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Everything posted by noiwk.2760

  1. daredevil is most broken op class .. seriously theres so little you can do against it.. maybe holo is stronger.. but meh.. fighting holo is way easier than fighting daredevil.. their mobility their burst damage and none stop stealh is just broken ..
  2. > @"darren.1064" said: > > @"noiwk.2760" said: > > > @"darren.1064" said: > > > > @"Brimstone Jack.3462" said: > > > > Seriously? Minions are your big gripe here? You can't cc, avoid, or kill minions? Or just face tank them? Even fully powered with shades, minions shouldn't be giving you that much trouble. Seriously, they don't have a return command. Lure them a few hundred feet away and bum rush their necro. It'll take about a month for them to catch up. > > > > > > > > I'll go easier on you next time, bud. <3 > > > > > > As a thief, I have a firm hatred of minions also. They hard counter thief and ranger, but I don't think minions should just get outright destroyed. I think they should just follow GW1's system and have a natural health degeneration and so every 45-60 seconds a necromancers minions die and maybe stick a 15-20 second CD after the minions die and can be animated again. > > > > someone have to counter that broken thief class.. daredevil so broken.. we should disable stealth in pvp if anything.. > > and what makes thief so broken? you really ask? everything.. DareDevil is op in everything.. mobility? op! damage? op! stealth ? and sustain? op! entirely broken class that is too good at everything daredevil and holos
  3. > @"darren.1064" said: > > @"Brimstone Jack.3462" said: > > Seriously? Minions are your big gripe here? You can't cc, avoid, or kill minions? Or just face tank them? Even fully powered with shades, minions shouldn't be giving you that much trouble. Seriously, they don't have a return command. Lure them a few hundred feet away and bum rush their necro. It'll take about a month for them to catch up. > > > > I'll go easier on you next time, bud. <3 > > As a thief, I have a firm hatred of minions also. They hard counter thief and ranger, but I don't think minions should just get outright destroyed. I think they should just follow GW1's system and have a natural health degeneration and so every 45-60 seconds a necromancers minions die and maybe stick a 15-20 second CD after the minions die and can be animated again. someone have to counter that broken thief class.. daredevil so broken.. we should disable stealth in pvp if anything..
  4. > @"lare.5129" said: > anet is part of ncsoft by wiki .. ncsoft have move famous and fun mm game lineage2. I am currently plau that game too. > On that game bots mode already enabled for players. So I think if will be done some steps in giuldwars2 - it is enable bot possibility for everyone as option. > Aslo u can reread post from anet: > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/447324/#Comment_447324 and yet if they will allow bots in gw2 competitive modes.. ill have every right to demand my money back ;) and when many players will do so.. trust me it will hurt Anet
  5. > @"Khalisto.5780" said: > I rather have a bot than a player afking after losing 1st fight mid and im saying both should be banned.. this is again lack of action from Anet that allow players to afk,, but if afking in ranked pvp would;'ve resulted in bans they wouldnt allow them selves to afk
  6. > @"lare.5129" said: > take bots as part of game. Don't want bots at all absolutely - GW2 not for you. silkroad died for bots and all thes games you mentioned are not good mmo.. good mmo "final fantasy. WoW. Tera. " and such.. and nope they do not allow bots. bots are not part of the game and shouldnt be.. they are becoming part of the game because Anet are so bad at fighting them.. look how Archeage died from bots.. same with Archeage unchained.. amazing game has everything why does it die? bots and gold farming by bots GW2 pvp isnt any different the reason gw2 pvp dies and less and less people actually get into the game mode.. is because of bots.. if everyone who doesnt accept the bots as part of the game will quit gw2 the game will shut down very quickly.. i wont accept them because they are destroying the game mode ! and we havent yet even said a word about the hacking that going on ... even in tournament there are countless of hackers.. flying/teleports hit box location change.. speed hack CD ignore hack.. and what not? are these part of the game too? stop bsing me and everyone here.. a game that respect its self and respect his players do not allow bots or hackers ... now days even private servers of games take actions against hacking/botting and ban players for that.. because they are aware of the impact.. gw2 call wvw/pvp "the competitive game modes.. competitive my ass.. the team with less bots win.. its more RNG than skills.. really.. up to plat.. or.. hack to win.. because no matter how good you are . .you cant beat someone whos flying above you and shoot you to death.. or teleport from node to node to cap and decap using hacks.. or to get away from fights with teleport hack.. basically Anet are cheating and scaming us by selling the game to us offering "competitive game modes" which has 0 competitive in them.. Anet claim that they fight bots and hackers and such behavior will result in ban... and yet milion of reports and profs going unchecked i can live with bots.. in the pve.. and with hacks in the pve.. but i can not accept bots/hacks in the what so called "competitive" game modes.. match making is good? right .. a plat 1 fighting plat 3 very solid .. all the words you say .. you prove me 1 thing.. you want the attention of being Anet ass licking.. living a lie .. or maybe you are playing gw3 alpha cause you and i know a completely different gw it seems.. every day there are so many complains about hacking and botting.. telling these people to just leave gw2 the game will die.. if i were to quit gw2 because of bots.. i will be suiting Anet demanding every single penny spent on this game back.. for them not keeping to their own terms of use.. and obligation by which they sell the game.. i wonder how many people would spend money in this game if Anet would say " we are not taking actions against botting or hacking these are allowed and on each individual responsability "
  7. try silver in the morning.. ..you will be the only none bot in both teams.. meh no other "good" mmo allow such botting .. all "good" mmos died for bots.. for example silkroad
  8. i wont even bother answering to you.. kleep dreaming that pvp is so great.. while barely anyone aside from bots play it.. 50% ? meh maybe 95% of the ranked pvp are bots now days..
  9. lets agree that Pvp need a massive touch/rework from Anet.. firstly Anet need to step in and ban all bots/cheaters.. and then they should figure out a model rework to less encourage cheating ! improve match making! give you the option to chose if you prefer long que with better quality games or faster que with more random quality of game! start showcase their pvp.. and sell that gamemode to bring more people to their reworked pvp! maybe add more new quick ways in which experienced player can guide the team inside the game like target but on the map unique future ! rework the ranking/scores ! and then make a overall balance and class rework to the impossible to balance classes !
  10. > @"Sturm Medik.1569" said: > Season after season reporting same bots and no progress... Just had a game with 2 bots on my team. I think I am done with this game mode :/ im just about to be done with this game completely and not just game mode.. Anet: come play gw2 we offer everyone all kind of things to do ! pve ! wvw ! and yes even competetive fair pvp! bots/hacking/ cheating and breaking the rules will not go unpunished ! then you try pvp and you realize there is no pvp mode in this game..
  11. > @"BadHealer.3608" said: > > @"Styros.8931" said: > > trash company. Like support said, LOL JUST REPORT THEM ? .Yeah report them, but nobody ban > Well, in the morning there seem to be 10 bots playing happy with each other. So there are no problems and no complains in 20+ games. > > Suddenly a human gets into that and reports 9 bots and than quits. > > After that the bots play again 20+ happy with each other without any problem. > > So you have now 41+ games and 40+ without any problem and in one game one "player" has a problem. From the point of view of the support, tell me who is causing the problem? > > (And to even move this thought further, who do you think may risk a ban? The "player" that played 40+ games without a problem or the one that just gets in there and reports anybody?) > > From a support point of view PVP is perfect the way it is, if you just let bots play on their own. Only human players are causing problems. > > (I played for weeks in the morning, but only once I once get confused, because there was an other human than me. Very surprising.) you legit made me laugh now xD haha so thank you for that ^^
  12. > @"Dahkeus.8243" said: > It's certainly not specific to silver/gold since there's well documented platinum bots (such as the one in the trending post in the GW2 Subreddit: ), but yea...it's pretty bad. > > It's a serious issue and I wish we could at least get some generic statement from ANet saying that they are aware of the problem and working on a solution, but it's seemingly been dead silent regarding this as far as I'm aware. I get that there is an expansion on the horizon, but this will affect PvP in the expansion just as much as now, so it still needs to be addressed. Anet only working on gemstore items .. really..
  13. balance so sucks atm only handful of classes /builds are played and the rest are just bad
  14. > @"Megametzler.5729" said: > Just a side note on how much thief is played: > > When there is no thief in the enemy team, I play power chrono. If there is, I switch to some other troll builds. So far, I think I played not a single game since I introduced this rule on mesmer (~ 20 games). > > So while I wouldn't say thief is OP, ~~where are the nerfs to ecto?~~ it is very very common and obviously strong. > > > On Holo: Still strong, still meta, but less opressive. Would love the trash hammer to hit engi though (not core though). core engi still exist? i swear i never ever see it played.. about thief .. well.. as i said my main issue with it is stealth. but when it comes to daredevil.. its just way too strong with shadow art. holo is obviously more oip than thief but at the same time i find thief way more of an issue because of how common it is,,.. when you play solo ranked pvp.. having 2 daredevil in each team is a common thing.. and on roaming thieves are basically everywhere.. so yes .. nerf stealth and nerf shadow art and nerf holo xD .. if they are on it.. i will be happy to see fear nerf on core necro.. that endless fear is so annoying
  15. > @"Kodama.6453" said: > > @"noiwk.2760" said: > > holo is kitten broken .. if im honest.. i think both Holo and scapper shouldnt be able to use the core engi kits.. as drawback > > So basically you want to completely kill and delete both elite specs of the engineer from the game. Engineer has the smallest pool of available weapons (3 core weapons with rifle, pistol and shield) and no access to weapon swap (and even if engineer had access to weapon swap, the lack of core weapons would make it meaningless). > > Kits are our replacement for weapons and weapon swap. Taking away kits from engi elite specs is no option. allowing scrapper to remain so naturally tanky and abusing explosive shit kit to still do shit tons of damage is also not an option . and this before we even mention Holo.. that is even far more broken.. franky. even if every single skill of holo get 20% reduce damage im still pretty sure holo will remain somewhere at the top of pvp.. this is how silly strong holos are..
  16. > @"Terrorhuz.4695" said: > > @"noiwk.2760" said: > > > @"Terrorhuz.4695" said: > > > Even after nerfing Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit holosmiths still stack 25 stacks of might like nothing, if that doesn't say something about how broken the spec is IDK what does. > > > > > > About thief, this week I tried having some duels for fun with this class. I was playing thief for the first time, and yet I have been able to kill 3 of my guild mates (warrior, burn dh, chronomancer) without ever being in danger. I made every mistake that could be possibly made, but there was no way to capitalize on any of them just because of the perma blind + stealth spam; you open with 4k\5k damage whatever you do, sooner or later someone will drop below 50%. It took quite a while to get it done, but it's a guaranteed victory unless you do some real major mistake. > > > > a good daredevil can do 20k in like 2-3 seconds? while constantly ccing you and what not.. > > A bad daredevil will just jump back and forth, blind and stealth until you either drop dead or he gets bored of tiptapping and find something else to do. The problem is not "how much good players can make out of thief", the problem is how forgiving the class is in regards to pepegas. anyways daredevil is broken.. so is holo and they both need a massive nerf.. and stealth need a rework.. its not cool that thief can at any time decide.. ohh this guy is beter than me ill just stealth ..
  17. > @"Terrorhuz.4695" said: > Even after nerfing Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit holosmiths still stack 25 stacks of might like nothing, if that doesn't say something about how broken the spec is IDK what does. > > About thief, this week I tried having some duels for fun with this class. I was playing thief for the first time, and yet I have been able to kill 3 of my guild mates (warrior, burn dh, chronomancer) without ever being in danger. I made every mistake that could be possibly made, but there was no way to capitalize on any of them just because of the perma blind + stealth spam; you open with 4k\5k damage whatever you do, sooner or later someone will drop below 50%. It took quite a while to get it done, but it's a guaranteed victory unless you do some real major mistake. a good daredevil can do 20k in like 2-3 seconds? while constantly ccing you and what not..
  18. > @"Quadox.7834" said: > i like how they nerfed mesmer "gain superspeed when you use a manipulation utility" from 3 sec to 1.5 sec and holo gets to have 3 sec superspeed on 4 sec cooldown holo is retarded broken .. if im honest.. i think both Holo and scapper shouldnt be able to use the core engi kits.. as drawback and holo.. need even further nerfs.. its just stupid op.. i dont think anything can beat holo.. mesmer i think is certainly over nerfed... to a point where you would only see mirage in pvp.. and barely even that.. chrono and core mesmers need to be buffed to be played and vailable option in ranked pvp for teamfights aswell.. and not just +1 where thief and herald jsut do it better regarding thief .. as i said stealth is retarded and need to be reworked to have a long CD and not to be spamable .. it need to have a drawback and be like.. omg im gonna die emergency situation skill.. and not like it is today.. "i stealth because i can " or i dont feel comfortable ill stealth and get away from my target and burst him again and stealth again.. on top of that stealth need to drain HP or.. atlest stealth shouldnt work when someone is within a certain radius as it is in every other game i havent seen a game that keep stealth like it is in gw2.. because everyone udnerstand that stealth is too powerful and daredevil need even further nerfs .. to its burst potential especially with shadow art.. daredevil is just too strong.. and has very little counter.. id say after holo its the most brother class.. and they are way too common ..
  19. > @"asterix.9614" said: > As long as they don't touch holo in wvw, I kitten roam with it, and it takes skills to catch some pew pew ranger or thief that resets.... sorry but holo is also op in wvw roaming.. with that said.. all these pew pew need tunning down in wvw aswell.. .. that includes rangers and deadeyes i mean.. for rangers sorry but 1500 range is just alot of issue.. because so many classes lack the mobility to catch up to them.. and if we are fair.. rangers are also good in melee range and they are not as glass as supposed to be.. they are very sustainable.. and not to mention their endless immoblize ! for deadeye.. honestly again stealth ... i really think Anet need to rework stealth.. its so stupid and abused .. stupid thieves can just stealth every 2 seconds.. in 1v1 its nearly impossible to kill them because they can just stealth away . stealth need to haev long CD and maybe stun after stealth
  20. > @"felix.2386" said: > when we going to nerf holo and thief? > completely the most busted classes for the entire 2020 > devs you realize that 2020 is ending right? > > remove leap from sword and remove superspeed from holo 2, if you want to keep all the core stealth, and S > and explosive entrance is stupidly busted > > thief will literally shutdown anyone that isn't a holo with 0 counter play if the thief actually has half a brain > > pvp is literally a joke to this point holo is broken and need to be massivly nerfed ! as for thief.. honestly. . mostly stealth.. im sorry bot stealth is so retarded .. they can consantly stealth to get away from fight.. Anet need to rework stealth entirely.
  21. honestly interval will destroy the class.. no one will ever play it in competetive..
  22. > @"Rvannith.8364" said: > > @"DogMD.9182" said: > > > > How does a bot play 1000 games and be useless and still stay in gold LOL > > > > Bots are often on each team, so you'll have three or four human players on each team, and one or two bots on each team. Some bots are worse than others based on their class (although they appear to be programmed nearly identically) so even if the human players are identically matched, one team will pull ahead because they have a "less bad" bot. As a result, while the bots most often _lose_ more than they _win_ the difference isn't huge, because there's another 9 human or bot players that factor into the defeat or victory. Generally, bots are within a 10% margin, but mathematically speaking this isn't unexpected. There's a win/loss distribution curve you'd expect of even the most poorly programmed bots who do nothing but run to far point and spam AOEs as still winning about 40% of the time at worst: because your rank changes depending on how often you win/lose, which means over long periods of time your win-loss ratio should be somewhat even, _regardless_ of if you're a bot or a real player, or how well or poorly you play. > > Some of them are actually very close: Shambler.3408 has 442 wins and 451 losses, as an example. i had some games in which 3 and even 4 of my team were bots.. sad year for gw2.. try playing ranked pvp in the morning. . 3 out of 5 in same team being bots isnt even a rare thing.. . infact you almost never have more than 1 actual human in your team during the first part of the day..
  23. > @"Shao.7236" said: > > @"ollbirtan.2915" said: > > Or you could, you know, adapt / learn to play that class to see how easily it can be countered instead of whining for nerfs? Sorry, if my expectations are too high. > > Telling that to one of the only few core revenant that exists in the game and have success at high levels. > > Not here to flex but to tell you that I main this class and I am free to judge if something is stupid with evidence. You take everything as whining when I am here to criticize the lack of judgement for balancing the skill properly which leads to outcries and random nerfs that can affect my favorite part of the class indirectly. > > I've called for nerfs on Shortbow Sevenshot because it was overpowered and most if not all Revs I knew disagree'd. Why? Is it that hard to admit some skills carries and need to be adjusted? They nerfed it properly and it's still good in either of the 3 ways it's used. > > Way before that I asked for Call to Anguish nerfs which made all the difference and then they decided to screw over the corruption lines because everyone would rely on super cheese with all resistance traits even though I said they should prevent Fiendish Tenacity from giving Resistance at all on legend swap, leaving the other traits alone as the best benefit be mere healing for resistance that wouldn't be bloated by the main mechanic of the class and rather remain practical with Demonic Defiance and Spirit Boon instead. Now it's pointless to have. > > If they actually cared, they'd get EM baseline resistance so people wouldn't be forced to trait DD either. This is sad. > > Anyways, nah. I know how to play Renegade, I played it way before it existed on the meta sites and it would be pretty okay even when everything was overtuned which goes to show if it could hold it's own before, today it can only be too good. Which IMO with numbers is, extremely bloated, annoying to deal with, too forgiving to play with. > > Whether we can beat it or not doesn't stop the fact that this one particular skill has too much going for it (At least PvP) and people should learn and adapt to not rely on such easy mechanics to win at the game. sorry i can agree on everytthing you say that its not whining and you ahve a place to put your thoughts.. but i simply dont think renegade is that op.. its good class and if you dont know how to play against it.. then yes it can seem broken.. on the other hand. the class can be countered with many options.. especially in today meta.. . where DH can throw traps at your summons and they are dead.. and cced many times.. renegade is just fine as it is.. and honestly.. short bow? you can delete all short bow skills and leave just the auto attack and it will be ok.. as most of the time you will just be spaming auto attack ^^ so nerfing seven shoot was it really good call? i wonder.. maybe buffing it and increasing its energy cost quite abit would be better idea.. so that it wont be spammed but used as burst sometimes.. anyways all in all renegade is fine,, and there are worse troubles to deal with .. deredevil and shadow art .. ? holo? scrapper? heal warrior ? tempest ? core necro?
  24. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > @"noiwk.2760" said: > > > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > > > @"noiwk.2760" said: > > > > i think mesmers have been nerfed enough really.. only mesmer i see in pvp now days is mirage which has 1 dodge now.. > > > > if anything i think core mesmer and chrono need to be buffed ^^ > > > > > > I'm playing Chrono now in WvW because i hate what they did to Mirage and MAN the damage sucks. > > > Chrono is support, sure, that's how i built it, but all other support classes can solo camps without any trouble. I can barely do that. > > > > > > What Anet is doing to mesmers needs to stop, and people need to stop whining about Mesmers. > > > > i agree.. as i said i think mesmers are underpowered at the moment.. in pvp.. who said Chrono need to be a support because lets face it its not as supportive as heal warrior or as tempest.. > > Well, it doesn't need to be support, i know, that's how i've built mine, for group fights. > But even for that it's underwhelming, the only real thing we have going for us is the pull, and now people want that nerfed too. > I wouldn't be surprised if Anet caves to whiners again and nerfs just the mesmer's pull. > > I hate that it's fine for other classes to spec for support boonshare and heal and still hit for 10k damage, but as soon as Mesmer's are good at something, everyone is in an uproar. God forbid Mesmers have one good thing going for them, NO we need to nerf it all! > > Example - Mirage. i will be ok with pull being nerfed if they in return buff alot of mesmer skills and trait to be good fighter and not a +1 in pvp or medicore roamer in wvw
  25. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > @"noiwk.2760" said: > > i think mesmers have been nerfed enough really.. only mesmer i see in pvp now days is mirage which has 1 dodge now.. > > if anything i think core mesmer and chrono need to be buffed ^^ > > I'm playing Chrono now in WvW because i hate what they did to Mirage and MAN the damage sucks. > Chrono is support, sure, that's how i built it, but all other support classes can solo camps without any trouble. I can barely do that. > > What Anet is doing to mesmers needs to stop, and people need to stop whining about Mesmers. i agree.. as i said i think mesmers are underpowered at the moment.. in pvp.. who said Chrono need to be a support because lets face it its not as supportive as heal warrior or as tempest..
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