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Posts posted by Kovu.7560

  1. > @"Dralor.3701" said:

    > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

    > > > > @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

    > > > > > @"Solanopearl.5692" said:

    > > > > > Scourge is all everyone runs now and Scourge has basically ruined wvw .. groups of 50 running 23 scourges cannot be fought. Only avoided ..

    > > > >

    > > > > Not true, a couple of rangers can send that 23/50 scourge group running. Happens many times. It gets to the point you start to feel bad about killing helpless Scourge at range when they have no defense against it.

    > > >

    > > > lol what? Yeah, i am sure that group is really worried about a couple o rangers...more likely they are just laughing while farming you guys 24/7...lost the count of the number of times I saw Rangers and Thiefs killing thenselfs trying to gank someone when I casted 3# skill on F3 firebrand tome...the projectile hate on the game is way to high for ranger to actually make any diference...if you wanna play ranged, go for Ele, Necro or Rev.

    > >

    > > This. You'd need 2-3 rangers spec'd in well timed unblockable attacks to be able to outchew the passive healing scourges get from their firebrand buddies.

    > > Obviously roaming is a different story, but we're not talking about that here.

    > >

    > > ~ Kovu


    > Idk other night we had like 4-5 soulbeasts and kept killing the commander (then the zerg) whenever they tried to push.


    > Obv worse than scourge but not totally useless.


    Okay 4-5 soulbeasts could probably blow their unblockables to pick off _one_ guy. Maybe. If the other firebrands aren't paying attention and the driver's dodge key is stuck.

    Good for them.


    I'll admit it has been a pipedream of mine to get a full party of rangers together with the specific purpose of pissing off the enemy tag. Ain't nobody play ranger anymore, tho, and the last time I hopped on my not-scourge @"Chaba.5410" scolded me.


    Speaking of scourges and classes you need a whole bunch of to be noticed, _large groups_ of scourges are what the issue is. Even if you took out all of the firebrands, only a couple of scourges would still have a heck of a time trying to down anything with even remote investments into condition removal. They're not exactly known for their burst potential. The issue is, of the nine professions, they're the most potent when there are 20 of them.


    ~ Kovu

  2. > @"Felipe.1807" said:

    > > @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

    > > > @"Solanopearl.5692" said:

    > > > Scourge is all everyone runs now and Scourge has basically ruined wvw .. groups of 50 running 23 scourges cannot be fought. Only avoided ..

    > >

    > > Not true, a couple of rangers can send that 23/50 scourge group running. Happens many times. It gets to the point you start to feel bad about killing helpless Scourge at range when they have no defense against it.


    > lol what? Yeah, i am sure that group is really worried about a couple o rangers...more likely they are just laughing while farming you guys 24/7...lost the count of the number of times I saw Rangers and Thiefs killing thenselfs trying to gank someone when I casted 3# skill on F3 firebrand tome...the projectile hate on the game is way to high for ranger to actually make any diference...if you wanna play ranged, go for Ele, Necro or Rev.


    This. You'd need 2-3 rangers spec'd in well timed unblockable attacks to be able to outchew the passive healing scourges get from their firebrand buddies.

    Obviously roaming is a different story, but we're not talking about that here.


    ~ Kovu

  3. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > We're actively looking into this now. The walls appear to be set up ok on the content end. There's a setting on them to eject anyone inside their collision, which is set to "on." However, for some reason, it's become less reliable.


    Could you toggle it up so that Mesmer portals that hug the wall/gate could port people out of that situation. I know its a band aid solution, but most groups run with at least one Mesmer. Currently people stuck in walls and gates cannot take Mesmer portals despite the fact that those portals don't need line of sight or effect anywhere else in the gamemode.


    ~ Kovu

  4. > @"Arlette.9684" said:

    > > @"Zero.3871" said:

    > > OMG they finally REALLY found a new part of the game were they now can make mesmers OP. Congratz, ANET!


    > Hate to break it to you, Mesmer is already OP underwater, one of 2 or 3 classes that are, ranger being at the top obv.


    Evade thief.


    ~ Kovu

  5. Okay, simple thread.

    Every time I switch between my necromancer and my ranger I go into my settings and adjust which buttons I want to affect which skills.

    For example, on Scourge I bind F1 to my mouse wheel (which I have locked) whereas with my soulbeast I switch that to F5 for easily ducking in and out of the soulbeast's merged state. This is just one example, I find I switch around quite a few keys for comfortable use depending on the situation. As an average player playing a competitive game I need to make ease my situation as best that I can.


    That said, I've never found a comfortable button for dodging, and I'm -le gasp- still double tapping the relevant movement keys.

    The split quarter second difference between a single button press and two has gotten me killed. A lot.


    How do you guys bind your dodge key? Any buttons on the keyboard that feel comfortable, or do you bind it to your mouse? (I have a logitech gaming mouse.)


    ~ Kovu


    edit- [Theme of thread.](

    "Theme of thread.")
  6. There's no loss for someone else helping you with something. That's what sets this MMO apart from many others.

    I'd honestly be a little more irritated if I was snagging a hero point and someone else came by to just stand there and watch.


    I'm especially thankful knowing the jumping puzzle daily means almost a guaranteed portal at that jumping puzzle. I like that 2 gold, but some days I don't have more than a few minutes to play.


    ~ Kovu

  7. > @"Chaba.5410" said:

    > Ah hah. I found it. What happens in T1 stays in T1.


    It really doesn't. Everyone knows about BG and [insert blue server trying to stay in T1]'s shenanigans.


    ~ Kovu



  8. > @"coro.3176" said:

    > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > Cut back the range back to what it says on the toolbar and determine whether the attack hits at the time the attack is launched, not when it visually connects. That might make for some clunky visuals and people whining about being being shot even though they were behind a wall, or something -- but I suspect the reason projectiles travel slightly further than the toolbar suggests has something to do with the time the projectile remains in transit. (Is _out of range_ determined when the shot is fired, or when it connects?)

    > > Alternatively, cut the range back to what it says on the toolbar and give a MASSIVE boost to projectile velocity (I'm talking like +200%) on all affected projectiles. (Read: Not attack speed, projectile velocity.)

    > >

    > > That said, I feel some people are making a mountain out of a molehill. You're not (at least, consistently) being shot by rangers 2,100 range away. Unless sentries mark at 2k? if so I'll eat my words.

    > >

    > > ~ Kovu

    > >

    > > edit- Oh, and deal with the damned obstructed terrain & close range bugs. In this case my longbow is making mountains out of ~~molehills~~ anthills.




    > So, in the second clip in that video there.. what exactly is one supposed to do when a full glass ranger starts the pewpew from ~1500+ range?


    > My first instinct is to block .. except I can't rely on this any more because the attacks are unblockable and go right through. By the time I realize it's unblockable, I've taken 1-2 hits and wasted a defensive cooldown.


    > My next instinct is to run away (eg. Rocket Boots).. except that doesn't work because I'll take ~3-5 rapid fire hits in the back mid-travel and die, since the projectiles keep hitting well outside 1500 range.


    > Alternatively, I could turn and fight. I'd like to do this, but I'm being pew pewed from 1.5x my maximum weapon range and by the time I close that gap, I'll be dead.



    > Now, I grant you that this is FAR from the biggest problem in WvW, and if they never fix it, the world will not end. It's not a problem for builds with teleports + hard invulns, or stealth, or auto-proc invuln passives, etc etc, but you counter cheese with cheese, so .. It just feels pretty lame to be on the receiving end of this. WTB counterplay that isn't cheese.



    Those rangers were in advantageous locations. It actually looked like the same person, too. A full glass toon was blown up by another full glass toon at a range when the latter had its biggest base damage via 1,200+ range, various flat multipliers, was waiting to sneak attack someone and probably popped multiple utilities/elites before loosing a rapid fire.


    What you ran into is something comparable to necros hiding out in EotM to fear people off the sides of ramps. You were caught off guard. Being "caught off guard" is the reason I never roam full zerk on any non-warrior -- thieves, mesmbers, warriors and other rangers can 100->0 me faster than I could them, the first two from stealth.


    Are you not running the trait that gives you Elixir S? I can't speak to the thief scenario, but in that second ranger scenario 3 seconds of invulnerability would've put you out of range and given you time to break combat.


    _That said_, I did post in another thread about how I hate that the line between high burst builds and heavy bunker builds has grown substantially in both directions since HoT launched and how I don't personally feel its healthy for the game. Rangers are hardly the only offenders, and they're certainly not the worst.


    ~ Kovu

  9. Cut back the range back to what it says on the toolbar and determine whether the attack hits at the time the attack is launched, not when it visually connects. That might make for some clunky visuals and people whining about being being shot even though they were behind a wall, or something -- but I suspect the reason projectiles travel slightly further than the toolbar suggests has something to do with the time the projectile remains in transit. (Is _out of range_ determined when the shot is fired, or when it connects?)

    Alternatively, cut the range back to what it says on the toolbar and give a MASSIVE boost to projectile velocity (I'm talking like +200%) on all affected projectiles. (Read: Not attack speed, projectile velocity.)


    That said, I feel some people are making a mountain out of a molehill. You're not (at least, consistently) being shot by rangers 2,100 range away. Unless sentries mark at 2k? if so I'll eat my words.


    ~ Kovu


    edit- Oh, and deal with the damned obstructed terrain & close range bugs. In this case my longbow is making mountains out of ~~molehills~~ anthills.

  10. Wow this thread. Okay, so firstoff to the people who want ranged projectile attacks nerfed:

    • Fuck you. Get good.


    To those who want more accurate tooltips so they don't have to refer to a wiki article to be able gauge a general idea of how far a skill is supposed to travel:

    • Good on you, that should be information provided right within the game. It really _should_ be more clear.


    To those necros who are irritated that rangers eat you alive:

    • Yeah, and so does every other ranged spec. That's an issue with a necro's lack of mobility, not the potency of ranged attacks. All other classes have adequate tools to deal with those ranged attacks (reflects, evade abilities, stealth, teleports & mobility, passive skills that cause chill or cripple, retaliation etc). Don't bitch, your elite spec is about 40% of this gamemode.


    The range of a ranger's longbow is about the distance it takes for a sentry to mark you, plus 50~.


    ~ Kovu

  11. > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

    > > @"Demon Puppet.6873" said:

    > > > @"reddie.5861" said:

    > > > why you need to know with who or what u get linked? so u can bandwagon to next server fast?

    > > >

    > > > seriously guys its gw2 its WvW if u lose nice if u win nice.

    > > > no1 cares :D

    > >

    > > Because my guild is transfering to the new link of a different server. We wanting to play with some buddies of ours.





    Oh god its going to be great having you guys back in full force. A few of us have been doing our best to keep the awoo alive.

  12. This thread is crammed full of bitter hyperbole fueled by a video of someone firing a ranged weapon with massive height advantage.


    ~ Kovu


    Edit- Seriously. Reading back nobody even _acknowledged_ the height difference in that video. And lol @ ranger burst outdoing a deadeye. Yeah. Right.

  13. > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > soulbeast can use **other weapons** as well to be more useful).


    They really can't. Most other ranger weapons are mediocre and they're _all_ garbage in the context of frontline wvw.

    What're you going to do? Spam sword auto whilst running through an enemy zerg? Spin your offhand axe and hope to get some retaliation damage?

    Seriously, ranger weapons bring nothing to the frontline. Standing back and trying to harass enemy pick, or straggling necros is the best you can really hope for.


    If you want rangers to stop camping longbow, give them other weapons that actually. don't. suck. (In the context of large scale wvw.)


    Agreed with the rest of your post, though.


    ~ Kovu

  14. > @"Crinn.7864" said:

    > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > A big issue (read: not the only issue) with Scourge is that the _core_ profession has too many aoe's.


    > lolwat. Core necro is almost entirely single target. Staff is the only core weapon with a cleave focus, and Wells are the only serious AoE utilities. Heck it wasn't until HoT that dagger auto chain was allowed to hit more than one target.



    Yeah, those marks and wells _alone_ grant more AoE uptime potential than, at worst, 7 out of 8 of the other professions. This is without Scourge. You don't even need to factor in the other weapon set.


    ~ Kovu

  15. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > > @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

    > > I was just wondering when that was gonna happen. Thanks for the bump. :D


    > Because I believe you can't really over-communicate, I also made a forum announcement. :D


    I wish _my_ coworkers thought as you do.

    I work those days, but I do hope to be given the short list of things that were discussed after the fact.


    ~ Kovu

  16. A big issue (read: not the only issue) with Scourge is that the _core_ profession has too many aoe's.

    I mostly play Ranger and Necromancer and its really night and day which one can shit all over the field and which one has to pick their targets. I actually switched from Ranger main to Necromancer main when PoF came out.


    Necromancer has 4 AoE attacks on staff, 1-2 on most other weapons, potentially a full bar of AoE utilities, all AoE elites, AoE F1-F5 and traits with AoE effects that activate on F1, F5 & Scourge utilities. There's just too much potential damage in an area this one profession can put out. Heck, the _core_ profession has more than most others.


    You can't tell everyone to separate to fight, not in a gamemode where the objective is to hold a point, (which is about the size of a sand shade, wells and staff marks,) that would be silly.


    IMO, this profession needs less AoEs and more heavier ranged single target attacks.


    ~ Kovu

  17. > @"Turk.5460" said:

    > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > That however, doesn't change the reality that the LB Ranger is one of the least represented professions in WvW.


    > That's like saying Thieves are one of the least represented professions in WvW. Sure, they're not in the zerg, but they're everywhere in Roaming, right up there with Thieves and Mesmers. And almost all of them use Longbow...


    In Ranger's defense, longbow is well above all other ranger weapons, the only other two remotely sorta semi-viable options for open world wvw being sword and greatsword. (And staff, I guess, maybe.) Pvp is a _little_ different because there's more point camping happening.

    A nerf to Longbow is effectively a straight nerf to Ranger, unlike a couple other professions you mentioned that have a lot of good diversity in their weapon options.


    Seriously, has anyone in this thread run into a Soulbeast with a dagger?

    No? There's a fucking reason for that.


    Anywho, the extra range only seems to factor in whilst the opponent is moving away during the time it takes for a projectile to fly through the air. If they're standing still the range does seem pretty close to 1,500. I've plucked away at people further than 1,500 -- but outside of height advantage it doesn't seem to come up all of that option. I get the obstructed bug, and the out-of-range-even-though-I'm-right-next-to-you bug far more often.


    ~ Kovu


    edit- Also, you guys seem to forget that strafing backwards whilst shooting has much slower movement than simply walking forward to close the gap. Even without gap closers you're going to move closer to them quicker than they can move away -- unless they're running away in which case they're not shooting you. Unlike the OP's profession which can leave out a bunch of garbage behind themselves whilst they run away.

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