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Posts posted by Kovu.7560

  1. Don't feel like posting a whole thread since there are already like 30, so I'll ask here:

    From a grinding-for-gold & materials perspective, how do the unbound tools compare to the leather & tailor glyphs per swing on average? How does the pupper sickle fit into this? The new sand pickaxe? Has anyone done the math on this?


    ~ Kovu

  2. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > > > > nope some skills are to get some one out of stealth to initiate a fight and some are to prevent restealthing to finish a stealther off. all working as they should.

    > > > >

    > > > > Sorry, I should've clarified. Those skills are working as intended. They just can't be called "counter play" to stealth when many professions don't have the ability to reveal a stealth-er already in stealth.

    > > > >

    > > > > ~ Kovu

    > > >

    > > > weakness also cannot be applied while the target is evading , it does not prevent evading but still is a counter to it. reveal as an effect once applied is a counter to stealth, the abilities appying reveal tho might not turn you into a hard counter to a stealther. thats like the minstrel guards trying to get my deadeye out of their keep with an anti stealth trap, as if that reveal would kill me if there is noone around to deal damage.

    > >

    > > Yeah. Okay. So allow _everyone_ to have a legitimate _reactive_ counter to stealthers since _everyone_ has to deal with it.

    > > You're tip-toeing around the point I'm trying to make. Or I'm awful at explaining things, one of the two.

    > > (If revealed were as prevalent and easy to apply as weakness is in this game we wouldn't be having this conversation.)

    > >

    > > ~ Kovu


    > oh its because i dont quite understand why you need a counter to stealthers that remain in stealth. i do see long stealth as means to avoid a fight and rather weak in a fight compared to other defenses, it wont make you win a fight as it gives your opponent too much time to recover. for short stealth poping in and out those reveal skills are neither needed nor useful and long stealth is pretty weak as such, its basically a self cripple for 1 vs 1 fights to bring too much stealth with you because you could take more usefull stuff.

    > why exactly do you need the ability to force a fight upon someone that doesnt want to? do you also ask to remove the invuln at spawns ?

    > once engaged in the fight you can cast your sic em, because you will get a target once you get attacked.

    > if you really need to try hard force a fight on the stealther any class has the ability to see certain animations related to the skills used to stack stealth and can preassure the stealther in stealth or eventually force him out by letting yourself get hit by a leap/blast. yes thats not a 'ill press this one button and done' solution but keeping long stealth is also not ' activate stealth'-> chill.


    You're not the only person to play the game. Your experience with 'short' stealth is hardly the be all & end all. Its neat that short duration stealths aren't a problem for you; short duration stealths are a concern for many of us in the sheer quantity with which they're utilized on thief and mesmer in particular. (I doubt anyone's going to bring a reveal just to counter a druid or engineer, even if there are unrelated complaints about the former.)


    If a thief or mesmer are chaining stealths to grant a longer duration, they might be trying to leave. (As you've said.) Revealing them won't change the fact they'll be using their mobility to leave, it will simply increase the odds of low stealth/higher mobility professions being able to punish them for engaging and failing to capitalize in the first place. Which is duly needed.


    What is this about "forcing a fight upon someone that doesn't want to"? If its to the point where you're using a reveal utility you're _already in a fight_. Reveal itself doesn't put you in combat.


    Its neat that you seem to think keeping stealth up is difficult. There are any number of tools, especially with thieves that specialize in shadow arts, that'll allow players to keep stealth up for a good amount of time with minimal effort. Optimal? Probably not, but not hard to accomplish. Leaping through a smoke field over and over again isn't exactly difficult. Yes enemy players see the smoke field, any thief worth their salt utilizes a different tool to enter stealth, moves away from the threat, then replenishes the duration with little issue during that window with which it takes the opposition to notice that field and move to cleave it. Don't even get me started on mesmer.


    If you want me to move away from the 'ill press this one button and done' solution, introduce a lot more revealed options into the game across all professions so they're not so infrequently available and often tied to skills people don't want to use. Revealing someone =/= killing them.


    ~ Kovu

  3. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > > nope some skills are to get some one out of stealth to initiate a fight and some are to prevent restealthing to finish a stealther off. all working as they should.

    > >

    > > Sorry, I should've clarified. Those skills are working as intended. They just can't be called "counter play" to stealth when many professions don't have the ability to reveal a stealth-er already in stealth.

    > >

    > > ~ Kovu


    > weakness also cannot be applied while the target is evading , it does not prevent evading but still is a counter to it. reveal as an effect once applied is a counter to stealth, the abilities appying reveal tho might not turn you into a hard counter to a stealther. thats like the minstrel guards trying to get my deadeye out of their keep with an anti stealth trap, as if that reveal would kill me if there is noone around to deal damage.


    Yeah. Okay. So allow _everyone_ to have a legitimate _reactive_ counter to stealthers since _everyone_ has to deal with it.

    You're tip-toeing around the point I'm trying to make. Or I'm awful at explaining things, one of the two.

    (If revealed were as prevalent and easy to apply as weakness is in this game we wouldn't be having this conversation.)


    ~ Kovu

  4. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > nope some skills are to get some one out of stealth to initiate a fight and some are to prevent restealthing to finish a stealther off. all working as they should.


    Sorry, I should've clarified. Those skills are working as intended. They just can't be called "counter play" to stealth when many professions don't have the ability to reveal a stealth-er already in stealth.


    ~ Kovu

  5. Rangers get shat on by most roaming mesmer builds available in today's game, but I think that's more of an issue with how overtuned mesmer is than lack of counterplay on the ranger's part. Its crazy, back in the day our kryptonite was thieves, but thief encounters these days seem significantly more balanced. Marauder's gear certainly helped with that.


    Necromancer is a different story, however. Even before HoT most specs were able to just run circles around whatever mobility the necromancer could bring to the table. If you die to a necromancer in a 1v1 scenario that's pretty much on you.


    Of course this is a roaming perspective. The table turns if you throw the two in large group scenarios.


    ~ Kovu

  6. There's also an issue where a number of the revealed skills are targeted, not radius AoE. Those don't work on targets that are _already_ stealthed, defeating the reactive playstyle those counters are supposed to represent.

    _"Oh, they've stealthed? Time to pop this utility skill that's on the bar for this reason. Oh, you mean I need to have them targeted? Well fuck."_


    ~ Kovu

  7. > @"Musty.3148" said:

    > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > > @"Musty.3148" said:

    > > > You should know what classes are your antithesis. You should know which you can kill quickly. And you should further know which will be a pretty even fight. Then pick your battles and play well, escape from ones you can't beat, attack the ones you can own, and decide on the others. It's not friggin' hard.

    > > >

    > > > And crying about a class like DE as a Scourge is just freaking ridiculous... I'm embarrassed for you as a player.

    > > >

    > >

    > > I mean, a Scourge can't "pick" to, or not to fight a thief spec if the thief has decided to fight the scourge.

    > > Tack DE range in there and, as I said, pretty much the biggest hard-counter in the game. The necro can't kill the thief, nor can they run away from it.

    > >

    > > Lack of mobility is the reason I never solo roam on a necro. Which is a real shame.

    > >

    > > ~ Kovu


    > A scourge in a tanky solo setup (which they ALL are) can get to a keep/los/get to friends. Happens daily. I agree in general, but like I said. "play well".



    Yeah okay, if they're not running grievers/vipers, are next to a tower/keep and only have one thief on them, they _might_ survive.

    I certainly won't deny that.


    ~ Kovu

  8. > @"Musty.3148" said:

    > You should know what classes are your antithesis. You should know which you can kill quickly. And you should further know which will be a pretty even fight. Then pick your battles and play well, escape from ones you can't beat, attack the ones you can own, and decide on the others. It's not friggin' hard.


    > And crying about a class like DE as a Scourge is just freaking ridiculous... I'm embarrassed for you as a player.



    I mean, a Scourge can't "pick" to, or not to fight a thief spec if the thief has decided to fight the scourge.

    Tack DE range in there and, as I said, pretty much the biggest hard-counter in the game. The necro can't kill the thief, nor can they run away from it.


    Lack of mobility is the reason I never solo roam on a necro. Which is a real shame.


    ~ Kovu

  9. > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

    > > > Did this many people really die to staff autos lmfao? People so salty towards a no damage, mediocre support spec like druid xD

    > > >

    > > > Druid offense has been nerfed, healing in CA has been nerfed, CA has had it's CD disgustingly increased again. Get over it and l2p

    > >

    > > Nobody ever died to staff auto. Not entirely sure why that particular skill got nerfed.

    > >

    > > If you want actual damage instead of just having the ability to tank a point for an increasingly short duration, roll a Soulbeast these days.

    > > Or play down in the wood league where players are actually hit by your pets.

    > >

    > > ~ Kovu


    > I believe that skill got nerfed because it contributed to their CA pool.


    Then nerf the astral force generation, not the damage.

    Not that generating astral force in time is ever going to be a problem when the mechanic is gated by a 20s cooldown.


    I don't even use a staff anymore, it only really has one decent skill on it, 2 if projectiles are really that much of an issue.


    ~ Kovu

  10. > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

    > Did this many people really die to staff autos lmfao? People so salty towards a no damage, mediocre support spec like druid xD


    > Druid offense has been nerfed, healing in CA has been nerfed, CA has had it's CD disgustingly increased again. Get over it and l2p


    Nobody ever died to staff auto. Not entirely sure why that particular skill got nerfed.


    If you want actual damage instead of just having the ability to tank a point for an increasingly short duration, roll a Soulbeast these days.

    Or play down in the wood league where players are actually hit by your pets.


    ~ Kovu

  11. > @"nativity.3057" said:

    > Would be a great addition. Currently on Fridays WvW is pretty much dead until reset occurs. With daylight saving time, reset starting at 10pm EST makes the fun short. Let's make the entire day fun!


    What was the reason for them not bumping that back a couple hours, again? I know this has been discussed before.

    I feel like 8EST/5PST would be better than what we currently have.


    ~ Kovu

  12. I don't mind that its in the game. I don't, however, feel it should be a condition in the traditional sense.

    It should act like a brief control effect, like daze, stun and knockback, **should be negated by stunbreaks**, and probably not have pulsing/spammable options. (I feel the same way about stun, daze etc.)


    Some stunbreaks also need to be a little more potent, perhaps granting ½ second of immunity to hard control or something akin -- so that players can respond to being chain CC'd, which _is_ an issue in larger fights.


    ~ Kovu

  13. Its a logistical issue. You can't expect the devs to comb through all of the maps to update the text on relevant NPCs or change areas to reflect what's happening in the active story whenever anything major _does_ happen. It'd be neat, but nobody has the time or resources for that.

    Plus, if you "update" maps, people who are playing the game for the first time might get a little confused by certain scenarios in the overworld not matching up to their own story progression. That's the unfortunate drawback of an evolving story.

    I bet the whole Scarlet thing confuses people, as well as the Festival of the Four Winds or events associated with the Queen's Jubilee -- I'm glad they did a write up on that stuff.


    ~ Kovu

  14. > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > @"Zuko.7132" said:

    > > It is literally impossible to keep a pet alive in pvp on core ranger against some specs like condi mes. the aoe spam alone will kill them in under 16 seconds without even being targeted. And then half of your traits are useless.

    > That’s fine. Pets should take normal damage like now BUT:


    > - when you dodge/evade your pet gets the same evade frames. Effect like mirage dodge is fine for them so pets don’t have to break animations or whatever.

    > - When you are affected by a cleanse your pet cleanses the same amount of conditions.



    > Again I would like fair play, not broken crap.

    > Think about it, if this is done you can use your cleanses / evades to save your pet or save yourself.


    This is a good idea.

    I also like @"Zuko.7132"'s idea of not increasing the cooldown if a pet dies, since it will often.


    ~ Kovu

  15. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > The 2 enrichments currently on the list are a wxp bonus and a reward track bonus. I dont really want to make an enrichments that adds to power creep or suddenly becomes required for all WvWers to use.


    You could add an enrichment that grants a single additional pip. The lower ranked wvw players in particular could use the boost.


    ~ Kovu

  16. > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > Making people split more is just going to encourage more people to play cheese/FotM OP builds. No thanks.


    In an ideal world all of the professions would have "meta" options for both roaming and large scale play.

    But with the exception of Mesmer (and even that's a bit of a gimmick) that is just not the case.


    I do agree that lack of balance is an issue that discourages playing on the smaller scale. Nobody wants to fight cheesy thief, mesmer, druid, _(holosmith? people seem to bitch about those)_ and warrior builds all afternoon -- which is what you're going to get.


    None of that changes the fact that we should be looking for ways to improve and encourage roaming, _beyond_ balancing the professions and toning down the elements that make those builds so cancerous to fight. That should just be a given.


    ~ Kovu

  17. > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > The dev team needs to make more maps with open area (not structures) objectives and events... This will create a need for players to break up into smaller groups to capture objectives and score points for your side...


    The oasis event did this. If you want to split up groups the maps need more short duration dynamic events that have objectives all over the map, with a reward directly tied into elements that increase a team's points. (Though not necessarily directly.) Perhaps there could be a series of stockpile/cashes on the outskirts of the map (where nobody normally travels) that are up for grabs once per hour, the more your team captures at the start of the hour the more damage their siege does to structures for the duration of that hour.


    To clarify, these would need to be once-per-[time] events so that the same 5 people couldn't simply roll around and take them all once off RI. You would _need_ people in different areas of the map to win these events.


    The problem is both fight-oriented guilds and militia pugmanders would hate this _because_ it encourages splitting up the group. Only the roamers would enjoy these events and there aren't always roamers online. Two sides of a coin.


    ~ Kovu

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