation.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Also the golem use to drop from the sky when he was spawn. Dont know if its a bug that hes doesnt anymore, but its was cool and would like to see this animation return. Its was way more immersive and kitten.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I know its not a popular rune, but as an engineer golemancer, I needed to make those bug known. Please anet fix it! I beg of you! Still tho thank for the wonderfull change you made to this rune. Having a perma golem is a dream come true!

    > > > >

    > > > > Quick question do you have a golemancer rune on your aqua breather aswell?

    > > >

    > > > Yep! I even double check before posting, just in case.

    > >

    > > Weird i used to have these runes and it used to spawn underwater. I wonder if the ogre runes with the rock dog still do.


    > Its use to indeed! It stoped working when they did the big rune rework/update


    Well that sucks that literally makes the last part of the runes useless underwater.

  6. > @"Makuragee.3058" said:

    > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > @"Makuragee.3058" said:

    > > > The golem does not spawn underwater, but he is clearly design to be able. If the player go underwater after the golem spawn on the ground, the said golem will follow without any trouble or glitch. He even have a full set of skill and underwater animation.

    > > >

    > > > Also the golem use to drop from the sky when he was spawn. Dont know if its a bug that hes doesnt anymore, but its was cool and would like to see this animation return. Its was way more immersive and kitten.

    > > >

    > > > I know its not a popular rune, but as an engineer golemancer, I needed to make those bug known. Please anet fix it! I beg of you! Still tho thank for the wonderfull change you made to this rune. Having a perma golem is a dream come true!

    > >

    > > Quick question do you have a golemancer rune on your aqua breather aswell?


    > Yep! I even double check before posting, just in case.


    Weird i used to have these runes and it used to spawn underwater. I wonder if the ogre runes with the rock dog still do.

  7. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > I'm pretty sure Kuunavang is the mother and this dragon is new, like Aurene.. Bubbles is probably the antagonist in this DLC.

    > It's the voice that talks _to_ Kuunavang that seems deeper and older.


    I believe people are mistaking the dragon we see in the trailer as Kuunavang which actually i believe is the older deeper voice, the dragon we see might be her child.

    > @"hanabal lecter.2495" said:

    > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > > I'm pretty sure Kuunavang is the mother and this dragon is new, like Aurene.. Bubbles is probably the antagonist in this DLC.

    > > It's the voice that talks _to_ Kuunavang that seems deeper and older.

    > >


    > It can be the other celestial beings like the turtle, Phoenix etc...


    Could be as well.

  8. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > Everything is expensive in this game, not just mount skins, GW2 is one of the most expensive mmo's i've ever played as an Australian, i play multiple mmorpgs and guildwars 2 tops nearly all of them in cosmetic prices, when i started SWTOR after gw2 i was so shocked on how much cheaper it was in its cash shop, Fallout 76 was cheaper even with a sub, ESO is very expensive as well similar to GW2 but still not as expensive.

    > >

    > > Yes i had subscriptions in ESO, Fallout 76 and SWTOR and it was still cheaper in the long run to buy cosmetics than here.

    > >

    > > People will still crazily buy them though.

    > [You claimed at one point to be spending over 200au per week on this game.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1116074/#Comment_1116074)

    > The problem isn't the cash shop prices.

    > The problem is your self control.


    No the problem is i get a lot more out of my $200 in the other mmorpgs, no need to be jealous.

  9. I hope not i really hated HOTs vertical game play.. And while mounts are handy they should not deem game play, also a lot of people hate how underwater combat feels and plays..

    > @"jungsowon.2074" said:

    > Cantha will be submerged underwater, hence the requirement for the underwater mount. I'm calling it now.


    Why it wasn't underwater when we left it, ruining a whole expansion with totally underwater combat will not end well..

  10. Everything is expensive in this game, not just mount skins, GW2 is one of the most expensive mmo's i've ever played as an Australian, i play multiple mmorpgs and guildwars 2 tops nearly all of them in cosmetic prices, when i started SWTOR after gw2 i was so shocked on how much cheaper it was in its cash shop, Fallout 76 was cheaper even with a sub, ESO is very expensive as well similar to GW2 but still not as expensive.


    Yes i had subscriptions in ESO, Fallout 76 and SWTOR and it was still cheaper in the long run to buy cosmetics than here.


    People will still crazily buy them though.

  11. I don't think they have the funds or manpower to create GW3 so i cannot see them ending their cash cow anytime soon, pretty sure steam is just another way of adding to the playerbase.. Although i do feel that blocking existing accounts was a mistake but time will tell on that.


    I do not think GW2 is ending anytime soon.

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