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Posts posted by Kovu.7560

  1. I would've preferred either a complimentary booster for people who log in this weekend or much, much, much better notice.

    I haven't been able to play much this weekend -- it would've been nice to benefit from this harvesting boost a little more than I have.

    Alas, it is what it is.


    ~ Kovu

  2. > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > > @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

    > > > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > > > > @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

    > > > > > but very rarely **see** a thief doing it,

    > > > >

    > > > > That's because they're stealthed.

    > > > >

    > > > > ~ Kovu

    > > >

    > > > So are the rangers, what's you're point :).

    > >

    > > I've yet to meet a ranger that keeps stealth uptime > 50%. Most wp griefing thieves stealth > 80% uptime. That speaks nothing to the teleports.

    > > You can kill rangers that tap keeps if you know to expect them. The same cannot be said for thieves (and mesmers).

    > >

    > > ~ Kovu

    > >

    > > Edit- That said I've always agreed that a single tap of a guard is a little too easy as a means for shutting down a waypoint. I'm in agreement with using siege to contest the structure. Sure its fairly easy to do, but it takes more effort than a single tap and that siege can't be pulled away after the fact.


    > and then you would never ever be able to take T3 keeps. Because before you get the siege up, the enemy zerg would port in (no need for ewp, yay) and then it is game over. Or a 2h trebuchet match. Fun!




    If you have any number of allies with you it doesn't take long to throw down a piece of siege, build it, and damage a structure.

    If the enemy is able to port in its because there was a scout -- they were going to port in anyway, regardless. My suggestion doesn't affect that one way or the other.


    But eh, it's hardly 'my' suggestion. We've all come up with plenty of ideas over the years, the management has already decided that the status quo is acceptable.


    ~ kovu

  3. > @"misterman.1530" said:

    > skilful playing



    Great job outppt'ing two servers last week: one who was hellbent on avoiding T1 and another notorious for not caring about ppt.

    Have fun with Blackgate.


    ~ Kovu

  4. > @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

    > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > > @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

    > > > but very rarely **see** a thief doing it,

    > >

    > > That's because they're stealthed.

    > >

    > > ~ Kovu


    > So are the rangers, what's you're point :).


    I've yet to meet a ranger that keeps stealth uptime > 50%. Most wp griefing thieves stealth > 80% uptime. That speaks nothing to the teleports.

    You can kill rangers that tap keeps if you know to expect them. The same cannot be said for thieves (and mesmers).


    ~ Kovu


    Edit- That said I've always agreed that a single tap of a guard is a little too easy as a means for shutting down a waypoint. I'm in agreement with using siege to contest the structure. Sure its fairly easy to do, but it takes more effort than a single tap and that siege can't be pulled away after the fact.

  5. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > When in nsp we dont have scourges and every is a ranger , soulbeast or something with no aoe


    Can confirm. Was farming nsp in blue air keep last night and someone pointed out that they're basically a "shitty version of the mag cloud", what, with mesmers, rangers, thieves and the like running around being on the whole ineffective.


    edit- but annoying.


    ~ Kovu`

  6. A longbow soulbeast kept harassing our tag.

    It not only ruffled the tag's feathers but threw off the whole group's rotation because the tag had to play more defensive and roll heals more often than he otherwise would have.

    While the soulbeast's damage wasn't enough to down our tag through the overpowered sustain firebrands have, it did cause us to be slower to the punch when pushing and responding to enemy pushes.


    Rangers can be unsung heroes, even in group scenarios.


    That said, I main ranger but almost always show up to wvw with a scourge these days. No ranger build will ever be as effective at contributing to a large wvw fight as their GWEN counterparts.


    edit- Not to mention how much more rewarding necro is over ranger in the loot department, for a fraction of the effort.

  7. I work every day this weekend. I wish I could bank this sort of thing and use it during _my_ days off.


    Had there been more notice I may have been able to snag a day off. Kind of sucks, I spend a good amount of time farming nodes for profit.


    That said, that wxp boost, how is that calculated if boosters or other bonuses are utilized? For instance if I pop an exp booster for +50% world experience, will I in total be granted 250% _100%+100%+50%_ wexp or 300% _(100%+50%)*2_?


    ~ Kovu

  8. Its a clunky weapon with limited condition potential compared to other condition weapons/builds and almost no defensive abilities. (You could call the daze a proactive defense, but then you'd have to say that about every CC effect in the game, in which case longbow would have 3 via stealth, knockback and cripple.)

    Shortbow 3's effect needs to be quickness, not swiftness. It would help with the weapons and would synergize with condition soulbeast (which isn't exactly op or all that prevalent compared to its power-based counterparts.)


    ~ Kovu

  9. > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > *Glyph of Bounty*

    > This one seems straightforward, giving a 33% chance per strike of getting another strike on the node, but it has much more nuance than that. First and foremost, this additional strike itself gets the same chance of generating yet another strike. **Theoretically, this can chain endlessly**, but statistically speaking, you won't get too many more.


    Surely the bolded can't be true. There are other means of generating extra strikes (such as the Item Booster), and I've read that people can get those odds as high as 99%. (According to the fine folk over on reddit those bonuses are additive). If the bolded were true people would be able to generate infinite loot. That would have been exploited and nerfed by now.


    ~ Kovu


  10. > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

    > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > Right. So I don't use any 3rd party programs at the moment, but I was thinking about getting arcdps.

    > > This scares the kitten out of me. Could we get clarification in a pinned topic, [perhaps this one](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/352/policy-third-party-programs-multi-boxing-macros "perhaps this one"), as to which 3rd party programs are allowed? I'd feel a lot better about it being officially written in a pinned thread and not simply heresay or some old dev post somewhere around here or reddit.

    > >

    > > Until then I'll be avoiding any of the bell-and-whistle programs.

    > >

    > > ~ Kovu


    > No one in the recent banwave was banned for using ArcDPS, TaCO, or ReShade/GW2Hook (mod of ReShade specially for GW2).


    > ArenaNet has even showcased some of these on their videos. Chris Clearly was working with the ArcDPS dev when build templates came out, which is essentially an auto-clicker to allocate your traits.


    > It's a safe bet TaCO and ReShade are never going to get you banned as TaCO is an overlay that simply uses the official game APIs and ReShade is just a DirectX renderer that does nothing to the actual game beyond making it look pretty or different from the default renderer.


    > ArcDPS as of present is safe and legal but it does read the memory, however only to provide kosher details that the game already offers. It simply takes all the legwork out of manually adding DPS numbers, it can calculate group DPS, etc. It's very handy and good.


    > Now if ArcDPS dev one day decides to lose his mind and add a bunch of non-kosher features as some DPS tools had done, it would become illegal.


    > It becomes a matter of keeping up with what ArcDPS dev is doing and despite what some posters would have you believe Anet aren't the gestapo waiting for you to step out of line to ban you.


    > Other DPS meter guy was given a grace period to stop being crazy and he did not.


    > Users were given a grace period to stop using the illegal meter and even Chris said something to the effect he blamed the dev not so much the users for going out of line with the features he included (making a kosher version and a Chinese version with non-kosher features... guess what people opted to use?)


    > ArcDPS dev is pretty chill and it's a pretty safe bet he's not gonna be crazy. But you never know. Obviously if he starts adding gear checking abilities, exact HP data, exact player data, etc. you'd probably better drop it.


    > As of writing you're good if you want to use ArcDPS, GW2Hook/ReShade, and/or TaCO. Bells and whistles are great.

    > ___


    > Just practice a little common sense. Don't keep CheatEngine on while you're playing an online multiplayer game you care about. You'll trigger some anti-cheat measures and get banned.


    > Much less, don't download trainers to use in said game. It'll probably get you banned. Basic things some of our surely innocent friends neglected to do.


    Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.


    ~ Kovu

  11. Right. So I don't use any 3rd party programs at the moment, but I was thinking about getting arcdps.

    This scares the shit out of me. Could we get clarification in a pinned topic, [perhaps this one](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/352/policy-third-party-programs-multi-boxing-macros "perhaps this one"), as to which 3rd party programs are allowed? I'd feel a lot better about it being officially written in a pinned thread and not simply heresay or some old dev post somewhere around here or reddit.


    Until then I'll be avoiding any of the bell-and-whistle programs.


    ~ Kovu

  12. My two cents:

    • More wxp for killing enemy players.

    • More wxp and better drops for papering T3 structures, or base it off the number of successful defend events the enemy team has before you're able to take the structure. i.e. more rewards for more time investment, kill the karma training.

    • A return of that wxp-oriented booster for people who _really_ need the extra kick.

    • Lower wxp requirements for rank 1->1,000.


    ~ Kovu

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